21 research outputs found

    Two Classes of Topological Indices of Phenylene Molecule Graphs

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    A phenylene is a conjugated hydrocarbons molecule composed of six- and four-membered rings. The matching energy of a graph G is equal to the sum of the absolute values of the zeros of the matching polynomial of G, while the Hosoya index is defined as the total number of the independent edge sets of G. In this paper, we determine the extremal graph with respect to the matching energy and Hosoya index for all phenylene chains

    Lower matching conjecture, and a new proof of Schrijver's and Gurvits's theorems

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    Friedland's Lower Matching Conjecture asserts that if GG is a dd--regular bipartite graph on v(G)=2nv(G)=2n vertices, and mk(G)m_k(G) denotes the number of matchings of size kk, then mk(G)(nk)2(dpd)n(dp)(dp)np,m_k(G)\geq {n \choose k}^2\left(\frac{d-p}{d}\right)^{n(d-p)}(dp)^{np}, where p=knp=\frac{k}{n}. When p=1p=1, this conjecture reduces to a theorem of Schrijver which says that a dd--regular bipartite graph on v(G)=2nv(G)=2n vertices has at least ((d1)d1dd2)n\left(\frac{(d-1)^{d-1}}{d^{d-2}}\right)^n perfect matchings. L. Gurvits proved an asymptotic version of the Lower Matching Conjecture, namely he proved that lnmk(G)v(G)12(pln(dp)+(dp)ln(1pd)2(1p)ln(1p))+ov(G)(1).\frac{\ln m_k(G)}{v(G)}\geq \frac{1}{2}\left(p\ln \left(\frac{d}{p}\right)+(d-p)\ln \left(1-\frac{p}{d}\right)-2(1-p)\ln (1-p)\right)+o_{v(G)}(1). In this paper, we prove the Lower Matching Conjecture. In fact, we will prove a slightly stronger statement which gives an extra cpnc_p\sqrt{n} factor compared to the conjecture if pp is separated away from 00 and 11, and is tight up to a constant factor if pp is separated away from 11. We will also give a new proof of Gurvits's and Schrijver's theorems, and we extend these theorems to (a,b)(a,b)--biregular bipartite graphs


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