333 research outputs found

    Studies on noise robust automatic speech recognition

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    Noise in everyday acoustic environments such as cars, traffic environments, and cafeterias remains one of the main challenges in automatic speech recognition (ASR). As a research theme, it has received wide attention in conferences and scientific journals focused on speech technology. This article collection reviews both the classic and novel approaches suggested for noise robust ASR. The articles are literature reviews written for the spring 2009 seminar course on noise robust automatic speech recognition (course code T-61.6060) held at TKK

    Speech Recognition

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    Chapters in the first part of the book cover all the essential speech processing techniques for building robust, automatic speech recognition systems: the representation for speech signals and the methods for speech-features extraction, acoustic and language modeling, efficient algorithms for searching the hypothesis space, and multimodal approaches to speech recognition. The last part of the book is devoted to other speech processing applications that can use the information from automatic speech recognition for speaker identification and tracking, for prosody modeling in emotion-detection systems and in other speech processing applications that are able to operate in real-world environments, like mobile communication services and smart homes

    Bio-motivated features and deep learning for robust speech recognition

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorIn spite of the enormous leap forward that the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) technologies has experienced over the last five years their performance under hard environmental condition is still far from that of humans preventing their adoption in several real applications. In this thesis the challenge of robustness of modern automatic speech recognition systems is addressed following two main research lines. The first one focuses on modeling the human auditory system to improve the robustness of the feature extraction stage yielding to novel auditory motivated features. Two main contributions are produced. On the one hand, a model of the masking behaviour of the Human Auditory System (HAS) is introduced, based on the non-linear filtering of a speech spectro-temporal representation applied simultaneously to both frequency and time domains. This filtering is accomplished by using image processing techniques, in particular mathematical morphology operations with an specifically designed Structuring Element (SE) that closely resembles the masking phenomena that take place in the cochlea. On the other hand, the temporal patterns of auditory-nerve firings are modeled. Most conventional acoustic features are based on short-time energy per frequency band discarding the information contained in the temporal patterns. Our contribution is the design of several types of feature extraction schemes based on the synchrony effect of auditory-nerve activity, showing that the modeling of this effect can indeed improve speech recognition accuracy in the presence of additive noise. Both models are further integrated into the well known Power Normalized Cepstral Coefficients (PNCC). The second research line addresses the problem of robustness in noisy environments by means of the use of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs)-based acoustic modeling and, in particular, of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) architectures. A deep residual network scheme is proposed and adapted for our purposes, allowing Residual Networks (ResNets), originally intended for image processing tasks, to be used in speech recognition where the network input is small in comparison with usual image dimensions. We have observed that ResNets on their own already enhance the robustness of the whole system against noisy conditions. Moreover, our experiments demonstrate that their combination with the auditory motivated features devised in this thesis provide significant improvements in recognition accuracy in comparison to other state-of-the-art CNN-based ASR systems under mismatched conditions, while maintaining the performance in matched scenarios. The proposed methods have been thoroughly tested and compared with other state-of-the-art proposals for a variety of datasets and conditions. The obtained results prove that our methods outperform other state-of-the-art approaches and reveal that they are suitable for practical applications, specially where the operating conditions are unknown.El objetivo de esta tesis se centra en proponer soluciones al problema del reconocimiento de habla robusto; por ello, se han llevado a cabo dos líneas de investigación. En la primera líınea se han propuesto esquemas de extracción de características novedosos, basados en el modelado del comportamiento del sistema auditivo humano, modelando especialmente los fenómenos de enmascaramiento y sincronía. En la segunda, se propone mejorar las tasas de reconocimiento mediante el uso de técnicas de aprendizaje profundo, en conjunto con las características propuestas. Los métodos propuestos tienen como principal objetivo, mejorar la precisión del sistema de reconocimiento cuando las condiciones de operación no son conocidas, aunque el caso contrario también ha sido abordado. En concreto, nuestras principales propuestas son los siguientes: Simular el sistema auditivo humano con el objetivo de mejorar la tasa de reconocimiento en condiciones difíciles, principalmente en situaciones de alto ruido, proponiendo esquemas de extracción de características novedosos. Siguiendo esta dirección, nuestras principales propuestas se detallan a continuación: • Modelar el comportamiento de enmascaramiento del sistema auditivo humano, usando técnicas del procesado de imagen sobre el espectro, en concreto, llevando a cabo el diseño de un filtro morfológico que captura este efecto. • Modelar el efecto de la sincroní que tiene lugar en el nervio auditivo. • La integración de ambos modelos en los conocidos Power Normalized Cepstral Coefficients (PNCC). La aplicación de técnicas de aprendizaje profundo con el objetivo de hacer el sistema más robusto frente al ruido, en particular con el uso de redes neuronales convolucionales profundas, como pueden ser las redes residuales. Por último, la aplicación de las características propuestas en combinación con las redes neuronales profundas, con el objetivo principal de obtener mejoras significativas, cuando las condiciones de entrenamiento y test no coinciden.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Multimedia y ComunicacionesPresidente: Javier Ferreiros López.- Secretario: Fernando Díaz de María.- Vocal: Rubén Solera Ureñ

    Multi-candidate missing data imputation for robust speech recognition

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    The application of Missing Data Techniques (MDT) to increase the noise robustness of HMM/GMM-based large vocabulary speech recognizers is hampered by a large computational burden. The likelihood evaluations imply solving many constrained least squares (CLSQ) optimization problems. As an alternative, researchers have proposed frontend MDT or have made oversimplifying independence assumptions for the backend acoustic model. In this article, we propose a fast Multi-Candidate (MC) approach that solves the per-Gaussian CLSQ problems approximately by selecting the best from a small set of candidate solutions, which are generated as the MDT solutions on a reduced set of cluster Gaussians. Experiments show that the MC MDT runs equally fast as the uncompensated recognizer while achieving the accuracy of the full backend optimization approach. The experiments also show that exploiting the more accurate acoustic model of the backend does pay off in terms of accuracy when compared to frontend MDT. © 2012 Wang and Van hamme; licensee Springer.Wang Y., Van hamme H., ''Multi-candidate missing data imputation for robust speech recognition'', EURASIP journal on audio, speech, and music processing, vol. 17, 20 pp., 2012.status: publishe

    Automatic speech recognition: from study to practice

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    Today, automatic speech recognition (ASR) is widely used for different purposes such as robotics, multimedia, medical and industrial application. Although many researches have been performed in this field in the past decades, there is still a lot of room to work. In order to start working in this area, complete knowledge of ASR systems as well as their weak points and problems is inevitable. Besides that, practical experience improves the theoretical knowledge understanding in a reliable way. Regarding to these facts, in this master thesis, we have first reviewed the principal structure of the standard HMM-based ASR systems from technical point of view. This includes, feature extraction, acoustic modeling, language modeling and decoding. Then, the most significant challenging points in ASR systems is discussed. These challenging points address different internal components characteristics or external agents which affect the ASR systems performance. Furthermore, we have implemented a Spanish language recognizer using HTK toolkit. Finally, two open research lines according to the studies of different sources in the field of ASR has been suggested for future work

    Objective Assessment of Machine Learning Algorithms for Speech Enhancement in Hearing Aids

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    Speech enhancement in assistive hearing devices has been an area of research for many decades. Noise reduction is particularly challenging because of the wide variety of noise sources and the non-stationarity of speech and noise. Digital signal processing (DSP) algorithms deployed in modern hearing aids for noise reduction rely on certain assumptions on the statistical properties of undesired signals. This could be disadvantageous in accurate estimation of different noise types, which subsequently leads to suboptimal noise reduction. In this research, a relatively unexplored technique based on deep learning, i.e. Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), is used to perform noise reduction and dereverberation for assisting hearing-impaired listeners. For noise reduction, the performance of the deep learning model was evaluated objectively and compared with that of open Master Hearing Aid (openMHA), a conventional signal processing based framework, and a Deep Neural Network (DNN) based model. It was found that the RNN model can suppress noise and improve speech understanding better than the conventional hearing aid noise reduction algorithm and the DNN model. The same RNN model was shown to reduce reverberation components with proper training. A real-time implementation of the deep learning model is also discussed

    Speech Enhancement Exploiting the Source-Filter Model

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    Imagining everyday life without mobile telephony is nowadays hardly possible. Calls are being made in every thinkable situation and environment. Hence, the microphone will not only pick up the user’s speech but also sound from the surroundings which is likely to impede the understanding of the conversational partner. Modern speech enhancement systems are able to mitigate such effects and most users are not even aware of their existence. In this thesis the development of a modern single-channel speech enhancement approach is presented, which uses the divide and conquer principle to combat environmental noise in microphone signals. Though initially motivated by mobile telephony applications, this approach can be applied whenever speech is to be retrieved from a corrupted signal. The approach uses the so-called source-filter model to divide the problem into two subproblems which are then subsequently conquered by enhancing the source (the excitation signal) and the filter (the spectral envelope) separately. Both enhanced signals are then used to denoise the corrupted signal. The estimation of spectral envelopes has quite some history and some approaches already exist for speech enhancement. However, they typically neglect the excitation signal which leads to the inability of enhancing the fine structure properly. Both individual enhancement approaches exploit benefits of the cepstral domain which offers, e.g., advantageous mathematical properties and straightforward synthesis of excitation-like signals. We investigate traditional model-based schemes like Gaussian mixture models (GMMs), classical signal processing-based, as well as modern deep neural network (DNN)-based approaches in this thesis. The enhanced signals are not used directly to enhance the corrupted signal (e.g., to synthesize a clean speech signal) but as so-called a priori signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) estimate in a traditional statistical speech enhancement system. Such a traditional system consists of a noise power estimator, an a priori SNR estimator, and a spectral weighting rule that is usually driven by the results of the aforementioned estimators and subsequently employed to retrieve the clean speech estimate from the noisy observation. As a result the new approach obtains significantly higher noise attenuation compared to current state-of-the-art systems while maintaining a quite comparable speech component quality and speech intelligibility. In consequence, the overall quality of the enhanced speech signal turns out to be superior as compared to state-of-the-art speech ehnahcement approaches.Mobiltelefonie ist aus dem heutigen Leben nicht mehr wegzudenken. Telefonate werden in beliebigen Situationen an beliebigen Orten geführt und dabei nimmt das Mikrofon nicht nur die Sprache des Nutzers auf, sondern auch die Umgebungsgeräusche, welche das Verständnis des Gesprächspartners stark beeinflussen können. Moderne Systeme können durch Sprachverbesserungsalgorithmen solchen Effekten entgegenwirken, dabei ist vielen Nutzern nicht einmal bewusst, dass diese Algorithmen existieren. In dieser Arbeit wird die Entwicklung eines einkanaligen Sprachverbesserungssystems vorgestellt. Der Ansatz setzt auf das Teile-und-herrsche-Verfahren, um störende Umgebungsgeräusche aus Mikrofonsignalen herauszufiltern. Dieses Verfahren kann für sämtliche Fälle angewendet werden, in denen Sprache aus verrauschten Signalen extrahiert werden soll. Der Ansatz nutzt das Quelle-Filter-Modell, um das ursprüngliche Problem in zwei Unterprobleme aufzuteilen, die anschließend gelöst werden, indem die Quelle (das Anregungssignal) und das Filter (die spektrale Einhüllende) separat verbessert werden. Die verbesserten Signale werden gemeinsam genutzt, um das gestörte Mikrofonsignal zu entrauschen. Die Schätzung von spektralen Einhüllenden wurde bereits in der Vergangenheit erforscht und zum Teil auch für die Sprachverbesserung angewandt. Typischerweise wird dabei jedoch das Anregungssignal vernachlässigt, so dass die spektrale Feinstruktur des Mikrofonsignals nicht verbessert werden kann. Beide Ansätze nutzen jeweils die Eigenschaften der cepstralen Domäne, die unter anderem vorteilhafte mathematische Eigenschaften mit sich bringen, sowie die Möglichkeit, Prototypen eines Anregungssignals zu erzeugen. Wir untersuchen modellbasierte Ansätze, wie z.B. Gaußsche Mischmodelle, klassische signalverarbeitungsbasierte Lösungen und auch moderne tiefe neuronale Netzwerke in dieser Arbeit. Die so verbesserten Signale werden nicht direkt zur Sprachsignalverbesserung genutzt (z.B. Sprachsynthese), sondern als sogenannter A-priori-Signal-zu-Rauschleistungs-Schätzwert in einem traditionellen statistischen Sprachverbesserungssystem. Dieses besteht aus einem Störleistungs-Schätzer, einem A-priori-Signal-zu-Rauschleistungs-Schätzer und einer spektralen Gewichtungsregel, die üblicherweise mit Hilfe der Ergebnisse der beiden Schätzer berechnet wird. Schließlich wird eine Schätzung des sauberen Sprachsignals aus der Mikrofonaufnahme gewonnen. Der neue Ansatz bietet eine signifikant höhere Dämpfung des Störgeräuschs als der bisherige Stand der Technik. Dabei wird eine vergleichbare Qualität der Sprachkomponente und der Sprachverständlichkeit gewährleistet. Somit konnte die Gesamtqualität des verbesserten Sprachsignals gegenüber dem Stand der Technik erhöht werden