3,612 research outputs found

    Micro-simulation as a tool to assess policy concerning non-point source pollution: the case of ammonia in Dutch agriculture

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    Non-point source pollution is notoriously difficult to asses. A relevant example is ammonia emissions in the Netherlands. Since the mid 1980s the Dutch government has sought to reduce emissions through a wide variety of measures, the effect of which in turn is monitored using modeling techniques. This paper presents the current generation of mineral emission models from agriculture based on micro-simulation of farms in combination with a spatial equilibrium model for the dispersion of manure from excess regions with high livestock intensities within the country to areas with low livestock intensitie

    Review of life-cycle assessments of livestock production: Perspectives for application to environmental impact assessment in developing countries

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    This review draws on Life-Cycle Assessments (LCA) of livestock value chains. The current state of livestock LCAs is summarized, with an emphasis on limitations and lessons for a developing country context. Of the 149 LCAs reviewed, 19 incorporated developing countries. Key messages are: LCAs can be conducted for livestock value chains in developing countries; and, lessons can be learnt to improve the rigor of alternative methodologies including modeling, indicator specification, allocation of impact and incorporating sensitivity analysis. Further, results from existing LCAs provide a point of reference for future LCAs and sustainability assessments in developing countries

    Integrated Assessment of Nitrogen Resource Management in Songyuan,China

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    Due to the extensive use of nitrogen fertilizer in China, excess nitrogen has been discharged into groundwater, rivers, and the air, contributing to environmental problems such as eutrophication and the generation of greenhouse gases. In this research, an inter-industry analysis method and linear programming were used to design and assess integrated nitrogen resource management policies for Songyuan city, China. An inter-industry model was constructed using nitrogen mass balance. Based on our simulation results, we suggest optimal policies of integrated nitrogen resource management to support sustainable economic development in Songyuan city. We propose to increase organic fertilizer use instead of chemical fertilizer application within 4% along with installing a maximum of 16 units of biomass methane fermentation/power generation technologies in the city. These comprehensive policies would reduce nitrogen discharges by 513 thousand tons and create a net social benefit of 1,453 million yuan, accounting for about 1.5% of the region’s gross regional product for 2010. The Chinese government should focus on efficient use of nitrogen resources in its agriculture and livestock industries by reducing chemical fertilizer application and increasing organic fertilizer

    Review of existing information on the interrelations between soil and climate change. (ClimSoil). Final report

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    Carbon stock in EU soils – The soil carbon stocks in the EU27 are around 75 billion tonnes of carbon (C); of this stock around 50% is located in Sweden, Finland and the United Kingdom (because of the vast area of peatlands in these countries) and approximately 20% is in peatlands, mainly in countries in the northern part of Europe. The rest is in mineral soils, again the higher amount being in northern Europe. 2. Soils sink or source for CO2 in the EU – Both uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2) through photosynthesis and plant growth and loss of CO2 through decomposition of organic matter from terrestrial ecosystems are significant fluxes in Europe. Yet, the net terrestrial carbon fluxes are typically 5-10 times smaller relative to the emissions from use of fossil fuel of 4000 Mt CO2 per year. 3. Peat and organic soils - The largest emissions of CO2 from soils are resulting from land use change and especially drainage of organic soils and amount to 20-40 tonnes of CO2 per hectare per year. The most effective option to manage soil carbon in order to mitigate climate change is to preserve existing stocks in soils, and especially the large stocks in peat and other soils with a high content of organic matter. 4. Land use and soil carbon – Land use and land use change significantly affects soil carbon stocks. On average, soils in Europe are most likely to be accumulating carbon on a net basis with a sink for carbon in soils under grassland and forest (from 0 - 100 billion tonnes of carbon per year) and a smaller source for carbon from soils under arable land (from 10 - 40 billion tonnes of carbon per year). Soil carbon losses occur when grasslands, managed forest lands or native ecosystems are converted to croplands and vice versa carbon stocks increase, albeit it slower, following conversion of cropland. 5. Soil management and soil carbon – Soil management has a large impact on soil carbon. Measures directed towards effective management of soil carbon are available and identified, and many of these are feasible and relatively inexpensive to implement. Management for lower nitrogen (N) emissions and lower C emissions is a useful approach to prevent trade off and swapping of emissions between the greenhouse gases CO2, methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). 6. Carbon sequestration – Even though effective in reducing or slowing the build up of CO2 in the atmosphere, soil carbon sequestration is surely no ‘golden bullet’ alone to fight climate change due to the limited magnitude of its effect and its potential reversibility; it could, nevertheless, play an important role in climate mitigation alongside other measures, especially because of its immediate availability and relative low cost for 'buying' us time. 7. Effects of climate change on soil carbon pools – Climate change is expected to have an impact on soil carbon in the longer term, but far less an impact than does land use change, land use and land management. We have not found strong and clear evidence for either overall and combined positive of negative impact of climate change (atmospheric CO2, temperature, precipitation) on soil carbon stocks. Due to the relatively large gross exchange of CO2 between atmosphere and soils and the significant stocks of carbon in soils, relatively small changes in these large and opposing fluxes of CO2, i.e. as result of land use (change), land management and climate change, may have significant impact on our climate and on soil quality. 8. Monitoring systems for changes in soil carbon – Currently, monitoring and knowledge on land use and land use change in EU27 is inadequate for accurate calculation of changes in soil carbon contents. Systematic and harmonized monitoring across EU27 and across relevant land uses would allow for adequate representation of changes in soil carbon in reporting emissions from soils and sequestration in soils to the UNFCCC. 9. EU policies and soil carbon – Environmental requirements under the Cross Compliance requirement of CAP is an instrument that may be used to maintain SOC. Neither measures under UNFCCC nor those mentioned in the proposed Soil Framework Directive are expected to adversely impact soil C. EU policy on renewable energy is not necessarily a guarantee for appropriate (soil) carbon management


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    Environmental Impacts of agricultural activities have to be assessed in order to address cultural practices and the type of farming that are best suited to avoid the trade-off between the Ecology and the Economy. Furthermore, this study, comparing the environmental impacts with the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of Organic and Conventional olive oil production, is proposing to consider the relationship between the Energy Efficiency and the environmental impacts, notably the Climate Change (Global Warming contribution through Greenhouse Gas emission). The LCA is used to take into account the impacts of the production system from the Cradle (input production) to the Farm gate (final farm product) and considers 7 environmental impacts potential categories: Global Warming, Acidification, Eutrophication, Biodiversity, Erosion, Resource depletion, Ground water depletion. The study also assesses the Energy efficiency of both systems. The results show a clear difference between organic and conventional production, namely a two-fold improvement of the energy efficiency in the organic production. Even if the differences are reduced when the results are calculated on the yield rather than the area, the organic methods have a far smaller contribution to Global warming, Eutrophication, Biodiversity loss, Soil loss, Groundwater depletion and Energy use whereas, the Acidification potential is comparable in both cases. The study recommends encouraging some of the cultural practices that are used in the organic farming methods in order to reduce the burden of agriculture on the local and global ecology as well as the natural resources

    The Economics of Desertification, Land Degradation, and Drought; Toward an Integrated Global Assessment

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    Land degradation has not been comprehensively addressed at the global level or in developing countries. A suitable economic framework that could guide investments and institutional action is lacking. This study aims to overcome this deficiency and to provide a framework for a global assessment based on a consideration of the costs of action versus inaction regarding desertification, land degradation, and drought (DLDD). Most of the studies on the costs of land degradation (mainly limited to soil erosion) give cost estimates of less than 1 percent up to about 10 percent of the agricultural gross domestic product (GDP) for various countries worldwide. But the indirect costs of DLDD on the economy (national income), as well as their socioeconomic consequences (particularly poverty impacts), must be accounted for, too. Despite the numerous challenges, a global assessment of the costs of action and inaction against DLDD is possible, urgent, and necessary. This study provides a framework for such a global assessment and provides insights from some related country studies.Agricultural Finance, Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Prediction of nitrogen and phosphorus leaching to groundwater and surface waters; process descriptions of the animo4.0 model

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    The fertilization reduction policy intended to pursue environmental objects and regional water management strategies to meet Water Framework Directive objectives justify a thorough evaluation of the effectiveness of measures and reconnaissance of adverse impacts. The model aims at the evaluation and prediction of nutrient leaching to groundwater and surface water systems under the influence of fertilization, land use and land management, water management and soil properties. Since the release of animo version 3.5 some new model formulations have been implemented regarding the influence of soil moisture content on mineralization and denitrification. Also the input of daily nutrient uptake rates as simulation results of external crop models is facilitated. A concise description is presented of the process descriptions as have been implemented in version 4.0 of the animo mode