393 research outputs found

    Intelligent tutoring in virtual reality for highly dynamic pedestrian safety training

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    This thesis presents the design, implementation, and evaluation of an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) with a Virtual Reality (VR) interface for child pedestrian safety training. This system enables children to train practical skills in a safe and realistic virtual environment without the time and space dependencies of traditional roadside training. This system also employs Domain and Student Modelling techniques to analyze user data during training automatically and to provide appropriate instructions and feedback. Thus, the traditional requirement of constant monitoring from teaching personnel is greatly reduced. Compared to previous work, especially the second aspect is a principal novelty for this domain. To achieve this, a novel Domain and Student Modeling method was developed in addition to a modular and extensible virtual environment for the target domain. While the Domain and Student Modeling framework is designed to handle the highly dynamic nature of training in traffic and the ill-defined characteristics of pedestrian tasks, the modular virtual environment supports different interaction methods and a simple and efficient way to create and adapt exercises. The thesis is complemented by two user studies with elementary school children. These studies testify great overall user acceptance and the system’s potential for improving key pedestrian skills through autonomous learning. Last but not least, the thesis presents experiments with different forms of VR input and provides directions for future work.Diese Arbeit behandelt den Entwurf, die Implementierung sowie die Evaluierung eines intelligenten Tutorensystems (ITS) mit einer Virtual Reality (VR) basierten Benutzeroberfläche zum Zwecke von Verkehrssicherheitstraining für Kinder. Dieses System ermöglicht es Kindern praktische Fähigkeiten in einer sicheren und realistischen Umgebung zu trainieren, ohne den örtlichen und zeitlichen Abhängigkeiten des traditionellen, straßenseitigen Trainings unterworfen zu sein. Dieses System macht außerdem von Domain und Student Modelling Techniken gebrauch, um Nutzerdaten während des Trainings zu analysieren und daraufhin automatisiert geeignete Instruktionen und Rückmeldung zu generieren. Dadurch kann die bisher erforderliche, ständige Überwachung durch Lehrpersonal drastisch reduziert werden. Verglichen mit bisherigen Lösungen ist insbesondere der zweite Aspekt eine grundlegende Neuheit für diesen Bereich. Um dies zu erreichen wurde ein neuartiges Framework für Domain und Student Modelling entwickelt, sowie eine modulare und erweiterbare virtuelle Umgebung für diese Art von Training. Während das Domain und Student Modelling Framework so entworfen wurde, um mit der hohen Dynamik des Straßenverkehrs sowie den vage definierten Fußgängeraufgaben zurecht zu kommen, unterstützt die modulare Umgebung unterschiedliche Eingabeformen sowie eine unkomplizierte und effiziente Methode, um Übungen zu erstellen und anzupassen. Die Arbeit beinhaltet außerdem zwei Nutzerstudien mit Grundschulkindern. Diese Studien belegen dem System eine hohe Benutzerakzeptanz und stellt das Potenzial des Systems heraus, wichtige Fähigkeiten für Fußgängersicherheit durch autodidaktisches Training zu verbessern. Nicht zuletzt beschreibt die Arbeit Experimente mit verschiedenen Formen von VR Eingaben und zeigt die Richtung für zukünftige Arbeit auf

    A Testing and Experimenting Environment for Microscopic Traffic Simulation Utilizing Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

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    Microscopic traffic simulation (MTS) is the emulation of real-world traffic movements in a virtual environment with various traffic entities. Typically, the movements of the vehicles in MTS follow some predefined algorithms, e.g., car-following models, lane changing models, etc. Moreover, existing MTS models only provide a limited capability of two- and/or three-dimensional displays that often restrict the user’s viewpoint to a flat screen. Their downscaled scenes neither provide a realistic representation of the environment nor allow different users to simultaneously experience or interact with the simulation model from different perspectives. These limitations neither allow the traffic engineers to effectively disseminate their ideas to various stakeholders of different backgrounds nor allow the analysts to have realistic data about the vehicle or pedestrian movements. This dissertation intends to alleviate those issues by creating a framework and a prototype for a testing environment where MTS can have inputs from user-controlled vehicles and pedestrians to improve their traffic entity movement algorithms as well as have an immersive M3 (multi-mode, multi-perspective, multi-user) visualization of the simulation using Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies. VR environments are created using highly realistic 3D models and environments. With modern game engines and hardware available on the market, these VR applications can provide a highly realistic and immersive experience for a user. Different experiments performed by real users in this study prove that utilizing VR technology for different traffic related experiments generated much more favorable results than the traditional displays. Moreover, using AR technologies for pedestrian studies is a novel approach that allows a user to walk in the real world and the simulation world at a one-to-one scale. This capability opens a whole new avenue of user experiment possibilities. On top of that, the in-environment communication chat system will allow researchers to perform different Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) studies without ever needing to leave the simulation environment. Last but not least, the distributed nature of the framework enables users to participate from different geographic locations with their choice of display device (desktop, smartphone, VR, or AR). The prototype developed for this dissertation is readily available on a test webpage, and a user can easily download the prototype application without needing to install anything. The user also can run the remote MTS server and then connect their client application to the server

    An Adaptive Game-Based Learning Strategy for Children Road Safety Education and Practice in Virtual Space

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    Virtual reality (VR) has been widely used as a tool to assist people by letting them learn and simulate situations that are too dangerous and risky to practice in real life, and one of these is road safety training for children. Traditional video- and presentation-based road safety training has average output results as it lacks physical practice and the involvement of children during training, without any practical testing examination to check the learned abilities of a child before their exposure to real-world environments. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a 3D realistic open-ended VR and Kinect sensor-based training setup using the Unity game engine, wherein children are educated and involved in road safety exercises. The proposed system applies the concepts of VR in a game-like setting to let the children learn about traffic rules and practice them in their homes without any risk of being exposed to the outside environment. Thus, with our interactive and immersive training environment, we aim to minimize road accidents involving children and contribute to the generic domain of healthcare. Furthermore, the proposed framework evaluates the overall performance of the students in a virtual environment (VE) to develop their road-awareness skills. To ensure safety, the proposed system has an extra examination layer for children’s abilities evaluation, whereby a child is considered fit for real-world practice in cases where they fulfil certain criteria by achieving set scores. To show the robustness and stability of the proposed system, we conduct four types of subjective activities by involving a group of ten students with average grades in their classes. The experimental results show the positive effect of the proposed system in improving the road crossing behavior of the children

    Exploring a Semi-Virtual Reality System Impacting Learning Curves of College Students

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    Virtual reality (VR) is a trending technology used in a broad range of fields including education and has become one of the most promising directions for educators. In this research, the investigation focuses on how the semi-immersive VR application can be used for educational purposes by exploring the VR factors and the interactions between these factors. A theoretical learning framework is also proposed to offer an explanation for the beneficial effects of education brought by VR at a high level. This research consists of three parts. First, this research will introduce the development of Walk-in-Place Learning System (WIPLS), a semi-immersive VR system that is highly customizable and can be modified into different sub-VR systems that enable the tuning of various VR factors. Second, it will present the survey instrument obtained from previous literature related to educational VR systems. Two individual pilot studies will be conducted: 1) to verify the performance of the WIPLS, and 2) to validate the internal consistency of the survey instrument. Third, an empirical study will be conducted on a sample population to answer the research question, and to analyze the statistical results to validate the research model. Based on these statistical results, this research will propose conclusions and insights in how VR factors, as well as interactions, are affecting the learning outcome in an educational VR system, and provide guidance and suggestions for VR practitioners to design the development of VR systems

    Human Factors:Sustainable life and mobility

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    Human Factors:Sustainable life and mobility

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