6 research outputs found

    Influence of in-store and out-of-store creative advertising strategies on consumer attitude and purchase intention

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    Purpose: With regard to the fact that people usually try to avoid repetitive and boring advertisements, creativity as the heart of advertising effectiveness has a significant role in drawing their attention. On this basis, the present study attempts to evaluate the influence of creative advertising strategies by comparing “in-store” and “out-of-store” creative advertisements. Design/methodology: This research has been conducted in Tehran (capital of Iran) and 588 volunteers randomly participated in the survey so as to examine the consumers’ attitude/behaviour towards the advertised brand, advertised product, and purchases intention exposing creative in-store and out-of-store advertisements. In the current study, creative “endof- aisle display stands” in grocery stores/supermarkets represent in-store advertising media, and creative “TV commercials” represent out-of-store advertising. Furthermore to examine the hypotheses, one-sample t-test and paired sample t-test were used. Findings: The results show that creative out-of-store advertising has influence primarily on attitude towards the advertised brand, then on attitude towards the advertised product, and finally on the purchases intention. On the other hand, creative in-store advertising, firstly has influence on the purchase intention, then on attitude towards the advertised brand, and lastly on attitude towards the advertised product. The findings provide important insights to the formulation of strategic marketing/advertising and would pave the related innovative ways to capitalize on strategic opportunities. Originality/value: The study is the first survey comparing the effectiveness of in-store and out-of-store creative advertising in order to find out a strategic marketing/advertising solution.Peer Reviewe

    Toward a contagion-based model of mobile banking adoption

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to address the following question: Can a bank capitalize on its well-established self-service technologies (SSTs) in order to entice customers to adopt a newly introduced SST, namely, mobile banking More specifically, it proposes an integrative model that simultaneously investigates the transference effects of attitudes, trust and the contagious influences of social pressures on mobile banking adoption intentions. Design/methodology/approach: Structural equation modeling is applied to data collected from banks' clients who are actually non-users of mobile banking. Findings: The results indicate that attitude toward and trust in mobile banking along with coercive, normative and mimetic pressures are key antecedents to mobile banking adoption intentions. In addition, attitudes toward automated teller machines (ATMs) and online banking significantly predict attitude toward mobile banking. The results also support the effects of trust in ATMs as well as trust in online banking on trust in mobile banking. Moreover, predicted differences in the relative effects of attitude and trust are supported. Particularly, attitude toward online banking has a stronger impact on attitude toward mobile banking compared to the impact of attitude toward ATMs. In the same vein, the effect of trust in online banking on mobile banking is significantly stronger than the effect of trust in ATMs. Practical implications: The study's results hint at some practical and worthwhile guidelines for banks that can be leveraged in communication campaigns aiming at boosting the adoption rates of mobile banking. Banks can take advantage of the transference effects of the established attitudes toward and trusting beliefs in their mature SSTs as well as the contagious social influences in inducing the adoption of a newly introduced SST. Originality/value: The present study represents a first step toward generating new insights into the role of the joint effects of attitudes, trust and social influences in the adoption of a new SST


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    Advertising in marketing Islamic products must be believed and understood as an important part of marketing based on Islam which should not be separated. This paper examines the principles and criteria of advertising from the perspective of Islam. It is caused by the increase of companies and institutions which are based on Islamic values such as Islamic financial institutions that promote its products the consumers. The important issues discussed in this paper is how the reality of concepts, principles, and criteria of Islamic advertising? Therefore this paper is developing an advertising concept from the perspective of Islam and to know for sure whether the principles and criteria that should exist in advertising Islam. The methodology applied in this paper is through a literature review by using content analysis. Hopefully, this study could develop an Islamic perspective advertisement concept in terms of principles and criteria. ======================================================================================================== Periklanan dalam memasarkan produk-produk Islam harus diyakini dan di pahami merupakan bahagian penting dalam pemasaran yang berdasarkan Islam yang tidak boleh dipisahkan. Tulisan ini mengkaji prinsip-prinsip dan kriteria periklanan dalam perspektif Islam. Hal ini disebabkan semakin ramai dan tingginya pertumbuhan perusahaan dan institusi yang berlandaskan nilai-nilai Islam seperti institusi keuangan Islam yang mempromosikan produk dan perkhidmatannya kepada orang ramai. Persoalan penting yang dibahas dalam kertas kerja ini adalah bagaimanakah bentuk konsep, prinsip dan kriteria periklanan Islam yang sebenarnya? Oleh karena itu tujuan kertas kerja ini adalah untuk membangun satu konsep periklanan dari perspektif Islam dan untuk mengenal pasti apakah prinsip-prinsip serta kriteria yang seharusnya ada dalam periklanan Islam. Metodologi kajian yang digunakan dalam kertas kerja ini adalah metode kepustakaan dengan menggunakan analisis isi. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat membentuk konsep periklanan dalam perspektif Islam dari segi prinsip dan kriterianya

    “Oh, now I get it ...”: comic dupe irony in print advertising

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    Advertising texts are typically designed to engage audiences in the process of meaning construction. This article conducts a relevance theoretic analysis of a sample of print advertisements that employ a specific type of irony towards this goal, based on Partington’s (2007) conceptualisation of comic dupe irony. The results suggest that comic dupe irony is manifested in a discrepancy between two narratives. Consumers are encouraged to establish relevance by processing the irony that arises from this discrepancy, thus expending more processing effort for the promise of relevant cognitive effects

    Luxury retail brands and their consumers in emerging markets: developing mobile marketing and sustaining the brand value

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    Understanding an individual’s self-interests remains a challenging task for consumer marketing because brands have no direct access to individual’s inner mind in order to satisfy his or her consumption-related wants, needs and expectations. In the case of luxury brands, customer service experts only seek to maintain close relationships with wealthy and elite customers, and they cannot extend the same individualized services to mass-market consumers. Among the new middle classes in emerging markets, consumers do not have strong brand attachments, but they do have high purchasing power with regard to luxuries. To bridge this gap, mobile technology could be an ideal interface through which luxury brands could enhance interactive communication and engagement with consumers. Nevertheless, research findings have revealed major discrepancies in the adoption of technology. While luxury brands have been ‘slow’ in their adoption of such technologies, consumers have adopted mobile devices as extensions of themselves in the digital world, which greatly enrich their lifestyles. Therefore, a medium should be developed to bridge this gap. The Gearbox of Exchange is proposed to help integrate the consumer’s self-interests with those of luxury brands. Through conditional access with a mutually agreed-upon exchange value to balance privacy concerns and financial risks, the consumer might be willing to share customized information with the brands with which they trust to engage. The luxury brands will benefit from the sharing of this customized information, as they can better predict an individual’s preferences and choices. This virtual engagement will revitalize customization to activate personalized services for every individual. These mutually agreed-upon interactions will develop into a mutual interdependence, a B2B2C relationship. This bond will protect brands from severe competition. More importantly, their knowledge of customized information, which is provided through their direct access to consumers’ self-interests, will fill the black box of radical behaviourism and enhance these brands’ abilities to predict individual choices. Therefore, the knowledge generated from the Gearbox of Exchange will not be meaningless to transform consumer analysis into micro marketing

    Optimizacija mrežnih alata za promotivne aktivnosti = Optimization of web tools for promotional activities

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    Razvoj promotivne aktivnosti u turizmu proučavan je kroz tehnološki dostupne nove alate, a istraživanje podupire ciljeve i predložene aktivnosti „Strategije razvoja turizma Republike Hrvatske do 2020. godine“. Mrežno okruženje i informacijsko komunikacijski razvoj mrežnih stranica predstavlja temelj za promotivnu aktivnost, a predložene mjere, koje je potrebno kontinuirano provoditi s ciljem prepoznatljivosti provjera je kvalitete i unapređenje mrežnih stranica sustava turističkih zajednica, intenzivnije korištenje novih mrežnih alata te redizajn sadržaja mrežnih stranica turističkih zajednica u smislu informativnosti i čitljivosti, intenziviranje društvenog medija i prilagođavanje sadržaja kampanje mrežnih stranica. Podupirući sadržaj poruka važno je se grafički dizajn oslanja na razvoj mrežne tehnologije, u skladu s time na tehničke, vizualne i tematske mrežne alate kako bi se ponudio nov način za odabir i traženje potencijalnih turističkih destinacija. Hipoteze istraživanja (H1) su potvrđene temeljeno na rezultatima empirijskog istraživanja pomoću uređaja za praćenje pokreta oka te subjektivne analize na temelju anketnog istraživanja. Na temelju zaključaka daje se smjernica za uključivanje predloženih tehničkih i vizualnih mrežnih alata za razvoj turizma te ostvarivanje strateških ciljeva. Rezultati pokazuju sa ispitanici, kojima je bio ponuđen vizualni sadržaj uzoraka mrežnih stranica temeljen na novim mrežnim alatima, procijenili dostupnijima, informativnijima i vjerodostojnijima prilikom planiranja i organizacije putovanja. Hipoteza (H2) podupire tezu o primjeni i optimizaciji novih mrežni alata, što omogućava aktivnu ulogu korisnika pri samostalnom organiziranju putovanja, a potvrđena je na temelju istraživanja provedenog anketnog ispitivanja te istraživanja uz pomoć uređaja za praćenje pokreta oka. Ispitanici su koristili sadržaj po svom vlastitom nahođenju i interesu, a uređaj je mjerio varijable: Vrijeme do prve fiksacije na odabrani sadržaj, Ukupno trajanje fiksacije, Broj fiksacija i Trajanje posjeta. Istraživanje je potvrdilo obrnuto- proporcionalan odnos između vremena do prve fiksacije i ostale tri varijable kod svih uzoraka, ukupno trajanje fiksacije i broj fiksacija pokazuju statistički značajnu negativnu korelaciju s vremenom do prve fiksacije, dok trajanje posjeta pokazuje ili vrlo slabu negativnu korelaciju ili nepostojanje korelacije. Prisutnost mrežnih alata pozitivno se odražava na broj fiksacija i vrijeme zadržavanja na uzorku, predstavljajući odraz interesa korisnika, Iz čega proizlazi zaključak da novi mrežni alati utječu na izgradnju vizualnog sadržaja te da njihova prisutnost i oblikovanje pozitivno utječu na korisničko iskustvo u skladu sa „Strategijom razvoja turizma RH do 2020“