645 research outputs found


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    Internet advertising market has grown rapidly over the past decade. Its annual revenue has reached around 21.1 billion in 2007, and more than half of Internet advertising is related to Web advertising. Web advertising affects the majority if not all web viewers who would encounter some Web ads at one time or the other when they are using the Web. With such a magnitude on investment and in influence, however, our understanding of Web ads is limited and fragmented. This study aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the state of research on Web advertising, especially its interaction with individual viewers. In this meta-analysis of more than sixty empirical research articles published from 1996 to 2007, we develop a framework of Web advertising research that can be used to demonstrate the research foci so far. Both dependent and independent variables can be classified with the framework. Our findings indicate that (1) empirical studies on Web advertising have considered features of four components and their interactions: viewer, Web Ad, ad host, and product/service being advertised. The impacts of Web ads have been found to be on viewers and viewers\u27 interactions with ads, hosts, and products/services. (2) The number of empirical research of Web advertising has increased gradually in different academic disciplines; however, the number is very insignificant compared to the growing Web advertising market and the broad influence of Web ads. (3) The study efforts are scattered and the findings are inconsistent and inconclusive. We conclude the existing studies and point out future research directions in this area

    The Effect of text and graphic search goals on web advertisement viewing

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    Advertising has become an integral part of the Internet\u27s capacity to generate revenue, drive traffic to websites, and to increase brand recognition. This study examined how text and graphic search goals influence how many times and how long people look at graphic and text advertisements. Twenty-four participants were eye tracked while they searched for text or graphic information on six websites. Results show that when people searched for text information they increased the amount of time and the number of times that they viewed text advertisements. When people searched for graphical information, they increased the amount of time and number of times that they viewed graphic advertisements. This has implications for the design of effective advertising

    Impact Of Banner Ad Position, Congruence Of Banner Ad Content And Website Content, And Advertising Objective On Banner Ad Fixation, Brand Awareness, And Product Knowledge: An Empirical Study Of A Review Website In Thailand

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    The aim of this research is to study impact of banner ad position (top, bottom, left and right) on (1) banner ad fixation, (2) brand awareness, and (3) product knowledge. Two moderator variables, (1) congruence of banner ad content and website content and (2) advertising objectives (to inform and to persuade), are also used in this study. This experimental research is conducted with sixteen webpages (4 banner ad positions x 2 conditions of congruence between banner and web contents x 2 banner objectives). Each webpage has the same content which is a restaurant review but banner ad and banner ad position are varied across the sixteen webpages. An eye-tracking tool, Mirametrix S2 Eye Tracker, was used to collect banner ad fixation data. Brand awareness and product knowledge data were collected with questionnaires. The experimental results indicate that banner ad position does not impact banner ad fixation, brand awareness, and product knowledge. We investigated congruence of banner ad content and website content, and found that banner ad position affected product knowledge but did not have an effect on banner ad fixation and brand awareness regardless of congruent conditions. On the other hand, we investigated advertising objective and found that banner ad position did not have an impact on banner ad fixation, brand awareness, and product knowledge in both information and persuasive objectives

    Consumer Perception of Online Advertising - The Effects of Animation, Ad Characteristics, Repetition and Task Relevancy on Attention and Memory

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    Prior advertising research on advertising perception models has mainly focused on effects that occur after consumers have been exposed to advertising stimuli. Little research has examined how consumers are exposed to advertising and the quality of visual attention during advertising exposure. This doctoral dissertation examines how consumers allocate their visual attention to online ads and how consumers memorize ads in different viewing conditions. More precisely, the dissertation focuses on how ad format and location, animation, repetition, abrupt onsets, and task relevancy affect attention to ads and memory performance. The thesis employs theories of cognitive psychology, visual marketing and consumer behavior, advertising persuasion models and computer science and applies experimental methodologies such as eye tracking besides consumers' self-reported measures. The thesis consists of four essays. Essay 1 introduces a review of relevant theory and eye tracking methodology for online advertising research. The next three essays present experimental studies. Essay 2 investigates the effects of ad format and animation on attention and memory. Essay 3 examines the effects of repetition of ads on memory. Essay 4 investigates how animation, ad format and abrupt onsets of ads affect reading performance, and how online ads are perceived during free browsing compared to an instructed reading task. Our findings indicate that attention and memory for ads were significantly affected by consumers' intentions, ad characteristics and web page contents. Consumers are more likely to be attracted by ads when browsing web sites freely without a special task. Ad characteristics, such as animation and ad format interact and influence differently on attention and memory performance for ads depending on the ad's location on a page and the surrounding page content. The thesis also tested the effects of repetition of ads as a potential strategy to improve memory for ads. A significant positive effect was found already at rather low levels of repetition. Moreover, we also tested consumers' attention to abrupt onsets of ads. We registered a significant increase of attention to abrupt onsets of ads as compared with permanent ads especially during free browsing of web pages. This thesis increases our knowledge of the role and type of ad exposure on consumers' attention by evaluating the effectiveness of advertising exposure in dynamic online environment. This research is also the first attempt to evaluate the applicability of the primary eye tracking measures for online advertising. For advertisers, media traders and graphic designers this research proposes new strategies about how to adjust ad format and placement, animation and repetition to break through advertising clutter and reduce consumers' ad avoidance to develop stronger brand awareness and preferences


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    Preface ................................................ 7 Introduction ........................................... Chapter 1. KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT PECULIARITIES IN E- 9 BUSINESS: ACTUALITY AND TENDENCIES ......... 12 Introduction............................................ 1.1. The importance of knowledge management to increase the 12 efficiency of the organisations activity in e-business ...... 15 1.2. Employee competency integrated assessment in e-business 1.2.1.Theoretical evaluation aspects of factors affecting em- 19 ployee competency .......................................... 1.2.2. The identification of the factors affecting the employee 21 competency ................................................ 1.2.3. Concept complex competency assessment model of e- 26 business organisation ........................................ 1.3. Analysis of factors motivating human resources in e-busi- 33 ness .................................................. 1.3.1. Theoretical evaluation aspects of factors affecting human 34 resources motivation ........................................ 1.3.2. Analysis of factors that influence the motivation of human 36 resources .................................................. 1.4. Evaluation system of factors affecting creativity in e-busi- 37 ness .................................................. 1.4.1. Theoretical evaluation aspects of factors affecting creativ- 41 ity ......................................................... 1.4.2. Identification of factors affecting creativity. Partial inte- 42 grated criterion (third stage) ................................ 48 1.4.3. Evaluation system of factors affecting creativity ........ 49 1.5. Knowledge appliance process in e-business organisation .. 1.5.1. The factors proceeding efficiency of knowledge appliance 53 process in e-business ........................................ 1.5.2. The selection of the method to evaluate efficiency of know- 56 ledge appliance process in e-business ......................... 59 Conclusions ........................................... 60 Self test questions ..................................... 63 References ............................................ Chapter 2. CONTENT MANAGEMENT IN VIRTUAL ORGANIZA 64 TIONS ............................................... 70 5 Table of Contents Introduction ........................................... 2.1. A systematical approach to automate content management 70 in a vitual ogranization ................................. 71 2.2. The concept of the content. Content Management ..... 73 2.3. The life cycle of the document ......................... 74 2.4. Document management in a virtual organization ........ 76 2.5. Content capture technology ............................ 77 2.6. Cloud technologies in business processes CMS .......... 83 Conclusion ............................................. 85 References ............................................ 86 Chapter 3. MARKETING COMMUNICATION IN DIGITAL AGE ... 87 Introduction ........................................... 87 3.1. The growing potential of the market ................... 88 3.2. Previous studies in e-business and e-marketing areas .... 91 3.3. The specifics of Internet marketing in B2B communication 92 3.4. E-marketing tools ..................................... 94 3.5. Social networks in marketing ........................... 98 6 3.6. Effectiveness evaluation theories ........................ 100 3.7. Website quality and efficiency evaluation ................ 101 3.8. Cases: resent research results .......................... 106 3.8.1. Online advertisements efficiency research .............. 106 3.8.2. Evaluation of Lithuanian e-shops ...................... 109 Conclusions ........................................... 110 Self test questions ..................................... 111 References ............................................ 111 Chapter 4. IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF E-COMMERCE .. 116 Introduction ........................................... 116 4.1. Scientific research. E-commerce as the Internet technology 116 4.2. Promotion of e-business ............................... 120 4.3. A set of basic tools for e-business ...................... 121 4.4. Security in e-commerce ................................ 124 Conclusion ............................................ 133 Self-examination questions ............................. 133 References ............................................ 134 Chapter 5. ELECTRONIC PAYMENT SYSTEMS.................. 135 Introduction............................................ 135 5.1. The concept of electronic payments.National payment system in Russia ....................................... 136 5.2. Electronic payment systems based on «Client-Bank» and online banking ......................................... 143 5.3. Electronic payments via bank cards ..................... 151 Table of Contents 5 5.4. Electronic payments via digital cash .................... 160 5.5. Internet payment system based on virtual accounts ...... 164 Conclusion ............................................ 166 Self-examination questions ............................. 166 References ............................................ 167 Chapter 6. MANAGEMENT OF THE VIRTUAL ENTERPRISE .... 168 6.1. Virtual enterprise, electronic business, electronic commerce, model of management, manager .................... 168 6.2. Manager .............................................. 174 6.3. Channel ............................................... 175 6.4. Information environment. Knowledge ................... 175 6.5. Problem field .......................................... 176 Self-examination questions ............................. 178 References ............................................ 178 Chapter 7. INTERNET MARKETING ............................ 180 Introduction ........................................... 180 7.1. The concept and structure of the Internet Marketing .... 180 7.2. Market research on the Internet ........................ 182 7.3. Internet advertizing .................................... 187 7.3.1. The concept of Internet advertising .................... 187 7.3.2. Announcement of the search engines and search engine optimization. The concept and purpose of search engine optimization ................................................... 189 7.3.3. Search Engine Advertising ............................ 209 7.3.4. Participation in the rankings and registration in catalogs 215 7.3.5. Banner advertising ................................... 219 7.3.6. Link Exchange ....................................... 236 7.3.7. Profiling and personalization in online advertising........ 239 7.3.8. E-mail-advertising. Basic concepts and advantages e-mailadvertising ................................................. 242 7.3.9. Discussion lists ....................................... 248 7.3.10. Virus marketing. Concept and principles of virus marketing ........................................................ 251 7.3.11. Other methods of advertizing ........................ 258 7.3.12. Analysis of efficiency of Internet advertizing ........... 259 7.3.13. Methods of the collection of information, used for the analysis .................................................... 263 7.4. Marketing in social networks and blogs ................. 282 7.5. Partner programs ...................................... 287 7.6. The problem of return visitors and create a captive audience 292 7.6.1. Statement of the problem of creating a virtual community 292 7.6.2. Methods for creating a virtual community .............. 294 9 Table of Contents 7.7. Off-line support for online projects ...................... 297 Self-examination questions.............................. 298 References ............................................ 299 Chapter 8. REACHING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS THROUGH E-GOVERNMENT IN THE POST-2015 AGENDA ............................................. 301 Introduction ........................................... 310 8.1. E-government: definition, functions and stages .......... 302 8.2. E-government: global tendencies ....................... 304 8.3. Formation and development of e-government in Uzbekistan 308 Self-examination questions ............................. 314 References ............................................ 314The development of the universities’ ability to quickly respond to new demands of the labor market and to adapt, update, develop and introduce new areas of study to ensure demand for the graduates provides the participation in the international projects of the European program improving higher education «TEMPUS». The project TEMPUS — ECOMMIS («double-level training programs of e-commerce developing the information society in Russia, Ukraine and Israel») was launched in October 2011, and belongs to a class of joint projects to develop new courses and courses for bachelor’s and master’s degrees. The project consortium involves 12 universities from Germany, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Israel, Russia and Ukraine. The main objective of the project is to develop and implement new academic courses and areas of study, taking into account the current status and trends of economic development and the specific requirements of the labor market on the basis of cooperation between universities in different countries. The main feature and complexity of the project academic content of is that e-commerce as an academic concept is absolute new and it appeared just only in the last decade. It is a new interdisciplinary field of knowledge, which is located at the intersection of economics and computer science and it is not covered by the classical training courses in economics and computer science technology. The aspects of national and international law in connection with the growth of international trade, economic cooperation and the development of new Internet based technologies should be taken into account. For the project’s period of three years on the basis of international cooperation the following results were obtained: 11 Preface 1) The analysis and modernization of existing curricula in the field of e-commerce were carried out; 2) new training modules with the introduction of the European creditmodular system of accumulation and transfer transcripts units ( ECTS ) were developed; new modules and courses: e-commerce, electronic payment systems; Internet trading in the financial markets and the stockmarket systems; Information systems for financial analysis and investment; Information systems for business process modeling; corporate information systems and portals; Customer-oriented systems; Internet Marketing; electronic systems for document management; legal aspects of e-commerce; advanced course security for e-commerce were introduced; 3) two international online games to enhance practical skills in the field with online marketing and online trading were developed and conducted among university students; 4) skills training courses e-commerce for various social groups (students, housewives, pensioners, unemployed) were developed and tested; 5) business offices, e-commerce were established to strengthen cooperation between the universities in the labor market and to create the conditions of commercialization of the project results after the end of financial support from the TEMPUS Program. 6) textbooks on the topic of the project were developed and published. In May — July 2013. 62 teachers targeted universities in Israel, Russia and Ukraine received intensive training in the field of e-commerce in three European universities: FONTYS (NL), TU Berlin (DE), VGTU ( LT ). From October 2013 in target universities of Israel, Russia and Ukraine students’ training began on the courses developed in the framework of the new training courses and modules with using computer classes, equipped in accordance with the project plan with new hardware and software tools. The final stage of the project was intended to develop a five-year detailed plan for sustainable development of the results. Such plan that includes coordinated action to disseminate best practices, development of new joint courses for graduate and post-graduate students, scientificmethodical conferences, joint publications will support the further dynamics of the activities involved universities. Joint work on the implementation of the project ECOMMIS led to the emergence of sustainable professional relationships between organizations in the consortium as the training of new qualified professionals, as well as in the field of scientific and methodological developments. This is confirmed by the present collective monograph E-commerc

    Pricing Banner Advertisements in a Social Network of Political Weblogs

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    Abstract: This paper employs social network analysis to explain variation in the pricing of 846 banner advertisements appearing in a community formed by 89 “Liberal” and 84 “Conservative” weblogs. As predicted, weblogs that bridge “structural holes” between otherwise disconnected segments of the community command significantly higher prices for their advertisements. Also as predicted, the price of banner ads increases with the number of impressions received, with the size of the ad, when the ad is located higher on the page, and when fewer other ads appear

    The Effects of the Content Elements of Online Banner Ads on Visual Attention: Evidence from An-Eye-Tracking Study

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the influence of the content elements of online banner ads on customers’ visual attention, and to evaluate the impacts of gender, discount rate and brand familiarity on this issue. An eye-tracking study with 34 participants (18 male and 16 female) was conducted, in which the participants were presented with eight types of online banner ads comprising three content elements—namely brand, discount rate and image—while their eye movements were recorded. The results showed that the image was the most attractive area among the three main content elements. Furthermore, the middle areas of the banners were noticed first, and areas located on the left side were mostly noticed earlier than those on the right side. The results also indicated that the discount areas of banners with higher discount rates were more attractive and eye-catching compared to those of banners with lower discount rates. In addition to these, the participants who were familiar with the brand mostly concentrated on the discount area, while those who were unfamiliar with the brand mostly paid attention to the image area. The findings from this study will assist marketers in creating more effective and efficient online banner ads that appeal to customers, ultimately fostering positive attitudes towards the advertisement.publishedVersio

    Opportunity in Pandemic: Understand how Customers Look at your Banner Ads

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    The importance of e-business is constantly increasing and it becomes even more essential during the time of COVID-19 outbreak. Although internet vendors are less affected by the pandemic than others, they all have to be careful with their spending during this delicate time. Effective spending on digital marketing undoubtedly can increase customers and profits of the business. The objective of this study is to examine how people look at banner ads displayed on a web page in four different positions (top, bottom, left, and right). The study used an eye-tracking tool, Mirametrix S2 Eye Tracker, to collect eye gaze data from 320 volunteer participants. The collected data were used to calculate (1) banner ads’ time to first fixation, (2) banner ads’ first fixation duration, (3) banner ads’ total fixation duration, and (4) banner ads’ fixation count of each participant. Statistical analyses on the data indicate that the banner ads\u27 positions have a significant impact on banner ads’ time to first fixation. This result can be beneficial to internet vendors in deciding on where to place banner ads to attract the most attention from their potential customers

    Advertisements and Sponsorships in Charitable Cyberspace: Virtual Reality Meets Legal Fiction

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    By now, it is perhaps cliche to quote Sir Walter Scott\u27s familiar refrain\u27 when referring to communications occurring via the World Wide Web (the Web). And yet, that age-old wisdom comes readily to mind when one considers the unrelated business income tax (UBIT) as it relates to charities that, for consideration paid, participate in a profit-seeker\u27s web-based marketing communications. That first lie, to be precise, is that a charity\u27s payment-induced, unlimited public display of a profit-seeker\u27s logo, slogan and product, when unaccompanied by comparative or qualitative descriptions or explicit requests to buy, results in no trade or business income for purposes of UBIT. Thus, the Orange Bowl Committee is not selling anything when, upon receipt of value, it renames its football game from The Orange Bowl, to The FedEX Orange Bowl, and then incessantly repeats that name in its media, including its official Website. And now, as that lie is unloosed in Cyberspace, it looks as though it will undergo a period of growth at least as intense and exponential as the growth of the Web itself. Indeed, to avoid exposure of the original lie, the law must weave ever more elaborate patterns of necessarily myopic rules having no relationship to the reality or virtual reality of marketing communications