10,802 research outputs found

    Institutional and organizational features of cross-border cargo traffic in the post-soviet space integration terms. Part I

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    The article covers the technical, technological, institutional, and organizational barriers of cross-border transportation of cargo. The study uses an institutional approach as a methodological alternative to other approaches. The study touches on institutional and organizational problems of border crossing checkpoints arrangement, the consequences of the application of unified transport documents and the introduction of electronic communication forms. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of demonstrative actions and the daily practice of reducing the time of customs procedures and reducing transaction costs of cross-border cargo traffic. Herewith it is indicated that the most effective way to improve the efficiency of cross-border transportation of cargo suggests simultaneous implementation of technical and institutional innovations. Emphasis is placed on identifying the institutional and organizational features of the international road transportation of cargo, in particular, the problems of the evolution of the guaranteed customs duties payment institute, the permission system in the implementation of cross-border cargo traffic. The fact that the state support of national entrepreneurs requires a mechanism to ensure the parity of Russian and foreign carriers, at least in the field of cargo transportation for state needs, with the involvement of credit resources of government-linked banks is highlighted. It is underlined that the first step towards improving the institutional environment of international road transportation should envisage the elimination of all informal (shadow) relations in this sphere. The article identifies institutional features of cargo transportation in specific areas such as deliveries by road to China through Kazakhstan, and the challenges and prospects for the use and development of transit potential of Kaliningrad Region. The article shows institutional and organizational characteristics of combined transportation in cross-border traffic. The article concludes that the development of cross-border transportation of cargo and the implementation of transport and transit potential of EAEU member states may and should become a powerful source of income for business entities, budgets of all levels and households, as well as the driving force of industrial and technological upgrading and institutional and organizational evolution of economic systems of the countries and integration associations.The article has been prepared with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project № 15-06-06939 a «Modelling the cyclical evolution of mutual influence of the national transport system and the state of the markets of goods (services), labor and capital in terms of integration and global instability»)

    Digital construction and management the public’s infrastructures

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    The purpose of the present paper “Digital construction and management the public’s infrastructures” is to propose an interconnected development approach, in the management of public infrastructure asset, that through of digital modeling (BIM*) and interoperability provides tools to support decision-making processes. In detail, this work analyzes the innovative process of developing digital tools for the institutional tasks of supervision and support for the management of land transport infrastructure in the Italian national system. Therefore, trough of one assumed a georeferenced network of “digital twins” have been valued the scenarios obtainable whit the digitalization of the public works and of the territory’s surveys. The principles for managing information flows for Italian’s public transport infrastructures have been developed in accordance with national legislation and the reference UNI standards. The assumed flow is on the exchange of data between the managing subjects with the owners’ authorities and surveillance bodies, taking as pivot element the Index public work (IOP) code attributed to each public work. Finally, a conceptual model has been proposed for the energy analysis of the road section and the identification of the best areas to create the “green islands” to produce renewable energy, for the management of infrastructure and for the recharging of electric vehicles

    Rail-Road Interconnectivity in the Alpine Freight Transport. Bottlenecks and Policies from an Austrian-Italian Perspective

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    Trans-Alpine freight transport suffers because of severe road congestion due to under-capacity of roads and causes considerable environmental damages in the transit countries, particularly in Austria and Switzerland, but also in Italy. The obvious strategy of shifting trans-Alpine flows from road to rail is hampered by several factors such as Jack of coordination among the various national railway companies, lack of provision of competitive services (e.g., blocktrains, etc.), and insufficient efforts to increase and promote combined transport. One of the key problems is the disintegrated policy approach which does not conceive road and rail as complementary modes of transport, but still as competitive ones. Using the five dimensions - hardware, software, orgware (institutions), tinware, and the environment - as a checklist the current paper makes a modest attempt to identify areas of major concern for road and rail. The paper looks more specifically at the case of combined road/rail freight transport as part of a single, virtual mobility network for trans-Alpine freight transport. (authors' abstract)Series: Discussion Papers of the Institute for Economic Geography and GIScienc

    The evolution of cultural and economic activities in the DKMT Euroregion

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    The Danube-Kris-Mures-Tisa (DKMT) Euroregion has its roots back to 1992, when Timiş and Csongrád counties began the first discussions for a cross-border cooperation. Till 1997 the Euroregion needed to develop its institutions for greater effectiveness, so the period 1992-1997 could be considered a background of fruitful public and scientific discussions. The study is focused on three levels of developments: institutional-political, cultural and economical. It is a large reflection on the projects of which DKMT should profit in the future as well as on the economic potential of the Euroregion. The recent developments and the different stages of integration to the EU are also matters of discussions.Danube-Kris-Mures-Tisa Euroregion; institutional frame; economic development.

    Analysis of the Legal Measures Concerning Risk Assessment and Control for High-Speed Rail: Experience and Lessons from the European Union

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    In a context of the emerging risks that may lead to the high speed rail accidents and so the deaths, the question is to know what the roles of different actors prescribed in the legal system and what instruments have been established, and whether the legal framework is sufficient to promote risk assessment. This research studied the European Union legal system and pointed out its experience that could be enlighting as well as its weaknesses. 

    Poland tourism report 2012

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    italian High‑Speed Railway Stations and the Attractivity Index: the Downscaling Potential to Implement Coworking as Service in Station

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    This article introduces a methodology to evidence the current attractiveness level of Italian high-speed railway stations in a GIS environment, involving station services and fow parameters. The model has been elevant to detect stations with lower attractive capacity, and afterward, to implement the station attractivity, the work proposed employing a coworking spaces strategy as a service in station. Coworking spaces produce enefts both for the traveler and the transport company. These places became part of the services ofered within railway stations since they are fow providers able to change appearance and idea of experience at station. In France, a coworking strategy has been created from the collaboration of Regus, leader company in coworking spaces supply, and the French railway group (SNCF). The Italian railway company (Ferrovie dello Stato) does not consider the attractiveness potential of coworking in the management of station resources; coworking spaces in Italy are placed outside stations. Accordingly, Torino Porta Susa station has been identifed as one of the stations with low attractivity capacity from the methodology implemented, and it has been chosen as the case study to implement the coworking strategy. The choice of Torino Porta Susa is accurate also for showing the value of associating coworking as urban policies support. The coworking strategy can implement attractiveness levels and, in a long-term future perspective, encourage sustainable mobility target