17 research outputs found

    Neural encoding of socially adjusted value during competitive and hazardous foraging

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    In group foraging organisms, optimizing the conflicting demands of competitive food loss and safety is critical. We demonstrate that humans select competition avoidant and risk diluting strategies during foraging depending on socially adjusted value. We formulate a mathematically grounded quantification of socially adjusted value in foraging environments and show using multivariate fMRI analyses that socially adjusted value is encoded by mid-cingulate and ventromedial prefrontal cortices, regions that integrate value and action signals

    Remembering unexpected beauty: Contributions of the ventral striatum to the processing of reward prediction errors regarding the facial attractiveness in face memory

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has led people to predict facial attractiveness from partially covered faces. Differences in the predicted and observed facial attractiveness (i.e., masked and unmasked faces, respectively) are defined as reward prediction error (RPE) in a social context. Cognitive neuroscience studies have elucidated the neural mechanisms underlying RPE-induced memory improvements in terms of monetary rewards. However, little is known about the mechanisms underlying RPE-induced memory modulation in terms of social rewards. To elucidate this, the present functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study investigated activity and functional connectivity during face encoding. In encoding trials, participants rated the predicted attractiveness of faces covered except for around the eyes (prediction phase) and then rated the observed attractiveness of these faces without any cover (outcome phase). The difference in ratings between these phases was defined as RPE in facial attractiveness, and RPE was categorized into positive RPE (increased RPE from the prediction to outcome phases), negative RPE (decreased RPE from the prediction to outcome phases), and non-RPE (no difference in RPE between the prediction and outcome phases). During retrieval, participants were presented with individual faces that had been seen and unseen in the encoding trials, and were required to judge whether or not each face had been seen in the encoding trials. Univariate activity in the ventral striatum (VS) exhibited a linear increase with increased RPE in facial attractiveness. In the multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA), activity patterns in the VS and surrounding areas (extended VS) significantly discriminated between positive/negative RPE and non-RPE. In the functional connectivity analysis, significant functional connectivity between the extended VS and the hippocampus was observed most frequently in positive RPE. Memory improvements by face-based RPE could be involved in functional networks between the extended VS (representing RPE) and the hippocampus, and the interaction could be modulated by RPE values in a social context

    Are advanced methods necessary to improve infant fNIRS data analysis? An assessment of baseline-corrected averaging, general linear model (GLM) and multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) based approaches

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    In the last decade, fNIRS has provided a non-invasive method to investigate neural activation in developmental populations. Despite its increasing use in developmental cognitive neuroscience, there is little consistency or consensus on how to pre-process and analyse infant fNIRS data. With this registered report, we investigated the feasibility of applying more advanced statistical analyses to infant fNIRS data and compared the most commonly used baseline-corrected averaging, General Linear Model (GLM)-based univariate, and Multivariate Pattern Analysis (MVPA) approaches, to show how the conclusions one would draw based on these different analysis approaches converge or differ. The different analysis methods were tested using a face inversion paradigm where changes in brain activation in response to upright and inverted face stimuli were measured in thirty 4-to-6-month-old infants. By including more standard approaches together with recent machine learning techniques, we aim to inform the fNIRS community on alternative ways to analyse infant fNIRS datasets

    Distinct neurophysiological correlates of the fMRI BOLD signal in the hippocampus and neocortex

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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is among the foremost methods for mapping human brain function but provides only an indirect measure of underlying neural activity. Recent findings suggest that the neurophysiological correlates of the fMRI blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signal might be regionally specific. We examined the neurophysiological correlates of the fMRI BOLD signal in the hippocampus and neocortex, where differences in neural architecture might result in a different relationship between the respective signals. Fifteen human neurosurgical patients (10 female, 5 male) implanted with depth electrodes performed a verbal free recall task while electrophysiological activity was recorded simultaneously from hippocampal and neocortical sites. The same patients subsequently performed a similar version of the task during a later fMRI session. Subsequent memory effects (SMEs) were computed for both imaging modalities as patterns of encoding-related brain activity predictive of later free recall. Linear mixed-effects modeling revealed that the relationship between BOLD and gamma-band SMEs was moderated by the lobar location of the recording site. BOLD and high gamma (70–150 Hz) SMEs positively covaried across much of the neocortex. This relationship was reversed in the hippocampus, where a negative correlation between BOLD and high gamma SMEs was evident. We also observed a negative relationship between BOLD and low gamma (30–70 Hz) SMEs in the medial temporal lobe more broadly. These results suggest that the neurophysiological correlates of the BOLD signal in the hippocampus differ from those observed in the neocortex

    Unbiased Analysis of Item-Specific Multi-Voxel Activation Patterns Across Learning

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    Recent work has highlighted that multi-voxel pattern analysis (MVPA) can be severely biased when BOLD response estimation involves systematic imbalance in model regressor correlations. This problem occurs in situations where trial types of interest are temporally dependent and the associated BOLD activity overlaps. For example, in learning paradigms early and late learning stage trials are inherently ordered. It has been shown empirically that MVPAs assessing consecutive learning stages can be substantially biased especially when stages are closely spaced. Here, we propose a simple technique that ensures zero bias in item-specific multi-voxel activation patterns for consecutive learning stages with stage being defined by the incremental number of individual item occurrences. For the simpler problem, when MVPA is computed irrespective of learning stage over all item occurrences within a trial sequence, our results confirm that a sufficiently large, randomly selected subset of all possible trial sequence permutations ensures convergence to zero bias – but only when different trial sequences are generated for different subjects. However, this does not help to solve the harder problem to obtain bias-free results for learning-related activation patterns regarding consecutive learning stages. Randomization over all item occurrences fails to ensure zero bias when the full trial sequence is retrospectively divided into item occurrences confined to early and late learning stages. To ensure bias-free MVPA of consecutive learning stages, trial-sequence randomization needs to be done separately for each consecutive learning stage