50 research outputs found

    Strategic IS planning practices: A comparative study of Malaysia and New Zealand

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    There is a broad consensus among researchers that culture differences impact management practices. Among the management practices that can be affected by culture are practices relating to human resource, financial, and information systems (IS).IS management success in different cultural contexts may require different approaches. Therefore, this paper aims to highlight the differences in strategic IS planning practices, specifically in terms of top management commitment and user participation, in two countries with considerably different cultures, Malaysia and New Zealand.A survey was sent to 909 organizations in the information and communication technology (ICT) industry in both countries.The response was 14.6%. The study shows that managers in both countries agree that having top management commitment and user participation is important for strategic IS planning success

    The success and failure of strategic plans

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    Strategic information systems may offer a variety of services for an organization, but all bolster the organization’s capabilities in some way. These systems are not self- serving, but are intended to serve the objectives of the organization which employs them. The level of complexity to which these systems are designed and their extensive integration into organizational operations, often necessitate a degree of planning on the part of the organization. To successfully integrate information systems, they must be strategically planned for, and complement the organizational objectives to which they serve. Examples of the implementation of strategic information systems planning are prevalent throughout modern culture, from the unsuccessful release of the flagship US healthcare exchange website, healthcare.gov, to the very successful delivery of Apple’s iPhone, which repeatedly pushes the boundary of mobile device capability and quality. While these two systems serve very separate purposes, they both uniquely illustrate both successful and unsuccessful strategic planning and implementation of information systems. In order to further delineate moderately successful uses of strategic planning, two additional cases will be examined to better depict the spectrum of degrees of success

    A New Methodology For Developing The MIS Master Plan

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    Organizations, small and large, for profit and non-profit, service oriented as well as manufacturing, have continued to increase their expenditures in information technology (IT) in recent years throughout the world. These expenditures in manufacturing floor and office workflow automation, PC’s, application packages, customized software development, communications and wireless networking, the Internet, and web-based applications, have been intended to be investments for improving efficiency, increasing effectiveness, and maintaining or advancing competitive position. Unfortunately, not all investments in IT have brought the anticipated payoff. This fact, combined with the rapid pace of change in IT leading to quick obsolescence of hardware and software platforms, have renewed attention to long term planning for IT investments. This paper presents an input/output model for developing a Management Information Systems (MIS) Master Plan and compares several methodologies, including IBM’s Business Systems Planning and the Information Engineering approach, for developing such a plan. Moreover, we present a new methodology for IT planning that seeks to overcome the shortcomings of the existing methodologies while building on their strengths

    Pengembangan Tata Kelola TI Untuk Menunjang Kegiatan Bisnis Pada Universitas (Studi Kasus Universitas Merdeka Madiun)

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    . Development of IT Governance to Support Business Activities on University (Case Study: Merdeka Madiun University). Currently, the use of information technology (it) has become one of the supporting organization\u27s success, but if your organization does not have good control of it, it will only burden or new problems in the organization. Therefore, we need good governance to overcome the gap between the description of the recommended system with the necessary description for the actual system implementation. And to measure the extent to which IT alignment with business activities and measure the extent to which maturity level an organization can be done by using the COBIT framework. Therefore we need a IT unit for Merdeka Madiun University, and always to check the degree of IT alignment with business activities to add value for more competitive organization. Ă‚

    Research-in-Progress: Strategic Information Systems Planning in Saudi Arabian Educational Institutions

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    Strategic information systems planning (SISP) is important as it allows organizations to more effectively deploy information systems. Although this importance of SISP is brought to attention in the information systems literature, findings from several studies indicate the need for a holistic strategic plan for information technology in educational institutions. The literature also shows limited evidence of existing SISP influence in Arab countries. Therefore, the focus of this research-in-progress paper is on the current status of SISP in Saudi Arabian educational institutions. The theoretical background and the research instrument are presented here

    Organizational Factors and Accounting Information System Quality (Empiric Evidence From Manufacturing Firms in Bandung Indonesia)

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    This research examines the influence of organizational factors such as organizational culture, organizational commitment and organizational structure  to the accounting information system quality.  The study was conducted by survey method, consist of 32 manufacturing companies (garment and textile business field) in Bandung Indonesia, 74 accounting manager and staff were the observed unit. Multiple regression were used for hypothesis testing. Finnally the research found that organizational culture, organizational commitment  and organizational structure influence the quality of accounting information system. Keywords: organization culture, organization commitment, organization structure, accounting information syste

    Analysis of organizational commitment in determining the success of Accounting Information Systems (AIS) in the banking sector

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    This study aims to examine the effect of organizational commitment on the success of accounting information systems (AIS). The unit of analysis in this study was Regional Development Banks (Indonesian: Bank Pembangunan Daerah / BPD) throughout Indonesia. Data collected by using a questionnaire. The respondents were BPD employees as the AIS users. The total research sample used was 275, while the questionnaire return rate was 64% (176). The data were processed and analyzed using the Partial Least Square SEM method. The results proved that organizational commitment has no effect on the success of accounting information system. In general, BPD employees’ commitment to the organization is at the “adequate” level, which means that they are not fully committed to supporting the success of the accounting information system. The results of this study do not support the theory and results of previous studies which state that organizational commitment affects the success of the accounting information systems

    The moderating role of power exercise in B2B E-commerce adoption decision

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    B2B E-commerce (B2B EC) is a technology that supports relationship between business partners.In adopting such technology, power exercise plays a crucial role. Misunderstood power exercised within B2B EC may generate unrealistic or inaccurate outcomes. Unfortunately, the role of power exercise is nearly ignored in B2B EC adoption literature.In response, using the Resources-Dependency-Theory (RDT) and Diffusion-Innovation-Theory (DIT), this paper argues on the interaction between the influence of innovation characteristics and power exercise, so as to explain B2B EC adoption.This proposition could improve understanding B2B EC adoption and help to resolve inconsistency of findings in the literature

    Perceived Barriers Towards Adoption Of Internet Banking Among Non-Metropolitan Internet Users Of Pakistan

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    Internet banking is a vital component of E-banking flourished rapidly in developed countries unlike developing countries. This paper provides recommendations for the banks offering internet services after examining the barriers in adoption of internet banking perceived by the active internet users living in non-metropolitan areas of Pakistan. Various, significantly perceived barriers identified by previous studies are presented after an extensive literature review in order to form a basis for developing questionnaire and comparing the findings. Data were collected from 520 customers of the banks offering internet services. The respondent’s selection criteria was being active internet user and living in non-metropolitan area of Pakistan. Findings show that the loss of personal service and one to one relationship with bankers, low perceived value of internet banking as compared to traditional banking and lack of knowledge, information are perceived to be the most significant barriers in adoption of internet banking among respondents. Unlike other studies lack of security, risk of hacking, fear of incomplete transactions and high financial risks are perceived to be moderately significant barriers. The study recommends that the banks should identify the information needs of the customers and establish the effective information channels to communicate the benefits and uses of internet banking services and develop long term relationship