42 research outputs found

    Cross-institution online problem based learning in Chinese Medicine Education

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    New education technology drives the pedagogical changes nowadays. Teaching and learning collaborations can now be extended beyond institutional boundaries. This study reports a new attempt of cross-institution collaboration in co-teaching a Chinese Medicine course. A Cross-institution Online Problem-based Learning (COPBL) is designed and implemented by the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CDUTCM). There are 25 students from HKU and 24 students from CDUTCM who have participated in the COPBL. It is a supplementary component to courses and a seven-step approach has been adopted. Students work individually and collaboratively with floating-facilitators. The classes are blended with face-to-face and online components. As an initial step to understand the effectiveness of COPBL, this study specifically focuses on students’ use of the discussion forum, which is a key online component in COPBL. There are 91.8% of students who have viewed the discussion forum in total, 839 of view counts in all discussion forums. There are 63 replies recorded in all of the discussion forums. The replies could be identified into following categories, comments (33%), comments and questions (27%), responses (37%), and others (3%).This study has demonstrated that problem-based learning can be conducted in a blended form with traditional classroom teaching methods and well-designed online components. The COPBL offers new possibilities in redesigning pedagogy with new education technology. It could bring our education into a new era surrounded with new learning experiences.postprin

    Creativity Speaks Better: Foster English Speaking Skills using Creative Drama in “M-News” Articles

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    Speaking efficiency has been always tested and studied in the Indian context but there are limited experimental studies on fostering those using m-learning methods. In this experiment, 30 participants of an Indian private University displayed a constructive change in their speaking skills using the suggested method. The study was conducted in two groups, with the control group using the newspaper article of “The Hindu” and the experimental group using the m-news application of “The Hindu” assisted by the creative drama. The results illustrated a significant improvement in the English speaking competency of rural learners through creative drama using m-news applications, with special reference to “The Hindu” official mobile application. Keywords: ELA, Speaking skill, m-learning, m-news application, creative drama


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    Our world continues to become increasingly connected. The use of technology has become a must in this modern era to live accordingly. The requirement to use technology also widens the world of teaching, especially in teaching English. Nowadays, all generations of educators, whether young or old generations are expected to utilize technologies in their respective classrooms in an attempt to facilitate students with the newest atmosphere of the teaching and learning process. Speaking of those, chatbots are one of the technologies that can be engaged in English language teaching and learning. Relying on the huge benefit and easiness of implementation, the use of chatbots could be the leading technology for teachers to promote modern language learning. In this literature review-based research paper, the writers would like to encourage the use of chatbots in English language teaching as a medium for teachers to promote modern language learning

    Students\u27 Perspectives of Mobile Learning Platforms: An Empirical Study

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    Educational institutions are becoming involved in adopting technological innovations like th e mobile learning (m-Learning) platform for education. Mobile technologies are the next frontier as infrast ructure for m-Learning because they can provide high-quality learning capab ilities to satisfy the rising student demand for mobility and flexibility due to the ubiquitous nature of mobile tec hnology (smartphones) and the va st opportunities it offers, there ar e indications that smartphones could lead the next generation for learning platforms. Researchers have examin ed the idea from several angles and produced a copious amount of literature devoted to explaining the interrelationships of technology and learning. I n this research we aim to offer a view of students’ perspectives, giving a systema tic examination of m-Learning adoption that can be used as a framework for furt her research into the success of m-Learning. We found that making learning m ore interesting, increasing productivity, and providing internet ac cess had the greatest effect on student’s perceptions

    Mobile learning multidevice in the university education with Web apps. Experience in the Production Management subject

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    La irrupciĂłn de las nuevas tecnologĂ­as de la informaciĂłn acaecida estos Ășltimos años, junto con la variedad de dispositivos mĂłviles asociados a ellas, ha hecho que el Mobile Learning evolucione hacia una realidad multidispositivo. De cara a hacerle frente en la enseñanza universitaria, en este trabajo se propone el uso de aplicaciones web (Web Apps) desarrolladas con Diseño Web Adaptable. Se valida la propuesta mediante la realizaciĂłn de una prueba piloto de Web App para la asignatura DirecciĂłn de la ProducciĂłn. De los resultados obtenidos se desprende el Ă©xito que tiene esta iniciativa, tanto para profesores como alumnos, destacando su accesibilidad e inmediatez. Es vĂĄlida tanto para Tablet/Ipad como Smartphones/Iphone, independientemente del sistema operativo utilizado. TambiĂ©n se considera una ayuda al aprendizaje tanto para asignaturas teĂłricas como prĂĄcticas.The inrush of the new information technologies in the last years, together with the variety of mobile devices associated with them, has done that Mobile Learning evolves towards a multidevice reality. In order to face it in the university education, in this work we proposed the use of web applications (Web Apps) developed with Responsive Web Design. The proposal is validated by the pilot test of Web App for the subject of Production Management. The results show the great success, for teachers and students, of this initiative, emphasizing its accessibility and immediacy. It is valid for both Tablet/Ipad as Smartphone/Iphone, regardless of operating system used. It is also considered an aid to learning for theoretical and practical subjects

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Mobile Learning Untuk Aktifitas Kesegaran Jasmani Siswa kelas X Sekolah Menengah Kejuruhan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis mobile learning untuk aktifitas kesegaran jasmani. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian dan pengembangan ini menggunakan pendekatan Research and Development. Subjek yang digunakan adalah siswa siswi kelas X Jurusan Perhotelan 3 SMK Negeri 1 Batu. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa observasi, dan kuesioner. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini berupa deskriptif persentase yang digunakan untuk mengolah data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Penelitian ini telah melalui 2 validasi ahli, yaitu 1 ahli kebugaran jasmani dan 1 ahli media dengan hasil diperoleh rata-rata persentase ahli pembelajaran kebugaran jasmani sebesar 100%, ahli media 96%, dan uji coba kelompok sebesar 90%. Sehingga produk dinyatakan layak dan valid untuk digunakan. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji efektiftas produk yang memiliki nilai 83%, uji efisiensi dengan catatan waktu 29 menit, dan uji kemenarikan produk dengan hasil presentase 83%. Jadi Kesimpulannya bahwa pembelajaran kebugaran jasmani berbasis mobile learning yang didukung dengan hasil tersebut maka produk yang dikembangkan masuk data kriteria amat baik sehingga produk pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis mobile learning untuk aktifitas kesegaran jasmani pada siswa SMKN 1 Batu dapat digunakan pada proses pembelajaran dan latihan

    Get yourself connected: conceptualising the role of digital technologies in Norwegian career guidance

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    This report outlines the role of digital technologies in the provision of career guidance. It was commissioned by the c ommittee on career guidance which is advising the Norwegian Government following a review of the countries skills system by the OECD. In this report we argue that career guidance and online career guidance in particular can support the development of Norwa y’s skills system to help meet the economic challenges that it faces.The expert committee advising Norway’s Career Guidance Initiativ

    Pengembangan Model Implementasi M-Pembelajaran untuk Mahasiswa Pendidikan Guru di Indonesia

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan model implementasi M-Learning berdasarkan kegiatan pembelajaran dalam program pendidikan guru. Model ini ditujukan untuk melihat bagaimana M-Learning dapat digunakan untuk mendukung pembelajaran formal dalam membantu mahasiswa mencapai kebutuhannya, yaitu keberhasilan dalam proses pembelajaran dan nilai akhir yang didapatkan setelah melaksanakan proses perkuliahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Design and Development (D n D) yang diperkenalkan oleh Richey and Klein (2007) untuk mengembangkan sebuah model. Berdasarkan pendekatan yang digunakan, penelitian ini menggunakan tiga fase. Fase pertama adalah analisis kebutuhan yang dilaksanakan menggunakan survei berupa kuesioner kepada 220 orang mahasiswa untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan apa saja yang diperlukan dalam menerapkan M-Learning. Kemudian data yang berhasil diperoleh pada fase ini dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Fase kedua adalah proses mengembangkan model dengan menggunakan metode Interpretive Structural Model (ISM) yang melibatkan beberapa kelompok pakar ahli. Fase ketiga yaitu bekerjasama dengan kelompok ahli sebanyak 48 orang ahli untuk menilai M-Learning yang sedang dikembangkan menggunakan Teknik Fuzzy Delphi yang diberikan sedikit modifikasi. Penilaian tersebut didasarkan pada pendapat dan jawaban para ahli yang tercantum dalam tujuh kuesioner yang diberikan dengan menggunakan skala likert. Kata Kunci: M-Learning, Fuzzy Delphi, ISM.   Abstract The purpose of this study is to develop a model for applying M-Learning based on learning activities in teacher education programs. This model is used to see how M-Learning can be used to support formal learning in helping students achieve their needs, namely in the learning process and the costs needed for the lecture process. This study uses the Design and Development (D n D) approach introduced by Richey and Klein (2007) to develop a model. Based on the nature of the approach, this study uses three phases. The first phase is needs analysis which is carried out using a questionnaire survey for 220 students to identify what is needed in implementing M-Learning. Then the data that was obtained at this stage was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The second phase is the process of developing models using the Interpretive Structural Model (ISM) method which focuses on several expert groups. The third phase is a combination of an expert group of 48 experts to assess M-Learning which is being developed using the Fuzzy Delphi Technique which is given a little modification. The evaluation is based on the opinions and answers of the experts used in the seven questionnaires given using a Likert scale

    The Impact of Personality Traits Towards the Intention to Adopt Mobile Learning

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    Mobile devices have become increasingly more common in the digitally connected world. Mobile learning as a model of e-learning refers to the acquisition of knowledge & skills utilizing mobile technologies. The aim of this study is to identify the extrinsic influential factors for the adoption of mobile learning. This study proposes the use of an extended technology acceptance model (TAM) theory that includes variables of personality traits such as perceived enjoyment and computer self-efficiency. The participants of this study were 351 students at University Technology Malaysia who had experiences in e-learning. The study found that perceived usefulness as an extrinsic factor has the highest influence on students’ intention to adopt mobile learning through an investigation of technology acceptance toward mobile learning. Personality traits such as perceived enjoyment and self-efficacy have impact on behavior intention to adopt mobile learning