89 research outputs found


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    In this article the mechanisms of students motivation in distance education in higher education are reviewed, the researches of modern domestic and foreign scientists on this issue are analyzed, the major practical recommendations for improving motivation in distance learning are highlighted.В статье рассматриваются механизмы развития мотивации студентов дистанционного образования в высшей школе, проанализированы исследования современных отечественных и зарубежных ученых по этому вопросу, освещены основные практические рекомендации для повышения мотивации в дистанционном обучении.У статті розглядаються механізми розвитку мотивації студентів дистанційної освіти у вищій школі, проаналізовані дослідження сучасних вітчизняних і зарубіжних вчених цього питання, висвітлені основні практичні рекомендації для підвищення мотивації у дистанційному навчанні

    The impact of an online mathematics education project (MATACTIVA) on higher education students

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    The Online Mathematics Education Project (MatActiva) is an exciting new initiative which aims to support and enhance mathematics education. The project is led by the Institute of Accounting and Administration of Porto (ISCAP), part of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (IPP). It provides innovative resources and carefully constructed materials around themes such as Elementary Mathematics, Calculus, Algebra, Statistics and Financial Mathematics to help support and inspire students and teachers of mathematics. The goal is to increase mathematical understanding, confidence and enjoyment, enrich the mathematical experience of each person, and promote creative and imaginative approaches to mathematics. Furthermore the project can be used to deliver engaging and effective mathematics instruction through the flipped classroom model. This paper also presents the findings of a large survey, whose propose was to study the student’s reaction to the project

    Enhancing students’ academic performance in Malaysian online distance learning institutions

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    The increasing number of learner failure rates are alarming in online distance learning. Previous studies have identified the factors that have contributed to online distance learning students’ failure as lack of time and lack of motivation. The purpose of this study is to develop a direct effect understanding of extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy and time management on students’ academic performance in an online distance learning institution in Malaysia. The Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used to analyse the casual relationships between independent variables and dependent variables. The model was developed and later tested by adopting the Partial Least Square (PLS) procedure on data collected from a survey that yielded 210 usable questionnaires. The findings showed that extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy and time management have a significant and positive influence on students’ academic performance in an online distance learning institution. The findings imply that the relationship amongst extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy and time management on a student’s academic performance in an online distance learning institution will lead to the online distance learning institution’s low attrition rate. This study uses SmartPLS 2.0 and SPSS 18.0 to test the hypothesis and analyse respondents’ profile, respectively

    Exploring Chinese College Students’ Motivations to Participate in Cross-Border E-Commerce Skill Training

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    This paper examines college students’ motivations to participate in cross-border e-commerce skill training. The study conducted a semi-structured interview with participants of cross-border e-commerce workshops at Huaihua University using the ARCS motivation model. According to the findings, relevance and attention motivational components significantly attract students to the cross-border e-commerce skill training program. In contrast, confidence and satisfaction motivational components act as supportive motivators to persuade students to participate in the training program. Students’ knowledge of cross-border e-commerce platforms impacts their interest and attention to cross-border e-commerce workshops and their confidence and satisfaction with their learning process. It is recommended that the design of the university’s cross-border e-commerce skill training program should be optimized. Doing so is expected to maximize students’ motivations to participate in cross-border e-commerce skill training by promoting knowledge of cross-border e-commerce platforms to students of different levels

    The Effect of Educational Games on the Level of Motivation in Science of Grade IV Students in Angel Villarica Central School

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    The concern of this study is to determine The Effect of Educational Games on the Level of Motivation of Grade 4 Students in Angel Villarica Central Elementary School. A quantitative research design employing an experimental method was used in the study. The essential data were gathered from a total number of seventy-three (73) respondents, 36 students from the control group and 37 students from the experimental group, with the aid of a questionnaire validated by a panel of experts. The statistical tools used in this study were Average Weighted Mean and t-test for Independent Sample Means. The study proved that there was no significant difference between the mean gain scores of the experimental and control groups. It means that the use of educational games has no significant effect on the level of motivation in science. However, educational games can be considered as an alternative method in delivering the Science lesson. It was being recommended in the study to conduct a similar study in the future to confirm that educational games have no effect on the level of motivation and involve a wider scope in the conduct of the stud

    Developing A Moodle-Based Learning Management System (LMS) for Slow Learners

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    This study aimed to develop a Moodle-based Learning Management System (LMS) called eLSIDA (e-Learning STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo Asistif), which is validly used by students slow to study at STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. This study used 3 out of 5 ADDIE models, namely Analysis, Design, and Development. Expert judgment in this study consists of two experts, material experts, and media experts. The research instrument used to obtain research data is a questionnaire. The data that has been obtained is then analyzed using descriptive analysis. Validation results from material experts obtained a score of 92.5%, while the results of media expert validation obtained a score of 95%. Based on the expert judgment assessment shown that eLSIDA that has been developed in general can be declared valid and worth to be used. The media that has been developed can be accessed through http://lms.elsida.ac.id/Although the development of eLSIDA has been considered valid, the effectiveness of the media on eLSIDA needs to be tested further

    Maximizing Learning Potential: Unravelling the Synergy of Blended Learning and Student’s Learning Motivation and Achievement

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    Blended learning has been emerging as one of the most popular learning methods used Post Covid -19. Blended learning is the learning process that integrates face-to-face learning and online learning. This article aims to investigate the dynamic relationship between blended learning and students' learning motivation and achievement in English language subject. The participants were 150 11th grade students from two junior high schools in Polman district who had experienced in using blended learning. This study used mixed methods by employing two research tools, namely questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The research findings suggest a highly positive relationship between blended learning and student learning motivation and learning achievement.  some key factors within blended learning environments that contribute to enhancing their motivation. These factors include the flexibility and adaptability of blended learning designs. The study results also showed the dynamic relationship between students’ learning motivation and their engagement and achievement in learning. The study results contribute to the dissemination of information to educational stakeholders and academic forums for teachers as input of considering the implementation of blended learning an instruction fit in the current educational settings

    An Aptitude-Treatment-Interaction-Approach on Motivation and Student's Self-Regulated Multimedia-Based Learning

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    The goal of this study was to develop the research basics for identifying individual differences in multimedia learning and motivation. Within this study, the effects of implementing motivational design of instruction within multimedia-based learning were tested. Motivational design of instruction was related to the ARCS-model and resulted in using instructional strategies for increasing attention and relevance of the learning material. In addition, an aptitude-treatment-interaction (ATI)-approach was developed which connected motivational design of instruction to mental resources management, motivational processing, pre-motivation, motivation to learn, and knowledge acquisition. For testing the theoretical assumptions, there were four types of a multimedia-based instructional system implemented: One instructional system had no ARCS strategies, one had attention strategies, another had relevance strategies, and one finally had both attention and relevance strategies. Four groups of elementary school students (n = 68) had to learn with the different instructional systems. The effects of learning with these instructional systems were measured on motivation to learn and on knowledge acquisition. Pre-motivation (outcome-valences), pre-knowledge, and cognitive load represented aptitude- and process-variables. Results indicated that a combination of both attention and relevance strategies improved motivation to learn, especially for those students with low levels of pre-motivation. Pre-knowledge increased and cognitive load decreased knowledge acquisition. Finally, open research questions and methodological aspects are outlined. In addition, suggestions for the design of instructional multimedia are given.The goal of this study was to develop the research basics for identifying individual differences in multimedia learning and motivation. Within this study, the effects of implementing motivational design of instruction within multimedia-based learning were tested. Motivational design of instruction was related to the ARCS-model and resulted in using instructional strategies for increasing attention and relevance of the learning material. In addition, an aptitude-treatment-interaction (ATI)-approach was developed which connected motivational design of instruction to mental resources management, motivational processing, pre-motivation, motivation to learn, and knowledge acquisition. For testing the theoretical assumptions, there were four types of a multimedia-based instructional system implemented: One instructional system had no ARCS strategies, one had attention strategies, another had relevance strategies, and one finally had both attention and relevance strategies. Four groups of elementary school students (n = 68) had to learn with the different instructional systems. The effects of learning with these instructional systems were measured on motivation to learn and on knowledge acquisition. Pre-motivation (outcome-valences), pre-knowledge, and cognitive load represented aptitude- and process-variables. Results indicated that a combination of both attention and relevance strategies improved motivation to learn, especially for those students with low levels of pre-motivation. Pre-knowledge increased and cognitive load decreased knowledge acquisition. Finally, open research questions and methodological aspects are outlined. In addition, suggestions for the design of instructional multimedia are given