443 research outputs found

    Item-level RFID for enhancement of customer shopping experience in apparel retail

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    In the customer-oriented apparel retail industry, providing satisfactory shopping experience for customers is a vital differentiator. However, traditional stores generally cannot fully satisfy customer needs because of difficulties in locating target products, out-of-stocks, a lack of professional assistance for product selection, and long waiting for payments. Therefore, this paper proposes an item-level RFID-enabled retail store management system for relatively high-end apparel products to provide customers with more leisure, interaction for product information, and automatic apparel collocation to promote sales during shopping. In this system, RFID hardware devices are installed to capture customer shopping behaviour and preferences, which would be especially useful for business decision-making and proactive individual marketing to enhance retail business. Intelligent fuzzy screening algorithms are then developed to promote apparel collocation based on the customer preferences, the design features of products, and the sales history accumulated in the database. It is expected that the proposed system, when fully implemented, can help promote retail business by enriching customers with intelligent and personalized services, and thus enhance the overall shopping experience. © 2015 Elsevier B.V.postprin

    Improving Dynamic Decision-Making Through RFID: A Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) for RFID-Enhanced Warehouse Search Operations

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    Misplaced items contribute significantly (2-10%) to the operational expense of a typical warehouse. In this work we develop a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) model for RFID directed search to detect misplaced items within a storage environment. A forklift operator (FLO) equipped with an RFID reader is assigned to search for a misplaced item in a warehouse. A FLO does not know the location of the tagged misplaced item and is guided by the imperfect variations in the strength of the signal received from the RFID tag (active or passive). The model considers five actions, five observations in scenarios with different RFID signal strength distributions namely, excellent, good and poor. An extensive simulation study has been conducted to evaluate the performance of RFID-driven POMDP search method. Specifically, the effects of signal strength distributions, initial beliefs at the start of the search and, the discount factor have been studied.Industrial Engineering & Managemen

    RFID data reliability optimizer based on two dimensions bloom filter

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a flexible deployment technology that has been adopted in many applications especially in supply chain management. It provides several features such as to monitor, to identify and to track specific item hidden in a large group of objects in a short range of time. RFID system uses radio waves to perform wireless interaction to detect and read data from the tagged object. However, RFID data streams contain a lot of false positive and duplicate readings. Both types of readings need to be removed to ensure reliability of information produced from the data streams. A small occurrence of false positive can change the whole information, while duplicate readings unnecessarily occupied storage and processing resources. Many approaches have been proposed to remove false positive and duplicate readings, but they are done separately. These readings exist in the same data stream and must be removed using a single mechanism only. In this thesis, an efficient approach based on Bloom filters was proposed to remove both noisy and duplicate data from the RFID data streams. The noise and duplicate filter algorithm was constructed based on bloom filter. There are two bloom filters in one algorithm where each filter holds function either to remove noise data and to recognize data as correct reading from duplicate data reading. In order to test the algorithm, synthetic data was generated by using Poisson distribution. The simulation results show that our proposed approach outperformed other existing approaches in terms of data reliability

    The diffusion and impact of radio frequency identification in supply chains : a multi-method approach

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    As a promising and emerging technology for supply chain management, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a new alternative to existing tracking technologies and also allows a range of internal control and supply chain coordination. RFID has generated a significant amount of interest and activities from both practitioners and researchers in recent years. However, the factors important for its diffusion in supply chains and the impact on supply chain performance have not been well understood. Many organizations are reluctant to participate in supply-chain level RFID projects because of this lack of understanding. My dissertation proposes to help understand RFID's use in supply chains through a multi-method approach - an empirical study to understand the diffusion and impact of RFID and a simulation study to understand RFID's impact on inventory accuracy in supply chains. My first study on the factors influencing RFID adoption decision showed that compatibility, trading partner's RFID capability, trading partner power, competitive pressure, transaction volume and financial resources are significant factors for RFID adoption in a supply chain context. The second study which looked into the post-adoption use of RFID for supply chain has found that adoption cost, complexity, organizational readiness, external pressure and trading partner readiness significantly influence RFID infusion, which finally improves firm's supply chain process performance. The third study used a simulation model to examine RFID's impact on inventory management in supply chains. The key findings were that the benefits reaped from RFID heavily depend on product type which implements RFID. The above findings indicate that organizations have to carefully evaluate their RFID project with different factors identified in this dissertation to successfully implement RFID and derive its full benefits. My dissertation has contributed to RFID research in particular, and supply chain technology adoption in general, by showing the importance of trading partner issues for supply chain technology diffusion and use


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    Tämä pro gradu tutkielma käsittelee RFID – teknologian soveltuvuutta ABB Oy Medium Voltage Productin toimitusketjussa. Tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena käyttäen sekä laadullisia että määrällisiä menetelmiä. Tutkimuksen taustalla vaikutti yritysten tarve kehittää ja tehostaa tuotantoketjun toimintaa. Jotta yrityksen toiminta säilyisi kannattavana tulevaisuudessa kiristyvän kilpailun vallitessa, on nykyisillä resursseilla kyettävä toimimaan entistä tehokkaammin. Tutkielman viitekehyksen perustana oli alaan liittyvä kirjallisuus sekä tieteelliset elektronisessa muodossa olevat ajankohtaiset julkaisut. Osa teoksista oli julkaistu jo monia vuosia sitten, mutta perusajatukset RFID – teknologiasta ovat pysyneet muuttumattomina. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää RFID – teknologian toteutettavuutta ABB Medium Voltage Productsin toimitusketjun eri vaihessa. Lisäksi tuotiin esille erilaisia ehdotuksia siitä, miten RFID – teknologia voitaisiin käytännössä implementoida ABB:lle. Tavoitteena oli myös selvittää ja vertailla eri investointimahdollisuuksien takaisinmaksuaikoja toimitusketjun eri osissa. RFID – teknologian osalta pääajatus oli kuvata teknologia ensin yleisesti ja sitten tarkemmin yrityksen toimitusketjujen ja eri prosessien näkökulmista. RFID – teknologian käytännön sovelluksia ja toteutuneita projekteja löydettiin myös ja niitä etsittiin siksi, jotta voitaisiin huomata miten toiminta käytännössä tehostui. Keskeisin havainto oli huomata, että RFID – teknologia ei ole välttämätä aina järkevä investointi. Vaikka teknologia vaikuttaisi ensialkuun tehokkaalta ja luotettavalta, löytyy siitä useita ongelmakohtia ja haasteita joihin on tulevaisuudessa löydettävä toimivia ja kustannustehokkaita ratkaisuja. Tulevaisuudessa olisi tärkeää tutkia miten RFID tunnisteet saataisiin inegroitua piirikortteihin sekä kuinka teknologian käyttöönotto tehostaisi ulkoisen varaston tarjoajan prosesseja.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Potential effects of RFID technology on internal RTIs' supply chain performance : a case study of "Swire Oilfield Services"

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    Confidential until 23 May 202

    A fog computing framework for scalable RFID systems in global supply chain management

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    With the rapid proliferation of RFID systems in global supply chain management, tracking every object at the individual item level has led to the generation of enormous amount of data that will have to be stored and accessed quickly to make real time decisions. This is especially critical for perishable goods supply chain such as fruits and pharmaceuticals which have enormous value tied up in assets and may become worthless if they are not kept in precisely controlled and cool environments. While Cloud-based RFID solutions are deployed to monitor and track the products from manufacturer to retailer, we argue that Fog Computing is needed to bring efficiency and reduce the wastage experienced in the perishable produce supply chain. This paper investigates in-depth: (i) the application of Fog Computing in perishable produce supply chain management using blackberry fruit as a case study; (ii) the data, computations and storage requirements for the fog nodes at each stage of the supply chain; (iii) the adaptation of the architecture to the general perishable goods supply chain; and (iv) the benefits of the proposed fog nodes with respect to monitoring and actuation in the blackberry supply chain