533 research outputs found

    The Impact of Electronic Commerce on Traditional Marketing Channels

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    This paper is organized as follows: discussion of the prevailing disintermediation hypothesis, articulation of the of the functions of traditional middlemen, Probing deeper into the Disintermediation hypothesis with the aid of five scenarios -- three concerning individual companies, one about he emergence of transaction processing companies, and finally the scenario of integration of logistics into core business functions. The paper ends with integrative conclusions and implications for researchers

    The Impact of Electronic Commerce on the Automotive Industry

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    The diffusion of the Internet (and comparable communication infrastructures) has led to the emergence of a virtual global marketspace in which products and services are sold electronically. As a result, traditional intermediaries, such as travel agents or retailers, are being bypassed. This development effects not only products and services which can be digitized but also the marketing and distribution of physical products. We have scrutinized the interdependencies of product characteristics and traditional distribution structure, electronic commerce andthe emergence of new services and distribution structures trends in the automotive industry. The auto manufacturers are facing difficult choices on several fronts at a time: cybermediaries, independent (mega-)dealers and their own direct sales operations on the Web are competing with their exclusive dealers. Based on this analysis which reveals patterns of exacerbated competition, we will discuss strategic options for a business network redesig

    Examining the Effect of E-Commerce on Business Performance in A Business Environment

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    In this exercise, the effects tof electronic commerce in the light of business to business transaction are examined. Our assessments result in the development of four propositions regarding the impact of electronic commerce on business performance. Our propositions link the adoption of electronic commerce through information flow and speed of decision making to business performance. From these propositions, we have suggested a model of the impact of electronic commerce adoption on business performance, the benefit of the buyers, the suppliers and the customers. The model implies a mediated link between electronic commerce and business performance. It is our view that the adoption of this model will enhance business activity and its overall performance. Keywords: E-Commerce, Business Performance, Environmen

    The impact of electronic commerce on the Peruvian firms' revenue

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    Electronic commerce is a way of sale that has come to stay. It helps companies to overcome physical barriers, and in theory, it increases their sales. However, does electronic commerce have any impact on the firms' revenue? This research sought the answer by employing OLS and quantile regressions in a sample of 2164 Peruvian retail firms. The dataset was obtained through the INEI economic survey of 2019, which was the last one. For methodological purposes, electronic commerce was compared against the other sales channels employed by the studied firms. It was found that electronic commerce positively impacted the income in firms with more enormous revenues but was still low compared with traditional commerce forms

    The impact of electronic commerce on study programmes. The modernization of higher education, innovations and social dimension

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    In a social and economic environment, knowledge and skills acquired by highereducation have become increasingly important (European Commission 2010). Expandingthe higher education opportunities in a major part of the society has so far become a socialnecessity. Lately, the concept of e-commerce in the curricula, and the social dimension(social inclusiveness) are the centre of important policies on the national and internationallevel. It has been affirmed that the social dimension of higher education primarily consistsof offering the members of a society the opportunity to participate in higher education.Universities play a key role in the future of Europe and in the orientation of theeconomy and society towards knowledge. Particularly, higher education institutions need toopen flexible programmes, and find more ways to increase the number of the students inneed thereby raising their total number of the students. The flexibility of higher educationis also extended by the development of new technologies such as e-learning. Computernetworks and digital technology are widely used in e-commerce. The combination ofhuman intelligence and the high speed of computers has enabled the effectiveness ofcommercial activities. All the processes of negotiation, signing of contracts, ordering andaccepting products are done by computers which are connected to the network. This hasthus created new problems of consumer protection and intellectual property issues.In order to protect the copyrights and in order to stimulate the development ofe-commerce, we should include in the curricula of higher education studies the principlesfor the protection of intellectual property and key points of the copyright law inaccordance with the network computer technological developments and their applications.Many countries offer two study cycles as a sensible contribution for the flexibility ofstudies. This offering provides the opportunity to take a bachelor diploma and then enterinto the work market, or to further their education with a master's programme. Half ofthe countries do not show any relationship between the employer and higher educationalinstitutions, thus encouraging the flexibility of study

    A Value Chain Based Analysis of Electronic Commerce’s Transformation of China’s Pharmaceutical Industry

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    In this paper we explore the impact of electronic commerce on the industry structure and market power allocation of China’s pharmaceutical industry. Firstly, we describe the overall characteristics of the pharmaceutical Industry in general. Secondly, we develop a value chain based framework of analysis for China’s pharmaceutical industry. We divide the pharmaceutical industry value chain into three tiers: the initial market, the middle market and the end market. Based on these works, we analyze the profound impacts of Electronic Commerce on the transformation of China’s pharmaceutical Industry, with particular emphasis on the evolution of market structure and the re-allocation of market power due to the introduction of E-Commerce procedures

    Assessing the Impacts of Electronic Commerce Diffusion on Development

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    While the concept of economic development has been widely used to understand the health and wealth of countries, it is accepted that the access to the internet for electronic commerce transactions enable generation in income and improvements in lives. However, with the rise of disparities in income within countries, electronic commerce opportunities can be limited to the few with internet access. In this paper, we investigate how e-commerce diffusion affects economic development and factors of electronic commerce diffusion that promote or impede economic development. Using data available through international data collection agencies, we analyze three ASEAN members with relatively close GNI as of 2013 as well as three countries with largely high GNI as of 2013. The contribution of this paper is in understanding the impact of electronic commerce diffusion on development

    The Impact of e-Commerce on Cross-border Taxation

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    This essay offers a technical analysis on the impact of electronic commerce on cross-border taxation. The jurisdiction, the characterization of income. transfer pricing and tax administration are said to raise the potential problems on taxation of electronic commerce for both lax authorities and taxpayers at international level. The OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) sources will be used to discuss those problems. Keywords: electronic commerce. taxation. the OEC

    Impact of E-Business on Business Association

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    The said research paper involves a study of the impact of Electronic Commerce on Business. The research study has highlighted the Management Information Systems, Finance and Accounting, Marketing and Computer Sciences of E-Commerce on Business. E-commerce is a way of conducting business over the Internet. Though it is a relatively new concept, it has the potential to alter the traditional form of economic activities. Already it affects such large sectors as communications, finance and retail trade and holds promises in areas such as education, health and government. The largest effects may be associated not with many of the impacts that command the most attention but with less visible, but potentially more pervasive, effects on routine business activities. The integration of Electronic Commerce and Business will bring a renaissance in marketing function. As it present opportunities to get close to the customer to bring the customer inside the company, to explore new product ideas and pretest them against real customers

    Influence of electronic commerce on business performance: Evidence from e-commerce organisations in Harare, Zimbabwe

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    Abstract: The purpose of the study was to explore the impact of electronic commerce on business performance with specific focus on business organisations in Harare, Zimbabwe. This was achieved through investigating the relationship between e-commerce investment and indicators of business performance such as cost operations, service operations and profit levels. A structured questionnaire was developed and administered to 40 respondents from 10 e-commerce organisations. The study revealed that there was a positive relationship between e-commerce investment and business performance. It was revealed that an investment in e-commerce by organisations in Zimbabwe would increase profit levels, improve service operations and reduce transaction costs. The researchers recommended that organisations that have already adopted e-commerce should raise customer awareness and interest in e-commerce and promote the usage of the technology. They also recommended that policy makers such as the Government must take a leading role in the funding of education and the development of infrastructure in order to encourage more organizations and consumers to participate in e-commerce.Keywords: E-commerce, Business performance, Business organisations, Service operations, Cost operation