217 research outputs found


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    The Influence of Brand Image on Purchase Decision, the Influence of Product Quality on Purchase Decision, and the Dominant Influence between Brand Image and Product Quality on Purchase Decision. This research was conducted in the Sukun District of Malang City. The population used in this study was consumers of Honda Beat motorcycles, with a sample of 120 respondents. Respondent characteristics are consumers located in the Sukun District, Malang City, consumers who first purchased the Honda Beat, aged 25-60 years, and consumers who already have a job. This study used a non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling. Data collection technique used an online questionnaire. This study used multiple linear regression analysis processed with SPSS 25 program. The results of this study found that brand image has a positive and significant influence on purchase decision. Product quality has a positive and significant influence on purchase decision. Product quality has a more dominant influence on purchase decision

    Improving Drama Script Writing Skills Through Method of Learning Scientific Grade VIII Junior High School Negeri 1 Selong Years Lessons 2013/2014

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    Writing skills is the ability to use language to communicate wearing good writing language in accordance with linguistic rules. Skills would be achieved if a lot of practice. Therefore, to attain skills that students should be given a lot of the writing exercise. Based on observations made by researchers in the SMP Negeri 1 Selong, apparently the result of the student's writing is still low. The cause, underprivileged students in pouring the idea (idea), lack of students to practice writing. As such, the drama script writing skills in students of class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Selong needs to be improved. Improve the writing skills of students through scientific learning methods. This type of research this is a class action Research (PTK) that done in two cycles, the subject of this research is the class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Selong School Year 2013/2014. In this study, researchers used the technique of observation and test techniques for collecting data, and then to analyze the data already gathered researchers using the technique of descriptive qualitative and descriptive techniques quantitative with the formula Mi-Sdi. Based on the results of the analysis it can be concluded that Scientific learning methods can improve the ability of writing a screenplay on the learning process of students. Increase in the ability of students in writing the script of the play seen from the classical mastery in percentage of the cycle I of 24% experienced an increase in cycle II with mastery in classical 89%

    Mental States Are Like Diseases

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    While Quine’s linguistic behaviorism is well-known, his Kant Lectures contain one of his most detailed discussions of behaviorism in psychology and the philosophy of mind. Quine clarifies the nature of his psychological commitments by arguing for a modest view that is against ‘excessively restrictive’ variants of behaviorism while maintaining ‘a good measure of behaviorist discipline…to keep [our mental] terms under control’. In this paper, I use Quine’s Kant Lectures to reconstruct his position. I distinguish three types of behaviorism in psychology and the philosophy of mind: ontological behaviorism, logical behaviorism, and epistemological behaviorism. I then consider Quine’s perspective on each of these views and argue that he does not fully accept any of them. By combining these perspectives we arrive at Quine’s surprisingly subtle view about behaviorism in psychology

    Policy and Practice Brief: The Transition from School to Work; The Special Education and State Vocational Rehabilitation Systems’ Obligations to Prepare Students with Disabilities for the World of Work

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    This brief provides an overview of the transition requirements outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Reviewed are concepts of free appropriate public education, least restrictive environment; individual education programs; and, due process. The brief provides an illustrated case study along with a discussion of how special education and vocational rehabilitation intersect

    The Costs of a “Free” Education: The Impact of Schaffer v. Weast and Arlington v. Murphy on Litigation under the IDEA

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    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act guarantees to children with disabilities the right to receive a free appropriate public education. This Note argues that the Supreme Court decisions Schaffer v. Weast and Arlington v. Murphy, cases dealing with procedural aspects of the Act, undermine a prior trend in IDEA litigation-a trend that had increased the substantive and procedural rights of children with disabilities. Considered together, the Schaffer and Arlington decisions ignore the realities of the litigation process and impose significant burdens on parents attempting to ensure that their children receive the free appropriate education to which they are entitled

    The Behaviorisms of Skinner and Quine: Genesis, Development, and Mutual Influence

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    in april 1933, two bright young Ph.D.s were elected to the Harvard Society of Fellows: the psychologist B. F. Skinner and the philosopher/logician W. V. Quine. Both men would become among the most influential scholars of their time; Skinner leads the "Top 100 Most Eminent Psychologists of the 20th Century," whereas philosophers have selected Quine as the most important Anglophone philosopher after the Second World War.1 At the height of their fame, Skinner and Quine became "Edgar Pierce twins"; the latter obtaining the endowed chair at Harvard's department of philosophy, the former taking up the position at Harvard's psychology department.2Besides these biographical parallels, there also..

    National Evaluation of the Capacity Building Programme in English Local Government: Overall Final Report

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    This report is one of a series of outputs from the National Evaluation of the Capacity Building Programme for local government in England (CBP), undertaken by a team of researchers at the Policy Research Institute (PRI) at Leeds Metropolitan University and the Cities Research Unit at the University of West of England. This report summarises the findings from all four key strands of the evaluation. Because of the difficulties associated with quantifying the capacity of local authorities, much less the sector, in relation to the dynamic roles and objectives that they pursue, the report focuses on what has worked, why and in what circumstances, rather than providing a definitive assessment of the extent of change of capacity building enabled by the CBP. The CBP was launched in 2003 as a joint Department for Communities and Local Government/Local Government Association (LGA) initiative to support capacity building and improvement activities within local authorities in England. The CBP has supported four main streams of improvement and capacity building activity in local authorities (see Section 1.2; p13)

    The decision to innovate; Literature and propositions

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    This study investigate what makes individuals (entrepreneurs, employees in organisations) decide to proceed with innovative ideas. This is an important topic as practitioners in organisations (managers, entrepreneurs) and policy makers face the challenge of realising continuous innovation. Three main arguments are proposed to be directly associated with the decision to innovate: perceived pay-off, situation control and intrinsic motivation. The three main arguments provide a basis for a cumulative, three-componential theory of an individuals decision to proceed with innovative ideas.
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