2,483 research outputs found

    A multi-level algorithm for the solution of moment problems

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    We study numerical methods for the solution of general linear moment problems, where the solution belongs to a family of nested subspaces of a Hilbert space. Multi-level algorithms, based on the conjugate gradient method and the Landweber--Richardson method are proposed that determine the "optimal" reconstruction level a posteriori from quantities that arise during the numerical calculations. As an important example we discuss the reconstruction of band-limited signals from irregularly spaced noisy samples, when the actual bandwidth of the signal is not available. Numerical examples show the usefulness of the proposed algorithms

    Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces and variable metric algorithms in PDE constrained shape optimisation

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    In this paper we investigate and compare different gradient algorithms designed for the domain expression of the shape derivative. Our main focus is to examine the usefulness of kernel reproducing Hilbert spaces for PDE constrained shape optimisation problems. We show that radial kernels provide convenient formulas for the shape gradient that can be efficiently used in numerical simulations. The shape gradients associated with radial kernels depend on a so called smoothing parameter that allows a smoothness adjustment of the shape during the optimisation process. Besides, this smoothing parameter can be used to modify the movement of the shape. The theoretical findings are verified in a number of numerical experiments

    Early stopping and non-parametric regression: An optimal data-dependent stopping rule

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    The strategy of early stopping is a regularization technique based on choosing a stopping time for an iterative algorithm. Focusing on non-parametric regression in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space, we analyze the early stopping strategy for a form of gradient-descent applied to the least-squares loss function. We propose a data-dependent stopping rule that does not involve hold-out or cross-validation data, and we prove upper bounds on the squared error of the resulting function estimate, measured in either the L2(P)L^2(P) and L2(Pn)L^2(P_n) norm. These upper bounds lead to minimax-optimal rates for various kernel classes, including Sobolev smoothness classes and other forms of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. We show through simulation that our stopping rule compares favorably to two other stopping rules, one based on hold-out data and the other based on Stein's unbiased risk estimate. We also establish a tight connection between our early stopping strategy and the solution path of a kernel ridge regression estimator.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figure

    Solving Support Vector Machines in Reproducing Kernel Banach Spaces with Positive Definite Functions

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    In this paper we solve support vector machines in reproducing kernel Banach spaces with reproducing kernels defined on nonsymmetric domains instead of the traditional methods in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. Using the orthogonality of semi-inner-products, we can obtain the explicit representations of the dual (normalized-duality-mapping) elements of support vector machine solutions. In addition, we can introduce the reproduction property in a generalized native space by Fourier transform techniques such that it becomes a reproducing kernel Banach space, which can be even embedded into Sobolev spaces, and its reproducing kernel is set up by the related positive definite function. The representations of the optimal solutions of support vector machines (regularized empirical risks) in these reproducing kernel Banach spaces are formulated explicitly in terms of positive definite functions, and their finite numbers of coefficients can be computed by fixed point iteration. We also give some typical examples of reproducing kernel Banach spaces induced by Mat\'ern functions (Sobolev splines) so that their support vector machine solutions are well computable as the classical algorithms. Moreover, each of their reproducing bases includes information from multiple training data points. The concept of reproducing kernel Banach spaces offers us a new numerical tool for solving support vector machines.Comment: 26 page

    A stochastic behavior analysis of stochastic restricted-gradient descent algorithm in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces

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    This paper presents a stochastic behavior analysis of a kernel-based stochastic restricted-gradient descent method. The restricted gradient gives a steepest ascent direction within the so-called dictionary subspace. The analysis provides the transient and steady state performance in the mean squared error criterion. It also includes stability conditions in the mean and mean-square sense. The present study is based on the analysis of the kernel normalized least mean square (KNLMS) algorithm initially proposed by Chen et al. Simulation results validate the analysis

    Convergence rates of Kernel Conjugate Gradient for random design regression

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    We prove statistical rates of convergence for kernel-based least squares regression from i.i.d. data using a conjugate gradient algorithm, where regularization against overfitting is obtained by early stopping. This method is related to Kernel Partial Least Squares, a regression method that combines supervised dimensionality reduction with least squares projection. Following the setting introduced in earlier related literature, we study so-called "fast convergence rates" depending on the regularity of the target regression function (measured by a source condition in terms of the kernel integral operator) and on the effective dimensionality of the data mapped into the kernel space. We obtain upper bounds, essentially matching known minimax lower bounds, for the L2\mathcal{L}^2 (prediction) norm as well as for the stronger Hilbert norm, if the true regression function belongs to the reproducing kernel Hilbert space. If the latter assumption is not fulfilled, we obtain similar convergence rates for appropriate norms, provided additional unlabeled data are available

    Learning with SGD and Random Features

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    Sketching and stochastic gradient methods are arguably the most common techniques to derive efficient large scale learning algorithms. In this paper, we investigate their application in the context of nonparametric statistical learning. More precisely, we study the estimator defined by stochastic gradient with mini batches and random features. The latter can be seen as form of nonlinear sketching and used to define approximate kernel methods. The considered estimator is not explicitly penalized/constrained and regularization is implicit. Indeed, our study highlights how different parameters, such as number of features, iterations, step-size and mini-batch size control the learning properties of the solutions. We do this by deriving optimal finite sample bounds, under standard assumptions. The obtained results are corroborated and illustrated by numerical experiments

    Fast inference in nonlinear dynamical systems using gradient matching

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    Parameter inference in mechanistic models of coupled differential equations is a topical problem. We propose a new method based on kernel ridge regression and gradient matching, and an objective function that simultaneously encourages goodness of fit and penalises inconsistencies with the differential equations. Fast minimisation is achieved by exploiting partial convexity inherent in this function, and setting up an iterative algorithm in the vein of the EM algorithm. An evaluation of the proposed method on various benchmark data suggests that it compares favourably with state-of-the-art alternatives
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