305,321 research outputs found

    The family constrained network problem

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    AbstractAn extension of the classical fixed charge transportation problem is developed that allows a wide variety of practical production, distribution, and inventory planning models to be addressed. Computational results are presented for problems with up to one thousand network constraints and five thousand network variables

    A Laplacian Approach to â„“1\ell_1-Norm Minimization

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    We propose a novel differentiable reformulation of the linearly-constrained â„“1\ell_1 minimization problem, also known as the basis pursuit problem. The reformulation is inspired by the Laplacian paradigm of network theory and leads to a new family of gradient-based methods for the solution of â„“1\ell_1 minimization problems. We analyze the iteration complexity of a natural solution approach to the reformulation, based on a multiplicative weights update scheme, as well as the iteration complexity of an accelerated gradient scheme. The results can be seen as bounds on the complexity of iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) type methods of basis pursuit

    Matroidal Degree-Bounded Minimum Spanning Trees

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    We consider the minimum spanning tree (MST) problem under the restriction that for every vertex v, the edges of the tree that are adjacent to v satisfy a given family of constraints. A famous example thereof is the classical degree-constrained MST problem, where for every vertex v, a simple upper bound on the degree is imposed. Iterative rounding/relaxation algorithms became the tool of choice for degree-bounded network design problems. A cornerstone for this development was the work of Singh and Lau, who showed for the degree-bounded MST problem how to find a spanning tree violating each degree bound by at most one unit and with cost at most the cost of an optimal solution that respects the degree bounds. However, current iterative rounding approaches face several limits when dealing with more general degree constraints. In particular, when several constraints are imposed on the edges adjacent to a vertex v, as for example when a partition of the edges adjacent to v is given and only a fixed number of elements can be chosen out of each set of the partition, current approaches might violate each of the constraints by a constant, instead of violating all constraints together by at most a constant number of edges. Furthermore, it is also not clear how previous iterative rounding approaches can be used for degree constraints where some edges are in a super-constant number of constraints. We extend iterative rounding/relaxation approaches both on a conceptual level as well as aspects involving their analysis to address these limitations. This leads to an efficient algorithm for the degree-constrained MST problem where for every vertex v, the edges adjacent to v have to be independent in a given matroid. The algorithm returns a spanning tree T of cost at most OPT, such that for every vertex v, it suffices to remove at most 8 edges from T to satisfy the matroidal degree constraint at v

    Distributionally Robust Statistical Verification with Imprecise Neural Networks

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    A particularly challenging problem in AI safety is providing guarantees on the behavior of high-dimensional autonomous systems. Verification approaches centered around reachability analysis fail to scale, and purely statistical approaches are constrained by the distributional assumptions about the sampling process. Instead, we pose a distributionally robust version of the statistical verification problem for black-box systems, where our performance guarantees hold over a large family of distributions. This paper proposes a novel approach based on a combination of active learning, uncertainty quantification, and neural network verification. A central piece of our approach is an ensemble technique called Imprecise Neural Networks, which provides the uncertainty to guide active learning. The active learning uses an exhaustive neural-network verification tool Sherlock to collect samples. An evaluation on multiple physical simulators in the openAI gym Mujoco environments with reinforcement-learned controllers demonstrates that our approach can provide useful and scalable guarantees for high-dimensional systems

    Graph Editing to a Given Neighbourhood Degree List is Fixed-Parameter Tractable

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    Graph editing problems have a long history and have been widely studied, with applications in biochemistry and complex network analysis. They generally ask whether an input graph can be modified by inserting and deleting vertices and edges to a graph with the desired property. We consider the problem \textsc{Graph-Edit-to-NDL} (GEN) where the goal is to modify to a graph with a given neighbourhood degree list (NDL). The NDL lists the degrees of the neighbours of vertices in a graph, and is a stronger invariant than the degree sequence, which lists the degrees of vertices. We show \textsc{Graph-Edit-to-NDL} is NP-complete and study its parameterized complexity. In parameterized complexity, a problem is said to be fixed-parameter tractable with respect to a parameter if it has a solution whose running time is a function that is polynomial in the input size but possibly superpolynomial in the parameter. Golovach and Mertzios [ICSSR, 2016] studied editing to a graph with a given degree sequence and showed the problem is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by Δ+ℓ\Delta+\ell, where Δ\Delta is the maximum degree of the input graph and ℓ\ell is the number of edits. We prove \textsc{Graph-Edit-to-NDL} is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by Δ+ℓ\Delta+\ell. Furthermore, we consider a harder problem \textsc{Constrained-Graph-Edit-to-NDL} (CGEN) that imposes constraints on the NDLs of intermediate graphs produced in the sequence. We adapt our FPT algorithm for \textsc{Graph-Edit-to-NDL} to solve \textsc{Constrained-Graph-Edit-to-NDL}, which proves \textsc{Constrained-Graph-Edit-to-NDL} is also fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by Δ+ℓ\Delta+\ell. Our results imply that, for graph properties that can be expressed as properties of NDLs, editing to a graph with such a property is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by Δ+ℓ\Delta+\ell. We show that this family of graph properties includes some well-known graph measures used in complex network analysis

    Graph Editing to a Given Neighbourhood Degree List is Fixed-Parameter Tractable

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    Graph editing problems have a long history and have been widely studied, with applications in biochemistry and complex network analysis. They generally ask whether an input graph can be modified by inserting and deleting vertices and edges to a graph with the desired property. We consider the problem \textsc{Graph-Edit-to-NDL} (GEN) where the goal is to modify to a graph with a given neighbourhood degree list (NDL). The NDL lists the degrees of the neighbours of vertices in a graph, and is a stronger invariant than the degree sequence, which lists the degrees of vertices. We show \textsc{Graph-Edit-to-NDL} is NP-complete and study its parameterized complexity. In parameterized complexity, a problem is said to be fixed-parameter tractable with respect to a parameter if it has a solution whose running time is a function that is polynomial in the input size but possibly superpolynomial in the parameter. Golovach and Mertzios [ICSSR, 2016] studied editing to a graph with a given degree sequence and showed the problem is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by Δ+ℓ\Delta+\ell, where Δ\Delta is the maximum degree of the input graph and ℓ\ell is the number of edits. We prove \textsc{Graph-Edit-to-NDL} is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by Δ+ℓ\Delta+\ell. Furthermore, we consider a harder problem \textsc{Constrained-Graph-Edit-to-NDL} (CGEN) that imposes constraints on the NDLs of intermediate graphs produced in the sequence. We adapt our FPT algorithm for \textsc{Graph-Edit-to-NDL} to solve \textsc{Constrained-Graph-Edit-to-NDL}, which proves \textsc{Constrained-Graph-Edit-to-NDL} is also fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by Δ+ℓ\Delta+\ell. Our results imply that, for graph properties that can be expressed as properties of NDLs, editing to a graph with such a property is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by Δ+ℓ\Delta+\ell. We show that this family of graph properties includes some well-known graph measures used in complex network analysis

    Hamilton-Jacobi equations on networks as limits of singularly perturbed problems in optimal control: dimension reduction

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    We consider a family of open star-shaped domains made of a finite number of non intersecting semi-infinite strips of small thickness and of a central region whose diameter is of the same order of thickness, that may be called the junction. When the thickness tends to 0, the domains tend to a union of half-lines sharing an endpoint. This set is termed "network". We study infinite horizon optimal control problems in which the state is constrained to remain in the star-shaped domains. In the above mentioned strips the running cost may have a fast variation w.r.t. the transverse coordinate. When the thickness tends to 0 we prove that the value function tends to the solution of a Hamilton-Jacobi equation on the network, which may also be related to an optimal control problem. One difficulty is to find the transmission condition at the junction node in the limit problem. For passing to the limit, we use the method of the perturbed test-functions of Evans, which requires constructing suitable correctors. This is another difficulty since the domain is unbounded
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