16 research outputs found

    Average degree conditions forcing a minor

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    Mader first proved that high average degree forces a given graph as a minor. Often motivated by Hadwiger's Conjecture, much research has focused on the average degree required to force a complete graph as a minor. Subsequently, various authors have consider the average degree required to force an arbitrary graph HH as a minor. Here, we strengthen (under certain conditions) a recent result by Reed and Wood, giving better bounds on the average degree required to force an HH-minor when HH is a sparse graph with many high degree vertices. This solves an open problem of Reed and Wood, and also generalises (to within a constant factor) known results when HH is an unbalanced complete bipartite graph

    Forcing a sparse minor

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    This paper addresses the following question for a given graph HH: what is the minimum number f(H)f(H) such that every graph with average degree at least f(H)f(H) contains HH as a minor? Due to connections with Hadwiger's Conjecture, this question has been studied in depth when HH is a complete graph. Kostochka and Thomason independently proved that f(Kt)=ctlntf(K_t)=ct\sqrt{\ln t}. More generally, Myers and Thomason determined f(H)f(H) when HH has a super-linear number of edges. We focus on the case when HH has a linear number of edges. Our main result, which complements the result of Myers and Thomason, states that if HH has tt vertices and average degree dd at least some absolute constant, then f(H)3.895lndtf(H)\leq 3.895\sqrt{\ln d}\,t. Furthermore, motivated by the case when HH has small average degree, we prove that if HH has tt vertices and qq edges, then f(H)t+6.291qf(H) \leq t+6.291q (where the coefficient of 1 in the tt term is best possible)

    On \u3cem\u3eK\u3c/em\u3e\u3cem\u3e\u3csub\u3es,t\u3c/sub\u3e\u3c/em\u3e-minors in Graphs with Given Average Degree

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    Let D(H) be the minimum d such that every graph G with average degree d has an H-minor. Myers and Thomason found good bounds on D(H) for almost all graphs H and proved that for \u27balanced\u27 H random graphs provide extremal examples and determine the extremal function. Examples of \u27unbalanced graphs\u27 are complete bipartite graphs Ks,t for a fixed s and large t. Myers proved upper bounds on D(Ks,t ) and made a conjecture on the order of magnitude of D(Ks,t ) for a fixed s and t → ∞. He also found exact values for D(K2,t) for an infinite series of t. In this paper, we confirm the conjecture of Myers and find asymptotically (in s) exact bounds on D(Ks,t ) for a fixed s and large t

    Maximum spread of K2,tK_{2,t}-minor-free graphs

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    The spread of a graph GG is the difference between the largest and smallest eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of GG. In this paper, we consider the family of graphs which contain no K2,tK_{2,t}-minor. We show that for any t2t\geq 2, there is an integer ξt\xi_t such that the maximum spread of an nn-vertex K2,tK_{2,t}-minor-free graph is achieved by the graph obtained by joining a vertex to the disjoint union of 2n+ξt3t\lfloor \frac{2n+\xi_t}{3t}\rfloor copies of KtK_t and n1t2n+ξt3tn-1 - t\lfloor \frac{2n+\xi_t}{3t}\rfloor isolated vertices. The extremal graph is unique, except when t4mod12t\equiv 4 \mod 12 and 2n+ξt3t\frac{2n+ \xi_t} {3t} is an integer, in which case the other extremal graph is the graph obtained by joining a vertex to the disjoint union of 2n+ξt3t1\lfloor \frac{2n+\xi_t}{3t}\rfloor-1 copies of KtK_t and n1t(2n+ξt3t1)n-1-t(\lfloor \frac{2n+\xi_t}{3t}\rfloor-1) isolated vertices. Furthermore, we give an explicit formula for ξt\xi_t.Comment: 15 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2209.1377

    Subdivisions in a bipartite graph

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    Given a bipartite graph G with m and n vertices, respectively,in its vertices classes, and given two integers s, t such that 2 ≤ s ≤ t, 0 ≤ m−s ≤ n−t, and m+n ≤ 2s+t−1, we prove that if G has at least mn−(2(m−s)+n−t) edges then it contains a subdivision of the complete bipartite K(s,t)K_(s,t) with s vertices in the m-class and t vertices in the n-class. Furthermore, we characterize the corresponding extremal bipartite graphs with mn − (2(m − s) + n − t + 1) edges for this topological Turan type problem.Peer Reviewe

    On the choosability of HH-minor-free graphs

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    Given a graph HH, let us denote by fχ(H)f_\chi(H) and f(H)f_\ell(H), respectively, the maximum chromatic number and the maximum list chromatic number of HH-minor-free graphs. Hadwiger's famous coloring conjecture from 1943 states that fχ(Kt)=t1f_\chi(K_t)=t-1 for every t2t \ge 2. In contrast, for list coloring it is known that 2to(t)f(Kt)O(t(loglogt)6)2t-o(t) \le f_\ell(K_t) \le O(t (\log \log t)^6) and thus, f(Kt)f_\ell(K_t) is bounded away from the conjectured value t1t-1 for fχ(Kt)f_\chi(K_t) by at least a constant factor. The so-called HH-Hadwiger's conjecture, proposed by Seymour, asks to prove that fχ(H)=v(H)1f_\chi(H)=\textsf{v}(H)-1 for a given graph HH (which would be implied by Hadwiger's conjecture). In this paper, we prove several new lower bounds on f(H)f_\ell(H), thus exploring the limits of a list coloring extension of HH-Hadwiger's conjecture. Our main results are: For every ε>0\varepsilon>0 and all sufficiently large graphs HH we have f(H)(1ε)(v(H)+κ(H))f_\ell(H)\ge (1-\varepsilon)(\textsf{v}(H)+\kappa(H)), where κ(H)\kappa(H) denotes the vertex-connectivity of HH. For every ε>0\varepsilon>0 there exists C=C(ε)>0C=C(\varepsilon)>0 such that asymptotically almost every nn-vertex graph HH with Cnlogn\left\lceil C n\log n\right\rceil edges satisfies f(H)(2ε)nf_\ell(H)\ge (2-\varepsilon)n. The first result generalizes recent results on complete and complete bipartite graphs and shows that the list chromatic number of HH-minor-free graphs is separated from the natural lower bound (v(H)1)(\textsf{v}(H)-1) by a constant factor for all large graphs HH of linear connectivity. The second result tells us that even when HH is a very sparse graph (with an average degree just logarithmic in its order), f(H)f_\ell(H) can still be separated from (v(H)1)(\textsf{v}(H)-1) by a constant factor arbitrarily close to 22. Conceptually these results indicate that the graphs HH for which f(H)f_\ell(H) is close to (v(H)1)(\textsf{v}(H)-1) are typically rather sparse.Comment: 14 page

    Dense graphs have K3,t minors

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    AbstractLet K3,t∗ denote the graph obtained from K3,t by adding all edges between the three vertices of degree t in it. We prove that for each t≥6300 and n≥t+3, each n-vertex graph G with e(G)>12(t+3)(n−2)+1 has a K3,t∗-minor. The bound is sharp in the sense that for every t, there are infinitely many graphs G with e(G)=12(t+3)(|V(G)|−2)+1 that have no K3,t-minor. The result confirms a partial case of the conjecture by Woodall and Seymour that every (s+t)-chromatic graph has a Ks,t-minor