150 research outputs found

    Frameworks: the future of formal software development?

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    It could be argued that the primary issue to be dealt with in software engineering today is re-use of software. Current software development rarely, if ever, starts from nothing. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the development of specifications. To overcome this problem, various works have attempted to show how specifications can be built using architectural principles. We discuss one such approach in particular, the Architectural Semantics of Open Distributed Processing. We show the limitations of this work with regard to the architecting of specifications and propose a new approach, based on frameworks. To highlight the approach we use the work currently being done in the TOSCA project in its development of a service creation and validation environment for telecommunication services

    Report on the Standardization Project ``Formal Methods in Conformance Testing''

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    This paper presents the latest developments in the ā€œFormal Methods in Conformance Testingā€ (FMCT) project of ISO and ITUā€“T. The project has been initiated to study the role of formal description techniques in the conformance testing process. The goal is to develop a standard that defines the meaning of conformance in the context of formal description techniques. We give an account of the current status of FMCT in the standardization process as well as an overview of the technical status of the proposed standard. Moreover, we indicate some of its strong and weak points, and we give some directions for future work on FMCT

    GridWise Standards Mapping Overview

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    On the design of application protocols

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    In the last decades, much effort has been spent on the design and provision of sophisticated communication infrastructures. The development of end-user oriented distributed system applications, leaning on top of these communication infrastructures, so far has attracted little attention. This is regrettable, since communication infrastructures can only become useful and profitable if they can be deployed in the context of a sufficient number of distributed applications.\ud Two important factors determine the success of distributed applications: (1) the provision of high quality application services and protocols at short time scales; and (2) the availability of standards for these services and protocols that can be used for the construction of ļæ½openļæ½ distributed systems. The achievement of both (1) and (2) can be supported by a suitable design methodology.\ud A design methodology entails a systematic approach to carry out complex designs, and therefore should incorporate proper concepts that enable the effective structuring of such designs. Concepts currently used for the design and structuring of application protocols appear to be inadequate for this purpose. Also a step-wise design approach that would help to master complexity and shorten development times is currently lacking.\ud Standards are necessary since individual users of distributed system applications prefer to be independent on any particular manufacturer or vendor when procuring products, while manufacturers prefer to have maximum implementation freedom when developing such products. An ļæ½openļæ½ protocol standard defines necessary and sufficient conditions for system parts to interact, such that the system parts can be implemented independently of each other.\ud ISO and ITU-TSS base the development and definition of protocol standards on a ļæ½reference modelļæ½, called the Reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection (OSIRM). This model comprises a rudimentary form of a design approach and a reference architecture that can be derived with this approach. According to the OSI-RM, the overall application protocol functionality is distributed over three hierarchical protocol layers. Each layer has been assigned a specific functionality, except the highest layer, the Application\ud Layer, which is made responsible for all remaining protocol functions. Because the functionality of the Application Layer is not delimited it cannot, as opposed to the other layers, be covered by a single protocol standard or a fixed set of protocol standards. Several identified sets of Application Layer protocol functions are defined by separate Application Service Elements (ASEs).\ud The appropriateness of the OSI-RM for the development and definition of application protocol standards can be criticized on a number of points:\ud - the reference architecture defined by the OSI-RM is not flexible enough to adequately cope with the diversity of interaction requirements of distributed applications.\ud - some design concepts are not clearly defined, thus prohibiting their effective application to structuring problems;\ud - the relationship between high level application requirements and proposed application protocol solutions is unclear;\ud - the development of application protocol standards generally takes a long time.\ud This thesis aims at the development of a methodology for the design of application protocols, including application protocol standards, and so addresses the problems mentioned above. The following contributions are made to achieve this aim:\ud - design quality criteria are proposed that can be used to guide design decisions and to evaluate designs;\ud - OSI design decisions and design concepts with respect to application protocols are evaluated;\ud - general-purpose, elementary design concepts are proposed;\ud - milestones in the application protocol design process are presented;\ud - behaviour composition and structuring techniques are developed that can be used to represent design results corresponding to the identified milestones;\ud - design methods are proposed to support the correct performance of design steps between milestones;\ud - a flexible reference architecture is proposed.\ud A (potential) result of the design methodology is that layered application protocol hierarchies can be avoided if they are not required by the class of distributed applications that must be supported

    Mobile Open Systems Technologies For The Utilities Industries

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    This chapter considers the provision of mobile computing support for field engineers in the electricity industry. Section 11.2 describes field engineers current working practices and from these derives a set of general requirements for a mobile computing environment to support utilities workers. A key requirement which is identified is the need for field engineers to access real-time multimedia information in the field and it is on this requirement that the remainder of the chapter focuses. Sections 11.3 and 11.4 present a survey of enabling technologies to support distributed systems operating in both local and wide area wireless environments. The impact of these technologies on the provision of mobile computing support is assessed in section 11.5. Section 11.6 describes a software architecture which attempts to address the requirements highlighted in section 11.2 and in particular is designed to support real-time access to data in the field. Finally, section 11.7 considers the degree to which utilities workers requirements can be met by the surveyed technologies and considers the likely impact of remote data access on field engineers working practices

    Domain architecture a design framework for system development and integration

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    The ever growing complexity of software systems has revealed many short-comings in existing software engineering practices and has raised interest in architecture-driven software development. A system\u27s architecture provides a model of the system that suppresses implementation detail, allowing the architects to concentrate on the analysis and decisions that are most critical to structuring the system to satisfy its requirements. Recently, interests of researchers and practi-tioners have shifted from individual system architectures to architectures for classes of software systems which provide more general, reusable solutions to the issues of overall system organization, interoperability, and allocation of services to system components. These generic architectures, such as product line architectures and domain architectures, promote reuse and interoperability, and create a basis for cost effective construction of high-quality systems. Our focus in this dissertation is on domain architectures as a means of development and integration of large-scale, domain-specific business software systems. Business imperatives, including flexibility, productivity, quality, and ability to adapt to changes, have fostered demands for flexible, coherent and enterprise--wide integrated business systems. The components of such systems, developed separately or purchased off the shelf, need to cohesively form an overall compu-tational environment for the business. The inevitable complexity of such integrated solutions and the highly-demanding process of their construction, management, and evolution support require new software engineering methodologies and tools. Domain architectures, prescribing the organization of software systems in a business domain, hold a promise to serve as a foundation on which such integrated business systems can be effectively constructed. To meet the above expectations, software architectures must be properly defined, represented, and applied, which requires suitable methodologies as well as process and tool support. Despite research efforts, however, state-of-the-art methods and tools for architecture-based system development do not yet meet the practical needs of system developers. The primary focus of this dissertation is on developing methods and tools to support domain architecture engineering and on leveraging architectures to achieve improved system development and integration in presence of increased complexity. In particular, the thesis explores issues related to the following three aspects of software technology: system complexity and software architectures as tools to alleviate complexity; domain architectures as frameworks for construction of large scale, flexible, enterprise-wide software systems; and architectural models and representation techniques as a basis for goodā€ design. The thesis presents an archi-tectural taxonomy to help categorize and better understand architectural efforts. Furthermore, it clarifies the purpose of domain architectures and characterizes them in detail. To support the definition and application of domain architectures we have developed a method for domain architecture engineering and representation: GARM-ASPECT. GARM, the Generic Architecture Reference Model, underlying the method, is a system of modeling abstractions, relations and recommendations for building representations of reference software architectures. The model\u27s focus on reference and domain architectures determines its main distinguishing features: multiple views of architectural elements, a separate rule system to express constraints on architecture element types, and annotations such as ā€œlibrariesā€ of patterns and ā€œlogsā€ of guidelines. ASPECT is an architecture description language based on GARM. It provides a normalized vocabulary for representing the skeleton of an architecture, its structural view, and establishes a framework for capturing archi-tectural constraints. It also allows extensions of the structural view with auxiliary information, such as behavior or quality specifications. In this respect, ASPECT provides facilities for establishing relationships among different specifications and gluing them together within an overall architectural description. This design allows flexibility and adaptability of the methodology to the specifics of a domain or a family of systems. ASPECT supports the representation of reference architectures as well as individual system architectures. The practical applicability of this method has been tested through a case study in an industrial setting. The approach to architecture engineering and representation, presented in this dissertation, is pragmatic and oriented towards software practitioners. GARM-ASPECT, as well as the taxonomy of architectures are of use to architects, system planners and system engineers. Beyond these practical contributions, this thesis also creates a more solid basis for expbring the applicability of architectural abstractions, the practicality of representation approaches, and the changes required to the devel-opment process in order to achieve the benefits from an architecture-driven software technology

    A reference architecture for flexibly integrating machine vision within manufacturing

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    A reference architecture provides an overall framework that may embrace models, methodologies and mechanisms which can support the lifecycle of their target domain. The work described in this thesis makes a contribution to establishing such a generally applicable reference architecture for supporting the lifecycIe of a new generation of integrated machine vision systems. Contemporary machine vision systems consist of a complex combination of mechanical engineering, the hardware and software of an electronic processor, plus optical, sensory and lighting components. "This thesis is concerned with the structure of the software which characterises the system application. The machine vision systems which are currently used within manufacturing industry are difficult to integrate within the information systems required within modem manufacturing enterprises. They are inflexible in all but the execution of a range of similar operations, and their design and implementation is often such that they are difficult to update in the face of the required change inherent within modem manufacturing. The proposed reference architecture provides an overall framework within which a number of supporting models, design methodologies, and implementation mechanisms can combine to provide support for the rapid creation and maintenance of highly structured machine vision applications. These applications comprise modules which can be considered as building blocks of CIM systems. Their integrated interoperation can be enabled by the emerging infrastructural tools which will be required to underpin the next generation of flexibly integrated manufacturing systems. The work described in this thesis concludes that the issues of machine vision applications and the issues of integration of these applications within manufacturing systems are entirely separate. This separation is reflected in the structure of the thesis. PART B details vision application issues while PAIIT C deals with integration. The criteria for next generation integrated machine vision systems, derived in PART A of the thesis, are extensive. In order to address these criteria and propose a complete architecture, a "thin slice" is taken through the areas of vision application, and integration at the lifecycle stages of design, implementation, runtime and maintenance. The thesis describes the reference architecture, demonstrates its use though a proof of concept implementation and evaluates the support offered by the architecture for easing the problems of software change


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    This work addresses the problem of finding an improved solution to Computer Integrated Manufacturing (ClM) Architecture and Systems Design. The current approaches are shown to be difficult to understand and use, over complex. In spite of their complexity of approach they lack comprehensiveness and omit many factors and dimensions considered essential for success in today's competitive and often global market place. A new approach to ClM Architecture and Systems Design is presented which offers a simpler, more flexible and more robust format for defining a particular ClM System within a general architectural framework. At the same time this new approach is designed to offer a comprehensive and holistic solution. The research work involved the investigation of current approaches and research and development initiatives focusing particularly on the CIM-OSA and GRAI Integrated methodologies in the field of ClM Architecture. The strengths and weaknesses of the various approaches are examined. Developments in other related fields including manufacturing systems, manufacturing management, information technology and systems generally have been investigated regarding their relevance and possible contribution to an improved solution. The author has built on his practical experience in creating, designing and managing the implementation of a global CIM system. The authors work on several publicly funded collaborative research and development projects relevant to the problem area is described. These include CIM-OSA, IMOCIM and TIQS projects. In the latter two projects the author was instrumental in developing the methodological approach based on a systems approach to business processes in connection with the design of quality and manufacturing systems. Both of these projects have contributed to this work. The author has also participated in the global IMS programme as a rapporteur for the European Commission and this helped to provide a global perspective on the problems of manufacturing companies as they attempt to compete in a world wide market place. The results of this work provide the basis for a radically improved approach to ClM Architecture and Systems Design based on the holistic view of an enterprise. The approach developed supports the business process view of an enterprise; addresses the people and organisational aspects; leads to ClM solutions focused on meeting enterprise goals; and is able to deal with a significantly increased scope and complexity compared with existing methods yet is easily understood and more simple to simple to apply than current approaches

    A Formal Object Model for Layered Networks to Support Verification and Simulation

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    This work presents an abstract formal model of the interconnection structure of the Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model (OSI-RM) developed using Object-Oriented modeling principles permitting it to serve as a re-usable platform in supporting the development of simulations and formal methods applied to layered network protocols. A simulation of the object model using MODSIM III was developed and Prototype Verification System (PVS) was used to show the applicability of the object model to formal methods by formally specifying and verifying a Global Systems for Mobile communications (GSM) protocol. This application has proved to be successful in two aspects. The first was showing the existence of discrepancies between informal standard protocol specifications, and the second was that communication over the layered GSM network was verified. Although formal methods is somewhat difficult and time consuming, this research shows the need for the formal specification of all communication protocols to support a clear understanding of these protocols and to provide consistency in their implementations. A domain for the application of this model is mobile cellular telecommunications systems. Mobile Communications is one of the most rapidly expanding sectors of telecommunications. Expectations of what a mobile cellular phone can do have vastly increased the complexity of cellular communication networks, which makes it imperative that protocol specifications be verified before implementation

    A web services based framework for efficient monitoring and event reporting.

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    Network and Service Management (NSM) is a research discipline with significant research contributions the last 25 years. Despite the numerous standardised solutions that have been proposed for NSM, the quest for an "all encompassing technology" still continues. A new technology introduced lately to address NSM problems is Web Services (WS). Despite the research effort put into WS and their potential for addressing NSM objectives, there are efficiency, interoperability, etc issues that need to be solved before using WS for NSM. This thesis looks at two techniques to increase the efficiency of WS management applications so that the latter can be used for efficient monitoring and event reporting. The first is a query tool we built that can be used for efficient retrieval of management state data close to the devices where they are hosted. The second technique is policies used to delegate a number of tasks from a manager to an agent to make WS-based event reporting systems more efficient. We tested the performance of these mechanisms by incorporating them in a custom monitoring and event reporting framework and supporting systems we have built, against other similar mechanisms (XPath) that have been proposed for the same tasks, as well as previous technologies such as SNMP. Through these tests we have shown that these mechanisms are capable of allowing us to use WS efficiently in various monitoring and event reporting scenarios. Having shown the potential of our techniques we also present the design and implementation challenges for building a GUI tool to support and enhance the above systems with extra capabilities. In summary, we expect that other problems WS face will be solved in the near future, making WS a capable platform for it to be used for NSM
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