1,691 research outputs found

    Competency Model: A Study on the Cultivation of College Students’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ability

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    Objectives: This study was designed to analyze entrepreneurial competency and enhance college students' abilities in innovation and entrepreneurship. Methods: Ten relevant factors were summarized based on the interview records. Relevant data were collected through questionnaires and tested for reliability and validity. The effectiveness of the ten factors on entrepreneurial competency was tested using the regression analysis method. Then, an analytic hierarchy process model of entrepreneurial competency was established to calculate the relevant weights. Findings: The data collected from the survey questionnaire had sufficient reliability and validity. The ten relevant factors were effective in developing entrepreneurial competence. The weight distribution in the analytic hierarchy model indicated that entrepreneurial knowledge was most important, followed by entrepreneurial ability, and intrinsic potential was least significant. Novelty:The novelty of this article lies in not only verifying the effectiveness of relevant factors through regression analysis but also further analyzing the weight of these factors through an analytic hierarchy process. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-04-011 Full Text: PD

    The Application of FAHP on Influencing Factors Evaluation Entrepreneurial Intention of College Students

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    In this article, the concept of entrepreneurial intention of college students is combed through literature review. And establishing a three dimensions and 16 criteria for the evaluation of the influencing factors of college students’ entrepreneurial intention. Next, FAHP method is used to evaluate local college students’ entrepreneurial intention. The results can improve the college entrepreneurship curriculum system, and enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of college entrepreneurship guidance.     Keywords: entrepreneurial intention, FAHP, entrepreneurship guidanc

    AHP-Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model of Venture Investment and Financing System: Based on the Case of Incubation Base in Anhui

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    Establish and improve the venture investment and financing system is an important issue of economic growth in China. By reference to the stakeholder theory, we select first grade assessment indicators including government policy factor, financial institutions factor, intermediary service factor, enterprises factor and other factors (risk investment funds, insurance funds, private capital) and second grade assessment indicators. The evaluation index system was constructed to the venture investment and financing system of China. We analyze new ventures in Anhui incubation base by AHP method and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. The results show that: The intermediary service system performed quite well in the evaluation, while government factor, financial institutions factor, enterprises factor and other factors perform poorly. So the overall performance of the system is in mediocre level. Finally some relevant recommendations are put forward to optimize the venture investment and financing system

    Training Needs Analysis For Identifying Vocational Teachers' Competency Needs in ICT Expertise Program in Vocational High Schools in Bali Province

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    The aims of this study to reveal (1) the description of characteristic vocational teacher, (2) the criterion competency, (3) the account of important competency, (4) the description of actual competency performance, (5)the identification of competency gaps, (6) the determination of training priority order, (7) the recommendations regarding with training methods and training organizerThis study employed a mixed method with exploratory sequential combination. The research subjects comprised the Vocational Technical Teachers with ICT expertise program especially for Network and Computer Engineering expertise competence. This study devised competency needs for training program incorporating Training Needs Analysis. The data were collected through FGD, questionnaires and an interview guide. The data were analysed using Fuzzy Delphi method to determine criterion competency by screening process. Analytic Hierarchy Process method was conducted for determining the important competency. 360-degree rater as evaluation teaching performance. Importance Performance Analysis diagram were used for describing the competency gaps. The determination of Training Priority Order based on quadrant in IPA diagram. The results of this study showed that: (1) Vocational teachers from multiple expertise program are still lack of ICT knowledge and practice mastery especially in network engineering field because they had no ICT educational background. They still look confused and nervous in teaching and practicing in front of the class. (2) criterion competency consists of pedagogy-andragogy aspect with 11 domain areas and 34 sub-domain, professional aspect with 3 domain areas and 7 sub-domain, vocational aspect with 3 domain areas and 8 sub-domain and technology aspect with 4 domains. (3) the order of importance in terms of competency aspect is pedagogy-andragogy with weight of 0.466, vocational around 0.300, professional with weight of 0.172, technology approximately 0.063. (4) the lowest performance in pedagogy-andragogy aspect is ability in guidance and supervision internship program with 3.19 total performance, Whereas in professional aspect is the competency in application of vocational content with 3.35 total performance, in vocational aspect is competency in networking and collaboration with 2.82 total performance and In technology aspect is ability using and utilizing ICT for self-development with 3.56 total performance. (5) the competency gaps fall into the vocational knowledge & skills, application of content, content knowledge, networking and collaboration, continuing professionalism development and entrepreneurship. (6) TPO based on competencies needs has described in IPA diagram most of training needs is located in vocational and professional aspect. (7) In House Training, specific training, and short courses training were recommended as effective training methods. The training organizers may come from P4TK BMTI, P4TK BOE, Private Institutions, Universities/LPTK, Industry.:CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Research Background B. Problem Identification C. Research Focus D. Formulations of the Problem E. Research Objectives F. Significances of the Research CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Theoretical Review 1. The Concept of Vocational 2. Philosophy of Vocational Education 3. Theory and Assumption of Vocational Education 4. The Theory of Adult Learning 5. Adult Learning Frameworks in Vocational Education 6. Andragogy in Vocational Education 7. Employability Skills 8. Human Resource Management –Vocational Teacher 9. The Professional of Vocational Teacher 10. Needs Analysis 11. Competencies Needs Analysis 12. Training Needs Analysis 13. Fuzzy Delphi Technique 14. Analytic Hierarchy Process 15. Vocational Teacher Performance Evaluation 16. Importance Performance Analysis B. Conceptual Framework C. Relevance Research D. Research Question CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD A. Research Approach B. Qualitative Method 1. Research Location 2. Source of Data 3. Data Generating Technique 4. Analysis Data Technique 5. Data Credibility 6. Preliminary Findings Formulation C. Quantitative Method 1. Data Collecting Technique 2. Research Instruments 3. Analysis Data Technique D. Time and Place Research E. Data Analysis in Qualitative Quantitative Method CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Findings 1. Vocational Teacher Conditions 2. Teachers Competency with Balinese Local Wisdom 3. The Criterion Competencies of Vocational Teacher 4. The Importance Competencies of Vocational Teacher 5. The Actual Competency of Vocational Teacher 6. Competency Gaps Analysis using IPA 7. Training Priority Order B. Discussion C. Limitation of Research CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Conclusions B. Recommendations REFERENCE

    The application of analytic hierarchy process in higher learning institutions: a literature review

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    In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in the educational sector. However, little effort has been invested in reviewing its application particularly in higher learning institutions (HLIs). As such, this paper attempts to present a thorough literature review of the applications of the AHP in this context. It was observed that 33 articles of AHP application in HLIs were published in the period of 1992-2013. These identified articles were classified according to the publication year, country of origin, integrated techniques that were simultaneously utilised with AHP and also the HLI areas wherein the AHP was applied. The study observed that few articles were published in the period from the 1990’s to the early 2000’s. However, the number of papers has recently increased, especially after 2010, due to recognition of its effectiveness as a decision-making tool in HLIs. The AHP was widely applied in the USA (18 articles) followed by Taiwan, Turkey and India which emerged with three articles each. It is also noted that Quality Function Deployment and Kano model were techniques commonly integrated with AHP by previous researchers. Application of the AHP was dominantly applied in measuring quality education of HLIs (6 articles), faculty member evaluation (6 articles) as well as measuring performance (5 articles). Other areas wherein the AHP was applied include strategic planning, university selection and selection of university majors

    Study on Academic Growth and Ability Training of Students in Private Colleges and Universities with Engineering Cost Major as an Example

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    In order to adapt to the actual demand for talents under the new era, new normal and new industrial background, and change the status quo of traditional engineering cost major in private colleges and universities, such as light practice and weak innovation consciousness. Through literature research, this paper obtains the ability cultivation model of engineering cost major students, including ideological and moral quality, ability to acquire knowledge, and ability to adapt to society. The questionnaire survey method and SPSS software are used to analyze the model. The analysis shows that students pay more attention to physical and mental health, practical ability, professional knowledge, learning ability, unity and cooperation, communication ability, adaptability and adaptability in the model. Finally, the article also puts forward some suggestions on the cultivation of some abilities, hoping to provide some suggestions for the reform of talent training objectives and programs in private colleges and universities, so as to improve the abilities of students majoring in engineering cost

    Analysis of Entrepreneurial Behaviour in Incubated Technology-Based Companies

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    Background: The analysis of entrepreneurial behaviour in incubated technology-based companies can help managers to understand their characteristics and how these aspects can be maximized to increase the performance of the companies. Objectives: This study proposes to measure the entrepreneurial behaviour of managers of technology-based companies in incubators in southern Brazil facing different stages of the business life cycle. Methods/Approach: The Analytic Hierarchy Process is used to measure the entrepreneurial behaviour index of technology-based companies’ managers throughout the stage of the business life cycle. Results: In the early stages, entrepreneurs have ample self-confidence and are willing to make quick decisions. In the intermediate stages, the entrepreneur shows greater persistence and effort in the tasks. In the later stages, the entrepreneur acquires a greater sense of group activity and punctuality in completing tasks. Conclusions: This study analyses how managers demonstrate their entrepreneurial behaviour as the stages the company experiences. The results can help managers better understand their performance and actions reflected through their behaviours

    Performance Analysis Of Private Higher Education By Financial, Customer, Internal Process And Growth Perspectives

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    Higher education have role strategic in educate life nation and advance knowledge knowledge and technology . In realize college high quality needed Support from all element holder good interests (stakeholders ) internal stakeholders ( students , lecturers , employees ) and external stakeholders (community, association profession, user graduates, government ). Phenomenon the show the need conducted measurement performance in college high . Measurement performance modernly a  college tall could be measured with use method Balanced Scorecard . The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is tool measurement performance by whole with apply balance Among factor financial and non- financial ( customers , internal business processes, learning and growth processes), long-term strategy long and long term short , and balance Among mutual internal and external perspectives relate . Research results show that the financial performance of IBI Kesatuan, whole already enough good , though in Thing ability generate surplus still Low, IBI Kesatuan Ability in maintain amount customer not enough good , the performance of internal business processes shows need improvement and improvement in the field of the best research have orientation efficient and successful use , facilities and infrastructure room class , Retention Level employee be in position good , while satisfaction work employees ( lecturers and staff ) education categorized Satisfie
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