15 research outputs found

    The relationship between web enjoyment and student perceptions and learning using a web-based tutorial

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    Web enjoyment has been regarded as a component of system experience. However, there has been little targeted research considering the role of web enjoyment alone in student learning using web-based systems. To address this gap, this study aims to examine the influence of web enjoyment on learning performance and perceptions by controlling system experience as a variable in the study. 74 students participated in the study, using a web-based tutorial covering subject matter in the area of 'Computation and algorithms'. Their learning performance was assessed with a pre-test and a post-test and their learning perceptions were evaluated with a questionnaire. The results indicated that there are positive relationships between the levels of web enjoyment and perceived usefulness and non-linear navigation for users with similar, significant levels of system experience. The implications of these findings in relation to web-based learning are explored and ways in which the needs of students who report different levels of web enjoyment might be met are discussed

    Hypermedia learning and prior knowledge: Domain expertise vs. system expertise

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    Prior knowledge is often argued to be an important determinant in hypermedia learning, and may be thought of as including two important elements: domain expertise and system expertise. However, there has been a lack of research considering these issues together. In an attempt to address this shortcoming, this paper presents a study that examines how domain expertise and system expertise influence students’ learning performance in, and perceptions of, a hypermedia system. The results indicate that participants with lower domain knowledge show a greater improvement in their learning performance than those with higher domain knowledge. Furthermore, those who enjoy using the Web more are likely to have positive perceptions of non-linear interaction. Discussions on how to accommodate the different needs of students with varying levels of prior knowledge are provided based on the results

    Factores que influyen en la comprensiΓ³n lectora de hipertexto

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    Este artΓ­culo revisa algunas de las investigaciones mΓ‘s destacadas el Γ‘mbito de la lectura de hipertexto. Al objeto de identificar los factores y variables que influyen en la comprensiΓ³n lectora de este tipo de formato textual, se revisan y analizan diferentes definiciones de hipertexto, asΓ­ como los aspectos que inciden en las caracterΓ­sticas de cada documento hipertextual, entre los que se encuentran la granularidad de sus nodos, el nΓΊmero y el tipo de enlaces, su estructura global, y las ayudas a la navegaciΓ³n. AdemΓ‘s, se abordan las tareas y procesos especΓ­ficos asociados a la comprensiΓ³n lectora de textos hipervinculados, haciendo especial hincapiΓ© en la selecciΓ³n del orden de lectura, que es el principal proceso que diferencia la lectura multilineal de hipertexto de la lectura lineal de texto impreso. A tenor del anΓ‘lisis realizado, se puede concluir que dichos factores tendrΓ‘n efectos diferentes en tΓ©rminos de carga cognitiva de los lectores dependiendo del conocimiento de domino que estos posean. Sobre este particular, se observa que la cohesiΓ³n textual es un elemento de gran importancia para la comprensiΓ³n del hipertexto en lectores con bajo conocimiento de dominio

    Factores que influyen en la comprensiΓ³n lectora de hipertexto

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    This paper revises some of the most significant studies about hypertext reading. With the aim of determining the main factors and variables that influence reading comprehension of such textual format, some definitions of hypertext are provided, and the aspects that affect the characteristics of each hypertext document such as the node granularity, the number and type of links, its overall structure, and navigation aids, are analyzed in detail. In addition, specific tasks and processes associated with reading comprehension of hyperlink text are revised, with particular emphasis on the selection of reading order, which is the process that differentiates the multilinear reading of hypertext and the linear reading of printed text. According to the analysis, it can be concluded that these factors will have different effects in terms of the cognitive load of the readers according to their domain knowledge. In this regard, it is noted that the textual cohesion is an element of great importance to understand hypertext for those readers with low knowledge domain.Este artΓ­culo revisa algunas de las investigaciones mΓ‘s destacadas el Γ‘mbito de la lectura de hipertexto. Al objeto de identificar los factores y variables que influyen en la comprensiΓ³n lectora de este tipo de formato textual, se revisan y analizan diferentes definiciones de hipertexto, asΓ­ como los aspectos que inciden en las caracterΓ­sticas de cada documento hipertextual, entre los que se encuentran la granularidad de sus nodos, el nΓΊmero y el tipo de enlaces, su estructura global, y las ayudas a la navegaciΓ³n. AdemΓ‘s, se abordan las tareas y procesos especΓ­ficos asociados a la comprensiΓ³n lectora de textos hipervinculados, haciendo especial hincapiΓ© en la selecciΓ³n del orden de lectura, que es el principal proceso que diferencia la lectura multilineal de hipertexto de la lectura lineal de texto impreso. A tenor del anΓ‘lisis realizado, se puede concluir que dichos factores tendrΓ‘n efectos diferentes en tΓ©rminos de carga cognitiva de los lectores dependiendo del conocimiento de domino que estos posean. Sobre este particular, se observa que la cohesiΓ³n textual es un elemento de gran importancia para la comprensiΓ³n del hipertexto en lectores con bajo conocimiento de dominio.Β Β 

    Instruktionale Designmaßnahmen beim Lesen in der Fremdsprache: Die Rolle der Visualisierungen beim Lesen von Hypertexten

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    PrΓ©cisions des auteursΒ : un nombre relativement important de nos rΓ©fΓ©rences bibliographiques est dΓ©sormais disponible dans les archives ouvertes, les pages de chercheurs dans les sites de leurs universitΓ©s ou leurs sites personnels. Cependant, nous ne transcrivons pas l’adresse (URL) de ces publications en libre accΓ¨s pour Γ©viter d’allonger une bibliographie dΓ©jΓ  bien fournie et nous invitons les lecteurs Γ  les retrouver avec leur moteur de recherche favori, de prΓ©fΓ©rence spΓ©cialisΓ© dans les ..

    Hypertekstirakenteessa navigoiminen visualisoinnin avulla.

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    TÀssÀ tutkielmassa selvitetÀÀn hypertekstirakenteessa navigoimisen ongelmallisuutta ja sen syitÀ. Navigoinnin suurimpana ongelmana on koettu olevan kÀyttÀjien eksyminen hypertekstisivujen muodostamaan verkkoon. Eksymisen johdosta kÀyttÀjÀt turhautuvat ja kokevat tiedonhaun vaivalloiseksi. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan mahdollisia ratkaisuja navigointiongelmaan, keskittyen erityisesti ongelman ratkaisemiseen visualisointien avulla. Tarkemmin tarkastellaan navigointihistorian visualisoimista ja tÀmÀn hyâdyllisyyttÀ kÀyttÀjÀn kannalta. Visualisointien toimivuuden arvioimiseksi kÀydÀÀn lÀpi eri mahdollisuudet liittÀÀ nykyiseen WWW-ympÀristâân visualisoinnin luova sovellus ja toteutetaan kÀytÀnnâssÀ navigointihistoriaa visualisoiva sovellus. Sovelluksen toimivuutta testattiin laboratoriossa jÀrjestetyillÀ testeillÀ. Testien tarkoituksena oli saada tietoa siitÀ, miten hyvin toteutettu visualisointi toimii kÀytÀnnâssÀ. Tutkimuksen tuloksena todetaan, ettÀ uusi sovellus ei poikkea merkittÀvÀsti nykyisistÀ vastaavista sovelluksista. Saatujen tulosten pohjalta hahmotellaan vaatimuksia navigointihistoriaa visualisoiville sovelluksille ja tÀltÀ pohjalta esitetÀÀn yksi mahdollinen kÀyttâliittymÀ

    The impact of social networking mediums on the decision making process of tourists: A case study of Stray Ltd and Spaceships New Zealand Ltd

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    This thesis examines tourist decision making in relation to the use of blogs and social networking sites. Specifically, the research examines the tourist behaviour involving these mediums in the pre-experience decision making phase of the travel experience through case studies of two New Zealand tourism businesses which involve backpacker and fully independent tourists as their customers (Stray Ltd and Spaceships New Zealand Ltd). The thesis research used both quantitative and qualitative research methods in order to examine the influence of blogs and social networking sites on touristsβ€˜ decision making. The quantitative data comprised of 206 semi-structured surveys completed by customers of the two companies. Qualitative data consisted of the collection of 330 photographs posted on the companiesβ€˜ websites which had been taken by customers, 19 customer videos, customer comments from both companiesβ€˜ websites, the content of the companiesβ€˜ Facebook and Twitter social networking sites, and a semi-structured interview with a representative from both companies. Analysis of the data revealed that Facebook is the most commonly used social networking site, with the usage of social networking sites being higher than that of blogs. However, neither Facebook nor blogs featured strongly when used by customers to make decisions, with travel ratings websites and official destination websites being more commonly used. Analysis of the qualitative data showed a difference in language, structure and time between the social networking site content and customer comment data. Customer comment data features more descriptions of a customersβ€˜ trips and why they would recommend the company, rather than when the customers are going on the trip and what they are looking forward to, which was a characteristic of social networking site content. Analysis of the photographic and video data revealed differences between the two customer types, suggesting there is a clear difference between backpackers and fully independent travellers and their motivations for travel. This thesis contributes to the previous attention given to the role of technology in tourist decision making and trip bookings through focusing on the use of social networking sites and blogs and how this applies to tourism businesses