156 research outputs found

    Computer Games and Their Impact on Creativity of Primary Level Students in Tehran

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    Creativity is about being sensitive to dilemmas, losses, problems, and existing errors, making propositions about and examining such issues, which finally leads to innovative findings. On the other hand, it seems that games are important in this process; since they can improve creativity of the individuals. Thus, this research pays attention to the question that whether computer games affect creativity of students at primary level in schools or not? Moreover, in this study, students of 3 main districts of Tehran municipality were studied. Based on the available data of the ministry, there were 51740 students studying in these three districts. Thus, 381 students were randomly selected as the research sample. Findings revealed that all computer games, i.e. puzzle, intellectual, and enigma, affect creativity of students at primary level in schools to different extents.

    The Important Role of Social and Cultural Capital in Online History Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The study discussed the role of social and cultural capital in online history learning. Social capital and cultural capital have a close relationship with character education in the learning process and become one of the important factors in the success of an educational goal. Social and cultural capital has a very important role for this, with the application and development of social and cultural capital in history learning, the development of students, especially in terms of character education, will improve Online learning during the current Covid-19 pandemic. This social and cultural capital has several character values that can be developed for students in every lesson, especially history learning even though it is online. The character values contained in social capital include: beliefs, social networks, and norms

    rekabentuk bahan pembelajaran penyelesaian masalah matematik berdasarkan schema-based instruction dalam kalangan pelajar disleksia

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    Disleksia merupakan masalah pembelajaran spesifik yang disebabkan oleh masalah neurologi. Kekeliruan dalam menyahkod sesuatu perkataan menyebabkan gangguan semasa sesi pembelajaran dan emosi pelajar. Masalah matematik tidak hanya bergantung dengan penggunaan nombor dan simbol semata-mata. Terdapat juga domain matematik yang menggunakan perkataan dan pada kebiasaannya dalam bentuk soalan penyelesaian masalah. Tujuan kajian ini adalah bagi mereka bentuk bahan bantu mengajar yang menggunakan schema–based instruction (Jitendra, 2010) sebagai strategi pembelajaran masalah matematik. Pembelajaran bagi pelajar disleksia direka bentuk bagi pembangunan aplikasi bahan bantu mengajar. Rekabentuk ini dilakukan khususnya untuk membantu pelajar disleksia menyelesaikan masalah matematik yang berbentuk perkataan

    Peran Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi Di Sekolah Dasar

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    Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuanedan teknologi (IPTEK) diera globalisasi mengalami perkembangan  pesat dari waktu ke waktu. Peristiwa ini telah menimbulkan kompetisi di segala bidang dalam kehidupan manusia, dan bidang pendidikan salah satunya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitianeliteratur. Temuan dari penelitian literaturimenunjukkan bahwa peran mediaipembelajaran berbasis TIK dalam merancang pembelajaran melalui berbagai pengemasan dan penyebaran informasi mempermudah guru dengan berbagai penciptaan media. Pada saat yang sama, siswa dapat secara fleksibel mengakses pembelajaran yang diberikan oleh guru melalui kondisi yang dirancang dan membiarkan siswa mengeksplorasi pengetahuan tambahan sebagai pengayaan. Peran TIKisebagai sumber dan pendukung pembelajran melalui penggunaan perangkat komputasi sebagai sumber pendukung inovasi pembelajaran. Pemanfaatan sumber dan media diharapkan dapat merangsang pikiran, perasaan, minat dan perhatian siswa sehingga proses pembelajaran dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Selain itu, proses pembelajran akan lebih efektifikarena TIK sebagai sumber dan media pembelajaran membantu mengatasi hambatan dalam proses komunikasiiantara guru dan sisw

    Why do some students learn better than others in digital game based learning? The role of hope and social support

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    Symposium’s Main Theme : Learning without Limits?Growing evidence suggests the technically-enriched educational games can enhance students’ learning motivation and interest. However, a paper that successfully explains the variation in students’ performance in similar setting is still very rare. This study aims to fill in the gap by proposing the question “why do some students learn better than others in the digital game based learning?”. Hong Kong secondary school students (N = 384) participated in the study and answered questionnaires about their psychological factors as well as their overall reflections after playing the digital sexuality education game. Preliminary results suggested that the role of hope and social support predicted the students’ learning outcomes in the game; while taking the mediation role of games usability into account, it partially mediated the relationship between the psychological factors and learning objectives. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.postprin

    Cognitive and affective perspectives on immersive technology in education

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    This research explains the rationale behind the utilization of mobile learning technologies. It involves a qualitative study among children to better understand their opinions and perceptions toward the use of educational applications (apps) that are available on their mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets. The researchers organized semi-structured, face-to-face interview sessions with primary school students who were using mobile technologies at their primary school. The students reported that their engagement with the educational apps has improved their competencies. They acquired relational and communicative skills as they collaborated in teams. On the other hand, there were a few students who were not perceiving the usefulness and the ease of use of the educational apps on their mobile device. This study indicates that the research participants had different skillsets as they exhibited different learning abilities. In conclusion, this contribution opens-up avenues for future research in this promising field of study.peer-reviewe

    Impact of Video on Learning in Students with Autism in Malaysia: Future Prospects

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    AbstractUse of video in Malaysia is seen as having a bright future because technology development is expanding even more now. Thirty articles related to use of video on students with autism have been investigated. Only 12 articles have been selected as appropriate for use as references for this study. This article looks at the future prospects of impact of video on learning of students with autism in Malaysia. The focus of this study is the use of video by experts, identifying behavior of students with autism in their use of video and determining the limitations of video and ways to overcome them. This study uses the Fuzzy Delphi approach to achieve consensus of experts on the focus of study. The findings show that usage of video is extremely effective on students with autism besides shaping the behavior desired. Although video has its limitations, these can be overcome in various ways as suggested by the experts and researchers

    The Effectiveness of Educational Games on Scientific Concepts Acquisition in First Grade Students in Science

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    This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of educational games on scientific concepts acquisition by the first grade students. The sample of the study consisted of (53) male and female students distributed into two groups: experimental group (n=26) which taught by educational games, and control group (n=27) which taught by traditional method. To achieve the purpose of the study, the researcher developed a teaching guide included eight educational games, and a test to measure scientific concepts acquisition. Results showed that there were statistically significant differences in students’ scientific concepts acquisition due to the method of teaching in favor of the experimental group. Also, there were no statistically significant differences in students’ scientific concepts acquisition due to the gender or the interaction between method of teaching and gender. The study recommended using educational games in teaching science in primary education. Keywords: Educational Games, Scientific Concepts, Science

    Turkish Pre-Service Teachers' Experiences with Contemporary Technology Games and Perceptions About Teaching with Instructional Games

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    The present study investigates pre-service teachers' experience about playing technology games and their opinions about using contemporary technology to play games as an instructional tool. The participants are 272 pre-service teachers from a university in Middle Anatolia. The present study used mixed methods. The data was collected through an online survey that was created by the authors. The survey contains demographic questions about the participants` gender, major, whether they play technology games or not, and questions about which technology games they play, their opinions about using technology (IWBs and tablets) to play games for instruction, and for which instructional purposes they plan using technology to play games. Following research questions were investigated for the current study: 1. Whether pre-service teachers play technology games or not? If yes, which technology games they play? 2. Whether pre-service teachers plan to use interactive white boards and tablets that were distributed by the government under FATIH project to play technology games for educational purposes? 3. Whether pre-teachers' opinions about using the IWBs and tablets to play instructional games associated with their gender and playing technology games? 4. For which instructional purposes pre-service teachers plan to use IWBs and tablets to play instructional games? For the second and third questions descriptive statistics and crosstabs were conducted. For the first and fourth questions content analysis was applied. Fifty-four percent (n=148) of the pre-service teachers agreed to use the IWBs and tablets to play technology games for educational purposes while 46% (n=124) did not. There is no statistically significant association between gender and plans using the IWBs and tablets to play instructional games. There was a statistically significant association between who Playing Technology Games and Plans Using IWBs and Tablets to Play Instructional Games. Pre-service teachers who play technology games reported higher scores than the ones who do not play technology games. The participants suggested that using IWBs and tablets to play games would make learning fun and easy. The study has implications for teacher education and K-12 education policy. The present study also adds to the knowledge of whether the Y-generation pre-service teachers find the recent technology games useful for education or not
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