11 research outputs found

    Perceptions of EFL Learners in the Implementation of Blended Learning Post-natural Disaster at a University in Indonesia

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    This study aims to investigate the perceptions and obstacles faced by EFL learners in the implementation of blended learning in an abnormal learning system. A group of undergraduate EFL learners, consisting of 48, who has completed a Grammar Class, participated in the study. The 48 learners formed three different learner category levels; High, Moderate, and Low. The learners of the three different category levels filled in a semi-structured open-ended questionnaire and responded semi-structured interviews. The low category learners perceive that learning grammar through blended learning is meaningful but need more experiences in the utilization of online learning mode, and in-availability of the supporting tools; The moderate category learners perceive blended learning to provide them more study times and make them get used to the internet or online-based learning; and the high category learners perceive the implementation of blended learning as helpful, easier, flexible, and fun. Although the learners of the three different categories level face the same problems on the implementation of blended learning, namely poor internet connectivity at home and campus, unclear online instruction, and delay to respond questions on the online learning mode, the learners of the low category level, on the other hand, experience problems applying online learning mode. We discuss the practical implications of the research results for the successful implementation of blended learning in the future, especially for low proficiency learners and in situations of abnormal learning systems

    Effective moderation in asynchronous discussion forums in online language classrooms

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    This study investigates the effectiveness of different online language teaching practices by comparing participation of four groups of learners and teachers in two tasks in asynchronous discussion forums. The tasks are carried out in the context of an online English as a Foreign Language (EFL) B2 course at a Catalan university. Teacher posts to the forums are analysed qualitatively with the aim of identifying different types of teacher posts; we then run inferential statistics to compare student participation data in classrooms with different course completion rates and in two types of task. Findings indicate that when teachers participate in forum discussions as peers and ask questions that generate discussion, they are more likely to encourage learners to participate, a pattern that seems to emerge more clearly in classrooms with higher course completion rates.Aquest estudi investiga l'eficàcia de pràctiques diferents en l'ensenyament d'idiomes en línia comparant la participació de quatre grups d'estudiants i professors en dues tasques asíncrones als fòrums, en el context d'un curs d'anglès com a llengua estrangera B2 en una universitat catalana. Els missatges del professorat s'analitzen de manera qualitativa; es realitzen després anàlisis estadístiques inferencials per comparar les dades de participació dels estudiants en aules virtuals amb índexs de finalització diferents i en dos tipus de tasca. Els resultats indiquen que, quan els professors participen en els debats com si fossin un membre més i fan preguntes per fomentar l'intercanvi, augmenta la probabilitat de participació dels estudiants, un patró que sobresurt en aules amb majors índexs de finalització de curs.Este estudio investiga la eficacia de prácticas diferentes en la enseñanza de idiomas en línea, comparando la participación de cuatro grupos de estudiantes y profesores en dos tareas asíncronas en foros, en el contexto de un curso de inglés como lengua extranjera B2 en una universidad catalana. Los mensajes del profesorado se analizan de manera cualitativa; se realizan luego análisis estadísticos inferenciales para comparar los datos de participación de los estudiantes en aulas virtuales con índices de finalización diferentes y en dos tipos de tarea. Los resultados indican que, cuando los profesores participan en los debates como si fueran un miembro más y hacen preguntas para fomentar el intercambio, aumenta la probabilidad de participación de los estudiantes, un patrón que sobresale en aulas con mayores índices de finalización de curso.Cette étude examine l'efficacité de différentes pratiques d'enseignement des langues en ligne en comparant la participation de quatre groupes d'étudiants et d'enseignants à deux tâches asynchrones dans des forums, dans le cadre d'un cours d'anglais langue étrangère B2 dans une université catalane. Les messages des enseignants sont analysés de manière qualitative ; ensuite, nous effectuons des analyses statistiques inférentielles pour comparer les données de participation des élèves dans des classes virtuelles avec des taux d'achèvement différents et pour deux types de tâches. Les résultats indiquent que, lorsque les enseignants participent aux débats comme s'ils étaient un membre de plus et posent des questions pour encourager la discussion, les étudiants sont amenés à participer davantage, un cas de figure qui se détache nettement dans les classes où le taux d'achèvement est plus élevé

    Trends and Issues in Educational Technology Research in Saudi Higher Education: A Meta-Analysis Review

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    As Information Technology expands, all industries and fields in Saudi Arabia are experiencing reduced costs and improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of operations in various systems. This has positioned the higher education sector in Saudi Arabia as the land of opportunity in terms of educational technology and its ability to support the development of sustainable educational systems. However, scholars in the field in Saudi Arabia still lack sufficient academic scientific study surrounding the various trends and issues in educational technology research in Saudi higher education. Therefore, this study contributes to this gap in knowledge by aiming to evaluate the contents of previous relevant articles concerning educational technology within Saudi universities. The study reviews the trends (i.e. types of technology, target groups, the socio-technical research context, research theories and the research paradigm and methodology) and the various issues on which studies of educational technology have concentrated. Based on this, a total of 52 studies were reviewed. Thereafter, the study outlines limitations in the previous studies and accordingly puts forward various potential future directions and opportunities for research in this field, and some implications for theory. Keywords: Educational Technology, E-Learning, Higher Education, Saudi Arabia, Universities

    Students' Peceptions of The Use of Grammarly as an Online Grammar Checker in Thesis Writing

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    Grammar is an important aspect of language since it is needed to construct sentences. Unfortunately, the majority of students particularly in Indonesia still find difficulties on how to use grammar correctly. Some previous studies found that many students make errors in grammar. To overcome the problem, the students can utilize an online grammar checker. Grammarly is a kind of online grammar checker to help the students identifying the grammar errors. This present study focuses on knowing students’ perceptions of the use of Grammarly. This research employed survey research by administering a questionnaire to 54 students of English Teacher Education Department. This research used both open and close-ended questionnaire as an instrument. The subject of this research are students of English Teacher Education Department at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya who are doing their thesis and have experience using Grammarly. In the findings, the students had a positive perception toward the use of Grammarly. The students perceived that Grammarly is useful for students. It helps them for checking their grammar, the content of Grammarly includes some features related to grammar such as grammar, spelling, punctuation and style, it provides direct and indirect feedback, and it save their time. However, some students had a negative perception. They sometimes found that Grammarly is complicated. It may happen because the students need good internet access to use Grammarly. Another reason is the correction of Grammarly is not always correct

    The Effectiveness of Using Multimedia for Teaching Phrasal Verbs in Community-College ESL Classes

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    This mixed-methods study investigated the effectiveness of multimedia instruction for phrasal-verb education with community-college English as a second-language learners (ESL) in Northern California. Previous researchers have found that ESL learners have difficulties and barriers in learning phrasal verbs, and other researchers have found that how using multimedia teaching techniques in different fields of education have been effective, but no studies have investigated using multimedia instruction with community-college ESL students in learning phrasal verbs for second-language acquisition. In this mixed-methods research, there were 35 community-college ESL students, including 22 students in the multimedia-treatment group and 13 students in the text-based-comparison group, who participated in this study. The multimedia-treatment group was instructed through the phrasal-verb multimedia lessons for 12 sessions with 48 new phrasal verbs. The text-based-comparison group was instructed through the phrasal-verb text-based lessons for 12 sessions with the same 48 new phrasal verbs. Two-way analysis of variance was used to analyze the pretest, posttest, test-score difference, questionnaire, and engagement data. All participants’ learning interest, usefulness, and success were measured through the MUSIC model questionnaire and individual interviews. The quantitative findings revealed a statistically significant difference in terms of prior knowledge and learning engagement between the comparison and treatment groups. Qualitative findings revealed that students in the multimedia-treatment group had positive opinions about the phrasal-verb multimedia lessons. Most participants enjoyed the phrasal-verb multimedia lessons and expressed interests in using multimedia techniques for furthering their English learning. Thus, the qualitative and quantitative findings suggested a new conceptual framework in second-language acquisition. Based on the evidence of this dissertation’s research, the text-based techniques had positive effects on the community-college ESL students’ phrasal-verb learning. This study has implications for the fields of distance learning and English phrasal-verb instruction. Additional research on using multimedia instruction, such as using comics, pictures, music, animation, and movies, for different age ranges and different ESL group levels, and for online-synchronized and asynchronized class settings would further expand the current findings of the effects on phrasal-verb multimedia instruction

    Reasons and Motivation of Islamic Scholar for Using Code-switching as Strategy in Delivering a Speech (Da'wah)

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    Code-switching is a challenging phenomenon to sociolinguists. It is related to the use of two or more languages in the same utterance or conversation in a context of bilingual or multilingual setting of conversation. In giving Islamic speech (Da'wah), m

    Grammar teaching concepts and practice in the task-based secondary English curriculum of Hong Kong

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    Grammar has often been a topic which receives attention in the English Language curricula of Hong Kong schools, irrespective of what teaching approaches are being endorsed. Particularly in the task-based English Language curriculum implemented in secondary schools from 2002, grammar is presented as one of the highlights. This thesis aims to investigate how grammar teaching is perceived and practised within the task-based secondary curriculum of Hong Kong. The study covers three major areas of investigation: (a) language teaching policy and curriculum in Hong Kong; (b) language and grammar teaching materials; and (c) individual teachers' grammar teaching concepts and practice. The purpose is to explore the transmission of curriculum ideas and examine whether theory, policy and practice align in the process of curriculum implementation. The first two areas were examined through literature review and materials analysis, to establish a context for interpreting the empirical data collected from lesson observations and interviews to investigate the third area of how grammar teaching was perceived and practised by individual teachers in their classrooms. Relationships among these three areas were examined in order to present a comprehensive picture of the concepts and practice concerning grammar teaching in Hong Kong secondary schools. From the planned curriculum in the curriculum documents to the enacted curriculum in language classrooms, a chain of intricate relationships is involved regarding the connection of curriculum ideas to second language teaching theory and research, the transference of curriculum ideas to textbooks and grammar teaching materials, and the implementation of curriculum ideas in the language classrooms by individual teachers. IV Results showed that curriculum ideas did not often transfer fully to teaching materials or apply to teaching practice as intended. There was evidence of interactions at different levels as participants in the curriculum implementation process engaged with and interpreted the curriculum ideas from their own perspectives of operationalising ideas in the intended curriculum. Through exploring these relationships, suggestions for grammar teaching within the secondary task-based curriculum have been proposed to inform future pedagogy, research and policy.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Model E-Konsultasi Pembimbingan Proposal PKM (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa) Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Usulan Proposal Mahasiswa FT-UNM

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Model E-Konsultasi yang dapat memfasilitasi proses pembimbingan PKM mahasiswa FT UNM. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan yakni mengembangkan multimedia seperti yang dikemukakan oleh Lee & Owens (2004:161). Pengembangan terdiri beberapa tahapan antara lain: tahap 1: analysis; tahap 2: design; tahap 3: development; tahap 4: implementation; dan tahap 5: evaluation. Langkah yang digunakan dalam mengembangkan Model E-Konsultasi Pembimbingan Proposal PKM adalah melalui analisis kebutuhan pelaksanaan PKM di FT UNM hingga Kiat Memenangkan PKM, Model E-Konsultasi dilaksanakan melalui aspek-aspek metodologis dalam desain pembelajaran berbasis pembimbingan klinis hingga pada penulisan program yang kemudian hasil prototipe diujikan melalui uji ahli yakni media dan materi, uji perorangan, uji kelompok kecil, dan uji lapangan sehingga dihasilkan produk final Model E-Konsultasi. Produk yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini adalah perangkat lunak Model E-Konsultasi Pembimbingan Proposal PKM (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa). Model E-Konsultasi Pembimbingan Proposal PKM (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa) melalui tanggapan validasi ahli yang meliputi aspek isi, desain, tampilan (Audio visual), dan pemrograman diperoleh rerata skor keseluruhan dengan penilaian yang sangat baik