26,446 research outputs found

    Barriers to Work Place Advancement: the Experience of the White Female Work Force

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    Glass Ceiling ReportGlassCeilingBackground17WhiteFemaleWorkForce.pdf: 8903 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Barriers to Workplace Advancement Experienced by Native Americans

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    Glass Ceiling ReportGlassCeilingBackground8NativeAmericans.pdf: 10836 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Business perception of contextual changes: sources and impediments to organizational learning

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    A firm's ability to shape its policies to meet societal demands depends on how it perceives the opportunities and risks in its environment. We hypothesized that corporate culture plays a significant role in shaping organizational perceptions. This paper summarizes the findings of a study on how the organizational culture of a chemical firm headquartered in West Germany affected the evolution of its social and personnel policy from 1950 to 1989 given the changes in its sociopolitical environment during this period. The study shows that the culture of a company, by shaping its perceptions, plays a central role in determining the areas in which the organization is likely to be able to learn easily and those in which it is likely to resist changing its policies. -- Die Fähigkeit von Unternehmen, geeignete Strategien für den Umgang mit Veränderungen in ihren Rahmenbedingungen zu entwickeln, hängt oft davon ab, wie in diesem Unternehmen Möglichkeiten und Risiken im gesellschaftlichen, politischen und ökonomischen Umfeld wahrgenommen werden. Dieser Untersuchung liegt die Hypothese zugrunde, daß die Organisationskultur eine wichtige Rolle bei diesen Wahrnehmungsprozessen spielt. Am Beispiel einer Studie über einen Chemiekonzern wird in diesem Aufsatz aufgezeigt, wie die Sozial- und Personalpolitik des Unternehmens durch den gesellschaftlichen Wandel, im Zeitraum von 1950-1989, beeinflußt wurde. Durch ihre Auswirkung auf die Perzeption legt die Unternehmenskultur auch im wesentlichen die Bereiche im Unternehmen fest, in denen die Lernbereitschaft hoch ist und diejenigen, die eher zögerlich auf Veränderungen reagieren.

    Studies of Artists: An Annotated Directory

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    This annotated directory documents more than 80 different studies of artist populations. The directory provides information about how the researcher in each study has defined the artist and identified the population. Studies are arranged by type of artist population and, within each category, by study date. Each entry indicates, in so far as possible from available materials, the study investigator, the artist population, the way in which artists were identified, sampling procedures, number of respondents and response rates, and publications based on the study. This directory should provide researchers and other interested parties with a range of definitions, identification methods, and sampling procedures currently used in studies of artists. The introduction to the directory provides a critical overview of the numerous methods for identifying and defining "artists."

    Gendering, courtship and pay equality: developing attraction theory to understand work-life balance and entrepreneurial activity

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    Objectives: This paper examines one of the most intractable problems of the last 40 years: the difficulty in closing the pay inequality gap. Current wisdom is that the pay gap exists because of men's power to control the workplace, and men's dominant position in society generally. This paper examines an emergent literature on matriarchal power structures and proposes Attraction Theory as a holistic framework. Prior Work: This paper acknowledges a range of feminist literature that examines the underlying social relations and power structures that impact on pay differentials. This is critiqued on the basis of findings from courtship research as well as studies emerging from liberal / progressive writers in the men's movement. Approach: This paper is conceptual, using an inter-disciplinary understanding of social processes to critically appraise both the dominant discourse on equal pay and its emergent alternative. Attraction Theory is presented as a framework for exploring a complex discourse that unequal pay exists both because of men's power to control the workplace and women's power to control courtship and family life. Implications: Tackling pay inequality and work-life balance issues by focussing on power sharing in the workplace represents only a partial policy solution. Further progress depends on power-sharing in parental rights through academic recognition and political action to tackle negative stereotypes that impact on men during romantic courtship, conception, birth and divorce. Value: The value of the paper lies in the originality of the analysis and the range of insights that Attraction Theory provides into societal dynamics that impact on equal pay. The identification of paradoxes in the dominant discourse opens up new avenues for research and policy development on work-life balance. Whether these will close the pay gap is unclear, but it would advance equality and diversity goals by creating confidence that consensual choices rather the institutional inequalities perpetuate any remaining inequalities reported in statistics.</p

    The use of an e-learning constructivist solution in workplace learning

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    We wished to investigate whether an e-learning approach which uses constructivist principles can be successfully applied to train employees in a highly specialised skill thought to require expert individuals and extensive prolonged training. The approach involved the development of an e-learning package which included simulations and interactivity, then experimental testing in a case study workplace environment with the collection of both quantitative and qualitative data to assess the effectiveness of the package. Our study shows that this e-learning strategy improved the skills of the inexperienced operator significantly. We therefore propose that such programmes could be used as a work based training aid and used as a model system for the training of employees in complex skilled tasks in the workplace. This research demonstrates that the e-learning can be applied outside the traditional learning environment to train unskilled employees to undertake complex practical tasks which traditionally would involve prohibitively expensive instruction. This work also illustrates that simulations and interactivity are powerful tools in the design of successful e-learning packages in preparing learners for real world practical situations. Finally this study shows that workplace learners can be better served by elearning environments rather than conventional training as they allow asynchronous learning and private study which are valued by employees who have other demands on their time and are more comfortable receiving tuition privately Relevance to industry: E-learning using constructivist principles, and incorporating simulations and interactivity can be used successfully in the training of highly specialised and skilled tasks required in the modern workplace

    The relationship between pro-innovation organizational climate, leader-member exchange and innovative work behavior: A study among the knowledge workers of the knowledge intensive business services in Malaysia

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    This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between pro-innovation organizational climate, leader-member exchange and innovative work behavior among the knowledge workers of the knowledge intensive business services in Malaysia.The innovative work behavior has a central role in the development of knowledge-intensive business services in Malaysia.It was previously reported that pro-innovation organizational climate and leader-member exchange to have a significant relationship with innovative work behavior of employees in various business sectors.However, not all support the notion that organizational climate and leader-member exchange correlates with innovative work behavior.Some of the researchers concluded the relationship is rather weak.This makes it even more interesting to include organizational climate and leader-member exchange in the research framework of the model of innovative work behavior in Malaysia.A quantitative method was utilized and data were collected using mail survey.A total of 1520 questionnaires were distributed and 310 deemed usable for analysis using SPSS, resulted in 20.6 % response rate. The results revealed that there was a significant relationship between pro-innovation organizational climates, leader-member exchange with the innovative work behavior of knowledge workers.Discussions of the results and its implications are discussed

    Organizational Demography and Individual Careers: Structure, Norms, and Outcomes

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    [Excerpt] As the terms career choices and opportunity structure suggest, demographic influences on careers operate at multiple levels of analysis: at the individual level, on individuals\u27 perceptions of work environments and career decisions, and at the organization level, on group dynamics and organizational selection processes. However, there are few theories that explicate the processes that bridge these levels. What are the dynamics by which demographic patterns influence an individual\u27s career choices? Similarly, how do individual actions shape the processes of demographic change within organizations? This chapter presents one approach to exploring such questions

    Valuable and professional orientations as a social and psychological resource of development of a modern worker

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    The relevance of the researched problem is caused by the fact that at present there is the sharpest shortage of highly skilled personnel at the Russian enterprises and, therefore, studying of features of valuable and professional orientations of representatives of working professions is of special interest. The purpose of the article consists in the reasons for valuable and professional orientations as predictors of psychological recourses development of social professional qualification, and also development of effective means of its forming among modern workers. The leading method of the research of this problem is the testing method that makes possible to reveal psychological features of valuable and professional orientations of workers of iron and steel enterprises. The resource model of self-control of activities of the worker is provided in the article; and also it is proved that there is the need for development of the program of forming and development of valuable and professional orientations of workers as highly skilled personnel. Materials of the article can be useful to psychological practice in case of professional consultation, individual consultation, and also during the work on forming of metaprofessional qualities of specialists of working professions. © 2016 Zeer and Bragina

    Professional-Scientific Education: Rethinking the Concept of Knowledge: a Cultural-historical ‘Recontextualization’ Perspective

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    Throughout the second half of the twentieth century the mode of knowledge production diversified and now embraces disciplinary and inter- and trans-disciplinary knowledge. This chapter addresses the implications of these changes for the concept of professional-scientific education by firstly creating a conversation between two different perspectives – ‘reflective practice’ and the ‘trinary’ – on professional scientific education. Secondly, critically appraising these perspectives in relation to ongoing changes in knowledge production. Thirdly, offering a new perspective on professional-scientific knowledge – ‘continuous recontextualisation’ – which incorporates the insights of the reflective and trinary positions, anticipates future changes in knowledge production and, importantly, relates both to work practice. professional-scientific knowledge, reflective practice, the trinary, recontextualization, machine learning