39,278 research outputs found

    The Dimensions of Individual Strings and Sequences

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    A constructive version of Hausdorff dimension is developed using constructive supergales, which are betting strategies that generalize the constructive supermartingales used in the theory of individual random sequences. This constructive dimension is used to assign every individual (infinite, binary) sequence S a dimension, which is a real number dim(S) in the interval [0,1]. Sequences that are random (in the sense of Martin-Lof) have dimension 1, while sequences that are decidable, \Sigma^0_1, or \Pi^0_1 have dimension 0. It is shown that for every \Delta^0_2-computable real number \alpha in [0,1] there is a \Delta^0_2 sequence S such that \dim(S) = \alpha. A discrete version of constructive dimension is also developed using termgales, which are supergale-like functions that bet on the terminations of (finite, binary) strings as well as on their successive bits. This discrete dimension is used to assign each individual string w a dimension, which is a nonnegative real number dim(w). The dimension of a sequence is shown to be the limit infimum of the dimensions of its prefixes. The Kolmogorov complexity of a string is proven to be the product of its length and its dimension. This gives a new characterization of algorithmic information and a new proof of Mayordomo's recent theorem stating that the dimension of a sequence is the limit infimum of the average Kolmogorov complexity of its first n bits. Every sequence that is random relative to any computable sequence of coin-toss biases that converge to a real number \beta in (0,1) is shown to have dimension \H(\beta), the binary entropy of \beta.Comment: 31 page

    Random fractal strings: their zeta functions, complex dimensions and spectral asymptotics

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    In this paper a string is a sequence of positive non-increasing real numbers which sums to one. For our purposes a fractal string is a string formed from the lengths of removed sub-intervals created by a recursive decomposition of the unit interval. By using the so called complex dimensions of the string, the poles of an associated zeta function, it is possible to obtain detailed information about the behaviour of the asymptotic properties of the string. We consider random versions of fractal strings. We show that using a random recursive self-similar construction it is possible to obtain similar results to those for deterministic self-similar strings. In the case of strings generated by the excursions of stable subordinators, we show that the complex dimensions can only lie on the real line. The results allow us to discuss the geometric and spectral asymptotics of one-dimensional domains with random fractal boundary

    Formulaic Sequences as Fluency Devices in the Oral Production of Native Speakers of Polish

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    In this paper we attempt to determine the nature and strength of the relationship between the use of formulaic sequences and productive fluency of native speakers of Polish. In particular, we seek to validate the claim that speech characterized by a higher incidence of formulaic sequences is produced more rapidly and with fewer hesitation phenomena. The analysis is based on monologic speeches delivered by 45 speakers of L1 Polish. The data include both the recordings and their transcriptions annotated for a number of objective fluency measures. In the first part of the study the total of formulaic sequences is established for each sample. This is followed by determining a set of temporal measures of the speakers’ output (speech rate, articulation rate, mean length of runs, mean length of pauses, phonation time ratio). The study provides some preliminary evidence of the fluency-enhancing role of formulaic language. Our results show that the use of formulaic sequences is positively and significantly correlated with speech rate, mean length of runs and phonation time ratio. This suggests that a higher concentration of formulaic material in output is associated with faster speed of speech, longer stretches of speech between pauses and an increased amount of time filled with speech

    Dimension Extractors and Optimal Decompression

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    A *dimension extractor* is an algorithm designed to increase the effective dimension -- i.e., the amount of computational randomness -- of an infinite binary sequence, in order to turn a "partially random" sequence into a "more random" sequence. Extractors are exhibited for various effective dimensions, including constructive, computable, space-bounded, time-bounded, and finite-state dimension. Using similar techniques, the Kucera-Gacs theorem is examined from the perspective of decompression, by showing that every infinite sequence S is Turing reducible to a Martin-Loef random sequence R such that the asymptotic number of bits of R needed to compute n bits of S, divided by n, is precisely the constructive dimension of S, which is shown to be the optimal ratio of query bits to computed bits achievable with Turing reductions. The extractors and decompressors that are developed lead directly to new characterizations of some effective dimensions in terms of optimal decompression by Turing reductions.Comment: This report was combined with a different conference paper "Every Sequence is Decompressible from a Random One" (cs.IT/0511074, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11780342_17), and both titles were changed, with the conference paper incorporated as section 5 of this new combined paper. The combined paper was accepted to the journal Theory of Computing Systems, as part of a special issue of invited papers from the second conference on Computability in Europe, 200

    Constructive Dimension and Turing Degrees

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    This paper examines the constructive Hausdorff and packing dimensions of Turing degrees. The main result is that every infinite sequence S with constructive Hausdorff dimension dim_H(S) and constructive packing dimension dim_P(S) is Turing equivalent to a sequence R with dim_H(R) <= (dim_H(S) / dim_P(S)) - epsilon, for arbitrary epsilon > 0. Furthermore, if dim_P(S) > 0, then dim_P(R) >= 1 - epsilon. The reduction thus serves as a *randomness extractor* that increases the algorithmic randomness of S, as measured by constructive dimension. A number of applications of this result shed new light on the constructive dimensions of Turing degrees. A lower bound of dim_H(S) / dim_P(S) is shown to hold for the Turing degree of any sequence S. A new proof is given of a previously-known zero-one law for the constructive packing dimension of Turing degrees. It is also shown that, for any regular sequence S (that is, dim_H(S) = dim_P(S)) such that dim_H(S) > 0, the Turing degree of S has constructive Hausdorff and packing dimension equal to 1. Finally, it is shown that no single Turing reduction can be a universal constructive Hausdorff dimension extractor, and that bounded Turing reductions cannot extract constructive Hausdorff dimension. We also exhibit sequences on which weak truth-table and bounded Turing reductions differ in their ability to extract dimension.Comment: The version of this paper appearing in Theory of Computing Systems, 45(4):740-755, 2009, had an error in the proof of Theorem 2.4, due to insufficient care with the choice of delta. This version modifies that proof to fix the error

    A Possible Approach to Inclusion of Space and Time in Frame Fields of Quantum Representations of Real and Complex Numbers

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    This work is based on the field of reference frames based on quantum representations of real and complex numbers described in other work. Here frame domains are expanded to include space and time lattices. Strings of qukits are described as hybrid systems as they are both mathematical and physical systems. As mathematical systems they represent numbers. As physical systems in each frame the strings have a discrete Schrodinger dynamics on the lattices. The frame field has an iterative structure such that the contents of a stage j frame have images in a stage j-1 (parent) frame. A discussion of parent frame images includes the proposal that points of stage j frame lattices have images as hybrid systems in parent frames. The resulting association of energy with images of lattice point locations, as hybrid systems states, is discussed. Representations and images of other physical systems in the different frames are also described.Comment: Paper has been greatly revised and shortened to 26 pages, 2 figures, per referees comment

    Finite-State Dimension and Real Arithmetic

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    We use entropy rates and Schur concavity to prove that, for every integer k >= 2, every nonzero rational number q, and every real number alpha, the base-k expansions of alpha, q+alpha, and q*alpha all have the same finite-state dimension and the same finite-state strong dimension. This extends, and gives a new proof of, Wall's 1949 theorem stating that the sum or product of a nonzero rational number and a Borel normal number is always Borel normal.Comment: 15 page