2,485,178 research outputs found

    LOCAL AREA NETWORK MANAGEMENT (Case Study at Assessment and Development Information Technology Units Brawijaya University Malang)

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    The purpose of this study was to know the management local area network at Assessment and Development Information Technology units, furthermore this study focusing on network management functions that applied by Assessment and Development Information Technology Units. This study will explain about the implementation of network management functions in the local area network management. The research method employ in this research is by using descriptive qualitative method by study case approach. The results of this study was in the implementation of network management functions Assessment and Development Information Technology units already applied all five network management functions in the local area network management. Each functions represented as a network management components in managing Assessment and Development Information Technology units local area network. Since the network management functions represented as a network management components it needed improvement in each network management functions policies and measurements

    ‘DIY’ Research Data Management Training Kit for Librarians

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    Abstract – This paper discusses extended professional development training in research data management for librarians piloted at the University of Edinburgh. This is framed by the evolving research data management Roadmap at the University, national and international initiatives in managing research data by bodies such as Jisc and LIBER, and the subsequent need to ‘up skill ’ information professionals in the emerging area of academic research data management. This knowledge-transfer exercise includes independent study based on the research data MANTRA course and reflective writing, face to face sessions with different speakers giving short presentations followed by discussion, and group exercises. The resultant training ‘kit ’ was released in Spring 2013 with an open licence for other institutions, particularly those without local research data management expertise, to utilise for ‘DIY ’ RDM training

    Knowledge development for organic systems: An example of weed management

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    Despite the large amount information on weed biology and specific weed control measures produced by researchers, organic farmers still prioritise weeds as an important area for further research. A recent project investigating weed management in organic farming systems has established that knowledge and learning are key requirements for this to be effective. Development of relevant, practically useful knowledge depends on access to information generated ‘scientifically’ by researchers and also to knowledge generated as a result of farmer experience with weeds. This requires that farmers, advisors and researchers take a participatory approach to collecting and processing information on weed management, using it to develop new and relevant knowledge. The appropriate framework for knowledge development is thus a collegiate one in which all stakeholders’ value and learn from the observations and experience of others. These findings have implications for the way in which research is conducted and funded

    Methods and tools for supporting industrial design innovation

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    The introduction of information technology (IT) systems to support designers’ activities and data management have profoundly affected company structure and design organization. This evolution has brought the introduction of systematic methods, close to information tools skills and prerogatives, using computer management and data recovery skills as main design support. The use of the IT also improved information exchange among different work figures involved during product development process. In this direction authors have intended to analyze the role and the implementation of systematic methods and tools within industrial designer area of the design process and their impact on the conceptual design phase in particular. Consequently, the research has been developed primarily in reference to design methods able to support the strict ideation stage of the Conceptual Design, that can be referred to two typologies: knowledge based and functional approaches. Subsequently authors have analyzed the information tools currently used during design process, as CAD systems, and some innovative, as Virtual and Augmented Reality tools, that can be used within industrial design area. The result of the study has been a formalization of the course followed during idea conceptual phase in order to include and to arrange the design methods and tools analysed. The research proposes a structured view of a process of product conceptualization, usually considered as mainly heuristic, focusing on the integration of methods and tools to support project and its communication. In this area the research has highlighted industrial designer role characteristics during design process, changeable in reference of project development level, and also some important new questions have been identified about the interaction between industrial designers and the other design areas involved in the process. In this direction the study has highlighted the need to support knowledge exchange and recovery, introducing the possibility to extend the research to the whole process and integrate industrial design and engineering collaboration in a more effective way. Keywords: Conceptual design process, Systematic innovation, Knowledge management, Integration</p

    From search engine optimisation to search engine marketing management: development of a new area for information systems research

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    Search Engine Optimisation was a term used by web developers in the late 90s to highlight the importance of increasing a website’s position in search engines’ results. Further development of the Internet in terms of the diversity of its users and uses such as e-commerce, blogging and wikis have highlighted the need for technical staff to work more closely with marketing professionals resulting in a new area of work – Search Engine Marketing Management. The paper highlights the emerging role of Search Engine Marketing Management as a new and increasingly important area for future information systems researchers and research. Reaching beyond the 'simple' undifferentiated goal of increasing visitors to a website, a mature perspective of marketing is developing - that of realising strategic marketing objectives. The practical contribution of this paper is found in the development of awareness among management roles of the importance and nuances of search engines and the tactics required to harness the benefits of multiple online communication channels within organisational marketing strategy

    Interoperable Systems: an introduction

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    This short chapter introduces interoperable systems and attempts to distinguish the principal research strands in this area. It is not intended as a review. Significant review material is integrated with each of the succeeding chapters. It is rather intended to whet the appetite for what follows and to provide some initial conceptual orientation. This book concerns the architecture, modelling and management of interoperable computing systems. Our collective research agenda addresses all aspects of interoperable systems development, including the business and industry requirements and environments for distributed information services

    Adequacy, suitability, effectiveness and efficiency of quality management systems: How to perceive and assess them?

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    Purpose: The paper brings set of original information related to the ISO 9001: 2015 standard's requirements focused on assessment and review of quality management systems adequacy, suitability and effectiveness. Methodology/Approach: Brainstorming, field research, seminars, comparative literature analysis, interviews and design review were used. Findings: According to the ISO 9001: 2015 the quality management systems adequacy, suitability and effectiveness must be assessed and reviewed, in spite of the terms adequacy and suitability are not defined at the ISO 9000: 2015 standard at all. Also literature review has discovered serious absentation in this area of interest. Additionally: the most of organizations managers (including quality professionals) do not understand these features of the modern quality management systems. Research Limitation/implication: Special research activities focused on perception and practical using the quality management systems adequacy, suitability and effectiveness assessment and review was performed on sample of 172 Czech organizations (with 30 % response rate). A hypotheses described by Fig. 1 below cannot be confirmed as relevant data are unobtainable from Czech organizations at present. Originality/Value of paper: The paper brings original set of information, regarding to definitions of terms as well as development of the quality management systems adequacy, suitability and effectiveness assessment and review at different types of organizations.Web of Science202523

    Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG) untuk Penyusunan Arahan Pengembangan Perumahan di Kabupaten Sleman

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    The objective of this research was to identify the potency and the area availability to develop housing, organize Housing Development Information System in Sleman Regency and make recommendation about the selection of housing development location in Sleman Regency. The method used in this research was secondary data analysis. The analysis technique used was descriptive analysis by making thematic map (Map of Housing Development Location in Sleman Regency) starting from the overlay process of basic maps (Administrative Map, Land Use map, Unsafe Disaster Map, Layout Area Plan Map and Sleman Regency Area Status Map). The map of Sleman Regency Housing Development Location and also the supporting data were arranged in geography information system. The main result of this research was the Map of Sleman Regency Housing Development Location which contained spatial information about areas recommended to develop housing, areas recommended to develop housing limitedly, main recommended areas to develop housing and also the spread of built area around recommended area of housing development. That map was arranged Sleman Regency Housing Development Information System with the map and another supporting data. It could be concluded from the research that the information system of housing development was one of the informative management area means which was needed in coordination of land matters, land matters solution and the building plan of land matters

    Geological applications of LANDSAT-1 imagery to the Great Salt Lake area

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    The ERTS program has been designed as a research and development tool to demonstrate that remote sensing from orbital altitudes is a feasible and practical approach to efficient management of earth resources. From this synoptic view and repetitive coverage provided by ERTS imagery of the Great Salt Lake area, large geological and structural features, trends, and patterns have been identified and mapped. A comparative analysis of lineaments observed in September and December data was conducted, existing mineral locations were plotted, and areas considered prospective for mineralization based on apparent structure-mineralization relationships were defined. The additional information obtained using ERTS data provides an added source of information to aid in the development of more effective mineral exploration programs