19,904 research outputs found

    The role of information systems in human resource management

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    Persistency of the organization, competitive advantage and realization of extra profit, in contemporary environment, are directly connected with balance of the resources available to the firm. One of the key issues of successful business is human resource management and that process is under great influence of modern information technology. Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) are systems used to collect, record, store, analyze and retrieve data concerning an organization’s human resources, but it is not merely reduction of administrative procedures. The importance of HRIS system is multifaceted, ranging from operational assistance in collecting, storing and preparing data for reports, simplifying and accelerating the processes and controlling the available data, reducing labour costs for HR departments, and providing timely and diverse information to the management of the company, based on which it is possible to make quality strategic decisions related to human capital. The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of HRIS and to give a comprehensive insight of the subject. Special focus in the paper will be on companies in Serbia, which have started to apply this concept, but in most situations not widely, but just partially. They must be aware that positive results can be expected only if this subject is approached in the right wayHuman resource management, information systems, HRIS, ERP

    Quality of education : global development goals and local strategies

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    Some Geographical Aspects of Rural Development with view of Montenegro: A Review

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    The paper discusses some geographical aspects of rural development with view of Montenegro. According to development of a heterogeneous, rural areas lag behind the urban and industrial, so the problem must be given more attention. In this regard, the European Union provides a powerful impetus to social and territorial cohesion of rural areas and attempt to provide a more efficient valorization of local development potential, in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. Privacy and promote rural development in Montenegro is in the interest of the whole society, and investing in the range of industries in rural areas increases their attractiveness, encourages sustainable growth and employment opportunities, especially for young employees willing and able to accept the new philosophy of development

    Application of Memristors in Microwave Passive Circuits

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    The recent implementation of the fourth fundamental electric circuit element, the memristor, opened new vistas in many fields of engineering applications. In this paper, we explore several RF/microwave passive circuits that might benefit from the memristor salient characteristics. We consider a power divider, coupled resonator bandpass filters, and a low-reflection quasi-Gaussian lowpass filter with lossy elements. We utilize memristors as configurable linear resistors and we propose memristor-based bandpass filters that feature suppression of parasitic frequency pass bands and widening of the desired rejection band. The simulations are performed in the time domain, using LTspice, and the RF/microwave circuits under consideration are modeled by ideal elements available in LTspice

    Strategic Planning on the Local Level As a Factor of Rural Development in the Republic of Serbia

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    The policy of regional rural development has to be efficient. It must relay on so called “good governanceâ€. But in last few decades the results on this segment in the republic of Serbia couldn’t be qualified as significant. So the primary objective of the paper is focused on how to reverse the process of continued impoverishment of the local rural areas and create conditions for social, cultural, economic and environmentally sustainable development based on local initiative. In order to meet this objective, an attempt is made to define systematic, continuous and cyclic approach of setting up priorities and policies as a basic tool for strategic action planning on a local level (LSAP). Decentralization of the state, strengthening of local municipalities and participation of citizens are three processes which had to be articulated and which through their validity has to gain strength and importance in republic of Serbia. The paper can provisionally be divided into two parts. The first part encompasses the importance of local strategic planning as well as justification of theoretical approaches while the second part gives the bases for methodology of strategic action planning on the local level formulation. In such approach two basic preconditions of LSAP could be specified: adequate institutional base i.e. strong participation of local community and its main stakeholders like local government, citizens, NGO’s and others; as well as high level of professional knowledge which builds local stakeholders ability of planning. Introducing of the regional rural approach on the local level is connected with development of LSAP in three basic sectors: institutional – civil society, infrastructural and economic. Local community must be aware what does LSAP mean, why it is so important, what preconditions are important in its development, how it’s structure look like, how it has to be developed, and how to stimulate local initiative, participation, transparency and democracy to reach sustainability.

    An analysis of integrative outcomes in the Dayton peace negotiations

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    The nature of the negotiated outcomes of the eight issues of the Dayton Peace Agreement was studied in terms of their integrative and distributive aspects. in cases where integrative elements were Sound, further analysis was conducted by concentrating on Pruitt's five types of integrative solutions: expanding the pie, cost cutting, non-specific compensation, logrolling, and bridging. The results showed that real world international negotiations can arrive at integrative agreements even when they involve redistribution of resources tin this case the redistribution of former Yugoslavia). Another conclusion was that an agreement can consist of several distributive outcomes and several integrative outcomes produced by different kinds of mechanisms. Similarly, in single issues more than one mechanism can be used simultaneously. Some distributive bargaining was needed in order to determine how much compensation was required. Finally, each integrative formula had some distributive aspects as well

    Competitiveness of the Serbian Economy

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    Reviewing development of active labour market policies and the evaluation techniques

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    Active labor market policies are commonly used tool to fight unemployment. In the early 1960s all Scandinavian countires have introduced several different measures to have an effect on their labor markets. In the late 1970s in most developed countries of OECD government expenditures on those policies reached the level of 1-1.5% of GDP. High levels of expenditures created a need to assess the impact of such measures and perform their cost-benefit analysis. Evaluations have in the previous 30 years been undertaken by using different methods: from experimental and quasi-experimental, to micro and macro analyses. Most precise evaluations are based on complex econometric methods. Moreover, during last decade there have been several meta-analyses to make cross-analysis of evaluations made worldwide in a long time-span. General conclusions of most papers are that ALMP do not have very high influence on the employability. The best results are experienced in services provided by local national employment services, as well in training programs, especially in on-job training. In the last few years there have appeared some indications that subsidized employment has high positive effects, however there is no general consensus on that matter. Despite large number of published papers on evaluations, there has been no research aimed on analyzing overall ALMP effects on the economy, and creation of a model which could ex-ante estimate future effects of ALMP.Active policies, evaluation, econometric models, economy