4 research outputs found

    Emotional Literacy in Vulnerable Contexts with Digital Drawings

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    The objective sought to determine the effects on emotional literacy in the elaboration of digital drawings and traditional drawings in the cooperative and individual pedagogical format. 120 schoolchildren from vulnerable contexts participated. The data was collected by a scale based on Fury's proposals. Se advierten efectos de mejora en el cambio de laalfabetización emocional, y en sus componentes de expresividad y valencia. Improvement effects are noted in the change of emotionalliteracy, and in its components of expressiveness and valence. A higherlevel was detected in the change from negative to positive emotions in thedrawings of children who used tablets collaboratively, as opposed to thosewho did so individually

    Alfabetización emocional en contextos vulnerables con dibujos digitales

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    El objetivo buscó determinar los efectos en la alfabetización emocional en la elaboración de dibujos digitales y dibujos tradicionales en el formato pedagógico cooperativo e individual. Participaron 120 escolares de contextos vulnerables. Los datos fueron recabados por una escala basada en las propuestas de Fury. Se advierten efectos de mejora en el cambio de la alfabetización emocional, y en sus componentes de expresividad y valencia. Se detectó mayor nivel en el cambio de emociones negativas a positivas en los dibujos de niños que utilizaron tabletas de forma colaborativa a diferencia de los que lo realizaron de forma individual

    The development and evaluation of a tablet painting application for enhancing the artistic expression skills of students through reflection

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    Researchers have been concerned about the deterioration of artistic creativity among children during primary schooling. While modern technologies offer considerable potential to address this issue, they have thus far been inadequate for providing the necessary foundation to nurture and enhance the artistic expression skills of students. This study assessed the effect of a tablet application (app) called “PresentAsian” designed with the unique ability to record the illustration drawing process including any manipulations in stroke parameters in addition to providing educational tutorials. An experimental study was conducted to compare the artistic expression and originality between students learning with reflection support and learning with direct teaching in replication. Students learning with reflection support demonstrated significantly higher scores not only in four skill subcomponents—brushwork diversity, brushwork fluency, wet/dry contrast and replication similarity—and overall replication skill, but also in the originality of brushwork. Using this tablet app for continuous analysis, synthesis and practice will allow students to acquire creative illustration skills. This study provides evidence that the continued development of creative modern technologies and apps utilizing these technologies in modern-day classrooms will cultivate and enrich the artistic expression skills of children

    The development and evaluation of a tablet painting application for enhancing the artistic expression skills of students through reflection

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    Researchers have been concerned about the deterioration of artistic creativity among children during primary schooling. While modern technologies offer considerable potential to address this issue, they have thus far been inadequate for providing the necessary foundation to nurture and enhance the artistic expression skills of students. This study assessed the effect of a tablet application (app) called “PresentAsian” designed with the unique ability to record the illustration drawing process including any manipulations in stroke parameters in addition to providing educational tutorials. An experimental study was conducted to compare the artistic expression and originality between students learning with reflection support and learning with direct teaching in replication. Students learning with reflection support demonstrated significantly higher scores not only in four skill subcomponents—brushwork diversity, brushwork fluency, wet/dry contrast and replication similarity—and overall replication skill, but also in the originality of brushwork. Using this tablet app for continuous analysis, synthesis and practice will allow students to acquire creative illustration skills. This study provides evidence that the continued development of creative modern technologies and apps utilizing these technologies in modern-day classrooms will cultivate and enrich the artistic expression skills of children