168,643 research outputs found

    Analysis Of Job Satisfaction, Leadership, Human Capital, Corporate Governance, Tax Awareness, And Firm Performance

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    This research investigates the interplay between job satisfaction, leadership, human capital, corporate governance, tax awareness, and firm performance. The study aims to understand the intricate relationships among these factors in organizational success. Employing a qualitative research design, this study utilizes purposive sampling to gather data from participants representing various organizational levels. Data analysis involves thematic analysis to uncover patterns, themes, and relationships within the data. Results reveal nuanced insights into the influence of leadership styles, employee satisfaction, governance structures, and tax consciousness on firm performance. The findings underscore the significance of effective leadership, robust human capital management, sound corporate governance practices, and tax awareness in enhancing organizational outcomes. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the multifaceted dynamics shaping organizational success in contemporary business environments

    Letter from Jeffery M. Kadet to Technical Director, Financial Accounting Standards Board (Feb. 7, 2020) on Income Taxes (Topic 740) Proposed Accounting Standards Update (Revised)

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    There is a critical need to expand required disclosures for multinational groups (MNCs) under generally accepted accounting principles. In particular, to have any hope of assessing the potential for tax risk and management’s relative aggressiveness in managing its tax obligations to governments around the world, all stakeholders urgently need the information that country-bycountry reporting (CbCR) and the other suggestions made in this letter would provide. As is set out below, many MNCs carry material tax risks from their adoption over the past several decades of increasingly aggressive and sometimes questionable profit-shifting structures that seriously divorce legal form and reality. This letter discusses: Background on profit-shifting structures (page 2), Need for CbCR – How CbCR would benefit stakeholders without creating undue compliance issues for MNCs (page 7), Need for guidance on location in connection with new paragraph 740-10-50-10A (disaggregation of income or loss from continuing operations between domestic and foreign) (page 11), and Disclosures Concerning Unrecognized Tax Benefits (page 15). The primary message that this letter wishes to convey is that multinational corporations currently operate under a range of U.S. and foreign tax exposures, and CbCR information is critical for investors and other users of financial reports to assess: The potential for material tax assessments, Possible reputational and other commercial risks that could arise from aggressive tax structures, and Management’s relative conservatism or aggressiveness with respect to tax matters. FASB should be a leader in developing appropriate accounting standards to increase corporate tax transparency in financial reports. If FASB does not take a leadership role, others including governments, international bodies, and private sector entities will design the global standards mandating increased corporate tax disclosures

    Explaining Tax Reform

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    Economic analysts generally have a more dispassionate attitude toward the subject. They are interested primarily in studying the effects of taxation on individual behavior and market prices, and in describing the distributional effects of tax policies. When the discussion turns to changes in the tax system, however, positive analysis may be replaced by advocacy of particular alternatives. This is illustrated by the frequent use of the word "reform" in the literature, a term usually employed to refer to changes designed to make the system better, where "better" is judged in relation to some ideal standard.Working Paper Number 04-48

    Demystifying hedge funds: a design primer

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    Die Abhandlung ist eine überarbeitete und erweiterte Fassung der vom Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability am 19. Juni 2006 veranstalteten Guest Lecture des Autors zum Thema "Demystifying Hedge Funds

    How Should Income from Multinationals Be Taxed?

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    Revenue Structures of States Without An Income Tax

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    This report compares Georgia's revenue structure to states without an income tax in order to explore how Georgia's revenue structure would have to change if it were to eliminate its income tax. FRC Report 15

    Securitize Me: Stimulating Renewable Energy Financing by Embracing the Capital Markets

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    The current system of financing renewable energy projects is broken and inadequate, especially when compared to the framework for participating in oil and gas ventures. The solution lies in borrowing accepted energy business practices and adapting them to solar and wind energy projects. This Article focuses on the current issues facing renewable energy project financing in the United States, analyzes failed attempts to stimulate growth, and presents the securitization of renewable energy assets as a solution. Drawing on current legal structure and debates from the corporate sphere, this Article also discusses specific securitization techniques that can help to democratize and grow investment in renewable energy projects

    Asset securitisation as a risk management and funding tool : what does it hold in store for SMES?

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    The following chapter critically surveys the attendant benefits and drawbacks of asset securitisation on both financial institutions and firms. It also elicits salient lessons to be learned about the securitisation of SME-related obligations from a cursory review of SME securitisation in Germany as a foray of asset securitisation in a bank-centred financial system paired with a strong presence of SMEs in industrial production. JEL Classification: D81, G15, M2

    Coronavirus and Financial Stability 3.0: Try equity – risk sharing for companies, large and small

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    This policy letter adds to the current discussion on how to design a program of government assistance for firms hurt by the Coronavirus crisis. While not pretending to provide a cure-all proposal, the advocated scheme could help to bring funding to firms, even small firms, quickly, without increasing their leverage and default risk. The plan combines outright cash transfers to firms with a temporary, elevated corporate profit tax at the firm level as a form of conditional payback. The implied equity-like payment structure has positive risk-sharing features for firms, without impinging on ownership structures. The proposal has to be implemented at the pan-European level to strengthen Euro area resilience

    Coronavirus and financial stability 3.0: Try equity – risk sharing for companies, large and small

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    This policy letter adds to the current discussion on how to design a program of government assistance for firms hurt by the Coronavirus crisis. While not pretending to provide a cure-all proposal, the advocated scheme could help to bring funding to firms, even small firms, quickly, without increasing their leverage and default risk. The plan combines outright cash transfers to firms with a temporary, elevated corporate profit tax at the firm level as a form of conditional payback. The implied equity-like payment structure has positive risk-sharing features for firms, without impinging on ownership structures. The proposal has to be implemented at the pan-European level to strengthen Euro area resilience