4,434 research outputs found

    The design of an agent based model of human activities and communications in cardiac resuscitation

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    International audienceCardio-pulmonary arrest is a common emergency situation causing over 400,000 deaths per year, more than a 1000 per day, in the USA alone. The goal of this work is to develop an agent based computer simulator that will allow trainers to experiment with different communication protocols, such as those found in air traffic control. This paper describes the first step in designing the simulator development. The design is based on an analysis of communications during real life training simulations using the FIPA standard categories

    Analysis of scuba diving-related fatalities in Australia

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    This thesis identifies characteristics of both active scuba divers and victims of fatal scuba diving accidents in Australia. It identifies underlying factors and risks associated with scuba diving mortality, and provides important data to inform appropriate countermeasures

    The iOSC3 system: using ontologies and SWRL rules for intelligent supervision and care of patients with acute cardiac disorders

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    [Abstract] Physicians in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) are specially trained to deal constantly with very large and complex quantities of clinical data and make quick decisions as they face complications. However, the amount of information generated and the way the data are presented may overload the cognitive skills of even experienced professionals and lead to inaccurate or erroneous actions that put patients’ lives at risk. In this paper, we present the design, development, and validation of iOSC3, an ontology-based system for intelligent supervision and treatment of critical patients with acute cardiac disorders. The system analyzes the patient’s condition and provides a recommendation about the treatment that should be administered to achieve the fastest possible recovery. If the recommendation is accepted by the doctor, the system automatically modifies the quantity of drugs that are being delivered to the patient. The knowledge base is constituted by an OWL ontology and a set of SWRL rules that represent the expert’s knowledge. iOSC3 has been developed in collaboration with experts from the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU) of the Meixoeiro Hospital, one of the most significant hospitals in the northwest region of Spain.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; FIS-PI10/02180Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo; 209RT0366Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; CN2012/217Xunta. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; CN2011/034Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; CN2012/21

    The medical management of casualties in a chemical contaminated environment : a start for the CBRNE defence research program for clinicians

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    The main objective of this research program was to assess the status of clinical knowledge and evidence-based practice in the medical management of mass casualties, contaminated by exposure to a chemical weapon, during a medical evacuation, which is defined as from the incident site of a contaminated environment up-to a clean zone. First, in our published systematic review, we assessed past medical responses during a chemical attack. The lack of clinical data and intervention-related information, such as protection and decontamination capabilities, stresses not only the need to study acute or prehospital settings, but also a set of integrated competences in the contaminated environment (i.e.: protection, decontamination and clinical interventions) (Prospero registered CRD42019104473). Second, a method paper which presents an ongoing international retro-prospective observational study on the medical responses during a chemical attack has been submitted for publication. The goal of this study is to describe the acute clinical management of patients in the contaminated zone (1970-2036; US Clinical trial registered NCT05026645). Data gathering is currently ongoing with the use of a comprehensive online registry programmed by the Quebec Respiratory Health Research Network. In the third and fourth, we started the development of two technological innovations to improve the medical management of mass casualties, caused by a chemical weapon, in contaminated environments. The first is the creation of a mobile laboratory for the continuity of our work in both indoor and outdoor settings. The other is the launch of a research program, named VIMY Multi-System, which includes: (1) An electronic casualty card system integrating the United Kingdom National Early Warning System; (2) a forward-deployable telemedicine capability prototype – currently undergoing integration testing – that incorporates drone technology to monitor patients being clinically managed in a simulated chemically contaminated environment. Our fifth published paper, on the methods of oxygen conservation with an automated titration system (n= 60; US Clinical trial registered NCT02782936 and NCT02809807), showed that such an automated system may constitute a viable medical solution for interventions in a contaminated environment and also constitutes one of the possible solutions to improve therapeutic interventions. The system studied allows the maintenance of adequate oxygenation while reducing the use of oxygen in patients, making it possible to extend their treatment duration even under conditions of limited logistical resources in oxygen. The oxygen flow provided by the automated system allows a mean reduction in administered oxygen quantities of more than six-fold when decreasing the prescribed SpO2 target from 98 to 90% (5 L/min to1 L/min, p <0.001) in hospitalized patients with respiratory disorders. The comparison was conducted on the basis of conservative flow rate targets reported in the literature (2.5, 5.0, 10.0 and 15.0 l/min). When it comes to the automated correction of a hypoxemic condition in sick patients and healthy subjects wearing a gas mask, the prescribed SpO2 target resulted in maximum administered oxygen flow rates of 0.2 L/min and 2.9 L/min respectively. These results show a possible logistic and therapeutic optimization in the use of oxygen. Finally, these initial advances will be integrated as our research work progresses in order to improve clinical evidence-based practices in contaminated environments due to the use of chemical weapons.L’objectif principal de cette recherche était d’évaluer l’état des connaissances et le savoir-faire de la pratique clinique dans la gestion d’un grand nombre de blessés, contaminés des suites d’une exposition à l’arme chimique, pendant leur évacuation médicale depuis le site de l’incident dans un environnement contaminé jusqu’à la zone propre. Premièrement, dans une revue systématique que nous avons publiée, nous avons évalué les réponses médicales passées lors d’attaques chimiques. Le manque de données cliniques et d’autres informations liées à l’intervention, tel que les capacités de protection et de décontamination, souligne non seulement la nécessité d’étudier l’environnement préhospitalier, mais aussi la gamme de compétences interdépendantes en milieu contaminé (c.-à-d. : protection, décontamination et interventions cliniques) (Prospero CRD42019104473). Deuxièmement, nous avons soumis pour publication la méthodologie d’une étude rétroprospective observationnelle internationale s’intéressant aux réponses médicales lors d’une attaque chimique. Le but consiste à décrire la gestion clinique en soins aigus des blessés dans la zone contaminée (1970-2036) (ClinicalTrials.gov NCT05026645). L’acquisition de données est en cours à l’aide d’un registre de données intégral en ligne qui a été programmé par le Réseau de recherche en santé respiratoire du Québec. En troisième et quatrième lieu, nous avons entrepris le développement de deux innovations technologiques afin d’améliorer la prise en charge médicale des patients en milieu contaminé à la suite de l’utilisation de l’arme chimique. L’un est la création d’un laboratoire mobile pour poursuivre nos travaux tant à l’intérieur qu’à l’extérieur. L’autre est la mise sur pied d’un programme de recherche, nommé VIMY Multi-Systèmes, qui inclut : (1) un système de carte de blessés électronique intégrant le système national d’alerte précoce du Royaume-Uni, (2) les premiers tests d’intégration d’un prototype d’une capacité de télémédecine de déploiement avancé, incluant la technologie du drone, pour une surveillance clinique globale des patients pris en charge en milieu contaminé chimique simulé. Notre cinquième publication, qui porte sur les méthodes de maintien de l’oxygénation par titrage automatisée (n=60 ; ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02782936 et NCT02809807), nous a permis de démontrer qu’un système automatisé peut constituer une solution médicale intéressante qui serait applicable dans les interventions en milieu contaminé et de surcroît comme une solution pour améliorer les actions thérapeutiques. Le système que nous avons étudié permet de maintenir une oxygénation adéquate tout en limitant la consommation d’oxygène des patients, prolongeant ainsi leur durée de traitement, notamment en cas de ressources en oxygène limitées. D’une part, le débit de l’oxygène fourni par le système automatisé a permis une réduction moyenne des quantités administrées de l’ordre de plus de six fois lors de la diminution de la cible de saturation en oxygène (SpO2) prescrite de 98 à 90 % (5 L/min à 1 L/min, p < 0,001) chez les patients hospitalisés atteints de maladies respiratoires. La comparaison s’est faite par rapport à des débits conservateurs rapportés dans la littérature (2,5, 5,0, 10,0 et 15,0 L/min). D’autre part, la correction automatisée d’une condition hypoxémique chez les patients malades et les sujets sains portant le masque à gaz, la cible SpO2 a engendré des débits maximaux d’oxygènes administrés de 2,5 et 2,9 L/min respectivement. Ainsi, nous avons démontré une optimalisation logistique et thérapeutique de la consommation de l’oxygène. Finalement, ces premières avancées seront intégrées au fur et à mesure de l’avancement de nos recherches afin d’améliorer le processus de soins en milieu contaminé issu de l’utilisation de l’arme chimique

    Training the Code Team Leader as a Forcing Function to Improve Overall Team Performance During Simulated Code Blue Events

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    abstract: The American Heart Association (AHA) estimates that there are approximately 200,000 in-hospital cardiac arrests (IHCA) annually with low rates of survival to discharge at about 22%. Training programs for cardiac arrest teams, also termed code teams, have been recommended by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and in the AHA's consensus statement to help improve these dismal survival rates. Historically, training programs in the medical field are procedural in nature and done at the individual level, despite the fact that healthcare providers frequently work in teams. The rigidity of procedural training can cause habituation and lead to poor team performance if the situation does not match the original training circumstances. Despite the need for team training, factors such as logistics, time, personnel coordination, and financial constraints often hinder resuscitation team training. This research was a three-step process of: 1) development of a metric specific for the evaluation of code team performance, 2) development of a communication model that targeted communication and leadership during a code blue resuscitation, and 3) training and evaluation of the code team leader using the communication model. This research forms a basis to accomplish a broad vision of improving outcomes of IHCA events by applying conceptual and methodological strategies learned from collaborative and inter-disciplinary science of teams.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Human Systems Engineering 201

    Mobile Games for Learning:A Pattern-Based Approach

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    The core concern of this thesis is the design of mobile games for learning. The conditions and requirements that are vital in order to make mobile games suitable and effective for learning environments are investigated. The base for exploration is the pattern approach as an established form of templates that provide solutions for recurrent problems. Building on this acknowledged form of exchanging and re-using knowledge, patterns for game design are used to classify the many gameplay rules and mechanisms in existence. This research draws upon pattern descriptions to analyze learning game concepts and to abstract possible relationships between gameplay patterns and learning outcomes. The linkages that surface are the starting bases for a series of game design concepts and their implementations are subsequently evaluated with regard to learning outcomes. The findings and resulting knowledge from this research is made accessible by way of implications and recommendations for future design decisions

    A Prospective Investigation to Develop Data-Driven Interventions and Improve Process Efficiency at a Level II Trauma Center

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    INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this investigation was to better understand process inefficiencies in a Level II trauma center through the identification and classification of flow disruptions. Data-driven interventions were systematically developed and introduced in an effort to reduce disruptions threatening the optimal delivery of trauma care. METHOD: Medical human factors researchers observed disruptions during resuscitation and imaging in 117 trauma cases. Data was classified using the human factors taxonomy Realizing Improved Patient Care through Human-centered Operating Room Design for Threat Window Analysis (RIPCHORD-TWA). Interdisciplinary subject matter experts (SMEs) utilized a human factors intervention matrix (HFIX) to generate targeted interventions designed to address the most detrimental disruptions. A multiple-baseline interrupted time-series (ITS) design was used to gauge the effectiveness of the interventions introduced. RESULTS: Significant differences were found in the frequency of disruptions between the pre-intervention (n=65 cases, 1137 disruptions) and post-intervention phases (n=52 cases, 939 disruptions). Results revealed significant improvements related to ineffective communication (x2 (1, n=2076) = 24.412, p=0.00, x2 (1, n=1031) = 9.504, p=0.002, x2 (1, n=1045) = 12.197, p=0.000); however, similar levels of improvement were not observed in the other targeted areas. CONCLUSION: This study provided a foundation for a data-driven approach to investigating precursor events and process inefficiencies in trauma care. Further, this approach allowed individuals on the front lines to generate specific interventions aimed at mitigating systemic weaknesses and inefficiencies frequently encountered in their work environment
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