9 research outputs found

    Rapid prototyping 3D virtual world interfaces within a virtual factory environment

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    On-going work into user requirements analysis using CLIPS (NASA/JSC) expert systems as an intelligent event simulator has led to research into three-dimensional (3D) interfaces. Previous work involved CLIPS and two-dimensional (2D) models. Integral to this work was the development of the University of Massachusetts Lowell parallel version of CLIPS, called PCLIPS. This allowed us to create both a Software Bus and a group problem-solving environment for expert systems development. By shifting the PCLIPS paradigm to use the VEOS messaging protocol we have merged VEOS (HlTL/Seattle) and CLIPS into a distributed virtual worlds prototyping environment (VCLIPS). VCLIPS uses the VEOS protocol layer to allow multiple experts to cooperate on a single problem. We have begun to look at the control of a virtual factory. In the virtual factory there are actors and objects as found in our Lincoln Logs Factory of the Future project. In this artificial reality architecture there are three VCLIPS entities in action. One entity is responsible for display and user events in the 3D virtual world. Another is responsible for either simulating the virtual factory or communicating with the real factory. The third is a user interface expert. The interface expert maps user input levels, within the current prototype, to control information for the factory. The interface to the virtual factory is based on a camera paradigm. The graphics subsystem generates camera views of the factory on standard X-Window displays. The camera allows for view control and object control. Control or the factory is accomplished by the user reaching into the camera views to perform object interactions. All communication between the separate CLIPS expert systems is done through VEOS

    Un système interactif pour le prototypage virtuel coopératif

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    We present in this thesis the study and implementation of an interactive system for cooperative prototyping of virtual models. These works make use of several technologies from different scientific backgrounds; Virtual Reality is at the crossroads of many disciplines. Our goal is not to replace right now a CAD system with a system such as that we propose in this thesis. Indeed, the power of the machines does not allow yet the management of virtual objects with an accuracy comparable to that of CAD tools. While our system is intuitive and interactive but does not have enough machine power to compete with such precision tools; This precision is however necessary for the industry. This development will be achieved, for sure, but it is more reasonable for the moment to see virtual reality as a complement to CAD.Nous présentons dans ce mémoire l’étude et la réalisation d’un système interactif pour le prototypage coopératif de maquettes virtuelles. Ces travaux font usage de plusieurs technologies issues de milieux scientifiques variés ; la réalité virtuelle n’est elle pas à la croisée des chemins de nombreuses disciplines ? Notre objectif n’est pas de remplacer dès à présent un système de CAO par un système tel que celui que nous proposons dans ce mémoire. En effet, la puissance des machines ne permet pas encore la gestion d’objets virtuels avec une précision comparable à celle des outils de CAO. Certes notre système est intuitif et interactif mais il ne dispose pas d’assez de puissance machine pour rivaliser en précision avec de tels outils ; cette précision est pourtant nécessaire pour l’industrie. Cette évolution se fera, c’est sûr, mais il est pour l’instant plus raisonnable de voir la réalité virtuelle comme un complément de la CAO

    Cambio de Paradigma en el Control de Aplicaciones Gráficas en Tiempo Real

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    [ES] Tradicionalmente existen dos grandes áreas que se han desarrollado de forma independiente en el campo de la simulación. Por una parte esta la Simulación en Tiempo Real típicamente utilizada en video-juegos y por otra parte esta la Simulación Discreta típicamente utilizada en simulación científica basada en teoría de colas. En este trabajo se pretende unir estas dos áreas aplicando la tecnología de la Simulación Discreta a el control interno de las Aplicaciones Gráficas en Tiempo Real (AGTR). Esta transferencia tecnológica supone un cambio de paradigma en el desarrollo de las AGTR. Este cambio de paradigma permite una simulación mucho más precisa debido al control más eficiente realizado sobre la potencia de calculo mejorando así la productividad de la CPU. Cada aspecto de cada objeto de la AGTR puede ser ejecutado de forma independiente y de esta forma satisfacer sus propios requerimientos. Por lo tanto, la utilización de la CPU solo se hace cuando es estrictamente necesario liberando potencia de calculo para otros propósitos como mejorar, entre otras cosas, la calidad de las aplicaciones, la IA de las aplicaciones, la posibilidad de migrar aplicaciones a dispositivos con menos recursos como dispositivos móviles, dispositivos antiguos o simplemente ahorrar energía para incrementar el tiempo de juego o aumentar el tiempo de las baterías. Este es un proyecto con orientación profesional, su objetivo es utilizar una tecnología, ya existente y recientemente mejorada, en el desarrollo de un Benchmark mediante el cual poder hacer una serie de mediciones y un Demostrador que facilite la transferencia de la tecnología desarrollada a el mundo empresarial.[EN] Traditionally there are two separate working areas in the world of simulation. One of them is discrete simulation, typically used in scientific simulation based in theory of queues, and the other is real-time simulation used in video games. This Paper tries to unify these two worlds allowing transfer the discrete simulator technology to the internal management of Real Time Graphics Applications (RTGA). This paradigm shift allows a virtual world simulation much more precise by managing the computing power more efficiently and enabling to migrate applications to platforms with lower resources such as portable devices. With this new paradigm, productivity can be improve. Every aspect of every object in the system my be sampled independently matching its own requirements. So, CPU is used strictly where it is needed, releasing computer power for other purposes. This allows save power, increase battery duration and life on portable devices.Broseta Toribio, V. (2012). Cambio de Paradigma en el Control de Aplicaciones Gráficas en Tiempo Real. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18482Archivo delegad

    VR Juggler : a virtual platform for virtual reality application development

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    Software architecture for modeling and distributing virtual environments

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    Proceedings of the 1993 Conference on Intelligent Computer-Aided Training and Virtual Environment Technology, Volume 1

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    These proceedings are organized in the same manner as the conference's contributed sessions, with the papers grouped by topic area. These areas are as follows: VE (virtual environment) training for Space Flight, Virtual Environment Hardware, Knowledge Aquisition for ICAT (Intelligent Computer-Aided Training) & VE, Multimedia in ICAT Systems, VE in Training & Education (1 & 2), Virtual Environment Software (1 & 2), Models in ICAT systems, ICAT Commercial Applications, ICAT Architectures & Authoring Systems, ICAT Education & Medical Applications, Assessing VE for Training, VE & Human Systems (1 & 2), ICAT Theory & Natural Language, ICAT Applications in the Military, VE Applications in Engineering, Knowledge Acquisition for ICAT, and ICAT Applications in Aerospace

    The decoupled simulation model for virtual reality systems

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    The decoupled simulation model for virtual reality systems

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    The Virtual Reality userinterface style allows the user to manipulate virtual objects in a 3D environment using 3D input devices. This style is best suited to application areas where traditional two dimensional styles fall short, but the current programming e ort required to produce a VR application is somewhat large. We have builta toolkit called MR, which facilities the development of VR applications. The toolkit provides support for distributed computing, head-mounted displays, room geometry, performance monitoring, hand input devices, and sound feedback. In this paper, the architecture of the toolkit is outlined, the programmer's view is described, and two simple applications are described