414 research outputs found

    The bi-embeddability relation for finitely generated groups II

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    We study the isomorphism and bi-embeddability relations on the spaces of Kazhdan groups and finitely generated simple groups

    Gcd-monoids arising from homotopy groupoids

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    The interval monoid Υ\Upsilon(P) of a poset P is defined by generators [x, y], where x ≤\le y in P , and relations [x, x] = 1, [x, z] = [x, y] ×\times [y, z] for x ≤\le y ≤\le z. It embeds into its universal group Υ\Upsilon ±\pm (P), the interval group of P , which is also the universal group of the homotopy groupoid of the chain complex of P. We prove the following results: ∙\bullet The monoid Υ\Upsilon(P) has finite left and right greatest common divisors of pairs (we say that it is a gcd-monoid) iff every principal ideal (resp., filter) of P is a join-semilattice (resp., a meet-semilattice). ∙\bullet For every group G, there is a poset P of length 2 such that Υ\Upsilon(P) is a gcd-monoid and G is a free factor of Υ\Upsilon ±\pm (P) by a free group. Moreover, P can be taken finite iff G is finitely presented. ∙\bullet For every finite poset P , the monoid Υ\Upsilon(P) can be embedded into a free monoid. ∙\bullet Some of the results above, and many related ones, can be extended from interval monoids to the universal monoid Umon(S) of any category S. This enables us, in particular, to characterize the embeddability of Umon(S) into a group, by stating that it holds at the hom-set level. We thus obtain new easily verified sufficient conditions for embeddability of a monoid into a group. We illustrate our results by various examples and counterexamples.Comment: 27 pages (v4). Semigroup Forum, to appea

    The Haagerup property is stable under graph products

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    The Haagerup property, which is a strong converse of Kazhdan's property (T)(T), has translations and applications in various fields of mathematics such as representation theory, harmonic analysis, operator K-theory and so on. Moreover, this group property implies the Baum-Connes conjecture and related Novikov conjecture. The Haagerup property is not preserved under arbitrary group extensions and amalgamated free products over infinite groups, but it is preserved under wreath products and amalgamated free products over finite groups. In this paper, we show that it is also preserved under graph products. We moreover give bounds on the equivariant and non-equivariant LpL_p-compressions of a graph product in terms of the corresponding compressions of the vertex groups. Finally, we give an upper bound on the asymptotic dimension in terms of the asymptotic dimensions of the vertex groups. This generalizes a result from Dranishnikov on the asymptotic dimension of right-angled Coxeter groups.Comment: 20 pages, v3 minor change

    Proper actions of wreath products and generalizations

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    We study stability properties of the Haagerup property and of coarse embeddability in a Hilbert space, under certain semidirect products. In particular, we prove that they are stable under taking standard wreath products. Our construction also allows for a characterization of subsets with relative Property T in a standard wreath product.Comment: 29 pages, Minor change

    Some results on embeddings of algebras, after de Bruijn and McKenzie

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    In 1957, N. G. de Bruijn showed that the symmetric group Sym(\Omega) on an infinite set \Omega contains a free subgroup on 2^{card(\Omega)} generators, and proved a more general statement, a sample consequence of which is that for any group A of cardinality \leq card(\Omega), Sym(\Omega) contains a coproduct of 2^{card(\Omega)} copies of A, not only in the variety of all groups, but in any variety of groups to which A belongs. His key lemma is here generalized to an arbitrary variety of algebras \bf{V}, and formulated as a statement about functors Set --> \bf{V}. From this one easily obtains analogs of the results stated above with "group" and Sym(\Omega) replaced by "monoid" and the monoid Self(\Omega) of endomaps of \Omega, by "associative K-algebra" and the K-algebra End_K(V) of endomorphisms of a K-vector-space V with basis \Omega, and by "lattice" and the lattice Equiv(\Omega) of equivalence relations on \Omega. It is also shown, extending another result from de Bruijn's 1957 paper, that each of Sym(\Omega), Self(\Omega) and End_K (V) contains a coproduct of 2^{card(\Omega)} copies of itself. That paper also gave an example of a group of cardinality 2^{card(\Omega)} that was {\em not} embeddable in Sym(\Omega), and R. McKenzie subsequently established a large class of such examples. Those results are shown to be instances of a general property of the lattice of solution sets in Sym(\Omega) of sets of equations with constants in Sym(\Omega). Again, similar results -- this time of varying strengths -- are obtained for Self(\Omega), End_K (V), and Equiv(\Omega), and also for the monoid \Rel of binary relations on \Omega. Many open questions and areas for further investigation are noted.Comment: 37 pages. Copy at http://math.berkeley.edu/~gbergman/papers is likely to be updated more often than arXiv copy Revised version includes answers to some questions left open in first version, references to results of Wehrung answering some other questions, and some additional new result

    Superexpanders from group actions on compact manifolds

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    It is known that the expanders arising as increasing sequences of level sets of warped cones, as introduced by the second-named author, do not coarsely embed into a Banach space as soon as the corresponding warped cone does not coarsely embed into this Banach space. Combining this with non-embeddability results for warped cones by Nowak and Sawicki, which relate the non-embeddability of a warped cone to a spectral gap property of the underlying action, we provide new examples of expanders that do not coarsely embed into any Banach space with nontrivial type. Moreover, we prove that these expanders are not coarsely equivalent to a Lafforgue expander. In particular, we provide infinitely many coarsely distinct superexpanders that are not Lafforgue expanders. In addition, we prove a quasi-isometric rigidity result for warped cones.Comment: 16 pages, to appear in Geometriae Dedicat
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