16 research outputs found

    Knowledge strategy and its influence on knowledge organization

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    Knowledge strategy is the set of guidelines that shape the decisions that an organization makes regarding the acquisition, storage, manipulation, and application of its knowledge base. The purpose of this study is to identify and describe the influence knowledge strategy has on the manner in which an organization’s knowledge is organized. Using semi-structured interviews of upper level executives from various industries, relationships are established between certain characteristics of knowledge strategy types (e.g. proactive or reactive knowledge acquisition) and the organization of knowledge within the organization. Results indicate that certain aspects of a knowledge strategy are linked to certain approaches to knowledge organization, though organizational characteristics such as structure and industry type also play a major role

    The Effect of Organizational Structure on Open Innovation: A Quadratic Equation

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    AbstractOpen innovation has recently begun to receive increasing attention in organizational research. Studies on open innovation have emphasized the impact of organizational structure on both inbound and outbound open innovation but have tended to focus on the former. This study attempts to provide a better understanding of open innovation within the context of open source by examining 2,811 projects, especially in GitHub. The analysis results reveal that the decentralization of decision-making encourages both inbound and outbound open innovation. The impact of the decentralization of decision-making differs between inbound and outbound open innovation, a finding that both scholars and practitioners must consider

    A gestão por processos e as atividades intensivas em conhecimento: um estudo na indústria de bebidas

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    The growth of the beverage industry in Brazil, in the case of volumes produced and consumed, infers the constant pursuit of strategies, tools and innovative attitudes, in which the process management and knowledge management play a key role. Thus, the focus of this study is focused on analysis of knowledge-intensive activities in a given process in the organizations of the knowledge society, contextualized, through case study, in a beverage industry of the City of Santa Maria, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Descriptive and qualitative methods were needed to support the methodology, whose collection was done through interviews, document analysis and observation, so as to make possible the analysis of the data. That said, it was observed that the organization studied is knowledge intensive and recognizing process management as a tool for organizational management oriented optimization strategies and results. It is noteworthy, however, that it lacks proper structuring of these activities. Thus, after analysis it was possible contributing suggesting a new process more detailed and focused on knowledge-intensive activities considered.O crescimento da indústria de bebidas no Brasil, considerando os volumes produzidos e consumidos, requer uma constante busca de estratégias, ferramentas e atitudes inovadoras, no qual a gestão por processos e do conhecimento assumem papeis fundamentais nos resultados. Dessa forma, o foco desse estudo está centrado na análise das atividades intensivas do conhecimento, em um determinado processo nas organizações da sociedade do conhecimento, contextualizado, por meio do estudo de caso, em uma indústria de bebidas da Cidade de Santa Maria, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul.  Métodos qualitativos e descritvos foram necessários para dar o suporte à metodologia.  A coleta de dados, para análise, foi feita por meio de entrevistas, análise documental e observação direta. Isso posto, observou-se que a organização estudada é intensiva em conhecimento e que reconhece a gestão por processos como ferramenta de gestão organizacional orientada para a otimização das estratégias e dos resultados. Destaca-se, porém, que esta mesma organização, ainda carece de estruturação adequada para tais atividades. Sendo assim, após a análise, foi possível contribuir sugerindo um processo mais detalhado e focado nas atividades consideradas intensivas em conhecimento

    Gestão do Conhecimento nas Cooperativas

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    The advances that guide the processes of management technology and innovation generate constant need for organizational adjustment in business. This scenario is even more striking in the Solidarity Cooperative, due to its interface guidelines between the social and economic development of the members. This article presents the results of a study whose objective was to systematize the positioning of these organizations in the Cooperative Family Agriculture and Solidarity Economy in relation to knowledge management, verifying from the data collected, a wide fragility of these organizations on regards the creation and measurement of knowledge, and highlighted the need for qualification of this procedure with the organizational management processes.Os avanços que norteiam os processos de gestão da tecnologia e da inovação geram necessidade constante de ajuste organizacional no mundo empresarial. Esse cenário é ainda mais marcante no Cooperativismo Solidário, devido as suas diretrizes de interface entre o desenvolvimento social e econômico dos associados. Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa cujo objetivo foi sistematizar o posicionamento das organizações presentes no Cooperativismo da Agricultura Familiar e Economia Solidária, em relação à gestão do conhecimento, verificando-se a partir dos dados coletados, uma ampla fragilidade destas organizações no que se refere à criação e mensuração do conhecimento, sendo destacada a necessidade de qualificação deste procedimento junto aos processos de gestão organizacional.

    The impact of conference attendance on Australian academic librarians and libraries

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    The focus of this research project is the impact of conference attendance, in the context of Australian academic librarians and libraries. The impact of conference attendance is shown to consist of three key themes: informational; social; and affective impact. In addition, the study found nine factors that can influence the impact conference attendance can have on the delegate and on their institution, and it presents connections between key themes of impact and influencing factors

    Total Quality Management and Six Sigma

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    In order to survive in a modern and competitive environment, organizations need to carefully organize their activities regarding quality management. TQM and six sigma are the approaches that have been successful in solving intricate quality problems in products and services. This volume can help those who are interested in the quality management field to understand core ideas along with contemporary efforts done in the field and authored as case studies in this volume. This volume may be useful to students, academics and practitioners across diversified disciplines

    The design and management of diverse affiliations : an exploration of international hotel chains

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    The simultaneous use of different market entry methods by international service firms is creating complex and compound organisations that operate within and across organisational boundaries. These organisations face variable risks related to control, resource commitment, flexibility and dissemination across their diversely affiliated portfolios. This research seeks to explore how these risks are managed within these diverse affiliations through an investigation of organisational and inter-organisational design. This study draws on three fields of literature; international market entry, alliance and networks, and organisation design. A number of gaps have been identified in this literature relating to 'how' international service firms, inter-organisational alliances, diverse affiliations and international hotel chains are designed and managed. Using international hotel chains for the primary investigation, a qualitative case study approach was adopted for this study. The research was conducted in three phases; the first served to verify the extent of the phenomenon under study, the second provided insight into organisation design within firm boundaries and the third revealed a detailed picture of inter-organisational design. A major contribution of this study is the identification of communities of design within diversely affiliated organisations. These communities are created through the different structures and processes employed across portfolios and reinforced by the perceptions of organisation members. Barriers can develop between the communities that limit the degrees of control and flexibility achieved and inhibit organisational potential. A further contribution of this study is the development of a relational-process framework that can be used to build bridges across these communities, break down barriers and enhance relational ties, but only if supported by appropriate control procedures. Managers are recommended to consider the impact of formal mechanistic structures within and across organisational boundaries and the impact of inter-organisational processes on relational ties in designs that cross organisational boundaries in order to enhance the potential of diverse affiliations

    Oblikovanje organizacije i menadžment znanja

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    Današnja dinamična i promjenjiva okolina u kojoj poduzeća djeluju tjera ih na stalno prilagođavanje i traganje izvora konkurentske prednosti. Poduzeća postaju svjesnija znanja kojim raspolažu i nastoje pronaći načine kako najbolje iskoristiti taj resurs te zbog toga uvode menadžment znanja kao novu dimenziju upravljanja. Uvođenje menadžmenta znanja za sobom povlači promjene u oblikovanju organizacije tjerajući poduzeća na stvaranje novih organizacijskih oblika koji će omogućiti implementaciju menadžmenta znanja i doprinijeti uspješnom poslovanju poduzeća. Cilj ovoga rada je utvrditi postojanost povezanosti oblikovanja organizacije i menadžmenta znanja te ispitati te ispitati utječu li na tu vezu demografske karakteristike poduzeća i / ili karakteristike okoline.Modern dynamic and changing environment in which companies operate forces them on constant adjustment and search for sources of competitive advantages. Companies become more aware of the knowledge they have and try to find ways to make use of this resource and thus introduce management knowledge as a new management dimension. he introduction of knowledge management entails changes in the organization's design by pushing companies to create new organizational forms that will enable the implementation of knowledge management and contribute to successful business operations. The aim of this paper is to establish the persistence of the relationship between organizational design and knowledge management and to examine whether this correlates with the demographic characteristics of the company and / or the characteristics of the environment

    Oblikovanje organizacije i menadžment znanja

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    Današnja dinamična i promjenjiva okolina u kojoj poduzeća djeluju tjera ih na stalno prilagođavanje i traganje izvora konkurentske prednosti. Poduzeća postaju svjesnija znanja kojim raspolažu i nastoje pronaći načine kako najbolje iskoristiti taj resurs te zbog toga uvode menadžment znanja kao novu dimenziju upravljanja. Uvođenje menadžmenta znanja za sobom povlači promjene u oblikovanju organizacije tjerajući poduzeća na stvaranje novih organizacijskih oblika koji će omogućiti implementaciju menadžmenta znanja i doprinijeti uspješnom poslovanju poduzeća. Cilj ovoga rada je utvrditi postojanost povezanosti oblikovanja organizacije i menadžmenta znanja te ispitati te ispitati utječu li na tu vezu demografske karakteristike poduzeća i / ili karakteristike okoline.Modern dynamic and changing environment in which companies operate forces them on constant adjustment and search for sources of competitive advantages. Companies become more aware of the knowledge they have and try to find ways to make use of this resource and thus introduce management knowledge as a new management dimension. he introduction of knowledge management entails changes in the organization's design by pushing companies to create new organizational forms that will enable the implementation of knowledge management and contribute to successful business operations. The aim of this paper is to establish the persistence of the relationship between organizational design and knowledge management and to examine whether this correlates with the demographic characteristics of the company and / or the characteristics of the environment