121,818 research outputs found

    Cooperative interaction : synergy between manga publishing companies and fan activity in Japan

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    The synergetic relationship existing between publishing companies and fan-driven activities are a key feature of the Japanese manga industry. In this paper, we explain how manga magazines invite their readership to take part in rating the series being pu- blished, search for new talents using contests, and have started partnering with art websites such as Pixiv in the search of active interaction with readers and amateur artists. We also discuss the links between amateur and professional production and the possible advantages dƍjinshi (fanzines) present for commercial companies


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    Development dynamics of choreographic amateur as a phenomenon of creative activity in the structure of non-formal art education is investigated in the article. The main stages of becoming a choreographic amateur in Ukraine in the context of socio-political and cultural-artistic determinants are characterized. It has been found that during the XX century choreographic activity as a component of non-formal art education had passed a difficult and contradictory path from the experiments of dance studios and the search for “Soviet dance” to the creation of groups, ensembles, creative associations, and later the appearance of amateur dancers of various genres of choreographic performances. Choreographic performance was actively implemented in the permanent and temporary forms of organization that brought together different social groups. The study analyzes the content of choreographic training in the activities of dance groups in different cultural and educational locations at different stages of historical development. The actual perspective of the development of theoretical studies in the field of choreographic education is the understanding of pedagogical resources of amateur choreography, the analysis of its strategies, meaningful content in various forms of organization.

    The TREC-2002 video track report

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    TREC-2002 saw the second running of the Video Track, the goal of which was to promote progress in content-based retrieval from digital video via open, metrics-based evaluation. The track used 73.3 hours of publicly available digital video (in MPEG-1/VCD format) downloaded by the participants directly from the Internet Archive (Prelinger Archives) (internetarchive, 2002) and some from the Open Video Project (Marchionini, 2001). The material comprised advertising, educational, industrial, and amateur films produced between the 1930's and the 1970's by corporations, nonprofit organizations, trade associations, community and interest groups, educational institutions, and individuals. 17 teams representing 5 companies and 12 universities - 4 from Asia, 9 from Europe, and 4 from the US - participated in one or more of three tasks in the 2001 video track: shot boundary determination, feature extraction, and search (manual or interactive). Results were scored by NIST using manually created truth data for shot boundary determination and manual assessment of feature extraction and search results. This paper is an introduction to, and an overview of, the track framework - the tasks, data, and measures - the approaches taken by the participating groups, the results, and issues regrading the evaluation. For detailed information about the approaches and results, the reader should see the various site reports in the final workshop proceedings

    The game of go as a complex network

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    We study the game of go from a complex network perspective. We construct a directed network using a suitable definition of tactical moves including local patterns, and study this network for different datasets of professional tournaments and amateur games. The move distribution follows Zipf's law and the network is scale free, with statistical peculiarities different from other real directed networks, such as e. g. the World Wide Web. These specificities reflect in the outcome of ranking algorithms applied to it. The fine study of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices used by the ranking algorithms singles out certain strategic situations. Our results should pave the way to a better modelization of board games and other types of human strategic scheming.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, final versio

    Transit Timing Observations of the Extrasolar Hot-Neptune Planet GL 436b

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    Gliese 436 is an M dwarf with a mass of 0.45 Msun and hosts the extrasolar planet GL 436b [3, 6, 7, 2], which is currently the least massive transiting planet with a mass of ~23.17 Mearth [10], and the only planet known to transit an M dwarf. GL 436b represents the first transiting detection of the class of extrasolar planets known as "Hot Neptunes" that have masses within a few times that of Neptune's mass (~17 Mearth) and orbital semimajor axis <0.1 AU about the host star. Unlike most other known transiting extrasolar planets, GL 436b has a high eccentricity (e~0.16). This brings to light a new parameter space for habitability zones of extrasolar planets with host star masses much smaller than typical stars of roughly a solar mass. This unique system is an ideal candidate for orbital perturbation and transit-time variation (TTV) studies to detect smaller, possibly Earth-mass planets in the system. In April 2008 we began a long-term intensive campaign to obtain complete high-precision light curves using the Apache Point Observatory's 3.5-meter telescope, NMSU's 1-meter telescope (located at APO), and Sommers Bausch Observatory's 24" telescope. These light curves are being analyzed together, along with amateur and other professional astronomer observations. Results of our analysis are discussed. Continued measurements over the next few years are needed to determine if additional planets reside in the system, and to study the impact of other manifestations on the light curves, such as star spots and active regions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. To appear in "Proceedings of the 15th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun", 2009, AIP Conference Proceedings vol. 1094, ed. Eric Stempel

    Vaunting the independent amateur: Scientific American and the representation of lay scientists

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    This paper traces how media representations encouraged enthusiasts, youth and skilled volunteers to participate actively in science and technology during the twentieth century. It assesses how distinctive discourses about scientific amateurs positioned them with respect to professionals in shifting political and cultural environments. In particular, the account assesses the seminal role of a periodical, Scientific American magazine, in shaping and championing an enduring vision of autonomous scientific enthusiasms. Between the 1920s and 1970s, editors Albert G. Ingalls and Clair L. Stong shepherded generations of adult ‘amateur scientists’. Their columns and books popularized a vision of independent nonprofessional research that celebrated the frugal ingenuity and skills of inveterate tinkerers. Some of these attributes have found more recent expression in present-day ‘maker culture’. The topic consequently is relevant to the historiography of scientific practice, science popularization and science education. Its focus on independent nonprofessionals highlights political dimensions of agency and autonomy that have often been implicit for such historical (and contemporary) actors. The paper argues that the Scientific American template of adult scientific amateurism contrasted with other representations: those promoted by earlier periodicals and by a science education organization, Science Service, and by the national demands for recruiting scientific labour during and after the Second World War. The evidence indicates that advocates of the alternative models had distinctive goals and adapted their narrative tactics to reach their intended audiences, which typically were conceived as young persons requiring instruction or mentoring. By contrast, the monthly Scientific American columns established a long-lived and stable image of the independent lay scientist

    Exoplanet Transit Database. Reduction and processing of the photometric data of exoplanet transits

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    We demonstrate the newly developed resource for exoplanet researchers - The Exoplanet Transit Database. This database is designed to be a web application and it is open for any exoplanet observer. It came on-line in September 2008. The ETD consists of three individual sections. One serves for predictions of the transits, the second one for processing and uploading new data from the observers. We use a simple analytical model of the transit to calculate the central time of transit, its duration and the depth of the transit. These values are then plotted into the observed - computed diagrams (O-C), that represent the last part of the application.Comment: Accepted to NewAstronom
