2,710 research outputs found

    A adoção de aplicações informáticas com características de jogos online: uma perspetiva no setor do e-banking em Portugal

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    O sucesso comercial dos jogos online e a sua influência sobre o comportamento nos utilizadores levou-nos a considerar o desenvolvimento de aplicações com características de jogos, de modo a investigar e identificar as variáveis e características influenciadoras na adesão ao e-banking. Esta temática, centrada nos jogos e nos negócios eletrónicos, conduz- -nos a uma grande questão de partida: "Qual o impacto de aplicações informáticas com características de jogos no e-banking?”; bem como outras duas questões secundárias: "Quais os elementos, características ou variáveis que podem influenciar o nível de utilização do e- -banking com características de jogos?", e "Qual a metodologia e processos de controlo a implementar num projeto de gamificação?". Para responder a estas perguntas realizámos uma investigação que engloba cinco estudos: (Estudo 1) centra-se na adesão dos clientes a aplicações gamificadas, através do teste a um modelo explicativo da adoção de aplicações de negócio com características de jogo, no e-banking – verificámos que a gamificação influencia, fortemente, a socialização e esta induz a intenção de utilização; (Estudo 2) averigua em que medida o recurso à gamificação, no website do banco, potencia a utilização do e-banking entre os clientes, com base num novo modelo explicativo da influência da gamificação no design e adoção do e-banking – observámos que a gamificação influencia todas as dimensões envolvidas, em particular, a intenção de utilização; (Estudo 3) testa um novo modelo concetual resultante da agregação dos modelos testados nos estudos 1 e 2 – concluímos que a utilidade, o prazer na utilização e as características das páginas (que podem ser mais ou menos atrativas), influem positivamente na intenção de utilização e, por conseguinte, no negócio; (Estudo 4) determina quais os elementos e as características do website que os utilizadores consideram como mais importantes no sentido de adotarem o e-banking – partindo de grupos de discussão com utilizadores definimos um modelo de relações dos fatores mais revelantes do jogo e averiguou-se quais os elementos e características mais relevantes nas aplicações gamificadas; (Estudo 5) o desenvolvimento de projetos de negócios na área da gamificação levou-nos a organizar e sintetizar os processos e metodologias envolvidas, propondo uma nova framework, designada por 5PMG, com cinco passos fundamentais. Em síntese, desenvolvemos um novo modelo concetual para explicar o que conduz os utilizadores à adoção do negócio eletrónico e em que medida é que a gamificação constitui uma (nova) dimensão que influencia, consideravelmente, este processo de adesão. Neste sentido, determinámos os fatores essenciais nas aplicações gamificadas e no website, na ótica dos utilizadores, e propomos uma framework otimizada para gestão de projetos. Esperamos assim contribuir para uma melhor compreensão da gamificação no e-commerce, em particular, no e-banking.The online game's commercial success and the influence on user behavior, led us to consider developing applications with games features in order to investigate which variables and features that could influence in e-banking adopting. The topic of games and business, lead us to a main research question, "What is the impact of computer applications with game features in e-banking?", and two other questions, "Which elements, characteristics or variables of games on e-banking with gaming features?" and "What is the methodology and control processes to implement a project of gamification?". To answer these three questions, we conduct a research spanning five studies: (1) investigates the adoption of customers to a business application gamifies, by testing an explanatory model of adoption of a business application of the investment fund management. We conclude that the gamification has strong influence on socialization, which in turn has a strong influence on intention to use and this in business impact; (2) investigates the adoption of customers in the e-banking gamified, by testing a new explanatory model of influence of gamification, design and characteristics on adoption of e-banking. We conclude that the gamification positively influence all dimensions, in particular has a strong influence on intention to use; (3) tests a new conceptual model resulting from the aggregation of 1 and 2 studies, concluding that the utility, pleasure and the web pages characteristics positively influence the intention to use and accordingly positively influence the business. The gamification and socialization, don't directly influence positively the intention of use, however the gamification have a strong positive influence on socialization and this has positive, strong influence on utility and pleasure; (4) investigates which elements and characteristics that influence the use of e-banking. Using discussion groups, was developed a model with the most relevant factors in an application gamified, and were identified the elements and characteristics considered important in development; (5) investigates the development processes and methodologies. It was developed a framework called 5PMG, which defines five basic steps to follow in the management of business projects in gamification. In summary, we have developed a new explanatory conceptual model for the adoption of gamification in electronic business, identified the gamification as new dimension that influences the adoption of the e-banking, the elements/features perceived as essential in applications, and propose a new project management framework that contributes to the increased success of gamification in e-business. In this way, we hope to contribute to a better understanding of the gamification in e-banking

    Gamified budgeting for managing household finances

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    The current UK economic climate is leading households into debt. The rising cost of living and inflation are resulting in households struggling with financial management. This has implications on the quality of life and economic mobility. Early motivation for and the utilisation of financial management tools can alleviate the risk of spiralling debt. In this paper, we present the case for a gamified collaborative financial management tool. We explain how current research has focused on individuals yet households often have shared and interweaving finances which would benefit from collaborative tools. We articulate the importance of motivation in financial administration and discuss the potential of gamification to motivate households in the proactive management of finances. In this regard, we describe the results of conducting a survey to investigate the case for gamification in household financial management. Our findings suggest that gamification may offer new ways to motivate household financial management and can help households manage their exposure to debt

    Gamified budgeting for managing household finances

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    The current UK economic climate is leading households into debt. The rising cost of living and inflation are resulting in households struggling with financial management. This has implications on the quality of life and economic mobility. Early motivation for and the utilisation of financial management tools can alleviate the risk of spiralling debt. In this paper, we present the case for a gamified collaborative financial management tool. We explain how current research has focused on individuals yet households often have shared and interweaving finances which would benefit from collaborative tools. We articulate the importance of motivation in financial administration and discuss the potential of gamification to motivate households in the proactive management of finances. In this regard, we describe the results of conducting a survey to investigate the case for gamification in household financial management. Our findings suggest that gamification may offer new ways to motivate household financial management and can help households manage their exposure to debt

    Gamification techniques for raising cyber security awareness

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    Due to the prevalence of online services in modern society, such as internet banking and social media, it is important for users to have an understanding of basic security measures in order to keep themselves safe online. However, users often do not know how to make their online interactions secure, which demonstrates an educational need in this area. Gamification has grown in popularity in recent years and has been used to teach people about a range of subjects. This paper presents an exploratory study investigating the use of gamification techniques to educate average users about password security, with the aim of raising overall security awareness. To explore the impact of such techniques, a role-playing quiz application (RPG) was developed for the Android platform to educate users about password security. Results gained from the work highlightedthat users enjoyed learning via the use of the password application, and felt they benefitted from the inclusion of gamification techniques. Future work seeks to expand the prototype into a full solution, covering a range of security awareness issues

    Making finance fun: the gamification of personal financial management apps

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    Although gamification is a trending topic, few studies have explored its use in the finance industry. Drawing on SDT and the TAM, this study extends previous research and adds new insights into the effects of gamification in this context. This study integrates self-determination theory (SDT) and the technology acceptance model (TAM) to explore how gamification increases users' motivation and intention to use personal financial management (PFM) apps, and how it facilitates their adoption. Data from 208 users of the Mint app were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling. The results showed that gamifying PFM apps satisfies users' needs for competence and autonomy and enhances their autonomous motivation to use them. Users' motivation increases their perceptions of ease of use and usefulness of the apps and causes them to develop more favorable attitudes toward them. The findings also confirmed a relationship between users' attitudes toward PFM apps and the behavioral intention to use them. To investigate the generalizability of results, studies using other PFM apps would be useful. The cross-sectional nature of the research also limits its causal inference. This research provides support for the use of gamification in PFM apps and offers suggestions that may help fintech companies and banks to persuade users to engage with their apps

    Mobile banking and mobile payment acceptance

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Information and Decision SystemsTechnological advancements registered in the last three decades have revolutionized the financial industry, promoting major changes in the financial services provided. The spread of Internet-enabled phones, smart phones and tablets combined with fast and reliable communications networks, have encourage banks and service providers to provide a new set of self-service banking applications to mobile devices. These facts combined with the globalisation of business and systems are reinforcing the need to acquire a deeper understand on the impact of the acceptance of mobile services. With this dissertation we intend to contribute to a better understanding of the determinants of mobile banking and mobile payments services acceptance and use, at individual level. For this reason we developed a total of five different studies; four about mobile banking and one about the mobile payment. We started in chapter two with a mobile banking literature weight and meta-analysis. The impact of culture in the mobile banking acceptance in an African developing country is analysed in chapter three, trying to better identify how culture influences individual use behaviour. In chapter four we study the mobile payment, trying to identify the direct and indirect effects on the determinants of adoption and the intention to recommend this technology. In chapter five we return to mobile banking, intending to identify the potential impact of the utilization of game mechanics and game design techniques in the acceptance of these services. In the fifth and last study, presented in chapter six, we analyse data from three different countries in three distinct continents, combining acceptance with trust and risk, simultaneously capturing success and resistance factors towards mobile banking intention and use behaviour. In epistemological terms, we adopted a posture characteristic of positivism. With regard the theoretical framework, besides the weight and meta-analysis study, we use the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) (Venkatesh et al., 2012) in all the studies; namely combining it with (i) cultural moderators (Hofstede, 1980) in the third chapter, (ii) the innovation characteristics of the diffusion of innovations (DOI) (Rogers, 2003), the perceived technology security, and the intention to recommend constructs in the fourth chapter, (iii) a gamification impact construct in the fifth chapter, and (iv) trust and risk model (Bélanger & Carter, 2008) in the sixth chapter. This work provides several contributions for research and practice, contributing to the advancement of knowledge, exploring and discussing direct implications for banks, financial institutions, service providers, service managers, IT and marketing departments, users, and researchers. The innovative models that we use in our work combine the strengths and constructs from well-known theoretical models, providing a solid foundation to our studies. In summary, considering all studies and datasets used, the intention best drivers were (i) habit, found significant in three studies and five datasets and (ii) performance expectancy, found significant in all five studies and in six datasets, and in the use best drivers were (i) habit, found significant in three studies and five datasets and (ii) intention, found significant in two studies. Considering the studies individually, collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, short term, and power distance were found to be the most significant cultural moderators, providing new insights into factors affecting the acceptation and how culture influences individual use behaviour. In terms of mobile payment, the relevance of customer’s intention to recommend mobile payment technology in social networks and other means of communication was confirmed, supporting the recommendation to include it in social marketing campaigns and in future technology adoption studies. A direct and strong relationship between gamification and intention was also confirmed, showing that, when used and designed properly, gamification can help make banking activities more exciting, more interesting, and more enjoyable, and in turn increase customer acceptance, engagement and satisfaction. From the multi-group analysis between countries additional results were found, supporting services customization and marketing campaigns adaptations accordingly. For the intention to use mobile banking, (i) performance expectancy is a more important factor for Portuguese than Brazilian users, (ii) hedonic motivation is a more important factor for Mozambican users than Portuguese or Brazilian ones, and (iii) price value is significant and more important for Mozambican than Portuguese users. For the use behaviour, (i) behavioural intention is a more important factor for Mozambican than Portuguese or Brazilian users and (ii) the facilitating conditions is a more important factor for Mozambican than Portuguese or Brazilian users. A theoretical model based in the best intention and use predictors found in literature is presented, from the weight and meta-analysis’ results, supporting further and future studies in this area

    Go Digital! Determinants of Continuance Usage of Mobile Payment Apps: Focusing on the Mediating Role of Gamification

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    Background: COVID-19 spread over the last two years has been instrumental in shifting physical banking transactions to mobile-based banking transactions. Recently, M-payments have dominated online and point-of-sale (POS) transactions in the Asia-pacific region. Therefore, there was a need to study the factors influencing M-payments. This research has been conducted to determine the significant factors influencing the usage and continuance usage of M-payment apps in an emerging country and particularly how gamified features enhance the usage of M-payments apps.is study is based on the perspectives of the Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) and information system success (ISS) theory, and it adds three new determinants—trust, gamified features, and continued use of mobile payments to better explain and forecast users\u27 behavioral intentions and continued use of mobile payment applications (M-payments apps). Method: The research has employed two studies on sample data from young users of M-payment apps (n=898), the dataset was analyzed through structural equation modelling for mediation and moderation analysis in study one. The second study was grounded through Vignette experiments to analyze the effects of the degree of gamified features on the continued usage of M-payments. Results: The results reported that behavioral intention to adopt, and usage of mobile payments are significantly mediated by gamified features and gamified features are partially mediating continuance usage of M-payments. Trust is the key to enabling continuance usage amongst the users of M-payments. These findings extend the understanding of users’ continuance intention in the context of payments apps. Conclusion: This study would be helpful in presenting insights for the M-payments service providers and the associated banks to develop strategy for the continuance usage of mobile payment apps

    Gamification in Mobile Payment: An Empirical Investigation

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    Mobile payment has evolved from a basic payment method into a community that provides a variety of value-added services. These services are meant to encourage continuous use by enhancing the value and experience of the fundamental payment services. This paper investigates the effects of gamification on the sustained usage of mobile payment. Using a sample of 323 Alipay Ant Forest users collected through online questionnaires, we find that gamification has a strong and direct impact on the continuous use of mobile payment. Interestingly, despite the fact that gamification also positively influences flow experience, flow experience derived from gamification has no significant impact on continuous use. Despite the fact that gamification provides an enjoyable and immersive experience and raises users\u27 awareness of the mobile payment app, it appears that the key utilitarian value of the app is still a payment tool with a focus on its convenience, security and versatility

    Gamification of mobile wallet as an unconventional innovation for promoting Fintech:An fsQCA approach

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    Although digitalisation brings important possibilities to banking &amp; finance service, implementing digital technologies in practices can be challenging. Indeed, the adoption of new innovative technology in the banking &amp; finance sector lags behind other business sectors. Many of the valuable banking &amp; finance-related technologies have not been adopted in relation to the strategic implications of decisions in domains such as the development of service innovation and personalization, value co-creation, and marketing strategies. In particular, there is a paucity of research in using gamification to explore ways of customising banking &amp; finance fintech offerings, improving customers’ experience, and developing efficient banking &amp; finance marketing tactics. Drawing on the UTAUT2 and Otcalysis gamification framework, this study develops a research model investigating what configurations of motivations, expectations and conditions can shape consumers’ behavioral intention to adopt a gamified mobile wallet system. Findings suggest that combining effort expectancy, facilitating conditions and perceived value leads to higher intention to use gamified mobile wallet. Accordingly, firms need to consider the three core conditions when design relevant gamifications.</p