199,518 research outputs found

    The Influence of Internal Control System, Cash Sales On Regional Asset Management Receipts

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    The internal control system is a process, which is influenced by human resources and information technology systems, which are designed to help an organization achieve a goal. The internal control system is a way to direct, supervise, and measure the resources of a regional financial management apparatus. The purpose of the internal control system is to achieve goals and guarantee or provide accurate financial reports and ensure compliance with laws and regulations. The internal control system, consisting of policies and procedures used in company operations to provide reliable financial information and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. At the regional financial management apparatus level, the objectives of internal control are related to the reliability of financial reports, timely feedback on the achievement of operational and strategic objectives, and compliance with laws and regulations on cash receipts. At a specific transaction level, internal control refers to actions taken to achieve an objective to ensure payment, receipt of cash from third parties for a service that is performed). Internal control system procedures reduce process variations and cash receipt transactions and provide more accurate results. The population in this study were 44 SKPDs in the Skouw Mabo, Skouw, Yambe, Skouw Sae, and Mosso areas, Muara Tami District, Jayapura City. These four areas are the border areas of the Republic of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. The sample collection method is purposive sampling by taking samples from the regional financial management apparatus. The data analysis technique used in this study was SEM PLS. The results of this study indicate that the internal control system, cash sales affect cash receipts


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    The role of management accounting in the activities of logistics organizations has been considered. Some approaches to understanding the logistics system, explained by the multidimensional nature of this concept, have been adduced. The elements of the logistics system, which, depending on the location in the system, perform certain functions, have been highlighted. The interaction of factors contributing to the achievement of competitive advantages of the logistics system has been substantiated. The main goal of management accounting – to provide managers with the data they need to make timely management decisions has been revealed. The main tasks, that are solved using the management accounting system, have been enumerated. It has been concluded that a well-structured management accounting should take into account all cash flows (cash and non-cash), allowing you to visually assess the profitability of the business as a whole, as well as each project separately

    Strategic planing of firm capital structure development

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    They modeled firm capital structure in the article within a strategic planning system focused on its value growth. Within the framework of strategic planning, the authors proposed the ways to quantify various financial indicators that form a firm value. The authors justify the thesis that when a firm value growth is planned, not only the valuation of capital is important, but also the development of a strategic financial model that ensures the achievement of a firm capitalization planned value. In order to approbate the proposed approach of a company value strategic planning, the structure of PJSC "Tatneft" capital was modeled according to the financial statements for the period from 2007 to 2016. Completed application developments allowed to supplement the theoretical model with a practical content. The obtained results indicate the maximum value of PJSC "Tatneft" achievement at the level of the borrowed funds in the range of 15-16% within the company capital structure. Based on the applied modeling results, the authors made the following conclusions. First, the decision to optimize the capital structure should be the part of the developed strategic planning system, which takes into account the company position in the market, perspective investments, expected free cash flow, and the distribution policy of net profit. Secondly, long-term firm management plans for credit resource attraction must be accompanied by financial difficulty risk assessments, the forecast of profit and the amount of free cash flow

    Bank cash flow management on the basis of stress testing risks, which are generated by the flows

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    У статті розвинуто науково-методичні підходи та розроблено практичні рекомендації, спрямовані на підвищення ефективності управління грошовими потоками банків із урахуванням ризиків на основі багатофакторної моделі стрес-тестування. На підставі узагальнення результатів наукових досліджень визначено сутність поняття “грошові потоки банків”, запропоновано розглядати їх як індивідуальні вхідні й вихід- ні потоки та їх агреговані сукупності, генеровані внаслідок комерційної, торгової діяльності, а також управління активами й пасивами. Систематизовано чинники, що впливають на грошові потоки банків та управління ними, на основі дворівневої градації з урахуванням джерела й масштабу впливу. Проведено аналіз ключових кількісних показників грошових потоків банків України, визначено, які екзогенні й ендогенні чинники треба враховувати при управлінні ними. Обґрунтовано, що управління грошовими потоками банків — це цілеспрямований, багаторівневий вплив взаємопов’язаних елементів підсистем управління на формування та подальше регулювання їхніх кількісних і якісних параметрів, котрі забезпечують досягнення стратегічних цілей фінансового менеджменту в межах заданих величин ризиків, що генеруються ними, з дотриманням загальних та специфічних принципів. Запропоновано системно-процесну модель управління грошовими потоками банків, котра функціонує на основі інтеграції загальних принципів системного й процесного підходів до управління та специфічних принципів управління грошовими потоками. На основі системно-процесного підходу надано розгорнуту характеристику функцій управління грошовими потоками банків та розроблено рекомендації щодо підвищення ефективності їх реалізації.В статье развиты научно-методические подходы и разработаны практические рекомендации, направленные на повышение эффективности управления денежными потоками банков с учетом рисков на основе многофакторной модели стресс-тестирования. На основании обобщения результатов научных исследований определена сущность понятия “денежные потоки банков”, предложено рассматривать их как индивидуальные входящие и исходящие потоки и их агрегированные совокупности, генерируемые вследствие коммерческой, торговой деятельности, а также управления активами и пассивами. Систематизированы факторы, влияющие на денежные потоки банков и управление ими, на основе двухуровневой градации с учетом источника и масштаба влияния. Проведен анализ ключевых количественных показателей денежных потоков банков Украины, определено, какие экзогенные и эндогенные факторы необходимо учитывать при управлении ими. Обосновано, что управление денежными потоками банков — это целенаправленное, многоуровневое влияние взаимосвязанных элементов подсистем управления на формирование и дальнейшее регулирование их количественных и качественных параметров, обеспечивающих достижение стратегических целей финансового менеджмента в пределах заданных величин рисков, генерируемых ими, с соблюдением общих и специфических принципов. Предложена системно-процессная модель управления денежными потоками банков, функционирующая на основе интеграции общих принципов системного и процессного подходов к управлению и специфических принципов управления денежными потоками. На основе системно-процессного подхода дана развернутая характеристика функций управления денежными потоками банков и разработаны рекомендации по повышению эффективности их реализации.Th e article considers development of scientifi c and methodical approaches and formation of applied recommendations aimed at enhancement of eff ectiveness of the bank cash fl ow management on the basis of a multifactor model of stress testing, taking risks into account. Having concluded research results, the authors determine the sense of the concept “bank cash fl ows”. Th e authors propose to consider the fl ows as individual income and outcome fl ows and their aggregated sets, which are generated as a result of commercial, trade activities, and an activity on management of assets, liabilities, and equity. Th e article systematizes factors aff ecting bank cash fl ows and the bank cash fl ow management on the basis of two-level gradation, taking into consideration a source of origin and a scale of aff ect. Th e authors has analyzed the main quantitative indices characterizing cash fl ows of Ukrainian banks and indicated a list of exogenous and endogenous factors. Infl uence of these factors should be taken into account in the process of management. Th e article substantiates that the bank cash fl ow management is a purposeful multilevel infl uence of interrelated elements of management sub-systems on a process of formation and further regulation of their qualitative and quantitative parameters, which provides achievement of fi nancial management goals within determined amounts of risks generated by the fl ows, adhering to general and specifi c principles. Th e authors have suggested a system and process model of bank cash fl ow management functioning on the basis of integration of the general principles of system and process approaches to management and the specifi c principles of cash fl ow management. Applying the system and process approach, the authors have thoroughly characterized functions of the bank cash fl ow management. Consequently, the scholars have developed recommendations regarding enhancement of effi ciency of their implementation

    Annual accounts 2006/07

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    Circular 01/19 : funding : arrangements for planning and budgeting for further education in 2002/03

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    "This document explains the new planning and budgeting arrangements for further education institutions for 2002/03, building on the new funding arrangements described in Circular 01/13, Post-16 Funding Arrangements for 2002/03. This document describes how the planning and budgeting process has been derived, with particular reference to the consequential changes as a result of the new funding formula. This is the third in a series of documents that will cover the transition of further education from the Further Education Funding Council methodology to the new formula. This follows the circular Indicative Funding Rates for Further Education in 2002/03. Although primarily for information, this document also seeks comments from the sector on: the proposal by the DfES to introduce a new condition of grant in relation to fees for students’ aged 16–18 years in full-time or part-time education (paragraphs 69–72). Comments should be forwarded to local Councils by 31st January 2002. This applies to all institutions providing further education learning funded by the Council. Full guidance on the government’s priorities and funds available for 2002/03 will be issued in January/February 2002, following receipt of the Secretary of State’s annual guidance letter" -- front cover

    Edna McConnell Clark Foundation - 2003 Annual Report

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    Contains president's message, fund and program information, grants list, financial statements, grant guidelines, publications list, and lists of board members and staff

    Edna McConnell Clark Foundation - 1999 Annual Report

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    Contains president's message, program information, grants list, financial statements, grant guidelines, and lists of advisors, board members, and staff

    Youth Justice Board for England and Wales account 2003-2004

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