23 research outputs found

    FAIRnets search - A prototype search service to find neural networks

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    Research on neural networks has gained significant momen- tum over the past few years. A vast number of neural networks is current- ly being developed and trained on available data in research as well as in industry. As the number of neural network architectures increases, we want to support people in the field of machine learning by making existing architectures easier to find and reuse. In this Demo, we support the findability and reusability of Neural Net- works by using the FAIRnets Search. Attendees will learn how to use the FAIRnets Search web service to search the FAIRnets dataset. The FAIRnets dataset is an RDF dataset containing information about alrea- dy modeled neural networks. By applying RDF and OWL, our system can be queried using SPARQL queries indicating the desired character- istics of the neural network. As a result, all neural networks fulfilling the search query are returned to the user. The returned search results support users to gain insights into existing neural networks. Furthermore, we give the possibility to get more detailed information about the archi- tecture of the networks, as well as further links. The demo is available at http://km.aifb.kit.edu/services/fairnets/


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    The Netherlands' Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency - in short Kadaster - collects and registers administrative and spatial data on property and the rights involved. This includes for ships, aircraft and telecommunications networks. Doing so, Kadaster protects legal certainty. The Kadaster publishes many large authoritative datasets including several key registers of the Dutch Government (Topography, Addresses and Buildings). Furthermore Kadaster is also developing and maintaining the PDOK shared service, in which about 100 spatial datasets are being published in several formats, including an incredible amount of detailed geospatial objects. Geospatial objects include all plots of land, all buildings, all roads and all lampposts. These objects are spatially and/or conceptually related, but are maintained by different data curators. As a result these datasets are syntactically and architecturally disjoint, and using them together currently requires non-trivial human labor. In response to this, Kadaster is currently publishing its geo-spatial data assets as Linked Open Data. The standardized query language for Linked Open Geodata is GeoSPARQL. Unfortunately, current tooling does not support writing and evaluating GeoSPARQL queries. This paper presents GeoYASGUI, a GeoSPARQL editor and result-set viewer with IDE capabilities. GeoYASGUI is not a new software product, but an integration of and a collection of updates to existing Open Source libraries. With GeoYASGUI it becomes possible to query the rich Open Data assets of the Kadaster

    Reconciling and Using Historical Person Registers as Linked Open Data in the AcademySampo Portal and Data Service

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    This paper presents a method for extracting and reassembling a genealogical network automatically from a biographical register of historical people. The method is applied to a dataset of short textual biographies about all 28 000 Finnish and Swedish academic people educated in 1640-1899 in Finland. The aim is to connect and disambiguate the relatives mentioned in the biographies in order to build a continuous, genealogical network, which can be used in Digital Humanities for data and network analysis of historical academic people and their lives. An artificial neural network approach is presented for solving a supervised learning task to disambiguate relatives mentioned in the register descriptions using basic biographical information enhanced with an ontology of vocations and additional occasionally sparse genealogical information. Evaluation results of the record linkage are promising and provide novel insights into the problem of historical people register reconciliation. The outcome of the work has been used in practise as part of the in-use AcademySampo portal and linked open data service, a new member in the Sampo series of cultural heritage applications for Digital Humanities.Peer reviewe

    Towards VocBench 3: Pushing collaborative development of thesauri and ontologies further beyond

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    More than three years have passed since the release of the second edition of VocBench, an open source collaborative web platform for the development of thesauri complying with Semantic Web standards. In these years, a vibrant user community has gathered around the system, consisting of public organizations, companies and independent users looking for open source solutions for maintaining their thesauri, code lists and authority resources. The focus on collaboration, the differentiation of user roles and the workflow management for content validation and publication have been the strengths of the platform, especially for those organizations requiring a centralized and controlled publication environment. Now the time has come to widen the scope of the platform: funded by the ISA2programme of the European Commission, VocBench 3 will offer a general-purpose collaborative environment for development of any kind of RDF dataset, improving the editing capabilities of its predecessor, while still maintaining the peculiar aspects that determined its success. In this paper, we review the requirements and the new objectives set for version 3, and then introduce the new characteristics that were implemented for this next iteration of the platform