121 research outputs found

    An Efficient hardware implementation of the tate pairing in characteristic three

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    DL systems with bilinear structure recently became an important base for cryptographic protocols such as identity-based encryption (IBE). Since the main computational task is the evaluation of the bilinear pairings over elliptic curves, known to be prohibitively expensive, efficient implementations are required to render them applicable in real life scenarios. We present an efficient accelerator for computing the Tate Pairing in characteristic 3, using the Modified Duursma-Lee algorithm. Our accelerator shows that it is possible to improve the area-time product by 12 times on FPGA, compared to estimated values from one of the best known hardware architecture [6] implemented on the same type of FPGA. Also the computation time is improved upto 16 times compared to software applications reported in [17]. In addition, we present the result of an ASIC implementation of the algorithm, which is the first hitherto

    Achieving Identity-based cryptography in a personal digital assistant

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    Continuous technological advances have allowed that mobile devices, such as Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), can execute sophisticated applications that more often than not must be equipped with a layer of security that should include the confidentiality and the authentication services within its repertory. Nevertheless, when compared against front-end computing devices, most PDAs are still seen as constrained devices with limited processing and storage capabilities. In order to achieve Identity-Based Cryptography (IBC), which was an open problem proposed by Adi Shamir in 1984, Boneh and Franklin presented in Crypto 2001, a solution that uses bilinear pairings as its main building block. Since then, IBC has become an active area of investigation where many efficient IBC security protocols are proposed year after year. In this paper, we present a cryptographic application that allows the secure exchange of documents from a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) that is wirelessly connected to other nodes. The architecture of our application is inspired by the traditional PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) email security protocol. Our application achieves identity-based authentication and confidentiality functionalities at the 80-bit security level through the usage of a cryptographic library that was coded in C++. Our library can perform basic primitives such as bilinear pairings defined over the binary field and the ternary field , as well as other required primitives known as map-to-point hash functions. We report the timings achieved by our application and we show that they compare well against other similar works published in the open literature

    A Digital Signature Scheme for Long-Term Security

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    In this paper we propose a signature scheme based on two intractable problems, namely the integer factorization problem and the discrete logarithm problem for elliptic curves. It is suitable for applications requiring long-term security and provides a more efficient solution than the existing ones

    Parallel hardware architectures for the cryptographic Tate pairing

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    Identity-based cryptography uses pairing functions, which are sophisticated bilinear maps defined on elliptic curves. Computing pairings efficiently in software is presently a relevant research topic. Since such functions are very complex and slow in software, dedicated hard- ware (HW) implementations are worthy of being stud- ied, but presently only very preliminary research is avail- able. This work affords the problem of designing paral- lel dedicated HW architectures, i.e.,co-processors, for the Tate pairing, in the case of the Duursma-Lee algorithm in characteristic 3. Formal scheduling methodologies are applied to carry out an extensive exploration of the archi- tectural solution space, evaluating the obtained structures by means of different figures of merit such as computation time, circuit area and combinations thereof.Comparisons with the (few) existing proposals are carried out, show- ing that a large space exists for the efficient parallelHW computation of pairings

    P2P Email Encryption by An Identity-Based One-Way Group Key Agreement Protocol

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    As a result of high-tech companies such as Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft offering free email services, email has become a primary channel of communication. However, email service providers have traditionally offered little in the way of message privacy protection. This has made emails, of which billions are sent around the world on any day, an attractive data source for personal identity information thieves. Google was one of the first companies to provide substantial email privacy protection when they began using the HTTPS always-on option to encrypt messages sent through their email service, Gmail. Unfortunately, Gmail\u27s encryption option does not offer true point-to-point encryption since the encrypted emails are decrypted and stored in plaintext form on Google\u27s servers. This type of approach poses a security vulnerability which is unacceptable to security-minded users such as highly sensitive government agencies and private companies. For these users, true point-to-point encryption is needed. This paper introduces an identity-based one-way group key agreement protocol and describes a point-to-point email encryption scheme based on the protocol. Both the security proofs and the efficiency analysis, with experimental results, of the new scheme are provided

    TinyTate: Identity-Based Encryption for Sensor Networks

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    In spite of several years of intense research, the area of security and cryptography in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) still has a number of open problems. On the other hand, the advent of Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) has enabled a wide range of new cryptographic solutions. In this work, we argue that IBE is ideal for WSNs and vice versa. We discuss the synergy between the systems, describe how WSNs can take advantage of IBE, and present results for computation of the Tate pairing over resource constrained nodes

    Cryptographic Key Distribution In Wireless Sensor Networks Using Bilinear Pairings

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    It is envisaged that the use of cheap and tiny wireless sensors will soon bring a third wave of evolution in computing systems. Billions of wireless senor nodes will provide a bridge between information systems and the physical world. Wireless nodes deployed around the globe will monitor the surrounding environment as well as gather information about the people therein. It is clear that this revolution will put security solutions to a great test. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are a challenging environment for applying security services. They differ in many aspects from traditional fixed networks, and standard cryptographic solutions cannot be used in this application space. Despite many research efforts, key distribution in WSNs still remains an open problem. Many of the proposed schemes suffer from high communication overhead and storage costs, low scalability and poor resilience against different types of attacks. The exclusive usage of simple and energy efficient symmetric cryptography primitives does not solve the security problem. On the other hand a full public key infrastructure which uses asymmetric techniques, digital signatures and certificate authorities seems to be far too complex for a constrained WSN environment. This thesis investigates a new approach to WSN security which addresses many of the shortcomings of existing mechanisms. It presents a detailed description on how to provide practical Public Key Cryptography solutions for wireless sensor networks. The contributions to the state-of-the-art are added on all levels of development beginning with the basic arithmetic operations and finishing with complete security protocols. This work includes a survey of different key distribution protocols that have been developed for WSNs, with an evaluation of their limitations. It also proposes Identity- Based Cryptography (IBC) as an ideal technique for key distribution in sensor networks. It presents the first in-depth study of the application and implementation of Pairing- Based Cryptography (PBC) to WSNs. This is followed by a presentation of the state of the art on the software implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) on typical WSNplatforms. New optimized algorithms for performing multiprecision multiplication on a broad range of low-end CPUs are introduced as well. Three novel protocols for key distribution are proposed in this thesis. Two of these are intended for non-interactive key exchange in flat and clustered networks respectively. A third key distribution protocol uses Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) to secure communication within a heterogeneous sensor network. This thesis includes also a comprehensive security evaluation that shows that proposed schemes are resistant to various attacks that are specific to WSNs. This work shows that by using the newest achievements in cryptography like pairings and IBC it is possible to deliver affordable public-key cryptographic solutions and to apply a sufficient level of security for the most demanding WSN applications

    Theory and Practice of Cryptography and Network Security Protocols and Technologies

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    In an age of explosive worldwide growth of electronic data storage and communications, effective protection of information has become a critical requirement. When used in coordination with other tools for ensuring information security, cryptography in all of its applications, including data confidentiality, data integrity, and user authentication, is a most powerful tool for protecting information. This book presents a collection of research work in the field of cryptography. It discusses some of the critical challenges that are being faced by the current computing world and also describes some mechanisms to defend against these challenges. It is a valuable source of knowledge for researchers, engineers, graduate and doctoral students working in the field of cryptography. It will also be useful for faculty members of graduate schools and universities