36 research outputs found

    Evaluación del uso y necesidades de información geoespacial de los profesionales en prevención y extinción de incendios forestales

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    La información geoespacial necesaria para la gestión de los incendios forestales es muy amplia y diversa. Cada profesional que interviene en un incendio forestal actúa en diferentes fases (prevención, extinción), contexto (centro control, primera línea de fuego, vigilancia). Cada profesional tiene diferentes grados de dependencia tecnológica, por lo que la información geoespacial necesaria para cada perfil es distinta y valorada por su utilidad. El estudio cuantitativo presentado en este artículo está basado en las técnicas de encuestas. La finalidad del estudio es la evaluación del estado actual en el uso y conocimiento de las tecnologías geoespaciales durante la prevención y extinción de incendios forestales. En este artículo se describe la metodología seguida para la confección de la encuesta, la definición de los criterios de evaluación y el análisis de los resultados obtenidos. Los resultados reflejan una tendencia positiva en cuanto que las infraestructuras de datos espaciales (IDE) y otras tecnologías geoespaciales son conocidas e incluso utilizadas por los encuestados, aunque con diferente grado de penetración por perfil profesional y sujeto últimamente al conocimiento y experiencia de cada individuo.The geospatial information needed to manage forest fires is very extensive and diverse. Professional who intervene in a forest fire act in different phases (prevention, extinction), context (center control, where the fire began, surveillance); each professional requires a different level of technical dependence, therefore the geospatial information needed for each profile is distinct and thus valued based on its purpose. The quantitative study presented in this article, is based on survey techniques. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the use and knowledge of geospatial technologies during the prevention and extinction of forest fires. In this article the methodologies employed to create this survey are described, the definition of the evaluation criteria and the analysis of the results obtained. The results reflect a positive tendency regarding spatial data infrastructures (SDI); other geospatial technologies are known and even used by the respondents, although with a different level per profile and subject, as well as based on the knowledge and experience of each individual

    The Effects of Ambiguity Tolerance and User Discretion on Spatial Task Performance and Display Choices

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    Recent improvements in information technologies have led to the creation and advancement of numerous interfaces or visual displays. However, not all innovations in visual representations optimize their users’ decisional performance. This research examines whether granting users discretion improves their decisional accuracy and expedites their decision making, as well as reduces their stress and mental workload. In addition, the current study utilizes an extensive, relatively stable construct in cognitive psychology – ambiguity tolerance – to represent individuals’ openness to complexities and investigates the impacts on those decisional outcomes. The mixed results yield implications for future studies

    Evaluating the Effects of Dimensionality in Advanced Avionic Display Concepts for Synthetic Vision Systems

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    Synthetic vision systems provide an in-cockpit view of terrain and other hazards via a computer-generated display representation. Two experiments examined several display concepts for synthetic vision and evaluated how such displays modulate pilot performance. Experiment 1 (24 general aviation pilots) compared three navigational display (ND) concepts: 2D coplanar, 3D, and split-screen. Experiment 2 (12 commercial airline pilots) evaluated baseline 'blue sky/brown ground' or synthetic vision-enabled primary flight displays (PFDs) and three ND concepts: 2D coplanar with and without synthetic vision and a dynamic multi-mode rotatable exocentric format. In general, the results pointed to an overall advantage for a split-screen format, whether it be stand-alone (Experiment 1) or available via rotatable viewpoints (Experiment 2). Furthermore, Experiment 2 revealed benefits associated with utilizing synthetic vision in both the PFD and ND representations and the value of combined ego- and exocentric presentations

    How does your viewing perspective matter for decision-making with flood risk maps?*

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    The globally increasing frequency of flood events highlights the importance of effective flood risk communication. The influence of the viewing perspective of mapped flood events on human risk perception has not yet been a research focus of the geovisualization community. This empirical study aims to fill this gap by investigating how the viewing perspective of flood risk maps, that is, 2D orthographic vs. 2.5D oblique views, influence human flood risk perception and decision-making. Results on how viewing perspective might influence measured risk perception are in line with prior inconclusive research on the utility and usability of adding a third viewing dimension on static maps. Unlike prior research would have suggested, we find that the individual risk attitude of our participants had no direct influence on their risk ratings in the context of this study. With additional empirical evidence on how static 2D and oblique 2.5D hazard maps might influence the public’s risk perception and decision-making, we hope to further inform policy and decision makers on the critical importance of well-designed cartographic displays for effective and efficient hazard and risk communication. We also provide an open-source code repository for making reproducible experiments with our static maps

    Virtual objects in electronic catalogs: A human-computer interface issue

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    Web interface design is an important aspect of electronic commerce (EC). However, apart from design frameworks and guidelines for Web-based EC, not much has been done by researchers or practitioners on how electronic catalogs (e-catalogs) influence the users' desirability and satisfaction as purchasers. In this correspondence, we investigate the form of media that represented the most efficient mode to present products to Web users by summarizing and evaluating various existing forms of e-catalogs and their respective responses from Web users. We conclude that a 3-D virtual object (VO) is the most efficient mode of electronic cataloging for Web interface due to a better sense of presence of users, a more attractive and enjoyable media of delivery of useful information to users, and a higher level of engagement of user's memory. A 3-D VO, as a result, generates the highest users' satisfaction, which leads to increased propensity to purchase. Further, we discuss the practical and theoretical research implications of these findings to e-catalogs. © 2007 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    종양의 3차원적 위치 파악을 위한 메쉬 구조의 3D 모델링 기술 개발 및 임상적 유용성 평가

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    학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 의과대학 의학과, 2022.2. 김희찬.배 경: 3D 프린팅은 인체 종양의 3차원적 위치를 파악하기 위한 방법으로써, 이미 의학 영역에 다양한 목적으로 보급되어 사용되고 있으나, 높은 비용과 긴 제작 시간은 3D 모델의 활용에 제약이 되고 있다. 목 적: 첫 번째 연구의 목표는 인체 장기와 그 장기가 포함하고 있는 종양의 관계를 묘사하기 위해 메쉬 구조의 3D 모델링이라고 하는 새로운 기법을 개발하는 것으로, 비용의 절감 및 출력 시간에서 장점을 보일 것으로 가정하였다. 두 번째 연구는 딥러닝을 이용한 개별화된 3D 갑상선 모델을 메쉬 구조로 제작하고 수술 전 동의를 받는 과정에 이용하여 본 기술의 임상적 유용성을 평가하고자 하였다. 방 법: 메쉬 구조의 3차원 모델링은 단층 영상에서 일정 간격으로 좌표를 추출하고, 이를 그물망(메쉬) 형태로 연결하는 구조의 레플리카를 생성한다. 인접한 해부학적 구조는 메쉬의 밀도를 변화시켜 출력하는 방식으로 구분할 수 있으며, 정상 조직과 종양은 대조되는 색상으로 표시한다. 이를 이용한 임상 연구를 위해, 수술 전 동의서 작성에 3D 모형을 이용하는 전향적 무작위 배정 대조군 비교 임상시험(KCT0005069)을 설계하였다. 갑상선 수술을 받는 환자 53명을 대상으로, 수술 동의서 작성 시 개별화된 3D 프린팅 모델을 사용하는 군과, 사용하지 않고 기존의 방식대로 동의서를 작성하는 두 그룹으로 나누었다. 이 과정에서 U-Net 기반의 딥러닝 아키텍처와 메쉬 구조의 3D 모델링 기법을 활용하여 개인화된 3D 모델을 제작하였다. 결 과: 메쉬 구조의 3D 모델링을 이용해 융합 적층 모델링(FDM) 방식의 3D 프린터를 통해 출력한 결과, 낮은 비용(0.05/cm3)과제작시간(1.73min/cm3)을보였다.실제3D프린팅된모형은수술중절제된검체와비교했을때장기종양해부학및인접조직을시각적으로구분하는데충분한수준을보였다.이후시행한전향적임상연구에서,53명의환자들의갑상선모형의평균3D프린팅시간은258.9분이었고평균제작비는환자1인당USD4.23였다.모든3차원모형은종양과갑상선의크기,위치,해부학적관계를효과적으로반영할수있었다.수술동의서작성시개별화된3D프린팅모델을제공받은그룹은4가지범주(일반지식,수술의이점,수술의위험,만족도)모두에서통계적으로유의한수준의개선을보였다(모두p<0.05).모든환자는수술후개별화된3D모델을제공받았으며,질병,수술및가능한합병증및전반적인만족도향상에도움이되었음을확인할수있었다.결론:개별화된3D갑상선모델은수술전동의서작성과정에서환자의이해와만족도를향상시키는효과적인도구가될수있었다.새롭게고안한메쉬구조의3D모델링기법은장기의크기/윤곽및종양의위치를시각화하는데효과적이었으며,이러한방법론은개별화된치료를위한해부학적모델링을용이하게하고,수술동의서작성과같은설명과정에있어,환자의효과적인의학적지식습득을도울수있음을확인하였다.Background:Asamethodofthreedimensional(3D)localizationoftumor,3Dprintingisintroducedtomedicine.However,thehighcostsandlengthyproductiontimesrequiredhavelimitedtheirapplication.Objectives:Thegoalofthefirststudywastodevelopanewandlesscostly3Dmodelingmethod,meshtype3Dmodeling,todepictorgantumorrelations.Thesecondstudywasdesignedtoevaluatetheclinicalusefulnessofapersonalizedmeshtype3Dprintedthyroidglandmodelforobtaininginformedconsent.Methods:Forthemeshtype3Dmodeling,coordinateswereextractedataspecifieddistanceintervalfromtomographicimages,connectingthemtocreatemeshworkreplicas.Adjacentconstructsweredepictedbydensityvariations,showinganatomicaltargets(i.e.,tumors)incontrastingcolors.Arandomized,controlledprospectiveclinicaltrial(KCT0005069)wasdesigned.Atotalof53patientsundergoingthyroidsurgerywererandomlyassignedtotwogroups:withorwithouta3Dprintedmodeloftheirthyroidlesionuponobtaininginformedconsent.AUNetbaseddeeplearningarchitectureandthemeshtype3Dmodelingtechniquewereusedtofabricatethepersonalized3Dmodel.Results:Toestablishthemeshtype3Dmodelingtechnique,anarrayoforgansolidtumormodelswasprintedviaaFusedDepositionModeling3Dprinteratalowercost(0.05/cm3)과 제작 시간(1.73 min/cm3)을 보였다. 실제 3D 프린팅 된 모형은 수술 중 절제된 검체와 비교했을 때 장기-종양 해부학 및 인접 조직을 시각적으로 구분하는데 충분한 수준을 보였다. 이후 시행한 전향적 임상 연구에서, 53명의 환자들의 갑상선 모형의 평균 3D 프린팅 시간은 258.9분이었고 평균 제작비는 환자 1인당 USD 4.23였다. 모든 3차원 모형은 종양과 갑상선의 크기, 위치, 해부학적 관계를 효과적으로 반영할 수 있었다. 수술 동의서 작성시 개별화된 3D 프린팅 모델을 제공받은 그룹은 4가지 범주(일반 지식, 수술의 이점, 수술의 위험, 만족도) 모두에서 통계적으로 유의한 수준의 개선을 보였다 (모두 p <0.05). 모든 환자는 수술 후 개별화된 3D 모델을 제공받았으며, 질병, 수술 및 가능한 합병증 및 전반적인 만족도 향상에 도움이 되었음을 확인할 수 있었다. 결 론: 개별화된 3D 갑상선 모델은 수술 전 동의서 작성 과정에서 환자의 이해와 만족도를 향상시키는 효과적인 도구가 될 수 있었다. 새롭게 고안한 메쉬 구조의 3D 모델링 기법은 장기의 크기/윤곽 및 종양의 위치를 시각화 하는데 효과적이었으며, 이러한 방법론은 개별화된 치료를 위한 해부학적 모델링을 용이하게 하고, 수술 동의서 작성과 같은 설명 과정에 있어, 환자의 효과적인 의학적 지식 습득을 도울 수 있음을 확인하였다.Background: As a method of three-dimensional (3D) localization of tumor, 3D printing is introduced to medicine. However, the high costs and lengthy production times required have limited their application. Objectives: The goal of the first study was to develop a new and less costly 3D modeling method, “mesh-type 3D modeling”, to depict organ–tumor relations. The second study was designed to evaluate the clinical usefulness of a personalized mesh-type 3D-printed thyroid gland model for obtaining informed consent. Methods: For the mesh-type 3D modeling, coordinates were extracted at a specified distance interval from tomographic images, connecting them to create mesh-work replicas. Adjacent constructs were depicted by density variations, showing anatomical targets (i.e., tumors) in contrasting colors. A randomized, controlled prospective clinical trial (KCT0005069) was designed. A total of 53 patients undergoing thyroid surgery were randomly assigned to two groups: with or without a 3D-printed model of their thyroid lesion upon obtaining informed consent. A U-Net-based deep learning architecture and the mesh-type 3D modeling technique were used to fabricate the personalized 3D model. Results: To establish the mesh-type 3D modeling technique, an array of organ-solid tumor models was printed via a Fused Deposition Modeling 3D printer at a lower cost (0.05 USD/cm3) and time expenditure (1.73 min/cm3). Printed models helped promote visual appreciation of organ-tumor anatomy and adjacent tissues. In the prospective clinical study, the mean 3D printing time was 258.9 min, and the mean price for production was USD 4.23 for each patient. The size, location, and anatomical relationship of the tumor with respect to the thyroid gland could be effectively presented. The group provided with personalized 3D-printed models significantly improved across all four categories (i.e., general knowledge, benefits of surgery, risks of surgery, and satisfaction; all p < .05). All patients received a personalized 3D model after surgery and found it helpful toward understanding the disease, operation, and possible complications, as well as enhancing their overall satisfaction. Conclusion: The personalized 3D-printed thyroid gland model may be an effective tool for improving a patient’s understanding and satisfaction during the informed consent process. Furthermore, the mesh-type 3D modeling reproduced glandular size/contour and tumor location, readily approximating the surgical specimen. This newly devised mesh-type 3D printing method may facilitate anatomical modeling for personalized care and improve patient awareness during informed surgical consent.Chapter 1. Introduction 1 Chapter 2. Materials and Methods 4 Chapter 3. Results 24 Chapter 4. Discussion 43 Chapter 5. Conclusions 49 Acknowledgements 50 Bibliography 51 Abstract in Korean 55박

    Variaciones de los tiempos de reacción frente a cambios de perspectiva y tamaño de los estímulos 2D y 3D en atención selectiva

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    Frente a un estímulo objetivo, las personas procesan mediante la atención selectiva antes de realizar toma de decisiones. Si ese estímulo sufre algún cambio en su configuración 2D o 3D, ¿en qué casos una persona reacciona más rápido o más lento? La presente investigación evaluó la influencia de los cambios en las características de los estímulos en experimentos de tiempos de reacción en tareas de atención visual en videojuegos creados en Unity 3D. Para estudiar esas características, se realizó una comparación entre dos experimentos de videojuegos. El primer experimento se dividió en dos bloques: uno mostraba estímulos en 2D y otro en 3D. Se recolectó el tiempo de reacción de los participantes frente a esos estímulos y se obtuvo que el tiempo de reacción fue mayor en 3D en 28.33 ms. En el segundo experimento se incrementaron los bloques (de dos a ocho) para explicar las diferencias de los tiempos de reacción obtenidas en el primer experimento sea por el tamaño o el ángulo relativo que otorga una diferente perspectiva geométrica de presentación de los estímulos en 3D, para lo cual se modificaron algunas características de los estímulos del primer experimento. Los resultados después de comparar los distintos escenarios muestran que la modificación de las características tiene una influencia en la atención selectiva, pues los tiempos de reacción del primer experimento varían en comparación a los del segundo experimento dependiendo del cambio realizado (entre 65 y 67 ms de diferencia para 2D y entre 53 y 77 ms para 3D). En la discusión, se analiza el ámbito de los estímulos en 2D y 3D en el neuromarketing o el deporte ante los cambios de tamaño y ángulo de la cámara. En ambos escenarios, el presente trabajo sugiere evaluar para cada caso la modificación en sus presentaciones o herramientas en un consiguiente incremento del tiempo de reacción de los potenciales usuarios o equivalentemente en un nivel bajo de atención.When facing a goal-stimulus, people have a certain degree of attention. Therefore, when stimulus has changes in 2D or 3D configuration, in which cases one would react faster or slower? The present research evaluated the influence of the changes in the characteristics of the stimuli in reaction time experiments in visual attention tasks in videogames made in Unity 3D. For this, a comparison was made between two videogame experiments. The first videogame experiment was divided into two blocks that showed stimuli a block in 2D videogame and another in 3D videogame respectively to the participants and collected their reaction times against these stimuli. The second videogame experiment increase the number of blocks (from two to eight) to explain the differences in the reaction times obtained in the first experiment either by the size or the relative angle of 3D presentation of the stimuli, for which some characteristics of the blocks of the first experiment. The results, after comparing the different scenarios, have shown that the modification of the characteristics changed selective attention, because the reaction times of the first experiment vary in comparison to those of the second experiment depending on the change made (between 65 and 67 ms of difference for 2D and between 53 and 77 ms for 3D). On the discussion, one can question the commercial spheres of 2D stimuli in the so-called neuromarketing or sports. In both scenarios, the present work suggests evaluating for each case changes in their presentations or tools in a consequent control the reaction time of potential users, and this translates into a level of attention control

    On the History and Prospects of Three-Dimensional Human-Computer Interfaces for the provision of Air Traffic Control Services

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    This paper is an essay on the history and prospects of three-dimensional (3D) human- computer interfaces for the provision of air traffic control services. Over the past twenty-five years, many empirical studies have addressed this topic. However, the results have been deemed incoherent and self-contradictory and no common conclusion has been reached. To escape from the deadlock of the experimental approach, this study takes a step back into the conceptual development of 3D interfaces, addressing the fundamental benefits and drawbacks of 3D rendering. Under this light, many results in the literature start to make sense and some conclusions can be drawn. Also, with an emphasis on the future of air traffic control, this research identifies a set of tasks wherein the intrinsic weaknesses of 3D rendering can be minimized and its advantages can be exploited. These are the ones that do not require accurate estimates of distances or angles. For future developments in the field of 3D interfaces for air traffic control operators, we suggest focusing on those tasks only