104 research outputs found


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    The first fact that appeared on earth when Gabriel came to The Prophet for the first time was that the new religion (Islam) was based on science and rejected false beliefs and delusions as a whole. In the same manner as science, education is very important in Islam Method of teaching has very important role in education and narrating story was one of the Prophet’s methods. This narrating method was then followed by Muslim scholars and educators from earlier age till now, and one of them is Abu Umar Basyier who wrote Sandiwara Langit that assumed to have some values of Islamic education. The problem statement of this research is: “what values of Islamic education are contained in Abu Umar Basyier’s Sandiwara Langit?” and the objective of this study is to determine the values of Islamic education contained in Abu Umar Basyier’s Sandiwara Langit. This study is expected to give contributions of thought to the development of science, particularly the development of Islamic education, in the form of strengthening the theory that narrating story is a teaching method, and expected to be able to teach the general public, especially educators among the Muslims, that there are many lessons can be studied from a story and encourage Muslims educators that narrating story as one of the main educational methods. This research is a qualitative one because it produces descriptive data and it is a library and documentation research for the data observed are library texts and documents. The primary data source of this research is Abu Umar Basyier’s Sandiwara Langit. The technique of collecting data in this study is documentation and the techniques of the analyzing data are descriptive and inductive technique. In Sandiwara Langit, it can be found values of Islamic education. Those are honesty, courage, peaceability, self-reliance, self-discipline and moderation, self-purity, loyalty and trust, respect, love, empathy, hospitality, and value of justice and generosity. The value of honesty in the story includes honesty to others, honesty to an institution and honesty to oneself. The value of courage in the story includes the courage to oppose the majority that leads to the wrong path, the courage to attempt good deed although it is difficult, and the courage to say “no” to a demand that leads to the wrong. The value of peacebility the story is controlling the emotion. The value of self-reliance in the story is value of being independent. The value of discipline and moderation in the story are the ability to manage self-emotion and desire and the ability to manage time. The value of purity in the story includes the purity of the soul (from loving affairs of mortal life) and awareness to keep the purity itself before and after getting married. The values of loyalty and trust that are in the story include loyalty to the profession and institution, loyalty to the family, and being consistent to the promise. The value of respect that can be found is respect to the other. The value of love in the story includes love for family, love for couple, love for another Muslim brother, and love for Allah.The value of empathy in the story includes empathy to other people financial condition. The value of hospitality in the story includes hospitality to the guest. The value of justice in the story includes justice to the family, the understanding of generosity and the understanding of forgiveness

    An Axiological Dimension of Qur’ānic Epistemology

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    This study inquires into the value system associated with two epistemological conceptual schemes of the Qur’ān, namely, āyah (sign) and ḥikmah (wisdom). In many respects, the rapid accumulation of all types of knowledge and the progress in the predominantly secular science and technology of modern times have marginalised values from scientific inquiry, leading to intellectual crisis, epistemological confusion and social disorientation. Thus, there is a clarion call to revisit the place of values in epistemological discourse. In an attempt to broaden the human horizon, the Qur’ān propounds a unified system of knowledge and value whereby it draws attention to several natural phenomena seen as āyāt (signs) of Allah which should be explored through a ḥikmah-based framework of value judgment. Guided by axiological concern, this study examines the place of value in Qur’ānic epistemology.Keywords: Axiology; āyah (sign); epistemology; ḥikmah (wisdom); Qur‟ān

    Construction Of Shari’ah Entrepreneurship Values In Local Wisdom Perspective Of Gayo Community

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    Constructing shari’ah Entrepreneurship concept or values based on local wisdom of Gayo communities aimed to construct shariah entrepreneurship values sourced from society’s behavior pattern named culture, to create social interest propulsion to conduct distribution and production economy activities by entrepreneurship values. This research used micro ethnography approach by developing Gayonese custom ethnolinguistic as shari’ah entrepreneurship Concept. Integration of spiritual values, planning, sustainability of economy resources and Moral is shariah entrepreneurship concept in Gayo local wisdom

    Walls of Time for Orchestra and Double Chorus

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    Walls of Time was commissioned by the LSU School of Music for the inauguration of the new music building in 1986. The piece opens in a highly chromatic manner and employs frequent changes of harmonies. This portion is followed by a section which is rhythmic, diatonic, and very jubilant in character. The latter portion was later used by the composer in the work Tale for trumpet, trombone, and piano

    Factors that influence Islamic work ethics among employees: A study at HIG Langkawi Holdings Sdn. Bhd.

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    The purpose of this study was to review the factors that influence Islamic work ethics among the employees of Haji Ismail Group (HIG) Langkawi Holdings Sdn. Bhd. that located in Langkawi, Kedah. This study due to the lack of attention given regarding of the factors that influence the implementation of Islamic work ethics among employees especially in contexs of Malaysia’s environment. From this study, Islamic work ethics and it’s factors were measured it’s relationship in the implementation of Islamic work ethics among the employees and to identify the most dominant factor of Islamic work ethics among the employees. The data analysis was done by Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 21.0. The results showed a positive relationships between the perceived organizational support, Islamic education, person job fit and person organization fit with Islamic Work Ethics among employees. These positive relationships showing all these factors are significant as the factors of influencing employees to practice Islamic work ethics in their work routine. This study also found that the most dominant factor towards the implementation of the Islamic work ethics among employees is the Islamic educatio

    Internalization Analysis of Islamic Values in Organization Culture at Nabila Bakery

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    The purpose of this research is to provide an overview and knowledge about the Internalization of Islamic Values in corporate culture in Nabila Cake, Bakery Pastry. The aim specifically to obtain the results of the analysis of internalization of Islamic values applied by the company to employees and the corporate environment, and also the form of corporate culture used by the company to manage human resources in it. In this research, the author using the qualitative method. The object that used in this research was including every aspect that accorded to the Islamic Values at Nabila Cake, Bakery Pastry. In this study, the results shown that in the company Nabila Cake, Bakery Pastry stated that the corporate culture is a reflection of the company’s identity. Islamic values that internalized through the organizational culture such as Ihsan and Itqan. The internalization of Islamic values in the corporate culture in Nabila has been given a comprehensive role, both in the corporate environment, as well as in the personal life of each individual in it

    Walt Whitman, William James, and Pragmatist Aesthetics

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    Explores "Whitman\u27s role in shaping James\u27s thought" and evaluates "Whitman\u27s place in the pragmatist tradition," emphasizing the role of aesthetics in pragmatism and offering a pragmatic reading of "Song of the Broad-Axe" based on "Jamesian pluralism.