5,126 research outputs found

    The Phillips Machine, The Analogue Computing Traditoin in Economics and Computability

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    In this paper I try to argue for the desirability of analog computation in economics from a variety of perspectives, using the example of the Phillips Machine. Ultimately, a case is made for the underpinning of both analog and digital computing theory in constructive mathematics. Some conceptual confusion in the meaning of analog computing and its non-reliance on the theory of numerical analysis is also discussed. Digital computing has its mathematical foundations in (classical) recursion theory and constructive mathematics. The implicit, working, assumption of those who practice the noble art of analog computing may well be that the mathematical foundations of their subject is as sound as the foundations of the real analysis. That, in turn, implies a reliance on the soundness of set theory plus the axiom of choice. This is, surely, seriously disturbing from a computation point of view. Therefore, in this paper, I seek to locate a foundation for analog computing in exhibiting some tentative dualities with results that are analogous to those that are standard in computability theory. The main question, from the point of view of economics, is whether the Phillips Machine, as an analog computer, has universal computing properties. The conjectured answer is in the negative.Phillips Machine, Analogue Computation, Digital Computation, Computability, General Purpose Analogue Computer

    Principles of Neuromorphic Photonics

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    In an age overrun with information, the ability to process reams of data has become crucial. The demand for data will continue to grow as smart gadgets multiply and become increasingly integrated into our daily lives. Next-generation industries in artificial intelligence services and high-performance computing are so far supported by microelectronic platforms. These data-intensive enterprises rely on continual improvements in hardware. Their prospects are running up against a stark reality: conventional one-size-fits-all solutions offered by digital electronics can no longer satisfy this need, as Moore's law (exponential hardware scaling), interconnection density, and the von Neumann architecture reach their limits. With its superior speed and reconfigurability, analog photonics can provide some relief to these problems; however, complex applications of analog photonics have remained largely unexplored due to the absence of a robust photonic integration industry. Recently, the landscape for commercially-manufacturable photonic chips has been changing rapidly and now promises to achieve economies of scale previously enjoyed solely by microelectronics. The scientific community has set out to build bridges between the domains of photonic device physics and neural networks, giving rise to the field of \emph{neuromorphic photonics}. This article reviews the recent progress in integrated neuromorphic photonics. We provide an overview of neuromorphic computing, discuss the associated technology (microelectronic and photonic) platforms and compare their metric performance. We discuss photonic neural network approaches and challenges for integrated neuromorphic photonic processors while providing an in-depth description of photonic neurons and a candidate interconnection architecture. We conclude with a future outlook of neuro-inspired photonic processing.Comment: 28 pages, 19 figure

    Cluster policies of large cities in Russia and Kazakhstan

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    Relevance. Faced with globalization challenges, large modern cities need to develop their competitive advantages. One source of such advantages is clustering of urban economy. Questions dealing with cluster-based policies and classification of clusters operating on the regional and national levels have attracted much scholarly attention while there is still a research gap regarding urban cluster policies and comparison of city-based clusters.Research objective. The purpose of this study is to analyze the legal framework of cluster policies in Russia and Kazakhstan and to describe the criteria for classification and comparison of city-based clusters.Data and methods. The study used methods of systemic and comparative analysis, formalized methods of analysis of regulatory acts. The selected criteria are universal and can be used for cluster analysis in different countries. We considered strategies for socio-economic development of large cities in Russia and Kazakhstan from the official websites of city administrations as well as the regulatory acts of specific cities.  Results.  In both countries, clusters play a significant role in the development strategies of territories. The Russian and Kazakh governments take similar measures to support cluster initiatives. The regulatory legal acts of both countries emphasize the allocation of subsidies and co-financing of regional programs and RD in clusters. The process of cluster creation in Russia started later than in Kazakhstan but was also more intensive. A popular specialization for clusters in both countries is information technologies and communications, which corresponds to the goals set by the national governments.Conclusions. In both countries, the number of clusters in large cities is increasing annually. Typically, clusters have 11-50 participants. In both countries, there are clusters of different specialization. Strategies for socio-economic development serve as the main documents for devising cluster policies of cities.The practical significance of the study is that it proposes an approach to classification and comparison of clusters that can be used in further analysis and for identification of cluster policy priorities

    Кластерная политика крупнейших городов (опыт России и Казахстана)

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    Received December 12, 2019; accepted February 5, 2020.Дата поступления 12 декабря 2019 г.; дата принятия к печати 5 февраля 2020 г.Relevance. Faced with globalization challenges, large modern cities need to develop their competitive advantages. One source of such advantages is clustering of urban economy. Questions dealing with cluster-based policies and classification of clusters operating on the regional and national levels have attracted much scholarly attention while there is still a research gap regarding urban cluster policies and comparison of city-based clusters. Research objective. The purpose of this study is to analyze the legal framework of cluster policies in Russia and Kazakhstan and to describe the criteria for classification and comparison of city-based clusters. Data and methods. The study used methods of systemic and comparative analysis, formalized methods of analysis of regulatory acts. The selected criteria are universal and can be used for cluster analysis in different countries. We considered strategies for socio-economic development of large cities in Russia and Kazakhstan from the official websites of city administrations as well as the regulatory acts of specific cities. Results. In both countries, clusters play a significant role in the development strategies of territories. The Russian and Kazakh governments take similar measures to support cluster initiatives. The regulatory legal acts of both countries emphasize the allocation of subsidies and co-financing of regional programs and R&D in clusters. The process of cluster creation in Russia started later than in Kazakhstan but was also more intensive. A popular specialization for clusters in both countries is information technologies and communications, which corresponds to the goals set by the national governments. Conclusions. In both countries, the number of clusters in large cities is increasing annually. Typically, clusters have 11-50 participants. In both countries, there are clusters of different specialization. Strategies for socio-economic development serve as the main documents for devising cluster policies of cities. The practical significance of the study is that it proposes an approach to classification and comparison of clusters that can be used in further analysis and for identification of cluster policy priorities.Актуальность. В современном мире, подверженном активным процессам глобализации, возрастает необходимость выявления конкурентных преимуществ городов. Одним из источников таких преимуществ является кластеризация городской экономики. При этом остается открытым вопрос классификации и сравнений кластеров, локализованных в разных городах и разных странах. Исходя из вышесказанного, актуальность исследования обуславливается необходимостью разработки системы критериев для классификации кластеров, позволяющей осуществлять межгородские и кросс-национальные сравнения. Цель исследования. Анализ нормативно-правового регулирования кластерной политики в крупнейших городах РФ и Республики Казахстан, предложение и апробация критериев для классификации кластеров, созданных в городах данного типа. Данные и методы. В исследовании использованы методы системного и сравнительного анализа, формализованные методы анализа нормативно-правовых актов. Предложен и обоснован выбор перечня критериев для классификации кластеров. Новизна авторского подхода состоит в универсальности отобранных критериев, возможности их использования для анализа кластеров в различных странах. Информационную базу исследования составили стратегии социально-экономического развития крупнейших городов России и Казахстана, представленные на официальных сайтах городских администраций. Эмпирической основой анализа послужили результаты исследований, проведенных в рамках НИР «Совершенствование политики государственного регулирования ускоренной кластеризации индустриальных регионов», выполняемой по грантовому финансированию Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан. Результаты. В ходе исследования был проведен анализ нормативно-правовых актов, составляющих основу кластерной политики в РФ и Республике Казахстан; изучен спектр услуг, оказываемых региональными центрами кластерного развития; установлены критерии для классификации кластеров в крупнейших городах, проведена классификация кластеров крупнейших городов РФ и Казахстана по заданным критериям. Выводы. На примере России и Казахстана были апробированы критерии для классификации кластеров, созданных в крупнейших городах. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в разработке подхода, позволяющего провести анализ и сравнение кластеров, созданных в крупнейших городах разных стран. Полученные в ходе классификации результаты могут быть использованы для выявления приоритетов кластерной политики на территории города

    Is there any real substance to the claims for a 'new computationalism'?

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    'Computationalism' is a relatively vague term used to describe attempts to apply Turing's model of computation to phenomena outside its original purview: in modelling the human mind, in physics, mathematics, etc. Early versions of computationalism faced strong objections from many (and varied) quarters, from philosophers to practitioners of the aforementioned disciplines. Here we will not address the fundamental question of whether computational models are appropriate for describing some or all of the wide range of processes that they have been applied to, but will focus instead on whether `renovated' versions of the \textit{new computationalism} shed any new light on or resolve previous tensions between proponents and skeptics. We find this, however, not to be the case, because the 'new computationalism' falls short by using limited versions of "traditional computation", or proposing computational models that easily fall within the scope of Turing's original model, or else proffering versions of hypercomputation with its many pitfalls

    Pioneers of Soviet Computing

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    A szerző 1995-ban megjelent orosz nyelvű "История Вычислительной Техники в Лицах" című könyvének fordítása, amely a szovjet számítástechnika történetének fontos - gyakran kevéssé ismert - eseményeit jelentős személyiségek életútján keresztül mutatja be. Néhány, a magyarországi számítástechnika fejlődésére hatással lévő témáról (pl. M3 története, ESzR körüli viták) is érdekes információkat tudhatunk meg