1,041 research outputs found

    A Computer System for Home Automation with Java Technology and Raspberry Pi

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    This thesis is on smart home automation, a raspberry pi will be used to create a model of a smart home and demonstrate the basics how home automation is made possible. For this project i have selected Java for the backend as it is one of the leading programming languages for the Internet of Things. the user interface is designed with React framework. The purpose of separating the frontend from the backend is to demonstrate how applications can communicate (API), because this is also integral in understanding how things communicate.Дипломна робота призначена для автоматизації розумного будинку, Raspberry PI використано для створення моделі розумного будинку та демонструє основи того, як можна автоматизувати дім. Для цього проекту обрано мову Java для бекенду, оскільки це одна з провідних мов програмування в Інтернеті речей. Користувацький інтерфейс розроблений з використанням фреймворку React. Метою відокремлення інтерфейсу від бекенду є демонстрація, як програми можуть спілкуватися по API, оскільки це також є невід'ємною частиною розуміння того, як спілкуються речі.INTRODUCTION 1 MAIN PART 1.1 Hardware and software components justification 1.1.1 IoT parts justification 1.1.2 Software justification Java Programming language The Spring Framework PI4J library SQLite database React Framework 1.1.3 Cloud services justification 1.1.4 Network protocols justification: Message Queuing Telemetry Transport protocol REST over HTTP or HTTPs protocol GraphQL query language communication approach gRPC protocol Protobuf protocol 1.1.5 Cloud native approach 1.2 Hardware components implementation 1.3 Software components implementation 1.3.1 Back-end development 1.3.2 Testing the REST API through Postman 1.3.3 Front-end development 1.3.4 Developed methods 2 SPECIAL PART 2.1 Testing layers of application 2.2 Software deployment 2.2.1 Back-end deployment 2.2.2 Front-end deployment 3 TECHNICAL - ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 4 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CONCLUSIONS REFERENCE

    Cross-site Scripting Attack Detection Using Machine Learning with Hybrid Features

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    This study aims to measure the classification accuracy of XSS attacks by using a combination of two methods of determining feature characteristics, namely using linguistic computation and feature selection. XSS attacks have a certain pattern in their character arrangement, this can be studied by learners using n-gram modeling, but in certain cases XSS characteristics can contain a certain meta and synthetic this can be learned using feature selection modeling. From the results of this research, hybrid feature modeling gives good accuracy with an accuracy value of 99.87%, it is better than previous studies which the average is still below 99%, this study also tries to analyze the false positive rate considering that the false positive rate in attack detection is very influential for the convenience of the information security team, with the modeling proposed, the false positive rate is very small, namely 0.039%This study aims to measure the classification accuracy of XSS attacks by using a combination of two methods of determining feature characteristics, namely using linguistic computation and feature selection. XSS attacks have a certain pattern in their character arrangement, this can be studied by learners using n-gram modeling, but in certain cases XSS characteristics can contain a certain meta and synthetic this can be learned using feature selection modeling. From the results of this research, hybrid feature modeling gives good accuracy with an accuracy value of 99.87%, it is better than previous studies which the average is still below 99%, this study also tries to analyze the false positive rate considering that the false positive rate in attack detection is very influential for the convenience of the information security team, with the modeling proposed, the false positive rate is very small, namely 0.039

    Eristämismekanismeja selainpohjaisille ohjelmistoarkkitehtuureille

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    Traditional backend-oriented web applications are increasingly being replaced by frontend applications, which execute directly in the user's browser. Web application performance has been shown to directly affect business performance, and frontend applications enable unique performance improvements. However, building complex applications within the browser is still a new and poorly understood field, and engineering efforts within the field are often plagued by quality issues. This thesis addresses the current research gap around frontend applications, by investigating the applicability of isolation mechanisms available in browsers to frontend application architecture. We review the important publications around the topic, forming an overview of current research, and current best practices in the field. We use this understanding, combined with relevant industry experience, to categorize the available isolation mechanisms to four classes: state and variable isolation, isolation from the DOM, isolation within the DOM, and execution isolation. For each class, we provide background and concrete examples on both the related quality issues, as well as tools for their mitigation. Finally, we use the ISO 25010 quality standard to evaluate the impact of these isolation mechanisms on frontend application quality. Our results suggest that the application of the previously introduced isolation mechanisms has the potential to significantly improve several key areas of frontend application quality, most importantly compatibility and maintainability, but also performance and security. Many of these mechanisms also imply tradeoffs between other quality attributes, most commonly performance. Future work could include developing frontend application architectures that leverage these isolation mechanisms to their full potential.Perinteisiä palvelinorientoituneita verkko-ohjelmistoja korvataan kiihtyvällä vauhdilla selainpohjaisilla ohjelmistoilla. Verkko-ohjelmistojen suorituskyvyn on osoitettu vaikuttavan suoraan yritysten tulokseen, ja selainpohjaiset ohjelmistot mahdollistavat huomattavia parannuksia suorituskykyyn. Monimutkaisten selainpohjaisten ohjelmistojen rakentaminen on kuitenkin uusi ja huonosti ymmärretty ala, ja sillä tapahtuva kehitystyö on ollut laatuongelmien piinaamaa. Tässä diplomityössä täydennetään puutteellista tutkimusta selainpohjaisista ohjelmistoista tutkimalla selaimista löytyvien eristysmekanismien soveltuvuutta näiden ohjelmistojen arkkitehtuurin parantamiseen. Käymme läpi tärkeimmät alan julkaisut muodostaen yleiskuvan tutkimuksen tilasta ja parhaiksi katsotuista käytännöistä alan harjoittajien keskuudessa. Yhdistämällä kirjallisuuskatsauksen tulokset omaan työkokemukseemme alalta, luokittelemme selainten käytettävissä olevat eristysmekanismit neljään kategoriaan: tilan ja muuttujien eristäminen, eristäminen DOM:ista, eristäminen DOM:in sisällä sekä suorituksen eristäminen. Käsittelemme tämän jälkeen löydetyt kategoriat sekä esitämme niihin liittyviä konkreettisia laatuongelmia sekä työkaluja näiden ongelmien ratkaisuun. Lopuksi arvioimme näiden eristysmekanismien vaikutusta selainpohjaisten ohjelmistojen laatuun ISO 25010 -laatustandardin avulla. Tuloksemme osoittavat että työssä esitettyjen eristysmekanismien käyttö saattaisi parantaa ohjelmistojen laatua usealla tärkeällä alueella. Näistä merkittävimpiä ovat yhteensopivuus ja ylläpidettävyys, mutta hyötyjä voitaisiin saada myös suorituskyvyn sekä tietoturvan parantumisella. Toisaalta monet esitellyistä mekanismeista myös vaativat kompromisseja muiden laatuvaatimusten osalta. Jatkotutkimusta tarvittaisiin selainpohjaisista arkkitehtuureista, jotka hyödyntäisivät paremmin työssä esitettyjä eristysmekanismeja

    A Tale of Two Headers: A Formal Analysis of Inconsistent Click-Jacking Protection on the Web

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    Click-jacking protection on the modern Web is commonly enforced via client-side security mechanisms for framing control, like the X-Frame-Options header (XFO) and Content Security Policy (CSP). Though these client-side security mechanisms are certainly useful and successful, delegating protection to web browsers opens room for inconsistencies in the security guarantees offered to users of different browsers. In particular, inconsistencies might arise due to the lack of support for CSP and the different implementations of the underspecified XFO header. In this paper, we formally study the problem of inconsistencies in framing control policies across different browsers and we implement an automated policy analyzer based on our theory, which we use to assess the state of click-jacking protection on the Web. Our analysis shows that 10% of the (distinct) framing control policies in the wild are inconsistent and most often do not provide any level of protection to at least one browser. We thus propose recommendations for web developers and browser vendors to mitigate this issue. Finally, we design and implement a server-side proxy to retrofit security in web applications

    XSS Vulnerabilities in Cloud-Application Add-Ons

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    Cloud-application add-ons are microservices that extend the functionality of the core applications. Many application vendors have opened their APIs for third-party developers and created marketplaces for add-ons (also add-ins or apps). This is a relatively new phenomenon, and its effects on the application security have not been widely studied. It seems likely that some of the add-ons have lower code quality than the core applications themselves and, thus, may bring in security vulnerabilities. We found that many such add-ons are vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS). The attacker can take advantage of the document-sharing and messaging features of the cloud applications to send malicious input to them. The vulnerable add-ons then execute client-side JavaScript from the carefully crafted malicious input. In a major analysis effort, we systematically studied 300 add-ons for three popular application suites, namely Microsoft Office Online, G Suite and Shopify, and discovered a significant percentage of vulnerable add-ons in each marketplace. We present the results of this study, as well as analyze the add-on architectures to understand how the XSS vulnerabilities can be exploited and how the threat can be mitigated

    Understanding emerging client-Side web vulnerabilities using dynamic program analysis

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    Today's Web heavily relies on JavaScript as it is the main driving force behind the plethora of Web applications that we enjoy daily. The complexity and amount of this client-side code have been steadily increasing over the years. At the same time, new vulnerabilities keep being uncovered, for which we mostly rely on manual analysis of security experts. Unfortunately, such manual efforts do not scale to the problem space at hand. Therefore in this thesis, we present techniques capable of finding vulnerabilities automatically and at scale that originate from malicious inputs to postMessage handlers, polluted prototypes, and client-side storage mechanisms. Our results highlight that the investigated vulnerabilities are prevalent even among the most popular sites, showing the need for automated systems that help developers uncover them in a timely manner. Using the insights gained during our empirical studies, we provide recommendations for developers and browser vendors to tackle the underlying problems in the future. Furthermore, we show that security mechanisms designed to mitigate such and similar issues cannot currently be deployed by first-party applications due to their reliance on third-party functionality. This leaves developers in a no-win situation, in which either functionality can be preserved or security enforced.JavaScript ist die treibende Kraft hinter all den Web Applikationen, die wir heutzutage täglich nutzen. Allerdings ist über die Zeit hinweg gesehen die Masse, aber auch die Komplexität, von Client-seitigem JavaScript Code stetig gestiegen. Außerdem finden Sicherheitsexperten immer wieder neue Arten von Verwundbarkeiten, meistens durch manuelle Analyse des Codes. In diesem Werk untersuchen wir deshalb Methodiken, mit denen wir automatisch Verwundbarkeiten finden können, die von postMessages, veränderten Prototypen, oder Werten aus Client-seitigen Persistenzmechnanismen stammen. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die untersuchten Schwachstellen selbst unter den populärsten Websites weit verbreitet sind, was den Bedarf an automatisierten Systemen zeigt, die Entwickler bei der rechtzeitigen Aufdeckung dieser Schwachstellen unterstützen. Anhand der in unseren empirischen Studien gewonnenen Erkenntnissen geben wir Empfehlungen für Entwickler und Browser-Anbieter, um die zugrunde liegenden Probleme in Zukunft anzugehen. Zudem zeigen wir auf, dass Sicherheitsmechanismen, die solche und ähnliche Probleme mitigieren sollen, derzeit nicht von Seitenbetreibern eingesetzt werden können, da sie auf die Funktionalität von Drittanbietern angewiesen sind. Dies zwingt den Seitenbetreiber dazu, zwischen Funktionalität und Sicherheit zu wählen