4,087 research outputs found

    Querying the Guarded Fragment

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    Evaluating a Boolean conjunctive query Q against a guarded first-order theory F is equivalent to checking whether "F and not Q" is unsatisfiable. This problem is relevant to the areas of database theory and description logic. Since Q may not be guarded, well known results about the decidability, complexity, and finite-model property of the guarded fragment do not obviously carry over to conjunctive query answering over guarded theories, and had been left open in general. By investigating finite guarded bisimilar covers of hypergraphs and relational structures, and by substantially generalising Rosati's finite chase, we prove for guarded theories F and (unions of) conjunctive queries Q that (i) Q is true in each model of F iff Q is true in each finite model of F and (ii) determining whether F implies Q is 2EXPTIME-complete. We further show the following results: (iii) the existence of polynomial-size conformal covers of arbitrary hypergraphs; (iv) a new proof of the finite model property of the clique-guarded fragment; (v) the small model property of the guarded fragment with optimal bounds; (vi) a polynomial-time solution to the canonisation problem modulo guarded bisimulation, which yields (vii) a capturing result for guarded bisimulation invariant PTIME.Comment: This is an improved and extended version of the paper of the same title presented at LICS 201

    Optimal Joins Using Compact Data Structures

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    Worst-case optimal join algorithms have gained a lot of attention in the database literature. We now count with several algorithms that are optimal in the worst case, and many of them have been implemented and validated in practice. However, the implementation of these algorithms often requires an enhanced indexing structure: to achieve optimality we either need to build completely new indexes, or we must populate the database with several instantiations of indexes such as B+-trees. Either way, this means spending an extra amount of storage space that may be non-negligible. We show that optimal algorithms can be obtained directly from a representation that regards the relations as point sets in variable-dimensional grids, without the need of extra storage. Our representation is a compact quadtree for the static indexes, and a dynamic quadtree sharing subtrees (which we dub a qdag) for intermediate results. We develop a compositional algorithm to process full join queries under this representation, and show that the running time of this algorithm is worst-case optimal in data complexity. Remarkably, we can extend our framework to evaluate more expressive queries from relational algebra by introducing a lazy version of qdags (lqdags). Once again, we can show that the running time of our algorithms is worst-case optimal

    The complexity of acyclic conjunctive queries revisited

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    In this paper, we consider first-order logic over unary functions and study the complexity of the evaluation problem for conjunctive queries described by such kind of formulas. A natural notion of query acyclicity for this language is introduced and we study the complexity of a large number of variants or generalizations of acyclic query problems in that context (Boolean or not Boolean, with or without inequalities, comparisons, etc...). Our main results show that all those problems are \textit{fixed-parameter linear} i.e. they can be evaluated in time f(∣Q∣).∣db∣.∣Q(db)∣f(|Q|).|\textbf{db}|.|Q(\textbf{db})| where ∣Q∣|Q| is the size of the query QQ, ∣db∣|\textbf{db}| the database size, ∣Q(db)∣|Q(\textbf{db})| is the size of the output and ff is some function whose value depends on the specific variant of the query problem (in some cases, ff is the identity function). Our results have two kinds of consequences. First, they can be easily translated in the relational (i.e., classical) setting. Previously known bounds for some query problems are improved and new tractable cases are then exhibited. Among others, as an immediate corollary, we improve a result of \~\cite{PapadimitriouY-99} by showing that any (relational) acyclic conjunctive query with inequalities can be evaluated in time f(∣Q∣).∣db∣.∣Q(db)∣f(|Q|).|\textbf{db}|.|Q(\textbf{db})|. A second consequence of our method is that it provides a very natural descriptive approach to the complexity of well-known algorithmic problems. A number of examples (such as acyclic subgraph problems, multidimensional matching, etc...) are considered for which new insights of their complexity are given.Comment: 30 page

    Communication Steps for Parallel Query Processing

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    We consider the problem of computing a relational query qq on a large input database of size nn, using a large number pp of servers. The computation is performed in rounds, and each server can receive only O(n/p1−ε)O(n/p^{1-\varepsilon}) bits of data, where ε∈[0,1]\varepsilon \in [0,1] is a parameter that controls replication. We examine how many global communication steps are needed to compute qq. We establish both lower and upper bounds, in two settings. For a single round of communication, we give lower bounds in the strongest possible model, where arbitrary bits may be exchanged; we show that any algorithm requires ε≥1−1/τ∗\varepsilon \geq 1-1/\tau^*, where τ∗\tau^* is the fractional vertex cover of the hypergraph of qq. We also give an algorithm that matches the lower bound for a specific class of databases. For multiple rounds of communication, we present lower bounds in a model where routing decisions for a tuple are tuple-based. We show that for the class of tree-like queries there exists a tradeoff between the number of rounds and the space exponent ε\varepsilon. The lower bounds for multiple rounds are the first of their kind. Our results also imply that transitive closure cannot be computed in O(1) rounds of communication
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