672 research outputs found

    Emulating Digital Logic using Transputer Networks (Very High Parallelism = Simplicity = Performance)

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    Modern VLSI technology has changed the economic rules by which the balance between processing power, memory and communications is decided in computing systems. This will have a profound impact on the design rules for the controlling software. In particular, the criteria for judging efficiency of the algorithms will be somewhat different. This paper explores some of these implications through the development of highly parallel and highly distributable algorithms based on occam and transputer networks. The major results reported are a new simplicity for software designs, a corresponding ability to reason (formally and informally) about their properties, the reusability of their components and some real performance figures which demonstrate their practicality. Some guidelines to assist in these designs are also given. As a vehicle for discussion, an interactive simulator is developed for checking the functional and timing characteristics of digital logic circuits of arbitrary complexity

    An occam Style Communications System for UNIX Networks

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    This document describes the design of a communications system which provides occam style communications primitives under a Unix environment, using TCP/IP protocols, and any number of other protocols deemed suitable as underlying transport layers. The system will integrate with a low overhead scheduler/kernel without incurring significant costs to the execution of processes within the run time environment. A survey of relevant occam and occam3 features and related research is followed by a look at the Unix and TCP/IP facilities which determine our working constraints, and a description of the T9000 transputer's Virtual Channel Processor, which was instrumental in our formulation. Drawing from the information presented here, a design for the communications system is subsequently proposed. Finally, a preliminary investigation of methods for lightweight access control to shared resources in an environment which does not provide support for critical sections, semaphores, or busy waiting, is made. This is presented with relevance to mutual exclusion problems which arise within the proposed design. Future directions for the evolution of this project are discussed in conclusion

    Higher levels of process synchronisation

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    Four new synchronisation primitives (SEMAPHOREs, RESOURCEs, EVENTs and BUCKETs) were introduced in the KRoC 0.8beta release of occam for SPARC (SunOS/Solaris) and Alpha (OSF/1) UNIX workstations [1][2][3]. This paper reports on the rationale, application and implementation of two of these (SEMAPHOREs and EVENTs). Details on the other two may be found on the web [4]. The new primitives are designed to support higher-level mechanisms of SHARING between parallel processes and give us greater powers of expression. They will also let greater levels of concurrency be safely exploited from future parallel architectures, such as those providing (virtual) shared-memory. They demonstrate that occam is neutral in any debate between the merits of message-passing versus shared-memory parallelism, enabling applications to take advantage of whichever paradigm (or mixture of paradigms) is the most appropriate. The new primitives could be (but are not) implemented in terms of traditional channels, but only at the expense of increased complexity and computational overhead. The primitives are immediately useful even for uni-processors - for example, the cost of a fair ALT can be reduced from O(n) to O(1). In fact, all the operations associated with new primitives have constant space and time complexities; and the constants are very low. The KRoC release provides an Abstract Data Type interface to the primitives. However, direct use of such mechanisms still allows the user to misuse them. They must be used in the ways prescribed (in this paper and in [4]) else their semantics become unpredictable. No tool is provided to check correct usage at this level. The intention is to bind those primitives found to be useful into higher level versions of occam. Some of the primitives (e.g. SEMAPHOREs) may never themselves be made visible in the language, but may be used to implement bindings of higher-level paradigms (such as SHARED channels and BLACKBOARDs). The compiler will perform the relevant usage checking on all new language bindings, closing the security loopholes opened by raw use of the primitives. The paper closes by relating this work with the notions of virtual transputers, microcoded schedulers, object orientation and Java threads

    User-defined data types and operators in occam

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    This paper describes the addition of user-defined monadic and dyadic operators to occam* [1], together with some libraries that demonstrate their use. It also discusses some techniques used in their implementation in KRoC [2] for a variety of target machines

    On the Serialisation of Parallel Programs

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    Efficient computation of aerodynamic influence coefficients for aeroelastic analysis on a transputer network

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    Aeroelastic analysis is multi-disciplinary and computationally expensive. Hence, it can greatly benefit from parallel processing. As part of an effort to develop an aeroelastic capability on a distributed memory transputer network, a parallel algorithm for the computation of aerodynamic influence coefficients is implemented on a network of 32 transputers. The aerodynamic influence coefficients are calculated using a 3-D unsteady aerodynamic model and a parallel discretization. Efficiencies up to 85 percent were demonstrated using 32 processors. The effect of subtask ordering, problem size, and network topology are presented. A comparison to results on a shared memory computer indicates that higher speedup is achieved on the distributed memory system

    Guppy: Process-Oriented Programming on Embedded Devices

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    Guppy is a new and experimental process-oriented programming language, taking much inspiration (and some code-base) from the existing occam-pi language. This paper reports on a variety of aspects related to this, specifically language, compiler and run-time system development, enabling Guppy programs to run on desktop and embedded systems. A native code-generation approach is taken, using C as the intermediate language, and with stack-space requirements determined at compile-time

    pony - The occam-pi Network Environment

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    Although concurrency is generally perceived to be a `hard' subject, it can in fact be very simple --- provided that the underlying model is simple. The occam-pi parallel processing language provides such a simple yet powerful concurrency model that is based on CSP and the pi-calculus. This paper presents pony, the occam-pi Network Environment. occam-pi and pony provide a new, unified, concurrency model that bridges inter- and intra-processor concurrency. This enables the development of distributed applications in a transparent, dynamic and highly scalable way. The first part of this paper discusses the philosophy behind pony, explains how it is used, and gives a brief overview of its implementation. The second part evaluates pony's performance by presenting a number of benchmarks

    Graceful Termination -- Graceful Resetting

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    Correct — let alone graceful — termination of parallel systems is sometimes thought to be a difficult problem. This is particularly imagined to be so under the pure message-passing MIMD discipline of occam and transputer networks, where global operations (like setting a shared flag or abortions) are not allowed and where time-outs cannot be set for every communication. This paper describes some common, but erroneous, occam approaches to this problem and contrasts them with what can be done in Ada [0, 1, 2]. These methods are all rejected on the grounds of insecurity and performance overheads. A simple, legal, secure and efficient occam method is then presented. This method also solves a much more important problem — the general (or partial) resetting of a parallel system (or sub-system). The resetting mechanism is quite independent of the parallel application algorithm, which can therefore be developed without worrying about such matters. This separation of concerns is good software engineering and is fully supported by the occam philosophy. Finally, an application of this resetting mechanism is described that permits the dynamic reconstruction of occam network topologies

    Communicating Mobile Processes

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    This paper presents a new model for mobile processes in occam-pi. A process, embedded anywhere in a dynamically evolving network, may suspend itself mid-execution, be safely disconnected from its local environment, moved (by communication along a channel), reconnected to a new environment and reactivated. Upon reactivation, the process resumes execution from the same state (i.e. data values and code positions) it held when it suspended. Its view of its environment is unchanged, since that is abstracted by its synchronisation (e.g. channels and barriers) interface and that remains constant. The environment behind that interface will (usually) be completely different. The mobile process itself may contain any number of levels of dynamic sub-network. This model is simpler and, in some ways, more powerful than our earlier proposal, which required a process to terminate before it could be moved. Its formal semantics and implementation, however, throw up extra challenges. We present details and performance of an initial implementation