10 research outputs found

    Racing to Learn: Statistical Inference and Learning in a Single Spiking Neuron with Adaptive Kernels

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    This paper describes the Synapto-dendritic Kernel Adapting Neuron (SKAN), a simple spiking neuron model that performs statistical inference and unsupervised learning of spatiotemporal spike patterns. SKAN is the first proposed neuron model to investigate the effects of dynamic synapto-dendritic kernels and demonstrate their computational power even at the single neuron scale. The rule-set defining the neuron is simple there are no complex mathematical operations such as normalization, exponentiation or even multiplication. The functionalities of SKAN emerge from the real-time interaction of simple additive and binary processes. Like a biological neuron, SKAN is robust to signal and parameter noise, and can utilize both in its operations. At the network scale neurons are locked in a race with each other with the fastest neuron to spike effectively hiding its learnt pattern from its neighbors. The robustness to noise, high speed and simple building blocks not only make SKAN an interesting neuron model in computational neuroscience, but also make it ideal for implementation in digital and analog neuromorphic systems which is demonstrated through an implementation in a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA).Comment: In submission to Frontiers in Neuroscienc

    High speed event-based visual processing in the presence of noise

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    Standard machine vision approaches are challenged in applications where large amounts of noisy temporal data must be processed in real-time. This work aims to develop neuromorphic event-based processing systems for such challenging, high-noise environments. The novel event-based application-focused algorithms developed are primarily designed for implementation in digital neuromorphic hardware with a focus on noise robustness, ease of implementation, operationally useful ancillary signals and processing speed in embedded systems

    A Survey of Spiking Neural Network Accelerator on FPGA

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    Due to the ability to implement customized topology, FPGA is increasingly used to deploy SNNs in both embedded and high-performance applications. In this paper, we survey state-of-the-art SNN implementations and their applications on FPGA. We collect the recent widely-used spiking neuron models, network structures, and signal encoding formats, followed by the enumeration of related hardware design schemes for FPGA-based SNN implementations. Compared with the previous surveys, this manuscript enumerates the application instances that applied the above-mentioned technical schemes in recent research. Based on that, we discuss the actual acceleration potential of implementing SNN on FPGA. According to our above discussion, the upcoming trends are discussed in this paper and give a guideline for further advancement in related subjects

    Event-based feature extraction using adaptive selection thresholds

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    Unsupervised feature extraction algorithms form one of the most important building blocks in machine learning systems. These algorithms are often adapted to the event-based domain to perform online learning in neuromorphic hardware. However, not designed for the purpose, such algorithms typically require significant simplification during implementation to meet hardware constraints, creating trade offs with performance. Furthermore, conventional feature extraction algorithms are not designed to generate useful intermediary signals which are valuable only in the context of neuromorphic hardware limitations. In this work a novel event-based feature extraction method is proposed that focuses on these issues. The algorithm operates via simple adaptive selection thresholds which allow a simpler implementation of network homeostasis than previous works by trading off a small amount of information loss in the form of missed events that fall outside the selection thresholds. The behavior of the selection thresholds and the output of the network as a whole are shown to provide uniquely useful signals indicating network weight convergence without the need to access network weights. A novel heuristic method for network size selection is proposed which makes use of noise events and their feature representations. The use of selection thresholds is shown to produce network activation patterns that predict classification accuracy allowing rapid evaluation and optimization of system parameters without the need to run back-end classifiers. The feature extraction method is tested on both the N-MNIST (Neuromorphic-MNIST) benchmarking dataset and a dataset of airplanes passing through the field of view. Multiple configurations with different classifiers are tested with the results quantifying the resultant performance gains at each processing stage

    Real-time event-based unsupervised feature consolidation and tracking for space situational awareness

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    Earth orbit is a limited natural resource that hosts a vast range of vital space-based systems that support the international community's national, commercial and defence interests. This resource is rapidly becoming depleted with over-crowding in high demand orbital slots and a growing presence of space debris. We propose the Fast Iterative Extraction of Salient targets for Tracking Asynchronously (FIESTA) algorithm as a robust, real-time and reactive approach to optical Space Situational Awareness (SSA) using Event-Based Cameras (EBCs) to detect, localize, and track Resident Space Objects (RSOs) accurately and timely. We address the challenges of the asynchronous nature and high temporal resolution output of the EBC accurately, unsupervised and with few tune-able parameters using concepts established in the neuromorphic and conventional tracking literature. We show this algorithm is capable of highly accurate in-frame RSO velocity estimation and average sub-pixel localization in a simulated test environment to distinguish the capabilities of the EBC and optical setup from the proposed tracking system. This work is a fundamental step toward accurate end-to-end real-time optical event-based SSA, and developing the foundation for robust closed-form tracking evaluated using standardized tracking metrics

    Investigation of Synapto-dendritic Kernel Adapting Neuron models and their use in spiking neuromorphic architectures

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    The motivation for this thesis is idea that abstract, adaptive, hardware efficient, inter-neuronal transfer functions (or kernels) which carry information in the form of postsynaptic membrane potentials, are the most important (and erstwhile missing) element in neuromorphic implementations of Spiking Neural Networks (SNN). In the absence of such abstract kernels, spiking neuromorphic systems must realize very large numbers of synapses and their associated connectivity. The resultant hardware and bandwidth limitations create difficult tradeoffs which diminish the usefulness of such systems. In this thesis a novel model of spiking neurons is proposed. The proposed Synapto-dendritic Kernel Adapting Neuron (SKAN) uses the adaptation of their synapto-dendritic kernels in conjunction with an adaptive threshold to perform unsupervised learning and inference on spatio-temporal spike patterns. The hardware and connectivity requirements of the neuron model are minimized through the use of simple accumulator-based kernels as well as through the use of timing information to perform a winner take all operation between the neurons. The learning and inference operations of SKAN are characterized and shown to be robust across a range of noise environments. Next, the SKAN model is augmented with a simplified hardware-efficient model of Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP). In biology STDP is the mechanism which allows neurons to learn spatio-temporal spike patterns. However when the proposed SKAN model is augmented with a simplified STDP rule, where the synaptic kernel is used as a binary flag that enable synaptic potentiation, the result is a synaptic encoding of afferent Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). In this combined model the neuron not only learns the target spatio-temporal spike patterns but also weighs each channel independently according to its signal to noise ratio. Additionally a novel approach is presented to achieving homeostatic plasticity in digital hardware which reduces hardware cost by eliminating the need for multipliers. Finally the behavior and potential utility of this combined model is investigated in a range of noise conditions and the digital hardware resource utilization of SKAN and SKAN + STDP is detailed using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA)

    Exploring space situational awareness using neuromorphic event-based cameras

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    The orbits around earth are a limited natural resource and one that hosts a vast range of vital space-based systems that support international systems use by both commercial industries, civil organisations, and national defence. The availability of this space resource is rapidly depleting due to the ever-growing presence of space debris and rampant overcrowding, especially in the limited and highly desirable slots in geosynchronous orbit. The field of Space Situational Awareness encompasses tasks aimed at mitigating these hazards to on-orbit systems through the monitoring of satellite traffic. Essential to this task is the collection of accurate and timely observation data. This thesis explores the use of a novel sensor paradigm to optically collect and process sensor data to enhance and improve space situational awareness tasks. Solving this issue is critical to ensure that we can continue to utilise the space environment in a sustainable way. However, these tasks pose significant engineering challenges that involve the detection and characterisation of faint, highly distant, and high-speed targets. Recent advances in neuromorphic engineering have led to the availability of high-quality neuromorphic event-based cameras that provide a promising alternative to the conventional cameras used in space imaging. These cameras offer the potential to improve the capabilities of existing space tracking systems and have been shown to detect and track satellites or ‘Resident Space Objects’ at low data rates, high temporal resolutions, and in conditions typically unsuitable for conventional optical cameras. This thesis presents a thorough exploration of neuromorphic event-based cameras for space situational awareness tasks and establishes a rigorous foundation for event-based space imaging. The work conducted in this project demonstrates how to enable event-based space imaging systems that serve the goals of space situational awareness by providing accurate and timely information on the space domain. By developing and implementing event-based processing techniques, the asynchronous operation, high temporal resolution, and dynamic range of these novel sensors are leveraged to provide low latency target acquisition and rapid reaction to challenging satellite tracking scenarios. The algorithms and experiments developed in this thesis successfully study the properties and trade-offs of event-based space imaging and provide comparisons with traditional observing methods and conventional frame-based sensors. The outcomes of this thesis demonstrate the viability of event-based cameras for use in tracking and space imaging tasks and therefore contribute to the growing efforts of the international space situational awareness community and the development of the event-based technology in astronomy and space science applications

    The Synaptic Kernel Adaptation Network

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    In this paper we present the Synaptic Kernel Adaptation Network (SKAN) circuit, a dynamic circuit that implements Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP), not by adjusting synaptic weights but via dynamic synaptic kernels. SKAN performs unsupervised learning of the commonest spatio-temporal pattern of input spikes using simple analog or digital circuits. It features tunable robustness to temporal jitter and will unlearn a pattern that has not been present for a period of time using tunable 'forgetting' parameters. It is compact and scalable for use as a building block in a larger network to form a multilayer hierarchical unsupervised memory system which develops models based on the temporal statistics of its environment. Here we show results from simulations as well present digital and analog implementations. Our results show that the SKAN is fast, accurate and robust to noise and jitter

    Rotationally invariant vision recognition with neuromorphic transformation and learning networks

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    In this paper we present a biologically inspired rotationally-invariant end-to-end recognition system demonstrated in hardware with a bitmap camera and a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The system integrates the Ripple Pond Network (RPN), a neural network that performs image transformation from two dimensions to one dimensional rotationally invariant temporal patterns (TPs), and the Synaptic Kernel Adaptation Network (SKAN), a neural network capable of unsupervised learning of a spatio-temporal pattern of input spikes. Our results demonstrate rapid learning and recognition of simple hand gestures with no prior training and minimal usage of FPGA hardware