232 research outputs found

    Studies on Ranunculus Population: Isozymic Pattern

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    Species of Ranunculus is small herb grows at quite high altitudes, ranging from several hundreds to more than a thousand meter above sea level. They can occupy a variety of habitats such as moist soils or can even grow sub merged or floating in stream. A few numbers of species from different populations have been recorded to have morphological complexity, which could cause a problem for the work of taxonomists in making decisions. In order to support taxonomists in solving their problem, a new experimental method using SDS-PAGE will be used to explore the isozyme data. The main purpose of this research was to investigate whether or not isozyme data can be used to clarify the morphological complexity of Ranunculus species. In this study, nine species of Ranunculus from different populations were used. Five to twenty plants were sampled for electrophoresis studies. Four enzyme systems: peroxidase, esterase, malate dehydrogenase and acid phosphatase were chosen. The results showed that every enzyme gave its specific pattern in each species and common band always found in nine species tested. This experiment proved that genetic data (isozyme) quite promoting to be applied in higher plant taxonomy in solving the morphological complexity problem. Key words: isozyme, PER, EST, MDH, ACP, Ranunculus

    A Strategic Policy Initiative for the Post-relocation of Street Vendors: Case of Surakarta, Indonesia

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    Street vendors have emerged as a form of social response to maintain the survival of communities in going through economic challenges. However, street vendors have begun to have an uncontrolled growth; hence create social issues, particularly in large cities. In Surakarta, Indonesia, the relocation process of street vendors has been successfully executed by the municipal government. They have successfully managed to make street vendors agree to peacefully move to another area. Apparently, the relocation program is only sustained for several years. Most of street vendors have returned to their previous location, creating a huge chronic problem. This brief study aims at utilizing system thinking approach, using a causal loop diagram, to provide a framework for managing changes and complexity in the relocation process and to identify strategic indicators that may occur after relocation. The results are expected to contribute a defined framework for decision making process based on an analysis over the complex and dynamic systems of the relocation program. The results indicate that the municipal government of Surakarta may need to begin to formulate innovative activities through an improved public education and an enhanced street vendors’ empowerment

    Penerapan Teknik Eksperimen Modern untuk Mengatasi Kompleksitas Morfologi dalam Taksonomi Tumbuhan

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    Modern taxonomy has two approaches, i.e. classical and experimental taxonomy. Classical taxonomy uses morphological characters, while experimental taxonomy uses broader methods including chemistry, physics and mathematics, in the form of laboratory data that are revealed together with the progress of optical technique (microscope), chemistry methods (chromatography, electrophoresis), etc. Modern taxonomy tends to use series of interrelated data. More data used would result in more validity and give better clarification of taxonomic status. A lot of modern taxonomic data such as palynology, cytotaxonomy (cytology), chemical constituent (chemotaxonomy), isozyme and DNA sequencing were used recently. Keywords: modern taxonomy, palynology, cytotaxonomy, chemical constituent, isozyme

    Technology based method to boom the Vocabulary Acquisition of health practitioner students in EFL learning: Effectiveness and Perception

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    Adapting to the technology development, telegram as one of the accessible social media is used to integrate EFL learning of non English students to the vocabulary acquisition. The health practitioner students have serious difficulties in mastering vocabularies related their subject. Teaching and learning to the subject then integrated technology-based method by implementing telegram quiz bot to boom their vocabulary acquisitions. 30 students of health science were interviewed and asked to fill questionnaire about their perception towards the method and its effectiveness. Data, taken from interview, questionnaire and observation then analyzed by data display, reduction and drawing conclusion. Restating the result, students stated that learning vocabulary by doing quiz in telegram successfully increase their interest in learning EFL. They claimed to be easier in memorizing some vocabularies since the quiz bots provides interactive and colorful features. They did outline that their vocabulary acquisition increased in significant number after experiencing the method

    The 5th International Conference on Arts, Language, and Culture (ICALC 2020)

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    The 5th International Conference on Arts, Language, and Culture (ICALC 2020

    Multiple Hereditary Exostosis of Distal Ulna with Dislocation of Radial Head: A Case Report

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    Background: Multiple hereditary exostosis of the forearm is typically formed in the distal ulna causing disturbances in the growth of the ulna and functional disability. Multiple hereditary exo­stosis inhibits the growth of the ulna leading to an acquisition of a varus deformity in the ra­dius which sometimes leads to dislocation of the radial head, the development of limitations in the pronation-supination of the forearm, and cos­me­tic problems. This study aimed to report the mul­ti­ple hereditary exostosis of distal ulna with dis­location of radial head.Case Presentation: We present a case of a 14 year-old girl with main complaint of a bony prominence on her right elbow which limits the elbow flexion range of motion. 3D CT-Scan re­vealed a dislocation of radial head, shortening and posterior bowing of ulna. We performed excision of the prominent radial head, recons­truction, and temporary arthrodesis of the elbow.Results: The forearm deformity in patients with multiple hereditary exostosis related to the cross-sectional area of the distal ulnar physis was only one-quarter of the distal radius, the distal ulna is more involved in the condition. There was more longitudinal growth at the distal ulnar physis than at the distal radial physis, the distal ulnar physis contributed more total Ulnar Length than the distal radial physis did to Radial length. Known surgical interventions including simple excision, ulnar lengthening, corrective radial os­teo­­tomy, hemi-epiphyseal stapling of the distal radius, the Sauve-Kapandji procedure.Conclusion: Simple excision could improve the range of movement of the forearm but would not halt the progression of disease, particularly in younger patients. It was not effective in con­troll­ing progression of the deformity. Mature patients did not recur, but in patients that had been excis­ed before puberty the results were varied and unpredictable.Keywords: multiple hereditary exostosis, radial head dislocation, excisionCorrespondence: Pamudji Utomo. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Prof. Dr. R.Soeharso Ortho­paedics Hospital, Surakarta. Email: utomodr­@yahoo.com.Indonesian Journal of Medicine (2020), 05(01): 63-69https://doi.org/10.26911/theijmed.2020.05.01.1


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan konsentrasi sukrosa pada medium kultur in vitro terhadap pertumbuhan pseudobulb Dendrobium antennatum. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan 5 tingkatan konsentrasi sukrosa yaitu 20, 22,5, 25, 30 dan 40 g.L-1 (P0, P1, P2, P3 dan P4). Setiap konsentrasi sukrosa ditambahkan ke dalam media New Phalaenopsis (NP) dengan penambahan 150 ml.L-1 air kelapa sebagai medium dasar. Tanaman D. antennatum yang digunakan berumur 10 bulan setelah penaburan biji (bsp) dan sudah memiliki 2 helai daun. Pertumbuhan pseudobulb diamati pada 0 sampai 10 minggu setelah subkultur (mss). Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa penambahan konsentrasi sukrosa pada medium NP dapat meningkatkan ukuran pseudobulb tanaman D. antennatum pada umur 10 mss. Penambahan sukrosa berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan pseudobulb (p<0,1). Penambahan 25 g.L-1 sukrosa pada medium kultur in vitro menghasilkan nilai paling tinggi pada jumlah pseudobulb (3), diameter pseudobulb (0,29 cm), tinggi tanaman (0,75 cm) dan jumlah daun (7)

    The Influence of Translation Techniques on the Accuracy and Acceptability of Translated Utterances That Flout the Maxim of Quality

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    Translating the implied meanings in utterances is one of the trickiest situations translators may confront. One example is in translating utterances that flout the maxim of quality. When a speaker flouts the maxim of quality, they are implying further information that is not represented in the utterance. Translators use various translation techniques in order to convey the meaning of the original text in the most appropriate and acceptable form in the target text. This study investigates how translation techniques may affect the quality of a translation. The approach implemented in this study is pragmatics in translation. This study belongs to the field of descriptive qualitative research with an embedded case study. For data, we look at all the utterances which may be said to be flouting the maxim of quality in the source text and its translation. Content analysis and focus group discussion were applied as the methods to collect and analyze the data. A focus group discussion was used to assess translation quality. The majority of the data was classified as accurate and acceptable, while the rest was considered less accurate and inaccurate due to the application of the translation technique amplification (addition), discursive creation and literal translation. Some data was also found to be less acceptable due to literal translation and pure borrowing

    Suatu kajian empirik kemiskinan nelayan di Kabupaten Pati, Jawa Tengah – Indonesia

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    Kemiskinan nelayan merupakan permasalahan yang kritikal dan rumit. Tahap kemiskinan dan ketidaksamaan pendapatan nelayan berhubung kait dengan ciri-ciri nelayan seperti faktor demografi, sosio ekonomi, dan sosio budaya. Selain itu, ia berkaitan pula dengan stok sumber ikan, tangkapan ikan yang berlebihan, kerosakan sekitaran habitat ikan, teknologi tangkapan ikan, dan jenis bot yang digunakan. Objektif kajian adalah untuk menganalisis kemiskinan dan ketidaksamaan pendapatan nelayan, dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Data dikumpulkan dari 200 responden di kecamatan Juwana dan kecamatan Batangan, Kabupaten Pati, Jawa Tengah Indonesia. Menggunakan ukuran garis kemiskinan US 1seorangsehari,didapati5.5peratusdaripadanelayanhidupdibawahgariskemiskinan.Peratusaninimeningkatkepada45.5peratusapabilagariskemiskinanditingkatkankepadaUS1 seorang sehari, didapati 5.5 peratus daripada nelayan hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan. Peratusan ini meningkat kepada 45.5 peratus apabila garis kemiskinan ditingkatkan kepada US 2 seorang sehari. Wujud ketidaksamaan pendapatan yang besar di kalangan nelayan dan keluarga mereka. Nilai pekali perubahan pendapatan dari tangkapan ikan adalah 0.718, berbanding 0.857 bagi jumlah pendapatan nelayan dan 0.694 bagi pendapatan keluarga nelayan. Nilai pekali perubahan bagi pendapatan per kapita isi rumah nelayan adalah 0.761. The poverty of fishermen has become a critical and complex issue. The level of fishermen's poverty and income inequality are related to fishermen characteristics such as demographic, socio-economic, and socio-cultural factors. Apart from these factors, other related factors include fish stoks, over fishing, damage of fish habitat, technology of fishing, and types of boat used. The objective of this study is to analyze the poverty and income inequality of fishermen, and factors that influence it. Data were collected from 200 respondents at sub-district of Juwana and Batangan, District of Pati, Central Jawa Indonesia. By using poverty line of US 1perpersonperday,itshowsthat5.5percentofthefishermenlivebelowthepovertylineincome.WhenthisfigureisincreasedtoUS1 per person per day, it shows that 5.5 percent of the fishermen live below the poverty line income. When this figure is increased to US 2 per person per day, 45.5 percent of the fishermen live below the poverty line income. There exist large income disparity among fishermen and their families. The coefficient of variation for the fishing income is 0.718, compared to 0.857 for total income, and 0.694 for fishermen family income. The coefficient of variation for per capita income of household is 0.761

    The Effectiveness of Ameliorants, Fertilizer, and Mycorrhiza for Rubber Growth at Post Tin Mining Land

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    The use of post tin mining land for agricultural purpose is constrained by the coarse soil texture (sand), low C-organic, acid pH and low nutrient content which can be rehabilitated with soil ameliorant treatment. The research objective was to determine the best soil management of post tin mining land through the use of soil ameliorant, fertilizer, and mycorrhiza application for rubber plant growth. The research was conducted in Mandor District, Landak Regency, West Kalimantan, from 2014 until 2015. The experiment design was a split plots with 3 replications. The main plot was the use of ameliorant i.e M1 (16 kg of compost + 24 kg of quartz tailings), M2 (16 kg of clay soil + 24 kg of quartz tailings), M3 (8 kg of compost + 8 kg of clay soil + 24 kg of quartz tailings), and control (without soil ameliorant). Subplot was fertilizer dosage i.e D1 (100% of the recommended doses), D2 (100% of the recommended doses + 100 g of mycorrhiza), D3 (125% of the recommended doses), D4 (125% of the recommended doses + 100 g of mycorrhiza). The study was conducted at altitude of 50 m asl, type A climate, annual rainfall at 2.600 mm, sandy soil (82.2%) with very low N (0.09%), very low K (0.08 cmol (+)/kg), and low P (9.24 ppm). Variables observed were the rubber plant growth (plant height, stem diameter, and number of leaves). Result showed that optimizing the rubber growth at post tin mining land needs soil ameliorants application such as compost and clay. Meanwhile, the optimal dose of fertilizer is 125% of the recommended dose plus 100 g of mycorrhiza