67 research outputs found

    Solving the Weighted HOM-Problem With the Help of Unambiguity

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    The HOM-problem, which asks whether the image of a regular tree language under a tree homomorphism is again regular, is known to be decidable by [Godoy, Gim\'enez, Ramos, \`Alvarez: The HOM problem is decidable. STOC (2010)]. Research on the weighted version of this problem, however, is still in its infancy since it requires customized investigations. In this paper we address the weighted HOM-problem and strive to keep the underlying semiring as general as possible. In return, we restrict the input: We require the tree homomorphism h to be tetris-free, a condition weaker than injectivity, and for the given weighted tree automaton, we propose an ambiguity notion with respect to h. These assumptions suffice to ensure decidability of the thus restricted HOM-problem for all zero-sum free semirings by allowing us to reduce it to the (decidable) unweighted case.Comment: In Proceedings AFL 2023, arXiv:2309.0112

    The Equivalence, Unambiguity and Sequentiality Problems of Finitely Ambiguous Max-Plus Tree Automata are Decidable

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    We show that the equivalence, unambiguity and sequentiality problems are decidable for finitely ambiguous max-plus tree automata

    User support for software development technologies

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    The adoption of software development technologies is very closely related to the topic of user support. This is especially true in early phases, when the users are not familiar with the modification or the build processes of the software that has to be developed nor with the technology used for software development. This work introduces an approach to improve the usability of software development technologies represented by the Combinatory Logic Synthesizer (CL)S Framework. (CL)S is based on a type inhabitation algorithm for the combinatory logic with intersection types and aims to automatically create software components from a domain-specified repository. The framework yields a complete enumeration of all inhabitants. The inhabitation results are computed in the form of tree grammars. Unfortunately, the underlying type system allows limited application of domain-specific knowledge. To compensate for this limit, this work provides a framework for debugging intersection type specifications and filtering inhabitation results using domain-specific constraints as main aspects. The aim of the debugger is to make potentially incomplete or erroneous input specifications and decisions of the inhabitation algorithm understandable for those who are not experts in the field of type theory. The combination of tree grammars and graph theory forms the foundation of a clear representation of the computed results that informs users about the search process of the algorithm. The graphical representations are based on hypergraphs that illustrate the inhabitation in a step-wise fashion. Within the scope of this work, three filtering algorithms were implemented and investigated. The filtering algorithm integrated into the framework for user support and used for the restriction of inhabitation results is practically feasible and represents a clear improvement compared to existing approaches. It is based on modifying the tree grammars resulting from the (CL)S Framework. Additionally, the usability of the (CL)S Framework is supported by eight perspectives included in a web-based integrated development environment (IDE) that provides detailed graphical and textual information about the synthesis

    Programming Using Automata and Transducers

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    Automata, the simplest model of computation, have proven to be an effective tool in reasoning about programs that operate over strings. Transducers augment automata to produce outputs and have been used to model string and tree transformations such as natural language translations. The success of these models is primarily due to their closure properties and decidable procedures, but good properties come at the price of limited expressiveness. Concretely, most models only support finite alphabets and can only represent small classes of languages and transformations. We focus on addressing these limitations and bridge the gap between the theory of automata and transducers and complex real-world applications: Can we extend automata and transducer models to operate over structured and infinite alphabets? Can we design languages that hide the complexity of these formalisms? Can we define executable models that can process the input efficiently? First, we introduce succinct models of transducers that can operate over large alphabets and design BEX, a language for analysing string coders. We use BEX to prove the correctness of UTF and BASE64 encoders and decoders. Next, we develop a theory of tree transducers over infinite alphabets and design FAST, a language for analysing tree-manipulating programs. We use FAST to detect vulnerabilities in HTML sanitizers, check whether augmented reality taggers conflict, and optimize and analyze functional programs that operate over lists and trees. Finally, we focus on laying the foundations of stream processing of hierarchical data such as XML files and program traces. We introduce two new efficient and executable models that can process the input in a left-to-right linear pass: symbolic visibly pushdown automata and streaming tree transducers. Symbolic visibly pushdown automata are closed under Boolean operations and can specify and efficiently monitor complex properties for hierarchical structures over infinite alphabets. Streaming tree transducers can express and efficiently process complex XML transformations while enjoying decidable procedures

    Schematron Schema Inference

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    XML je populární jazyk pro výměnu dat. Mnoho dokumentů však nemá svůj popis schématu nebo je tento popis neaktuální. Tato práce navazuje na práce o automatickém odvozování schémat XML dokumentů a zaměřuje se na odvozování schémat pro Schematron. Schematron je jazyk, který validuje XML dokumentu pouze pomocí pravidel, ne jako celou gramatiku, jako je typické pro DTD nebo XML Schema. Jelikož oblast generování schémat Schematronu není příliš prozkoumaná, tato práce analyzuje základní problémy, navrhuje několik postupů a popisuje jejich výhody a nevýhody.XML is a popular language for data exchange. However, many XML documents do not have their schema or their schema is outdated. This thesis continues on the field of automatic schema inferring for set of XML documents and focuses on Schematron schema inferring. Schematron is a language that validates XML documents with rules, it does not compare the document against a grammar like DTD, and XML Schema does. Because the field of Schematron schema generation is not so much explored, this thesis analyzes basic problems, suggests several approaches and describes their advantages and disadvantages.Department of Software EngineeringKatedra softwarového inženýrstvíFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Compression by Contracting Straight-Line Programs

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    In grammar-based compression a string is represented by a context-free grammar, also called a straight-line program (SLP), that generates only that string. We refine a recent balancing result stating that one can transform an SLP of size gg in linear time into an equivalent SLP of size O(g)O(g) so that the height of the unique derivation tree is O(logN)O(\log N) where NN is the length of the represented string (FOCS 2019). We introduce a new class of balanced SLPs, called contracting SLPs, where for every rule Aβ1βkA \to \beta_1 \dots \beta_k the string length of every variable βi\beta_i on the right-hand side is smaller by a constant factor than the string length of AA. In particular, the derivation tree of a contracting SLP has the property that every subtree has logarithmic height in its leaf size. We show that a given SLP of size gg can be transformed in linear time into an equivalent contracting SLP of size O(g)O(g) with rules of constant length. We present an application to the navigation problem in compressed unranked trees, represented by forest straight-line programs (FSLPs). We extend a linear space data structure by Reh and Sieber (2020) by the operation of moving to the ii-th child in time O(logd)O(\log d) where dd is the degree of the current node. Contracting SLPs are also applied to the finger search problem over SLP-compressed strings where one wants to access positions near to a pre-specified finger position, ideally in O(logd)O(\log d) time where dd is the distance between the accessed position and the finger. We give a linear space solution where one can access symbols or move the finger in time O(logd+log(t)N)O(\log d + \log^{(t)} N) for any constant tt where log(t)N\log^{(t)} N is the tt-fold logarithm of NN. This improves a previous solution by Bille, Christiansen, Cording, and G{\o}rtz (2018) with access/move time O(logd+loglogN)O(\log d + \log \log N)

    Characterisation Theorems for Weighted Tree Automaton Models

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    In this thesis, we investigate different theoretical questions concerning weighted automata models over tree-like input structures. First, we study exact and approximated determinisation and then, we turn to Kleene-like and Büchi-like characterisations. We consider multiple weighted automata models, including weighted tree automata over semirings (Chapters 3 and 4), weighted forest automata over M-monoids (Chapter 5), and rational weighted tree languages with storage (Chapter 6). For an explanation as to why the last class can be considered as a weighted automaton model, we refer to page 188 of the thesis. We will now summarise the main contributions of the thesis. In Chapter 3, we focus on the determinisation of weighted tree automata and present our determinisation framework, called M-sequentialisation, which can model different notions of determinisation from the existing literature. Then, we provide a positive M-sequentialisation result for the case of additively idempotent semirings or finitely M-ambiguous weighted tree automata. Another important contribution of Chapter 3 is Theorem 77, where we provide a blueprint theorem that can be used to find determini- sation results for more classes of semirings and weighted tree automata easily. In fact, instead of repeating an entire determinisation construction, Theorem 77 allows us to prove a determinisation result by finding certain finite equivalence relations. This is a very potent tool for future research in the area of determinisation. In Chapter 4, we move from exact determinisation towards approximate determini- sation. We lift the formalisms and the main results from one approach from the literature from the word case to the tree case. This successfully results in an approximated determinisation construction for weighted tree automata over the tropical semiring. We provide a formal mathematical description of the approximated determinisation construction, rather than an algorithmic description as found in the related approach from the literature. In Chapter 5, we turn away from determinisation and instead consider Kleene-like and Büchi-like characterisations of weighted recognisability. We introduce weighted forest automata over M-monoids, which are a generalisation of weighted tree automata over M-monoids and weighted forest automata over semirings. Then, we prove that our recognisable weighted forest languages can be decomposed into a finite product of recognisable weighted tree languages. We also prove that the initial algebra semantic and the run semantic for weighted forest automata are equivalent under certain conditions. Lastly, we define rational forest expressions and forest M-expressions and and prove that the classes of languages generated by these formalisms coincide with recognisable weighted forest languages under certain conditions. In Chapter 6, we consider rational weighted tree languages with storage, where the storage is introduced by composing rational weighted tree languages without storage with a storage map. It has been proven in the literature that rational weighted tree languages with storage are closed under the rational operations. In Chapter 6, we provide alternative proofs of these closure properties. In fact, we prove that our way of introducing storage to rational weighted tree languages preserves the closure properties from rational weighted tree languages without storage.:1 Introduction 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Languages 2.2 WeightedLanguages 2.3 Weighted Tree Automata 3 A Unifying Framework for the Determinisation of Weighted Tree Automata 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Preliminaries 3.3 Factorisation in Monoids 3.3.1 Ordering Multisets over Monoids 3.3.2 Cayley Graph and Cayley Distance 3.3.3 Divisors and Rests 3.3.4 Factorisation Properties 3.4 Weighted Tree Automata over M_fin(M) and the Twinning Property 3.4.1 Weighted Tree Automata over M_fin(M) 3.4.2 The Twinning Property 3.5 Sequentialisation of Weighted Tree Automata over M_fin(M) 3.5.1 The Sequentialisation Construction 3.5.2 The Finitely R-Ambiguous Case 3.6 Relating WTA over M_fin(M) and WTA over S 3.7 M-Sequentialisation of Weighted Tree Automata 3.7.1 Accumulation of D_B 3.7.2 M-Sequentialisation Results 3.8 Comparison of our Results to the Literature 3.8.1 Determinisation of Unweighted Tree Automata 3.8.2 The Free Monoid Case 3.8.3 The Group Case 3.8.4 The Extremal Case 3.9 Conclusion 4 Approximated Determinisation of Weighted Tree Automata 125 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Preliminaries 4.3 Approximated Determinisation 4.3.1 The Approximated Determinisation Construction 4.3.2 Correctness of the Construction 4.4 The Approximated Twinning Property 4.4.1 Implications for Approximated Determinisability 4.4.2 Decidability of the Twinning Property 4.5 Conclusion 5 Kleene and Büchi Theorems for Weighted Forest Languages over M-Monoids 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Preliminaries 5.3 WeightedForestAutomata 5.3.1 Forests 5.3.2 WeightedForestAutomata 5.3.3 Rectangularity 5.3.4 I-recognisable is R-recognisable 5.4 Kleene’s Theorem 5.4.1 Kleene’s Theorem for Trees 5.4.2 Kleene’s Theorem for Forests 5.4.3 An Inductive Approach 5.5 Büchi’s Theorem 5.5.1 Büchi’s Theorem for Trees 5.5.2 Büchi’s Theorem for Forests 5.6 Conclusion 6 Rational Weighted Tree Languages with Storage 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Preliminaries 6.3 Rational Weighted Tree Languages with Storage 6.4 The Kleene-Goldstine Theorem 6.5 Closure of Rat(S¢,Σ,S) under Rational Operations 6.5.1 Top-Concatenation, Scalar Multiplication, and Sum 6.5.2 α-Concatenation 6.5.3 α-Kleene Star 6.6 Conclusion 7 Outlook Reference