59,864 research outputs found

    Scaling better together: The International Livestock Research Institute’s framework for scaling

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    Vulnerability of the agricultural sector to climate change: The development of a pantropical Climate Risk Vulnerability Assessment to inform sub-national decision making

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    As climate change continues to exert increasing pressure upon the livelihoods and agricultural sector of many developing and developed nations, a need exists to understand and prioritise at the sub national scale which areas and communities are most vulnerable. The purpose of this study is to develop a robust, rigorous and replicable methodology that is flexible to data limitations and spatially prioritizes the vulnerability of agriculture and rural livelihoods to climate change. We have applied the methodology in Vietnam, Uganda and Nicaragua, three contrasting developing countries that are particularly threatened by climate change. We conceptualize vulnerability to climate change following the widely adopted combination of sensitivity, exposure and adaptive capacity. We used Ecocrop and Maxent ecological models under a high emission climate scenario to assess the sensitivity of the main food security and cash crops to climate change. Using a participatory approach, we identified exposure to natural hazards and the main indicators of adaptive capacity, which were modelled and analysed using geographic information systems. We finally combined the components of vulnerability using equal-weighting to produce a crop specific vulnerability index and a final accumulative score. We have mapped the hotspots of climate change vulnerability and identified the underlying driving indicators. For example, in Vietnam we found the Mekong delta to be one of the vulnerable regions due to a decline in the climatic suitability of rice and maize, combined with high exposure to flooding, sea level rise and drought. However, the region is marked by a relatively high adaptive capacity due to developed infrastructure and comparatively high levels of education. The approach and information derived from the study informs public climate change policies and actions, as vulnerability assessments are the bases of any National Adaptation Plans (NAP), National Determined Contributions (NDC) and for accessing climate finance

    An Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding Researchers’ Data Management Practices at UVM: Findings from the Qualitative Phase

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    The objective of this article is to report on the first qualitative phase of an exploratory sequential mixed methods research design focused on researcher data management practices and related institutional research data services. The aim of this study is to understand data management behaviors of faculty at the University of Vermont (UVM), a higher-research activity Research University, in order to guide the development of campus research data management services. The population of study was all faculty who received National Science Foundation (NSF) grants between 2011 and 2014 who were required to submit a data management plan (DMP); qualitative data was collected in two forms: (1) semi-structured interviews and (2) document analysis of data management plans. From a population of 47 researchers, six were included in the interview sample, representing a broad range of disciplines and NSF Directorates, and 35 data management plans were analyzed. Three major themes were identified through triangulation of qualitative data sources: data management activities, including data dissemination and data sharing; institutional research support and infrastructure barriers; and perceptions of data management plans and attitudes towards data management planning. The themes articulated in this article will be used to design a survey for the second quantitative phase of the study, which will aim to more broadly generalize data management activities at UVM across all disciplines

    Terminology server for improved resource discovery: analysis of model and functions

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    This paper considers the potential to improve distributed information retrieval via a terminologies server. The restriction upon effective resource discovery caused by the use of disparate terminologies across services and collections is outlined, before considering a DDC spine based approach involving inter-scheme mapping as a possible solution. The developing HILT model is discussed alongside other existing models and alternative approaches to solving the terminologies problem. Results from the current HILT pilot are presented to illustrate functionality and suggestions are made for further research and development

    Уклонение от уплаты налогов: библиометрический анализ точек зрения власти, бизнеса и науки

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    Статья посвящена анализу публикаций, касающихся проблемы уклонения от уплаты налогов. Эта тема привлекает пристальное внимание не только научного сообщества. В статье исследуется соответствие проблематики научных работ по уклонению от уплаты налогов практическим вопросам, обсуждаемым заинтересованными лицами. В качестве источника научных публикаций по данной тематике использовалась электронная база e-Library. В круг заинтересованных лиц, напрямую зависящих от правил налогообложения, входят бизнессообщество и государственные органы. Для них источниками информации по исследуемой теме являются электронная база публикаций издательского дома «Коммерсантъ» и «Российская газета». Для анализа отобрана 301 публикация за 2013-2015 гг. Изучение соответствия проблематики проводилось путем сравнения публикационной активности в разрезе видов публикаций. На первом этапе исследования был выполнен качественный контент-анализ посредством выявления общих тем, обсуждаемых в публикациях. Затем проводился количественный анализ через сравнение распределения публикаций по конкретной теме из каждого источника. Для количественного анализа и визуализации результатов использовались методы библиометрического анализа и картирования. Расчеты производились с помощью программного продукта QDA Miner v.5.0 модуль WordStat v.7.1.7. В результате исследования были сделаны выводы, что самыми популярными темами, интерес к которым не меняется, являются: изменение законодательства, законотворчество и усиление принуждения. Темы, к которым за рассматриваемый период снизился интерес, касаются международных аспектов налогообложения, теневой деятельности, собственности и инвестиций. Отмечено выраженное возрастание интереса сообщества к фирмам-однодневкам, руководству компаний, а также к вопросам штрафов и пени. Исследование позволило выявить определенное несоответствие тем, обсуждаемых бизнесом и властью, по сравнению с темами научных публикаций. Распространенные в научных публикациях темы (теневая экономика, коррупция, фирмы-однодневки, взносы на социальное страхование), гораздо реже встречаются на ресурсах издательского дома «Коммерсантъ» и в «Российской газете», сосредотачивающих основное внимание на вопросах законотворчества и обсуждения изменений в законодательстве. Анализ взаимосвязей в текстах в соответствии с источниками и годом публикации показал, что темы научных исследований сближаются с проблемами, рассматриваемыми властью, а бизнес-сообщество в большей степени вовлекается обсуждение правовой проблематики, т. е. точка зрения власти во многом определяет обсуждение темы уклонения от налогов бизнес-сообществом, и научными кругами. Таким образом, библиометрические методы анализа текстов могут применяться для проведения научных исследований, составления обзоров литературы и тематического поиска информации.This article analyzes the publications relating to the problem of tax evasion. This topic is attractive not only for the academic community, but also for public at whole. The article explores to what extent the scientific publications on tax evasion correspond to practical issues discussed among the stakeholders. We used the electronic database of e-Library as a source of scientific publications on the subject. The principal stakeholders directly dependent on the taxation are the taxpayers and public authorities. We used the electronic database of publications «Kommersant» publishing house and the «Rossiyskaya Gazeta» to reflect issues discussed among the stakeholders. We selected for analyze 301 publications for the period of 2013-2015. The study was conducted by comparing the publication activity by types and period of publications. In the first stage of the study we have done the qualitative content analysis by identification the common themes discussed in hole sample of publications. Then, a quantitative analysis was conducted by comparing the distribution of publications on a particular topic from each source. We used bibliometric analysis method for the quantitative and bibliographic mapping method to visualize the results of research. Calculations were performed using the software QDA Miner v.5.0 module WordStat v.7.1.7. As a result, studies have concluded that the most popular topics of interest for which no changes are: changes in legislation, legislation and increased enforcement. Using the results of the conducted study, we can identify the main similarities and differences between the monitored sources. We can see the special attention to the: Legislation changes, Law enforcement, Entrepreneurship. Marked reduction of interest can be noted regarding to the following topics: International aspects of taxation, Shadow economy, Ownership, property, investment. The growth of interest can be noted in relation to the following topics: Directorship, Article of the Tax Code, Short-lived companies, Arrears and fines. The study revealed a certain disparity between the topics discussed among academic community and stakeholders. The topics discussed in the majority of scientific texts (shadow economy, corruption, the firm one-day, social security contributions), a much rarer can be found in the publication of «Kommersant» and «Rossiyskaya Gazeta» which focuses mainly on matters of legislation. Analysis of the relationships in the texts according to the source and year of publication showed that research topics converge with issues considered by the public authorities. The business community more involved in discussion the legal issues, because the government notion works upon the impression about tax evasion of the business community and academia. Thus, bibliometric text analysis techniques can be used for research, preparation of literature reviews and thematic information retrieval

    Special Libraries, July 1978

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    Volume 69, Issue 7https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1978/1005/thumbnail.jp

    HILT IV : subject interoperability through building and embedding pilot terminology web services

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    A report of work carried out within the JISC-funded HILT Phase IV project, the paper looks at the project's context against the background of other recent and ongoing terminologies work, describes its outcome and conclusions, including technical outcomes and terminological characteristics, and considers possible future research and development directions. The Phase IV project has taken HILT to the point where the launch of an operational support service in the area of subject interoperability is a feasible option and where both investigation of specific needs in this area and practical collaborative work are sensible and feasible next steps. Moving forward requires detailed work, not only on terminology interoperability and associated service delivery issues, but also on service and end user needs and engagement, service sustainability issues, and the practicalities of interworking with other terminology services and projects in UK, Europe, and global contexts