2,455 research outputs found

    Resolving anaphoric references on deficient syntactic descriptions

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    Syntactic coindexing restrictions are by now known to be of central importance to practical anaphor resolution approaches. Since, in particular due to structural ambiguity, the assumption of the availability of a unique syntactic reading proves to be unrealistic, robust anaphor resolution relies on techniques to overcome this deficiency. In this paper, two approaches are presented which generalize the verification of coindexing constraints to de cient descriptions. At first, a partly heuristic method is described, which has been implemented. Secondly, a provable complete method is specified. It provides the means to exploit the results of anaphor resolution for a further structural disambiguation. By rendering possible a parallel processing model, this method exhibits, in a general sense, a higher degree of robustness. As a practically optimal solution, a combination of the two approaches is suggested

    Tabular Parsing

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    This is a tutorial on tabular parsing, on the basis of tabulation of nondeterministic push-down automata. Discussed are Earley's algorithm, the Cocke-Kasami-Younger algorithm, tabular LR parsing, the construction of parse trees, and further issues.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figure

    TuLiPA : a syntax-semantics parsing environment for mildly context-sensitive formalisms

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    In this paper we present a parsing architecture that allows processing of different mildly context-sensitive formalisms, in particular Tree-Adjoining Grammar (TAG), Multi-Component Tree-Adjoining Grammar with Tree Tuples (TT-MCTAG) and simple Range Concatenation Grammar (RCG). Furthermore, for tree-based grammars, the parser computes not only syntactic analyses but also the corresponding semantic representations

    Cotransforming Grammars with Shared Packed Parse Forests

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    SPPF (shared packed parse forest) is the best known graph representation of a parse forest (family of related parse trees) used in parsing with ambiguous/conjunctive grammars. Systematic general purpose transformations of SPPFs have never been investigated and are considered to be an open problem in software language engineering. In this paper, we motivate the necessity of having a transformation operator suite for SPPFs and extend the state of the art grammar transformation operator suite to metamodel/model (grammar/graph) cotransformations

    Parallel on-line parsing in constant time per word

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    An on-line parser processes each word as soon as it is typed by the user, without waiting for the end of the sentence. Thus, in an interactive system, a sentence will be parsed almost immediately after the last word has been presented.\ud \ud The complexity of an on-line parser is determined by the resources needed for the analysis of a single word, as it is assumed that previous words have been processed already. Sequential parsing algorithms like CYK or Earley need O(n2) time for the nth word. A parallel implementation in O(n) time on O(n) processors is straightforward. In this paper a novel parallel on-line parser is presented that needs O(1) time on O(n2) processors

    Developing a TT-MCTAG for German with an RCG-based parser

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    Developing linguistic resources, in particular grammars, is known to be a complex task in itself, because of (amongst others) redundancy and consistency issues. Furthermore some languages can reveal themselves hard to describe because of specific characteristics, e.g. the free word order in German. In this context, we present (i) a framework allowing to describe tree-based grammars, and (ii) an actual fragment of a core multicomponent tree-adjoining grammar with tree tuples (TT-MCTAG) for German developed using this framework. This framework combines a metagrammar compiler and a parser based on range concatenation grammar (RCG) to respectively check the consistency and the correction of the grammar. The German grammar being developed within this framework already deals with a wide range of scrambling and extraction phenomena

    Efficient Tabular LR Parsing

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    We give a new treatment of tabular LR parsing, which is an alternative to Tomita's generalized LR algorithm. The advantage is twofold. Firstly, our treatment is conceptually more attractive because it uses simpler concepts, such as grammar transformations and standard tabulation techniques also know as chart parsing. Secondly, the static and dynamic complexity of parsing, both in space and time, is significantly reduced.Comment: 8 pages, uses aclap.st

    Parsing coordinations

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    The present paper is concerned with statistical parsing of constituent structures in German. The paper presents four experiments that aim at improving parsing performance of coordinate structure: 1) reranking the n-best parses of a PCFG parser, 2) enriching the input to a PCFG parser by gold scopes for any conjunct, 3) reranking the parser output for all possible scopes for conjuncts that are permissible with regard to clause structure. Experiment 4 reranks a combination of parses from experiments 1 and 3. The experiments presented show that n- best parsing combined with reranking improves results by a large margin. Providing the parser with different scope possibilities and reranking the resulting parses results in an increase in F-score from 69.76 for the baseline to 74.69. While the F-score is similar to the one of the first experiment (n-best parsing and reranking), the first experiment results in higher recall (75.48% vs. 73.69%) and the third one in higher precision (75.43% vs. 73.26%). Combining the two methods results in the best result with an F-score of 76.69

    Parsing Argumentation Structures in Persuasive Essays

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    In this article, we present a novel approach for parsing argumentation structures. We identify argument components using sequence labeling at the token level and apply a new joint model for detecting argumentation structures. The proposed model globally optimizes argument component types and argumentative relations using integer linear programming. We show that our model considerably improves the performance of base classifiers and significantly outperforms challenging heuristic baselines. Moreover, we introduce a novel corpus of persuasive essays annotated with argumentation structures. We show that our annotation scheme and annotation guidelines successfully guide human annotators to substantial agreement. This corpus and the annotation guidelines are freely available for ensuring reproducibility and to encourage future research in computational argumentation.Comment: Under review in Computational Linguistics. First submission: 26 October 2015. Revised submission: 15 July 201
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