8 research outputs found

    Parameter Compilation

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    In resolving instances of a computational problem, if multiple instances of interest share a feature in common, it may be fruitful to compile this feature into a format that allows for more efficient resolution, even if the compilation is relatively expensive. In this article, we introduce a formal framework for classifying problems according to their compilability. The basic object in our framework is that of a parameterized problem, which here is a language along with a parameterization---a map which provides, for each instance, a so-called parameter on which compilation may be performed. Our framework is positioned within the paradigm of parameterized complexity, and our notions are relatable to established concepts in the theory of parameterized complexity. Indeed, we view our framework as playing a unifying role, integrating together parameterized complexity and compilability theory

    Factored temporal difference learning in the new ties environment

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    Although reinforcement learning is a popular method for training an agent for decision making based on rewards, well studied tabular methods are not applicable for large, realistic problems. In this paper, we experiment with a factored version of temporal difference learning, which boils down to a linear function approximation scheme utilising natural features coming from the structure of the task. We conducted experiments in the New Ties environment, which is a novel platform for multi-agent simulations. We show that learning utilising a factored representation is effective even in large state spaces, furthermore it outperforms tabular methods even in smaller problems both in learning speed and stability, because of its generalisation capabilities

    Factored Value Iteration Converges

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    In this paper we propose a novel algorithm, factored value iteration (FVI), for the approximate solution of factored Markov decision processes (fMDPs). The traditional approximate value iteration algorithm is modified in two ways. For one, the least-squares projection operator is modified so that it does not increase max-norm, and thus preserves convergence. The other modification is that we uniformly sample polynomially many samples from the (exponentially large) state space. This way, the complexity of our algorithm becomes polynomial in the size of the fMDP description length. We prove that the algorithm is convergent. We also derive an upper bound on the difference between our approximate solution and the optimal one, and also on the error introduced by sampling. We analyze various projection operators with respect to their computation complexity and their convergence when combined with approximate value iteration.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur

    On Polynomial Sized MDP Succinct Policies

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    Policies of Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) determine the next action to execute from the current state and, possibly, the history (the past states). When the number of states is large, succinct representations are often used to compactly represent both the MDPs and the policies in a reduced amount of space. In this paper, some problems related to the size of succinctly represented policies are analyzed. Namely, it is shown that some MDPs have policies that can only be represented in space super-polynomial in the size of the MDP, unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses. This fact motivates the study of the problem of deciding whether a given MDP has a policy of a given size and reward. Since some algorithms for MDPs work by finding a succinct representation of the value function, the problem of deciding the existence of a succinct representation of a value function of a given size and reward is also considered

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 18. Number 4.

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    Programmation dynamique avec approximation de la fonction valeur

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    L'utilisation d'outils pour l'approximation de la fonction de valeur est essentielle pour pouvoir traiter des problèmes de prise de décisions séquentielles de grande taille. Les méthodes de programmation dynamique (PD) et d'apprentissage par renforcement (A/R) introduites aux chapitres 1 et 2 supposent que la fonction de valeur peut être représentée (mémorisée) en attribuant une valeur à chaque état (dont le nombre est supposé fini), par exemple sous la forme d'un tableau. Ces méthodes de résolution, dites exactes, permettent de déterminer la solution optimale du problème considéré (ou tout au moins de converger vers cette solution optimale). Cependant, elles ne s'appliquent souvent qu'à des problèmes jouets, car pour la plupart des applications intéressantes, le nombre d'états possibles est si grand (voire infini dans le cas d'espaces continus) qu'une représentation exacte de la fonction ne peut être parfaitement mémorisée. Il devient alors nécessaire de représenter la fonction de valeur, de manière approchée, à l'aide d'un nombre modéré de coefficients, et de redéfinir et analyser des méthodes de résolution, dites approchées pour la PD et l'A/R, afin de prendre en compte les conséquences de l'utilisation de telles approximations dans les problèmes de prise de décisions séquentielles

    The Size of MDP Factored Policies

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    Policies of Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) tell the next action to execute, given the current state and (possibly) the history of actions executed so far. Factorization is used when the number of states is exponentially large: both the MDP and the policy can be then represented using a compact form, for example employing circuits. We prove that there are MDPs whose optimal policies require exponential space even in factored form