11 research outputs found

    Exploring the Booking Determinants of the Airbnb Properties: An Example of the Listings of London

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the factors which influence the probability of an Airbnb property being booked using the properties in London as an example. A binomial logistic model is estimated by sequential Bayesian updating due to the large volume of the data. The results show that, in spite of the market factors revealing great influence, the attributes of the properties play a more important role in influencing the booking probability of the properties. These research findings are potentially beneficial to both the Airbnb practitioners and the industrial organizer

    Analysis of price determinants in the case of Airbnb listings

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    Nowadays, the role of the sharing economy in tourism increases, the number of people involved as guests or hosts rising day by day. This dynamic generates a viable alternative to the traditional services, allowing tourists to customise their trips and enrich their experiences. This paper focuses on accommodation services, investigating the factors influencing the prices established by Airbnb hosts. Using structural equation modelling, the authors analyse the influence of different categories of factors (listing’s characteristics, hosts’ involvement, listing’s reputation, listing’s location, and rental policies) on the average daily rate. The results emphasise that the hosts establish the listing’s price based on listing’s characteristics and on their involvement – the owners managing only one listing and the ones charging a security deposit value more their involvement, while the other hosts focus more on the listings’ characteristics. The location of the listing counts for experienced owners, while for opportunist owners it has no importance. The listings’ reputation has a negative impact on the price, contrary to the conclusions achieved in other studies, an aspect that supports the idea that price determinants differ across regions

    The emergence of peer-to-peer accommodations : the case of the airbnb

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    Due to the development of information and communication technologies (ICTs), the so-called sharing economy spread rapidly to new sectors. The principle of sharing economy is that users can share their idle resources with each other. One of the most well-known manifestation of sharing economy is Airbnb, which is an online platform for short-term rentals. Nowadays, Airbnb offers more accommodation than some of the largest “traditional” hotel chains, and its estimated market value is 38 billion dollars. Airbnb gained a significant share within tourism accommodation services and has influence on urban property and rental markets, thus its diffusion led to conflicts between various actors. Our aim to present the characteristics of Airbnb; how does it work and what kinds of dilemmas and conflicts emerge in relation to the proliferation of short-term rentals? Furthermore, we aim to understand, to what extent could Airbnb interpreted as a part of sharing economy; is it genuinely sharing of idle resources, or is it a new form of capitalist enterprise? In addition, we also briefly present the spatiality of Airbnb in Hungary

    Innovations in The Institutional Modelling of The Sharing Economy

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    The aim of our research paper is to develop the economic principles for modelling the new trend in the economic relations called “sharing economy”. Sharing economy which is a product of social, economic, societal, and technological changes recently emerging and shaping up in the human society is marked by a high penetration into all sectors of the “traditional” economy. The rise of the Internet and the popularity of smartphones enabled its high effectivity and usage, while the rise of the creative economy and “gig” economy made its application very easy to handle. Our paper is based on the methods of institutional analysis. We obtain a number of valuable theoretical results that can be summarized as follows: First, the model of sharing economy has been examined, the main agents of interactions have been identified, among which state structures, digital platforms and companies creating them, as well as citizens themselves, actively participating in economic activities are singled out. Second, transaction costs for the most common types of transactions (peer-to-peer) were determined. Sub-transaction costs (for example, information retrieval), transaction costs in the transaction process, as well as post-transaction costs (for example, reputational costs) are noted. Third, the principles of institutional modelling of sharing economy from the perspective of its effectiveness are defined, a typology of institutions of sharing economy based on the model of interactions of economic agents is proposed. Our results and outcomes might be useful for helping to shape up the rules of the game for the use of sharing economy in the modern economic relations and might be applied by the researchers, stakeholder and policy-makers alike

    Consumo Colaborativo: um estudo bibliométrico entre 2010 e 2019

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    Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar o estado da arte sobre consumo colaborativo. Para tanto, foi realizada uma análise bibliométrica sobre o tópico “collaborative consumption” (CC) na base de dados Web of Science, que é em uma das principais bases mundiais de literatura científica revisada por pares. Os resultados demonstram que o tema está em evidente crescimento de interesse. Observou-se que nem sempre o periódico que possui o maior número de artigos publicados é o mais influente em número de citações. A identificação dos periódicos mais influentes corrobora os dados das áreas que mais investigam a temática, a saber: negócios e gestão, representando 43,89% dos artigos publicados; ciências e estudos ambientais com 31,02% dos artigos publicados; tecnologia e sistemas de informação, com 25,41% do total de artigos. Além disso, apenas um autor que está listado entre os que mais produzem sobre a temática emerge entre os mais citados. Os resultados apontam que há diferentes formas de operacionalização do CC e muita atenção tem sido dada àquelas práticas que possuem intermediários, porém é relevante compreender o impacto que essa intermediação gera tanto no processo quanto no resultado dessa inovação. A análise do fenômeno é baseada em áreas com diferentes abordagens, mas que contribuem para o entendimento das possibilidades e desafios enfrentados pelas redes colaborativas de consumo. Assim, apresenta-se uma agenda de pesquisa sobre a gestão de modelos de organização de consumo colaborativo e sua relação com a promoção do consumo sustentável

    Opérationnaliser les compétences transversales en analyse bibliométrique et en visualisation des réseaux au thème de l’économie collaborative

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    Une analyse bibliométrique utilisant la visualisation de réseaux pour représenter le thème de l’Économie collaborative (ÉC) au sein de la recherche scientifique a été réalisée dans le cadre de ce mémoire. Pour ce faire, 729 documents ont été recensés sur deux bases de données (Scopus et Web of Science). Ces documents ont été désambiguïsés, nettoyés et standardisés pour être compilés et analysés avec BibExcel et VOSviewer. Différentes statistiques bibliométriques et analyses non évaluatives (cooccurence, cocitation, coauteur) ont pu être exécutées et visualisées afin de mieux comprendre le milieu de l’ÉC. Les résultats de cette recherche sont multiples. D’une part, l’importance des États-Unis est notoire, autant au niveau des auteurs, des organisations que des collaborations. Ensuite, différentes grappes thématiques ont pu être formées selon la variable étudiée. L’importance de la technologie, du tourisme, du développement durable, de l’aspect managérial et enfin de la théorie/conceptualisation de l’ÉC est récurrente. Plusieurs auteurs sont déterminants dans la littérature, mais les plus influents sont Russel Belk et Rachel Botsman. Le livre What’s yours is mine (Botsman et Rogers, 2010) est le document le plus cité, et ce malgré le fait qu’il soit écrit par des auteurs ne provenant pas du milieu académique. Les relations entre les publications étudiées démontrent une cohésion entre les différentes idées et thématiques véhiculées dans le domaine, et ce malgré le fait qu’il existe des problèmes définitionnels et conceptuels à propos de l’ÉC. Enfin, l’évolution chronologique des publications subit une croissance très importante depuis 2016 et témoigne d’un champ de recherche émergent : le développement durable. La somme des résultats analysés donne un nouveau regard sur l’ÉC. Elle permet pour les nouveaux chercheurs de les introduire aux caractéristiques du domaine et sert aux experts à cerner les thématiques, revues et auteurs à considérer lors de leurs propres analyses. La méthodologie et les résultats de cette recherche furent publiés dans le Journal of Cleaner Production (Ertz & Leblanc-Proulx, 2018), le Journal of Markteing Analytics (Ertz & Leblanc-Proulx, 2019a) et le livre Sage Research methods Cases (Ertz & Leblanc-Proulx, 2019b)